

This was published 2 years ago

How can we stop the Melbourne Cup ending in tragedy?

Over the past decade, more overseas-trained horses have been running in the Melbourne Cup – with increasingly lethal results. Now this fly-in, fly-out approach is set to change.

By Chip Le Grand

Jockey Craig Williams (right) rides Vow and Declare to victory at the 2019 Melbourne Cup.

Jockey Craig Williams (right) rides Vow and Declare to victory at the 2019 Melbourne Cup.Credit: William West/AFP

From where we are standing on this empty stretch of beach, there is nothing as the wind blows between here and Antarctica. It is past dawn and the light is still dim. To the east, the rising sun is jockeying with large, dark clouds for a clear run. To the west, a waning moon is faint in the sky. It is a beautiful scene, but deadset freezing. Danny O’Brien, our host for this bone-chilling meeting, offers a lopsided grin by way of apology. “This is as bad as it ever gets,” he says.

The reason we are at Barwon Heads, a coastal hamlet near Geelong, is approaching at a gallop. In the distance, you can make out the silhouettes of five horses and riders stretched in a line. The sand beneath their hooves is still wet from the receding tide. As the pack nears, the one that catches the eye, a striking chestnut with a white blaze, is Vow and Declare, the 2019 winner of the Melbourne Cup. As the horse strides past and keeps on going, resisting the best efforts of his rider to pull him up, O’Brien watches like a proud dad. He knows that for all the winners he has trained over 25 years, nothing speaks to people like the Cup.

“It is something that is ingrained into you,” says O’Brien, who grew up with horses on his parents’ farm in the Victorian fruit-growing town of Kyabram and now oversees an extensive racing operation spread between Flemington, Geelong and Barwon Heads. “When the Melbourne Cup is on, all of Australia knows it is on. It’s the only race in the world where that happens.” The flip side is that when something goes badly wrong in the Cup, the deadly reality of racing is exposed to everyone. “For some people, the Cup is the only horse race they ever watch,” he says. “When a horse dies, it is twice as horrific.”

When a horse named Anthony Van Dyck died in last year’s Melbourne Cup, no one could look away any more. He was the sixth horse to die in Australia’s most celebrated race in seven years – and not just any horse. An impeccably bred Irish stallion, owned by one of the sport’s most powerful stables and prepared by the world’s most successful trainer, Anthony Van Dyck was a winner of the English Derby and one of the finest horses to ever travel to Australia. For all his rich pedigree and credentials, his race ended at the top of the home straight, in excruciating pain, when the bones of his left front fetlock shattered on impact with the hard Flemington turf. We now know the horse shouldn’t have been running at all.

“For a while, we were hoping that these tragedies, which were occurring year after year, were a coincidence, but it became pretty obvious they weren’t.”

Grace Forbes was in a car trailing the field around Flemington when she saw Anthony Van Dyck rear back violently and nearly throw jockey Hugh Bowman from the saddle. Once the Racing Victoria vet reached the distressed horse, she realised the situation was hopeless. Two fractured bones in the horse’s ankle had pierced the skin and the force of the trauma had snapped his shin in half. A second vet agreed euthanasia was the only humane course of treatment. By the time a lethal overdose of anaesthetic injected into the animal’s neck had stopped his massive heart, the sport of racing was deep in crisis.


Due to COVID-19 restrictions, Flemington’s towering grandstands and green lawns were all but deserted as the lifeless body of Anthony Van Dyck was loaded into the back of an animal ambulance and driven away. Racing Victoria CEO Giles Thompson, like most people, was watching from home when confirmation of the horse’s death came through. “I knew it was a seismic event,” the English-born former betting agency chief says. “It was in the Cup. It was one of the highest-profile races on the planet and Anthony Van Dyck was a very high-profile horse. It was a different scale of issue.”

Sydney trainer Chris Waller, who was asked by Racing Victoria to help investigate why so many horses were dying in the Cup, says it was clear from the start that something was wrong. “For a while, we were hoping that these tragedies, which were occurring year after year, were a coincidence, but it became pretty obvious they weren’t.”

Where the racing industry, not so long ago, would have rationalised the death of a Melbourne Cup horse from such an injury as an unfortunate, unavoidable part of the sport, it now understood this would no longer wash. To stop more horses dying, the race needed to change. These changes, enforced by new regulations that go beyond those in place for any other major thoroughbred race around the world, will make this year’s Melbourne Cup a very different race. Some inside the sport believe this is overdue and that the Cup lost its way long before Anthony Van Dyck died.

