

This was published 3 years ago


Anti-lockdown protests a sign of chaos growing in NSW

There are days in politics when the weather seems to alter. Perhaps a new piece of knowledge has arrived or a realisation has finally set in. For whatever reason, the mood shifts.

On Saturday, anti-lockdown protests took place in several cities. That night there were scenes of violence on the news: two men were later charged for punching a police horse. Most other people were united in our conclusion that these people – clustering together without masks - were idiots. They did not represent us. But there was something about those images that did reflect the current moment: the burgeoning chaos, the sense of order fraying, the childish focus on self at the expense of others.

The protests were a lagging indicator. It was really Friday that the weather changed. That morning I was in the car, waiting for a COVID test, when the NSW Premier’s daily press conference began. I turned the volume down while my throat and nose were probed. After I drove home I sat in the car for a bit – it was hard to stop listening.

Gladys Berejiklian and her chief health officer, Kerry Chant, were their usual no-nonsense selves, but the tone of what they were saying had shifted dramatically. Chant believed this was now a national emergency. Their strategy was not yet working. Another person had died. The lockdown would not end next Friday.

There was a set of new actions. Berejiklian would be asking the federal government to change its vaccination strategy. She wanted more Pfizer for NSW; within NSW, more shots would go to south-western Sydney. There would be more support for affected areas. Chant mounted a (very persuasive) one-woman campaign to convince as many people as possible to get AstraZeneca.

Something at the highest levels of the state had obviously shifted. There were hints of what this might be, though without absolute clarity – was Berejiklian suggesting the lockdown could last for months? Certainly the political situation had shifted. Berejiklian’s unstinting optimism had recently started to seem misplaced; her new grim realism matched the public’s mood far better.

Illustration: Jim Pavlidis

Illustration: Jim PavlidisCredit:

Most significant was the full shift into focus on vaccination. By calling for more Pfizer shots Berejiklian was moving herself out of the frame, and putting Prime Minister Scott Morrison and the other states in it. No doubt the call was made mostly for practical reasons – it is obviously the right thing to do, because this outbreak needs to be stopped before it spreads further. But politicians make political calculations and Berejiklian knew what she was doing.

Officials had the first chance to fire back, telling a Senate committee not long after that it just wasn’t possible (nor necessarily the solution). The more pointed response came three hours after Berejiklian’s comments, in a leak asserting Morrison had offered defence forces to NSW and been refused. After National Cabinet met, Morrison put his own views on the record, that vaccinations were not the main way out of this outbreak – lockdowns were.


There are so many hypocrisies and stupidities here. Morrison has often resisted lockdowns, but now that he needs something to blame other than low vaccination rates is keen to talk them up; some in his government seem to want them to be harder still. Daniel Andrews’ comment last week that “it’s not my job to get the pubs open in NSW” was petty and misleading. The events of last week make Berejiklian’s comment during Melbourne’s June lockdown that NSW would not be giving doses to Victoria look both mean and silly.

Each shift is telling. Andrews clearly feels he has emerged from last year’s bitter winter into a powerful political position. Having recently quashed one Delta outbreak, and looking like he might this week quash another, he is right. Morrison and Berejiklian are both feeling intense pressure – something the end of Melbourne’s lockdown will magnify.

Gladys Berejiklian updates NSW on the COVID-19 situation on Sunday.

Gladys Berejiklian updates NSW on the COVID-19 situation on Sunday.Credit: Getty Images

But mostly the shifts are a reminder of two facts: that politics never really went away during this crisis, and that they can come back to bite you. Morrison has lacked power in so many COVID disagreements. Finally, with vaccines, he is the man in charge. It is not hard to imagine a world in which Morrison could have found a way to direct significant vaccine supplies to NSW at this time. Unfortunately for him and NSW – and, if this outbreak spreads again to other states, the entire country – he trapped himself by favouring NSW earlier, for political reasons, and now cannot afford to look like he is doing so again.

Every leader is vulnerable to such ironies, because every leader has played politics in one way or another. It is not hard to imagine other premiers coming to regret their decision not to help south-western Sydney should the virus get into their state again in weeks or months.


There is one more shift, of sorts, worth noting. The NSW Treasurer, Dominic Perrottet, a few weeks ago reportedly resisted this lockdown being extended. Yesterday, though, he called for JobKeeper to be reinstated in the state. He is not being inconsistent – his concerns about workers needing financial support were one of his reasons for resisting the extension. Still, as a former colleague pointed out to me, his shift from being anti-lockdown to calling for JobKeeper’s return seems to confirm the NSW government is not feeling optimistic.

The protesters on Saturday were obviously frustrated. All of us are frustrated right now, for one reason or another. The difference is that most of us are exercising restraint, knowing that petty, selfish outbursts are just that.

In other words, we know that base self-interest is not the way through this. Our leaders like to say such things – “we’re all in this together” and so forth - but have not, recently, provided the best examples. We should hope our recent nasty political weather was just a passing storm and not a longer-lasting shift in the climate.

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