

This was published 3 years ago

Hundreds complain after desperate requests to avoid Qld quarantine rejected

By Felicity Caldwell

Desperate Queenslanders have made hundreds of official complaints after failing to gain exemptions from hotel quarantine to attend funerals or to recover from surgery, while a pregnant woman with a history of trauma had to fight for the right to not wear a mask.

The Queensland Ombudsman received 266 complaints related to COVID-19 issues, while the Human Rights Commission fielded 204 from July 2020 to the end of June this year.

Queensland bodies have received hundreds of complaints during the pandemic, including about hotel quarantine.

Queensland bodies have received hundreds of complaints during the pandemic, including about hotel quarantine.

In one case, an interstate resident was denied an exemption to enter Queensland to retrieve a specially trained assistance dog during a border closure.

The woman planned to visit Queensland to pick up her assistance dog, with her mother and her carer, during a period of border closures.

She was granted an exemption to enter Queensland, where she agreed to isolate for 14 days and then spend a week receiving placement of the dog.

However, when she tried to arrange for accessible quarantine accommodation, she was told her needs could not be met and her exemption approval was withdrawn.

The assistance dog was trained specifically for the daughter’s needs, at substantial cost, and the family was concerned she would lose the dog allocated to her if she was unable to visit Queensland.

The woman made a complaint under the Human Rights Act and through early intervention the parties negotiated for the exemption to enter Queensland to be re-approved, with Queensland Health organising suitable accommodation for the woman, her mother and carer to complete 14 days in hotel quarantine.

In another case, a pregnant woman asked for an exemption to wearing a mask at an upcoming appointment at a hospital due to a background of trauma as having her mouth covered caused claustrophobia and panic attacks.


The hospital told her she would not be allowed into the hospital without a mask and she was worried about missing her in-person appointment, particularly as it was a high-risk pregnancy.

After a complaint to the Human Rights Commission, a conciliator asked the woman whether a face shield might work as an alternative.

The hospital followed up with the woman directly, advising their system would now include a note that she was exempt from wearing a mask and she would be provided with a face shield.

Out of the COVID-related complaints to the Ombudsman in 2020, most related to attempts to seek an exemption from hotel quarantine and either a refusal or delay in getting a decision.

People hoped to be granted an exemption to attend funerals or cited disability, children in quarantine, occupation, visiting sick relatives or recovery from surgery.

The office also received complaints about the conditions in hotel quarantine, such as access to fresh air and food quality, and costs.


In April, the Ombudsman received several complaints about “perceived excessive public health pandemic responses”, such as mask rules.

Since May, complaints about limited access to the Pfizer vaccine emerged.

The Human Rights Commission received 204 complaints about COVID-related issues in 2020-21 – almost quadruple the number the previous year – including about hotel quarantine and workplace discrimination.

In July, Anthony McCormick raced home from Canada to see his dying mother in a Brisbane hospital but was unable to get entry to Queensland in time to see her before she died.

At the time, Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk described the situation as “tragic” and the number of staff in the Queensland Health exemptions unit, who were dealing with hundreds of applications, was boosted.

“They realise that these are real people with real families, real issues, they’re not just pieces of paper, they’re people, they’re trying to process them and keep Queenslanders safe but process them in a timely manner and, unfortunately, in this case it just didn’t occur in time,” she said.

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