

This was published 3 years ago

Nationals warn they won’t be a pushover on net zero as partyroom debate delayed

By Rob Harris

Nationals leader Barnaby Joyce has warned winding back the nation’s $50 billion fossil fuel export industry will mean less federal government revenue to support the aged pension and disabled Australians as his colleagues warn they won’t be pushovers on any net-zero emissions pact.

The junior Coalition partner – which is bitterly divided on the issue – has put off a likely fierce debate on a net-zero target by 2050 until a planned face-to-face meeting on October 17, with several MPs absent or forced to miss large parts of a virtual partyroom meeting on Monday.

Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce’s Nationals partyroom is divided over a net zero emissions target by 2050.

Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce’s Nationals partyroom is divided over a net zero emissions target by 2050.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Mr Joyce said he was not playing “ducks and drakes” on the issue, acknowledging there was a wide range of views within the 20-member federal partyroom and he would follow a consultative process.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has promised his government will take a plan towards a carbon neutral economy to the United Nations climate summit in Glasgow at the end of next month but has not yet committed to a 2050 target.

Mr Joyce said on Monday it was a “very vexed issue” within his partyroom but his colleagues were unified on the fact they did not want to harm regional communities.


“We’re selling coal at record amounts at a record price, and this is bringing in billions of dollars of revenue to support so much of the social infrastructure in this nation,” Mr Joyce said.

“If people move away from it, then you have to move away from some of the support that comes in the way of pensions or healthcare or NDIS because the money just won’t be there.”

Several Queensland MPs, including Agriculture Minister David Littleproud, Resources Keith Pitt, Senator Matt Canavan, outgoing member for Dawson George Christensen and Senator Susan Macdonald were unable to contribute to the video-link meeting at length because of other commitments. Victorian MP Darren Chester announced on Sunday he was temporarily removing himself from the federal grouping after months of “disappointment” over the party leadership’s refusal to call out some of his outspoken “hard right-wing” colleagues.


Federal Energy Minister Angus Taylor is likely to release fresh modelling for the government’s technology road map in the coming weeks, which will form the backbone of the Coalition’s approach.

Mr Pitt, a fierce critic internally against setting a net-zero emissions deadline, said on Monday while his colleague Senator Canavan said he was “deadset against net zero”, he was simply “deadset against doing dumb things”.

“My colleagues will put forward their own views, and at the moment it’s a blank canvas,” Mr Pitt said.

“We will have to look at the whites of the eyes of the deal. As Australia’s resources minister I will be fighting for every single job in that sector, the sector that has carried this country through the COVID pandemic.”

Mr Christensen also posted on his social media that net-zero emissions meant “net-zero jobs” and argued that anthropogenic climate change was “still just a theory”.

Senator Canavan said on Monday: “Trying to get to net zero is like trying to get back to COVID zero. Both are unattainable and it will cost us a bomb if we try.”

Mr Littleproud, who has several coal-fired power stations and gas projects in his electorate, said cutting emissions was important and the government would be guided by technology and new energy sources.

“We want it to be right and we want to be honest. This isn’t about plucking figures out of the air,” he told ABC radio.

“My position is that I’d aspirationally love to achieve it. And if we can do it, we should go for it hard.”

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