Victoria-based thoroughbred trainer Danny O’Brien decries the instant gratification offered by the Melbourne Cup’s fly-in, fly-out horses.

Victoria-based thoroughbred trainer Danny O’Brien decries the instant gratification offered by the Melbourne Cup’s fly-in, fly-out horses.Credit: Cory White

The numbers of the Cup are embedded in the national psyche. Twenty-four horses. Two miles to run. The first Tuesday in November. For three minutes and 20 seconds of the year, one in every two Australian adults stops whatever they are doing to watch a horse race. At the same time, the images from Flemington are broadcast to 750 million people in 160 countries.

It is a handicap race where, in theory, any horse can win. This is the egalitarian romance of the Cup; the idea that a locally trained nag, bought for not much, can beat the prized horses of sheiks and European royalty. It is also a gruelling bargain. The better the horse, the more weight they are asked to carry around the Flemington course. Anthony Van Dyck was asked to carry more than any Cup winner since 1975. Every horse is asked to run further than they would in any of the other great races of the world; the Epsom Derby, a Prix de L’Arc Triomphe, a Breeders’ Cup Classic, the Kentucky Derby or the Dubai World Cup.


Chris Whitton, professor of equine medicine and surgery at Melbourne University and head of the Equine Centre at U-Vet Animal Hospital in Werribee, where every horse that dies on a Victorian racetrack is posthumously examined, offers another number. When a horse is galloping at moderate speed, it places up to four tonnes of load through its fetlock joints with every stride. “That is the highest load that anyone has measured in the skeleton of an animal at any time,” he says. The fetlock of a horse, the joint that hinges the hoof to the shin, is smaller than a human knee.

When a horse is galloping at moderate speed, it places up to four tonnes of load through its fetlock joints with every stride. The fetlock of a horse, the joint that hinges the hoof to the shin, is smaller than a human knee.

When you think of a horse in this way and the speed at which a racehorse gallops, it is a wonder that any of them finish a race. Yet the statistics show that thoroughbred racing is surprisingly safe for horses. According to Whitton, a horse has a 0.04 per cent chance of dying in a race in Victoria. In other words, one horse dies on average from every 2500 starts.

What does this tell us about the Melbourne Cup? If horses had the same risk of dying in the Cup as other races in Victoria, you would expect one horse to die every 100 years. Instead, we’ve had six race deaths since 2014. The Melbourne Cup, for reasons no one can entirely explain, has become Australia’s deadliest race.

The numbers of the Cup also tell us that race deaths are a problem the industry has imported from abroad. Every horse to die in the Melbourne Cup this century was an international runner flown in from either Europe or Japan for the spring carnival. To find the last time an Australian or New Zealand horse died in the Cup, you need to go back to 1979 when Dulcify, a champion trained by Colin Hayes, broke its pelvis and had to be put down. For Racing Victoria, the state-appointed regulator of the sport, and the Victoria Racing Club (VRC), the custodian of the Melbourne Cup, this is an acute dilemma.

For the past 30 years, both organisations have promoted the internationalisation of the race and overtly courted the involvement of high-profile European trainers and owners. Giles Thompson argues that if not for the presence of foreign horses, the Melbourne Cup would be a parochial, two-mile race: “The internationalisation of the race has made it what it is today; makes it resonate with a modern audience.”


If Thompson is right, the very thing which made the Cup is now threatening to destroy it. As Thompson puts it: “The simplest way to prevent an international horse breaking down in the Cup is to stop an international horse coming.”

The regulatory response to the deaths of Cup runners doesn’t go that far, but it has made it far more difficult for overseas horses to come here to race. Racing Victoria has significantly reduced the number of horses it will accept into quarantine for the spring carnival and strengthened the veterinary checks every horse will undergo before they travel to Australia and run in the Cup. To enter quarantine, every horse must undergo full-body scans and further scans of their legs.

Those scans, instead of being read by vets employed by the overseas stables, will be examined by an independent panel of equine surgeons and diagnostic imaging experts appointed by Racing Victoria. Horses that pass those tests and travel to Australia will be scanned again before every race, including the Melbourne Cup.

