

This was published 3 years ago

Netflix’s cyber thriller Clickbait explores sex, lies and social media

By Karl Quinn

Adrian Grenier isn’t in every scene of Clickbait, but some trace of his character, Nick Brewer, is. A high school physical therapist, Nick kisses his wife goodbye at breakfast time; by morning tea he’s popped up in a video online, sporting a beaten face and holding a placard promising that at 5 million views he will die.

What Nick might have done to deserve such a fate is the driving force in this taut, propulsive, twist-filled cyber thriller, as his sister Pia (Zoe Kazan, The Big Sick), wife Sophie (Betty Gabriel, Get Out) and police detective Roshan Amir (Phoenix Raei, Stateless) search for the real Nick among the online traces and clues.

Adrian Grenier stars as Nick Brewer in Clickbait.

Adrian Grenier stars as Nick Brewer in Clickbait.Credit: Ben King/Netflix

Is he really a rapist? Does he really abuse women? Is he actually a serial cheat, with a high school student among his many conquests? In other words, is the devoted family-man persona merely a sham?

“My character sort of lives in the minds and hearts and stories of all the characters, and so you get to know him through all of their eyes,” says Grenier, the 45-year-old actor best known as Vinnie Chase in the hit series (and not-so-hit spin-off movie) Entourage.

“I have to play all the different versions and interpretations of me, the perceptions of me,” he says. “Basically, every episode I get to create a new character, or different versions of the same character. The show is about how nefarious technology can become in our interpersonal relationships, as well as our perceptions of the world, and how it bleeds into isolation, crime, trolling, all of these things.”

We’re speaking in Grenier’s trailer at Docklands Studios Melbourne on a chilly night in March 2020. He’s just been beaten up by his abductor, and soon the action will move – and the rather sizeable crew with it – to a deserted factory in an industrial park in the west of the city.

The show, co-created by Tony Ayres and Christian White, wastes no time in setting up its central plot point.

The show, co-created by Tony Ayres and Christian White, wastes no time in setting up its central plot point. Credit: Netflix

There’s a certain edge to proceedings, and not just because some Netflix people are on set tonight to see how their $36 million eight-part series – the streamer’s biggest Australian drama production to date – is travelling. It’s because all around us the world is grinding to a halt.

With only a few weeks to go until the show wraps, everyone is hopeful Clickbait will sneak through the emerging COVID crisis unscathed. But a week later, production company Matchbox Pictures calls a two-week hiatus, due to “health and safety precautions”. It will be late October before production resumes.


Clickbait is set in Oakland, California. But apart from the odd exterior shot, it was filmed entirely in Melbourne, the city’s abundant supply of California bungalows proving more than capable of passing for the real thing. (The city’s guttering, however, proved another matter; the production had to rip up a section and replace it with Oakland-style curbing and channelling for a particular sequence, then reinstate the Melbourne-issue drainage when they were done. That’s the kind of attention to detail a Netflix budget gets you.)

But it’s not about Oakland per se, says Tony Ayres (The Slap, Barracuda), who created the show with Christian White (Relic). “It is a very suburban thriller, about ordinary people in a very heightened, extraordinary situation. It’s about how the internet can amplify a crime, a moment, or an intrigue and suddenly turn it into something way beyond what it should be. It could have been filmed anywhere, and potentially set anywhere.”

Maybe it’s even thematically appropriate that one city is pretending to be another; the central idea of the show is that the internet, and social media in particular, have facilitated a fundamental dishonesty in the way we present ourselves to the world.

We’re all manufacturing our personas all the time, observes Ayres. It’s just that the public nature of social media means the curated image we try to present doesn’t always hold together as we’d wish.

“There’s always some sort of slippery bit of it that just doesn’t fit,” he says. “Our obsession with identity politics these days is a really great example of that, because you’re supposed to be wearing one particular badge as your brand or your identity, but actually we are an uncomfortable multiplicity of lots of different identities. Some of them mesh really well and they are on-message, and other bits don’t mesh well.”

US-based Australian actor Daniel Henshall plays Simon in Clickbait, someone with more than a passing interest in exposing the “real” Nick: he has reason to believe his sister killed herself after an affair gone wrong with the man she’d met on a dating site.

On the case: Zoe Kazan, left, as Nick’s sister Pia and Betty Gabriel as his wife Sophie.

On the case: Zoe Kazan, left, as Nick’s sister Pia and Betty Gabriel as his wife Sophie. Credit: Netflix

Simon’s sensitivity to the outrage is heightened by the fact he spends his working hours in a cubicle watching some of the internet’s most disturbing images flicker past, making split-second decisions about whether they are fit to post or not. He works for a company that provides outsourced content moderation to a social media outfit that may or may not bear a striking resemblance to Facebook.

Henshall – best known for his portrayal of serial killer John Bunting in Snowtown, but equally riveting as the troubled painter Adam Cullen in Acute Misfortune – admits he went down the rabbit hole as he threw himself into the research. “And it’s not a very pretty rabbit hole,” he adds.

He found moderators get paid around $US15 per hour – a fraction of the money people earn at the tech companies themselves – and struggle under insane quotas, long hours, and poor conditions. Like abattoir workers, he says, “you become desensitised to the content. [But] some people have psychological breakdowns, what they call ‘blutwerts’ [literally, blood counts] where something will trigger them in the real world and they’ll just fall apart. There’s a lot of animal cruelty videos and so you’ll see a dog walking down the road on a leash, and bang, all these images will come back to you, in front of your face.”

Henshall is a master at finding a way into characters who at first blush are far from likeable, and he’s done it again with Simon. “I think this is a good person who makes some pretty bad decisions based on some pretty shitty events,” he says. “I find it very interesting to unpick that.

“Good people make bad decisions, and we can’t just toss them out,” he adds. “We have to give them a little bit of love, a bit of compassion.”

Good luck finding that online.

Clickbait is on Netflix from Wednesday, August 25.

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