

This was published 3 years ago


Asthma medication warning needed to help keep kids safe

By Jocelyn Suiter

Guilt. We all feel it. When we gobble a chocolate bar without sharing. When we push past someone to get to the supermarket checkout. When we fail our children.

I’ve done them all but it’s the latter that weighs the heaviest.

The Therapeutic Goods Administration said it did not consider warning labels necessary.

The Therapeutic Goods Administration said it did not consider warning labels necessary.Credit: iStock

For two years, I gave my son a daily tablet to prevent asthma. In fact, I was slowly poisoning him.

It took a few months before the insidious symptoms began to appear – so gradually that there was no way we made any link between a nine-year-old’s behaviour and his asthma plan.

At first, he was clingy. He went to the toilet frequently. Then, he started chewing his clothes obsessively. He didn’t want to go to school. Night after night, he would come into my bedroom, screaming, “Mummy, Mummy, I can’t sleep.” Day after day, he would have meltdowns.

I considered a psychologist but I never considered the fact that he was suffering side effects to Singulair, the brand name for an asthma medication known as montelukast.

Singulair medication is used for asthma.

Singulair medication is used for asthma.

Sound familiar? Perhaps you have been watching Nine Perfect Strangers, the US miniseries starring Nicole Kidman, which features a storyline in which a boy takes his own life after experiencing side effects from asthma medication. Thank God, my son didn’t follow that script but he told us often that he thought life wasn’t worth living.

The manufacturer, Merck, maintains that tens of millions of people worldwide use Singulair safely and “if patients have questions regarding the use of montelukast, they should consult their clinician”.


But none of my son’s doctors had warned us about the neuropsychiatric side effects of Singulair. And it was only by chance that after two years of him taking the medication, I Googled “Singulair”. I discovered thousands of people have reported anxiety, insomnia and suicidal thoughts as side effects to this medication.

In early 2020, the United States Food and Drug Administration listened to people’s stories, including adverse reports of more than 80 suicides, and agreed to order a box warning on montelukast about potential serious mental health side effects.

The FDA recognised the drug acts on the brain as well as the airways, that there can be protracted side effects after stopping it, and that it should not be used as a first-line treatment for allergic rhinitis (hay fever). The drug is now being trialled to treat COVID-19 and Alzheimer’s disease.

After the FDA decision, Mary Hozen, an Australian whose daughter, Sara, 18, was one of those who suicided in the US, said the box warning was an important step in alerting users and she hoped Australia would also strengthen its warnings.

But the Therapeutic Goods Administration said it did not consider warning labels necessary, pointing to a 2018 order that manufacturers add warnings about side effects inside the drug’s packaging.


From the start of 2020 to this month, the TGA has had 52 reports of adverse events with montelukast, including two suicides.

A warning label on this medication would put the possibility of side effects at front of mind every time a prescription is filled.

Last month, we again wrote to federal Health Minister Greg Hunt asking him to mandate warning labels. He hasn’t replied.

Jocelyn Suiter is a desk editor at The Age.

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