VRC director Neil Werrett says the measures are intended to make the race safer, not to exclude international horses from running in it. “We want it to continue to be a global race,” he says. The impact, however, has been immediate. Where 29 international horses travelled to Australia from Europe for last year’s spring carnival, only six are making the trip this year. This is no surprise to Terry Henderson, a syndicator who imports European horses for Australian buyers. He predicted two months ago that when the Melbourne Cup was run on November 2, there could be as few as four or five international runners in the field.

Racing Victoria executive Paul Bloodworth is in close contact with overseas trainers and says the reduced number of international horses can be attributed to the pandemic as well as the new regulations. Travel restrictions to Australia have made it difficult for overseas stables to secure flights for their staff and, once they arrive, they are more likely to find a locked-down city than a carnival in full swing. No one disputes, however, that the regulatory changes have fiercely divided opinions here and in Europe, even within the same training families.

Ireland’s Aidan O’Brien, the trainer of Anthony Van Dyck, declared the new regulations made it “probably impossible” for him to enter another horse in the Cup. His son Joseph, a trainer of two Cup winners, nominated two horses for quarantine. Sydney trainer John O’Shea says the Europeans have clearly voted with their feet. He also believes that, even if this is an unintended consequence of the new regulations, it is a good thing for the Melbourne Cup.

Horses, including 2019 Melbourne Cup winner Vow and Declare (at right), training at the beach near Danny O’Brien’s property outside Barwon Heads, near Geelong.

Horses, including 2019 Melbourne Cup winner Vow and Declare (at right), training at the beach near Danny O’Brien’s property outside Barwon Heads, near Geelong.Credit: Cory White

To understand what the Cup used to be, you need to talk to Wendy Green, an English teacher who spent much of her working life helping Indigenous kids in Queensland and the Northern Territory learn to read. Nearly 30 years ago, Green bought an unfashionably bred, unwanted yearling named Rogan Josh for $13,000. Six years later, in 1999, that same horse, under the guidance of legendary Flemington trainer Bart Cummings, beat the prized horse of Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the ruler of Dubai, to win the Melbourne Cup. Green pocketed her winnings, put the Cup in the passenger seat of her beaten-up car and spent the next three months on what she describes as the “longest pub crawl ever”, stopping at every two-horse town between Melbourne and Tennant Creek and sharing her story with anyone who’d listen.

In 1999, the year Rogan Josh won, only three horses which ran in the Cup were bred outside Australia and NZ. In 2019, the last Cup run before COVID-19 hit, all but four of the 24 starters were bred in Europe and Japan and 15 of those horses arrived in Australia through quarantine just weeks before the race was run.

“It is no longer that equal playing field, where the battler can rise to the top. Now it is more of a commercial commodity.”

Green, who has retired, says the Cup, as well as being a horse race, has always been a reflection of who we are. She no longer likes what it shows. “It is no longer that equal playing field, where the battler can rise to the top,” she says. “Now it is more of a commercial commodity. People don’t have that ownership or recognition of it. It’s a day on the calendar and it has history, but how do people connect with it? I can’t tell you that.”

Racing figures like Terry Henderson, O’Shea and Green hope that as well as making the Cup safer for horses, the involvement of fewer international horses will help bring the race back to ordinary Australians. It used to be that the names of Cup winners could be recited around most kitchen tables. O’Shea is embarrassed to admit that recently, when a horse named Twilight Payment won a race in Europe, he turned to his assistant and asked if they knew anything about the horse. Twilight Payment won the 2020 Melbourne Cup. “I had forgotten,” he laughs. “Can you believe it?”


Twilight Payment, owned by Nick and Lloyd Williams and a group of their deep-pocketed friends, has twice run in the Cup. If he passes this year’s pre-race vet checks, he will have a third tilt at the race. Given his involvement and history, he should be one of the most recognisable horses in Australia. Instead, like most of the horses that ran in last year’s Cup, Twilight Payment is a fly-in, fly-out Cup contender who hasn’t raced anywhere in Australia since last November.

Some international horses, like Twilight Payment, are brought to Australia by international trainers. Others come here on “one-way tickets” to be raced by Australian trainers. Terry Henderson, CEO of Victoria-based OTI Racing & Bloodstock, has profited from bringing European horses to Australia for the Cup, but says the internationalisation of the race has gone too far. “When you get horses coming in for a small amount of time, trained by people whom Australians don’t know, it just loses its appeal for normal punters.”

