

This was published 3 years ago

AGL splits off coal power stations as green shift accelerates

By Nick Toscano

AGL, the nation’s heaviest greenhouse gas emitter, says the winds of change have accelerated across the power market much faster than anticipated and pushed the company to the point that splitting off its carbon-intensive coal plants is now its best option.

After months of deliberations, the board of Australia’s top energy supplier on Wednesday revealed the details of its plan to embark on a historic demerger. The move includes forming a new company, Accel Energy, to own its fleet of huge coal- and gas-fired power stations. The other, to be called AGL Australia, will hold its electricity, gas and telecommunications retailing business along with some cleaner generation assets.

AGL’s fleet of coal and gas-fired power stations are Australia’s heaviest source of emissions.

AGL’s fleet of coal and gas-fired power stations are Australia’s heaviest source of emissions.Credit:

Chairman Peter Botten declared AGL had reached an “inflection point” as the influx of wind and solar power into the energy system gathered pace and gutted the profits of the company’s big power generation assets. In the six months to December 31, AGL sunk to a $2.3 billion loss.

“There is no doubt that the winds of change in the electricity market have been substantially faster than many people have anticipated; I certainly didn’t see quite the level of change,” Mr Botten said.

“We are very committed to turning this ship around.”

By creating AGL Australia – which will be led by the energy giant’s chief customer officer Christine Corbett and have a “net-zero” carbon footprint – the board hopes to appeal to equity investors and lenders that are increasingly exiting coal assets as part of efforts to reduce exposure to the risks posed by global warming.

“It will allow a different set of investors, a different set of financiers and a broader span of opportunities in the renewable-focused and customer area than would be possible if it stayed in the ‘carbon heavy’ piece,” Mr Botten said.

Accel Energy, to be led by AGL’s interim managing director Graeme Hunt, will own the bulk of AGL’s generation fleet including its coal- and gas-fired power stations which account for an estimated 8 per cent of Australia’s national emissions.

Following the demerger, Accel would retain a 15 per cent to 20 per cent shareholding in AGL Australia, the board said.


As Australia’s top emitter, AGL has been increasingly under pressure from major shareholders including US investment giant BlackRock amid concerns about the risks posed by global warming and the gathering momentum around efforts to achieve the Paris climate agreement’s goals to limit temperature rises to well below 2 degrees.

Climate advocates on Wednesday criticised the demerger plan as “putting lipstick on a pig”, and pointed out that AGL would still source the bulk of its energy from Accel’s coal-burning assets.

“This demerger is tantamount to rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic, with AGL, Australia’s biggest climate polluter, trying to hide its greenhouse gas emissions behind clever company reporting tricks,” Greenpeace Australia’s Glenn Walker said.

AGL told investors it would finance the demerger partly by terminating a special dividend program, and hoped to complete the process by 2022.

MST Marquee analyst Mark Samter said the announcement came a little over a year after the board approved a $620 million share buyback, and raised questions about the appointment of AGL board members to three of the four key positions at the demerged companies.

“What has the board learned and why should we have confidence, conviction, that the board is progressing with the right path for this demerger?” he said.

Although analysts have generally supported the rationale behind the separation, many have cast doubt over AGL’s ability to offload Accel either through a demerger or divestment at an acceptable valuation because investors’ appetite for such emissions-intensive energy assets may be low.

Mr Hunt insisted the demerger would be beneficial for Accel, too, permitting a greater focus on the responsible operation of its assets and their transition to lower-carbon energy “hubs”, which may eventually include batteries and future-energy technology such as hydrogen manufacturing and carbon capture and storage (CCS).

“A clear focus and more targeted strategies are critical to better position both businesses over the longer term,” he said.

Shares in AGL dropped 10 per cent following Wednesday’s announcement.


The push to break up the nation’s oldest energy utility was first unveiled earlier this year by former chief executive Brett Redman, who said the company now dubbed AGL Australia may lure climate-focused funds who are shunning coal, while other investors would be drawn to Accel as it could offer compelling returns.

Mr Redman’s sudden resignation led to analysts and investors querying whether the separation plan was running into trouble. Mr Redman said the timing of his exit would enable a new leadership team to “lead the business into its next chapter”.

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