

This was published 3 years ago


Sink or swim: why Barnaby Joyce has to accept net zero

Barnaby Joyce had his first big rumble with the Liberals when he arrived in Canberra and veered wildly off message on the settled ideas of a Coalition government that had been in power for nine years. It was August 2005, John Howard looked supreme as prime minister and the Liberals seethed when the upstart senator from Queensland did not follow orders.

Liberals were always frustrated when the Nationals went their own way. Joyce, who had just scraped into the upper house, made it worse.

Illustration: Simon Letch

Illustration: Simon LetchCredit: The Sydney Morning Herald

“Barnaby Joyce has only heightened that,” one Liberal muttered back then. “I mean, we’re pissed off because the Nationals are only in government because of us, and yet they act like we’re in government only because of them.”

Sound familiar? Joyce threw himself into every story and every vote. Howard wanted to finish the sale of Telstra, for instance, but Joyce demanded a payoff for the bush. The Liberals hated it. But they could not stop it.

Now the Liberals are going through the same routine on climate change, and they hate it all over again. Joyce, who has risen from rebel to leader, has made sure he has the final say on whether Prime Minister Scott Morrison can commit to net zero emissions by 2050. And he is doing it while pretending he does not have much say at all.

“Are you anywhere near an agreement?” Leigh Sales asked Joyce on the ABC’s 7.30 this week.

“Leigh, I keep saying this to people: I’m not the negotiator,” Joyce replied. “The worst thing I could do for anybody, for Mr Morrison, the Prime Minister, for anybody, is to start saying: ‘Oh, well, I, Horatio Joyce, have now determined that this is the direction the Nationals are going’ because I’ll just get a size nine up my backside if I do that. So I’m not going to do it.”

Who, me? The leader? You could almost hear the voice of Jenny Macklin, far from Parliament, yelling: “Who is the Deputy Prime Minister?” Because it did not seem to be Joyce.

“Do you support a net zero by 2050 target?” Sales asked. Joyce wandered all over the back paddock on that one. Anyone who remembered the verdict on Joyce from former Nationals minister Darren Chester in June – “so incoherent” – would have nodded at the screen at this televised vindication.


But Joyce gave the game away with one answer. Asked again about net zero, he said: “I’ll tell you what: I don’t support it without the support of my colleagues. There’s your answer.”


This was the answer of a statesman. To be precise, the former French head of state, Alexandre Ledru-Rollin, who is supposed to have said: “There go the people. I must follow them, for I am their leader.”

But the answer also scored the jackpot in the climate quiz because it was correct. It should win the (electric) car. The argument is not about the climate, it is about support in the party room. Joyce has that support but cannot take it for granted. He can bring the party room with him but has to extract a deal.

That is why Bridget McKenzie is pretending, too. Asked on Radio National about the government’s plan, the Nationals Senate leader and cabinet minister denied there was any such thing. “It’s the Liberal Party’s plan,” McKenzie told the host, Fran Kelly. “Well, no, it’s the government’s plan and you’re part of the government,” Kelly replied.

Good point. Cabinet government. Remember that? At least in 2005 only the backbenchers went rogue. Now the cabinet ministers pretend they are not the government.

It is a pantomime. Here is the truth: the climate policy has gone to the leadership group of ministers including Joyce and other Nationals. It has gone to the cabinet. None of them are revealing the details but none of them are saying they cannot accept the plan. If they wanted to sink it, everyone would be reading about it on the front pages.

Yes, there is method to the madness. But sometimes it is just madness.

The Nationals are worried about support in Queensland when Pauline Hanson can run amok on climate and seats like Flynn, held by a margin of 8.7 per cent, could be in play. But the risk in Flynn is not that the Nationals are going soft on climate – the LNP candidate there, Collin Boyce, is dead against net zero. The risk is the fact that the Labor candidate, Gladstone Mayor Matt Burnett, is very popular.

Liberals always knew there was a limit to how far Joyce could go. “He has to understand the further you swim out to sea, the harder it is to swim back,” said Bill Heffernan, a Liberal senator who almost came to blows with Joyce at the doors to the party room, back in 2005. It is just as true today.

Joyce has to keep the party room happy. He has to get a deal. But he also has to keep the Coalition in government. Otherwise he’s just a rebel with a lost cause.


This is the reality. The popular mood has shifted on climate change and the politicians have to catch up – just like the News Corp newspapers did this week. Morrison calculated a year ago that he had to pivot from his boosterism about coal. Sure, voters may not forget that picture in the Parliament with the black rock. But he pivoted. And he did it by 1 degree a day over 180 days.

Joyce has to accept net zero in the end. First, smart Liberals say the government cannot keep city voters if it looks like a bunch of climate deniers. Second, smart Nationals say the country can lose farm exports if it is out of step with the world. Third, Joyce knows he cannot remain a cabinet minister if he cannot accept a cabinet decision.

It is all about the cost of the deal, not the fact of the deal. And it can be done without startling the Nationals’ base because net zero not only has support from the Minerals Council of Australia but the National Farmers Federation as well. The Cattle Council supports net zero by 2030. So does Meat and Livestock Australia.

One problem: Joyce has left it so late he will cop ridicule for a brazen backflip. That could be a gift to Pauline Hanson or Clive Palmer. More likely, however, is an outcome where Joyce gets a handsome deal without claiming a conversion. He can do this at the Nationals party room meeting this Sunday when he tells colleagues he has extracted his price. Then the policy could go to the Liberals in the full Coalition party room on Tuesday. Only then would it be safe to announce.


One observer says the routine will suit most of the party room. “The leader is doing something he doesn’t really believe in for the sake of politics, and the party room is letting him do it even though many aren’t happy with him,” he says. Some Nationals MPs will never accept net zero but most will support Joyce and Morrison.

Joyce has taken things to the brink in the past but has never split a government. The Liberals did that to themselves in 2018. What is more, his heart does not seem to be in it this time around. He thrived on being the deciding vote in his backbench days. Now it looks like a chore.

The Nationals need a deal on net zero. Barnaby Joyce needs one, too. For himself and the government. Sooner or later, every swimmer has to head back to shore.

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