This year, for every international horse that doesn’t come, a horse either locally bred or imported and raced in Australia prior to the spring racing carnival will get a run in the Cup. Victoria’s Racing Minister Martin Pakula, while supportive of Racing Victoria and the VRC’s stewardship of the race, agrees a “little bit of rebalancing” is due. “I go back to my childhood and I remember being in my nanna’s kitchen when Van Der Hum won in ’76,” he says.

“I was at my dad’s friend’s house in Kangaroo Ground in 1980 when Beldale Ball won. You placed yourself in space and time by where you were when certain horses won the Cup. I am not sure it has held that place in people’s hearts quite as firmly in the last decade or so. We will still have international runners in the Cup, but if it is not as many I don’t think that is a terrible thing.”

Professor Chris Whitton 
says new technology is a game changer in equine welfare.

Professor Chris Whitton says new technology is a game changer in equine welfare.Credit: Cory White

Chris Whitton slides open a huge barn door to reveal a $1.3 million piece of modern imaging technology that will decide which horses can and can’t run in this year’s Melbourne Cup. Every horse that runs in the race, whether trained overseas or in Australia, must undergo a CT scan of its legs in the weeks leading up to the race. All these scans will be performed at the U-Vet centre in Werribee, the only place in Australia that has a standing CT machine for horses.

Whitton says the technology is a game-changer. Although CT or computed tomography imagery has been used in equine science for years, it previously
carried a significant risk to horses because they needed a general anaesthetic so they could be scanned lying down. A groggy horse recovering from a heavy sedative can easily stumble and fracture a leg. This meant CT scans were only used on horses already seriously injured or dead.


That changed in 2019 when, in response to the death of The Cliffsofmoher, another Aidan O’Brien-trained horse that broke its shoulder in the 2018 Melbourne Cup, Racing Victoria, Melbourne University and the Victorian Government stumped up $1.27 million to install a standing CT machine. Horses can now be scanned as a matter of routine using only a light sedative.

Once the horses are led into place inside the barn, a metallic cuff encircling its legs rises from the floor to take three-dimensional computer images. With the benefit of these pictures, Whitton and other equine researchers are developing a much better understanding of how catastrophic fetlock, and other distal limb injuries, occur. Rather than seeing a fractured fetlock as an abrupt, unpredictable injury, they are becoming familiar with the pathological signposts – the increase in bone density, the loss of bone or lysis [breakdown of cells caused by damage] and tiny stress fractures known as microcracking – which often precede a fatal injury.

Whitton explains the bones of horses are in a perpetual state of repair and maintenance, with new cells continually replacing old ones. This bone turnover, as vets call it, happens more quickly when horses are spelling, or out of training, and more slowly when they are under the stress of training and racing. With the right technology, you can see changes in a horse’s bones, which indicate a greater risk of injury. Whitton has examined 130 posthumous scans of horses euthanised after sustaining distal limb fractures. In about 60 per cent of these scans, there are signs of a pre-existing pathology which, if detected before they raced, would have been a red flag. These horses died from a lack of good management, as well as bad luck.

When a horse breaks a leg in a race, the first response of most trainers is to blame the track. It’s more difficult for them to accept that, by keeping a horse in work for too long or failing to properly manage their training loads, they ran a horse to death. “It’s a hard thing for people to get their head around,” Whitton says. “Even I struggle with it. When a horse has an injury, people say the track was hard or he ran into another horse or he did something on the day. I’m not saying a track can’t contribute, but when a horse has an injury, it’s not what happened on the day, it’s what happened in the weeks and months leading up to that.”

Professor Whitton and his team at work at the U-Vet Equine Centre in Werribee.

Professor Whitton and his team at work at the U-Vet Equine Centre in Werribee.Credit: Cory White

Why then, are only foreign horses dying in the Cup? Whitton offers several possibilities. The first and most obvious is the difference in training conditions in Europe, where horses tend to do a lot of long, uphill gallops on comparatively softer tracks with less rest between sessions. This conditions a horse to stay the distance in a race, but doesn’t necessarily prepare them to run on Australia’s generally harder tracks. European horses have a higher fracture rate than Australian horses and some of them come here with pre-existing injuries. One European horse that died last spring after breaking down in track work was cleared to travel to Australia despite vets discovering a screw had been inserted into its left fetlock to stabilise an old injury. Under the new regulations, that won’t be allowed to happen.

European horses also start their careers, on average, later than Australian horses. Although counterintuitive, this is another factor proven to put them at higher risk of injury.

