

This was published 3 years ago

Fox loses battle over beach outside sandcastle

By Samantha Hutchinson and Noel Towell

Billionaire trucking magnate Lindsay Fox has lost a bid to kick the Victorian government off a private beach outside his weekender following a court decision handed down last week.

Lindsay Fox enjoying his private beach.

Lindsay Fox enjoying his private beach.Credit: Illustration: John Shakespeare

Fox’s weekend compound in the upmarket hamlet of Portsea - about an hour south-east of Melbourne - boasts a rare piece of privately owned beach. It’s a prized asset for the truckie considering just 4 per cent of the state’s foreshore is held in private hands.

Trouble is, much of the Point King Beach owned by the Fox family also sits inside the Port Phillip Bay conservation zone. Following planning changes enacted in 2014, the family is required to obtain a permit signed by the state’s environment department for any significant work or changes of use to the sandy strip.

The family applied to the local Mornington Shire Council in 2018 to have the beach rezoned as residential, which would have given them more control over its use. When they were knocked back, they took the battle to the Supreme Court with barrister Stuart Morris arguing the 2014 decision amounted to “acquisition by subterfuge” of the beach, while also seeking damages for the alleged land grab.

The case has been in court ever since. Fox’s legal team have claimed the whole purpose of the 2014 amendment - which affected conservation zones across the state - was to stop the family from fencing off their beach.

Last week, Supreme Court Justice Melinda Richards ruled otherwise. She dismissed the family’s case and claims the government had wanted to acquire their beach by stealth or that the decisions made in 2014 had been “repugnant” to the Planning Act.

It’s worth noting the planning controls over the beach don’t look too onerous. An application by the Foxes for a planning permit to lay buffalo grass with an irrigation system on the beach land was granted by the state’s environment department with relatively little fuss. That doesn’t mean an appeal is out of the question though.


Senator Sarah Henderson has gone to war with a leading West Australian lawyer over a call for human rights lawyer Julian Burnside to have his Queen’s Counsel title stripped.


The outspoken Victorian Senator ruffled feathers in legal circles last month when she called on the state’s bar council and legal services commissioner to review Burnside’s title over a tweet in which he compared Israel’s stance towards Palestine to the German treatment of Jews during the Holocaust.

“There is an expectation that senior counsel will at all times conduct themselves with integrity … Burnside has dramatically failed this test,” she wrote to bar council president Christopher Blanden.

Blanden responded that the bar council didn’t have jurisdiction over Queen’s Counsel titles. Burnside - for his part - has since apologised for the comments.

But the West Australians have since decided to get involved.

Last week, WA Bar Association president Martin Cuerden wrote to the Senator - who is also lawyer - accusing her of obstructing freedom of speech. ”Your conduct in reporting Mr Burnside to the Victorian Bar and calling for him to be “stripped” of certain privileges is a matter of grave concern, as it represents an attack on freedom of speech,” he said.

On Sunday, Henderson returned fire in a letter obtained by CBD. She accused Cuerden of failing to condemn the comparison, while also defending Burnside’s freedom of speech - no matter how offensive - while overlooking Henderson’s right to express her views.

“Your letter to me is so intemperate, and your defence of Mr Burnside’s conduct is so poorly judged, that I cannot possibly believe that your position as president of the WA Bar Association is tenable,” she wrote. “It is appalling that nowhere in your letter have you acknowledged this fact or condemned Mr Burnside’s tweet.

“As a Senator of the Australian Parliament, I can assure you that I will not be intimidated … in continuing to call out bad behaviour by members of the legal profession.” Fighting words.


Brisbane-based LNP member Julian Simmonds splashed out last month on a beachside apartment in Kings Beach on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast. The two-bedroom apartment with ocean views is about 1.5 hours away from Simmonds’ home in Taringa and notes attached to the sale show it changed hands for just over $450,000. Simmonds’ LNP colleague Terry Young has also seized on the winter market for an upgrade, selling his home in Buderim - also on the Sunshine Coast - to buy another plot of land in the suburb.


Meanwhile, ambitious backbenchers Tim Wilson and Dave Sharma continue to shine as the Coalition’s most prolific share investors. Last week, Wilson picked up shares in Vanguard’s International Small Companies Index ETF and Vanguard’s International Shares ETF, adding to a portfolio which includes a number of ETF holdings as well as stakes in listed equities including Centuria REIT, Lynas Rare Earths Corp, Adore Beauty Group, Copper Mountain Mining and others. Meanwhile, Sharma had a good week without lifting a finger. His portfolio includes a stake in the local buy-now, pay-later success story Afterpay which received a $39 billion takeover from US payments giant Square on Monday. Shares opened the week trading at $115.50 and ended Friday 15 per cent higher at $132. Not bad at all.

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