The bottom line, says Whitton, is that horses flying into Australia for the spring racing carnival have an inherently higher risk of never leaving the track alive. And one of these horses was Anthony Van Dyck. A colt from the great Irish stallion Galileo, a horse which gave Aidan O’Brien his first Derby win 20 years ago, Anthony Van Dyck was owned by Coolmore, the Irish-quartered global breeding and racing empire overseen by John Magnier, one of the most influential figures in racing. By the time the horse arrived in Australia last October, it had amassed $4 million in winnings for its owners and further enhanced the reputation of O’Brien, a trainer who holds the world record for winning the most Group 1 races in a year. It soon became clear, however, that something was not right with the horse.

All international horses that travel to Melbourne for the Cup are housed at a purpose-built quarantine and training centre in Werribee, in the city’s west. On October 5 and October 8 last year, Anthony Van Dyck was examined by Grace Forbes and a second Racing Victoria vet. They were concerned by the way the horse was trotting and suspected he might be lame. They consulted John Russell, an experienced vet contracted by Coolmore to look after its horses for the spring carnival, and everyone agreed more tests needed to be done. In response, Russell administered a series of nerve blocks to the horse. This is a diagnostic technique where vets inject local anaesthetic into different parts of a horse’s legs to determine where they are sore. He concluded that the horse’s fetlock joints were sound and that it had a mild inflammatory condition that did not put the horse at risk of serious injury.

This diagnosis was accepted by the Racing Victoria vets and the horse was cleared to run in both the Caulfield Cup and Melbourne Cup. No further scans were ordered, despite the quarantine centre being located in the same suburb as the CT machine installed at U-Vet. The horse ran strongly in the Caulfield Cup to finish second and started the Melbourne Cup as one of the favourites. None of the vets who examined the horse between the two races raised any further concerns. The only person who did was jockey Hugh Bowman, who rode Anthony Van Dyck at Caulfield and in the Cup. As he was trotting the horse from the Flemington mounting yard to the starting gates, he remarked that it didn’t feel like the horse he’d ridden at Caulfield.

After Anthony Van Dyck died, Whitton examined posthumous CT scans of the horse. The results supported Russell’s diagnosis of an inflammatory condition but also showed something else: bone changes consistent with a pre-existing stress fracture in its left, front shin bone. Whitton chooses his words carefully, but the implications are clear. “If that finding we saw at the post-mortem was on the CT prior to that horse running, we would have said that horse was at increased risk. The question is, how much risk are you prepared to take? If we saw that this coming season, I reckon the decision would be they wouldn’t let that horse run.”

Aidan O’Brien declined to be interviewed for this story. When previously asked about the death of Anthony Van Dyck, he described him as a “kind, sound, lovely natured horse” who was both tough and genuine. “It was very sad to see that happen, it was just very unfortunate,” he said.

When The Cliffsofmoher died two years earlier, Joseph O’Brien spoke on behalf of his father. “Unfortunately, these things can happen to a horse
galloping around a field at home.” In 2020, another horse trained by O’Brien, Wichita, was euthanised after it broke down in track work at the Werribee quarantine centre. A fourth O’Brien-trained horse, The Pentagon, died in similar circumstances in 2018. The names of the other horses to die in the Cup are as well known as some of the horses that have won it: the much-loved Red Cadeaux in 2015, the Japanese race favourite Admire Rakti in 2014 and the French mare Verema in 2013. Araldo, the unluckiest Cup horse to die, fractured his leg after the 2014 race. He was walking back to the Flemington stalls when he was spooked by a flag-waving spectator.

Animal rights campaigner Elio Celotto says the racing industry should ban the whip if it wants fewer horse deaths.

Animal rights campaigner Elio Celotto says the racing industry should ban the whip if it wants fewer horse deaths.Credit: Meredith O’Shea

If they let crowds back at the track for this year’s Cup, Elio Celotto will resume his place out the front of the Flemington Gates, leading the protest against the treatment of racehorses. Celotto remembers the day he first became passionate about horse welfare. It was 2006 and Celotto, a Melbourne animal rights campaigner, received a call from someone who’d come across a bunch of horses in a forlorn paddock in Melbourne’s west and was concerned that they were being mistreated.

When Celotto drove out to Laverton to check, he found some of the animals were emaciated. More troubling still was that some were in rude health. Their brands showed that many were racehorses. Some of them still looked fit enough to run at Flemington. The Laverton paddock belonged to a knackery. “I was horrified, as was everyone else who was there,” Celotto says. “This is the reality of the racing industry.”

As the campaign director for the Coalition for the Protection of Racehorses, Celotto does not want racing or the Melbourne Cup abolished. He just wants the industry to be better at what it does. Although he welcomes any changes that will prevent deaths in the Cup, he says Anthony Van Dyck was just one of at least 149 horses to die on Australian racetracks last racing season. “That is something Racing Victoria fails to acknowledge,” Celotto says. “If they were concerned about the horses, they would be talking about sweeping changes throughout the year and they are not doing that.” He says if racing authorities want fewer horse deaths in all races, they should ban the whip.

“The industry is about making money, so they push these horses to their physical limits. These horses are running out of fear.”

“We believe the principal cause of horses coming to grief in races is the fact they are pushed too far and way too often,” he says. “The industry is about making money, so they push these horses to their physical limits. These horses are running out of fear. That has to come to an end. Whipping the animal, as they do every day of the year, for the sake of making a dollar, is no longer acceptable. Until they completely ban it, it tells you the racing industry is really not concerned about animal welfare.”

Where the racing industry would have recently dismissed such an idea, both Racing Victoria and the VRC are giving serious thought to how the use of the whip, if not banned altogether, can be dramatically curtailed.

Since images of retired race horses being slaughtered for human consumption at a Queensland abattoir were broadcast by the ABC 7.30 program two years ago, the fragility of racing’s social licence has been clear to everyone involved in the sport and indeed, those who want it abolished. Giles Thompson points out that, unlike most sports, racing is regulated by government, which takes its riding instructions from public sentiment. Just as racing has to better provide for horses once they retire from the track, it cannot afford for horses to keep dying in the Cup.

Danny O’Brien relies on high-tech tracking technology and professional data analysts to collect information about the training loads and provide an early warning of something they might otherwise miss.

Danny O’Brien relies on high-tech tracking technology and professional data analysts to collect information about the training loads and provide an early warning of something they might otherwise miss.Credit: Cory White

Training a Melbourne Cup horse is as much about art as science. The trade craft of our most successful Cup trainers – from Bart Cummings to Lee Freedman and more recently, Ireland’s tyro Joseph O’Brien – is performed when most of us are still in bed and passed down from one generation of horsemen – and women – to the next. Experienced trainers know when something is wrong with a horse by its mood and manner. They are attuned to subtle changes in gait and forever feeling for the warmth of an inflamed tendon in a horse’s leg. Some of them, like Danny O’Brien, also rely on high-tech tracking technology and professional data analysts to collect information about the training loads and provide an early warning of something they might otherwise miss.

On the morning that Vow and Declare is galloping along the Barwon Heads beach, Danny O’Brien stands in the soft sand with his head bent over the backlit glow of an iPad. Inside a little pouch in the girth strap, which holds the rider’s saddle onto Vow and Declare, a GPS tracker rests just below the horse’s heart. As the horse eases into a canter and then a trot, O’Brien nods in satisfaction as his heart rate quickly drops from a peak of 200 beats per minute to below 100 beats.

“He has got an incredible heart,” he says. Later that day, O’Brien will be sent a full diagnostic report of the horse’s morning workout. The Japanese-designed technology also measures the force going through each foot strike. A lopsided pattern can be a precursor to serious injury of the kind that killed Anthony Van Dyck.


When Vow and Declare won the 2019 Melbourne Cup, he was the first Australian horse to win the race in 10 years. O’Brien had bought the horse as a yearling and it won as a four-year-old. He says that while it is difficult for anyone to win a Melbourne Cup, he questions how much satisfaction there is in click and collecting a Cup runner from Europe a few months before the race instead of investing the time and attention needed to raise a colt or filly into a champion horse. He believes, like Wendy Green, that the instant gratification offered by so many fly-in, fly-out horses says as much about ourselves as the Cup.

“A lot of this was being fuelled by Australian owners,” O’Brien says. “They were able to find these horses that were guaranteed a run in the Cup, the Europeans were only too happy to sell them to them and you flood the race with those horses. Instead of buying a young horse here and waiting and hoping for two or three years, you could buy one in August and be in the race.”

That approach carried a deadly cost, one that Australia’s greatest race can no longer afford.

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