

This was published 3 years ago

From the Archives, 1863: The Herald’s first report on the Battle of Gettysburg

This is the Herald’s account of the Battle of Gettysburg, which left 51,000 men dead, wounded or missing after three days of fighting. It was the decisive encounter of American Civil War.

By Sydney Morning Herald

First published in The Sydney Morning Herald, September 11, 1863

SINCE the civil war in America broke out there has never been a mail that has brought tidings of such uniform success for the Federals and such uniform disaster for the Confederates.

Some time ago, after one of the Federal reverses Mr. LINCOLN remarked, “Well, we must keep on pegging away.” He has kept on pegging away, and the superior resources of the North have begun at last to tell.

Vicksburg has surrendered. General GRANT’S successful march in its rear, the particulars of which were recorded last month, completely isolated the place, and cut it off not only from all succour, but, what was more important, from all supply, of provisions.

The garrison appears to have been starved out.

General JOHNSTONE was collecting a force to raise the seige by attacking the beseigers in the rear, but it would appear that he was forced to draw the troops from BRAGG’S army in Tennessee and before they could arrive, the garrison had to capitulate. A large number of prisoners and a splendid collection of guns fell into the victors’ hands. But these though not unimportant trophies, were as nothing compared

Confederate veteran and Union veteran, clasping hands at a 1913 Gettysburg reunion. 

Confederate veteran and Union veteran, clasping hands at a 1913 Gettysburg reunion. Credit: Library of Congress

with the value of the post. Slow and checquered as the Federal career has been, there is no important position on the water which they have once secured that they have ever again abandoned. And now that they have got Vicksburg, they may be trusted to hold it. Though the town itself was always a small one, its position with respect to the railway system gave it great strategical importance.

At this point the trunk line, running east and west, crosses- the river, and it is for this reason that the place has been so obstinately defended. As soon as Vicksburg had surrendered General SHERMAN faced about and marched inland again in the direction of Jackson, and attacked JOHNSTONE, who was organising the army of relief. The battle is said to have taken place on the Big Black River, which runs behind Vicksburg, and joins the Mississippi below the town.

The Confederate general was defeated, and forced to retire with a heavy loss. Five days after Vicksburg had surrendered, Port Hudson, the only remaining Confederate post on the Mississippi, was reduced to the same fate. This success completes the conquest of the Mississippi. From Cairo to New Orleans


there is now no obstruction. It has been said that the Confederates might fortify other bluffs on the river, and so give the Federals all their work to do over again. But this is not so easy.

It takes time to construct fortifications, that can stand a heavy fire; and the Federal gunboats will perpetually patrol the river and keep a sharp look out for any such attempts. Moreover, no for trees can be long kept unless its communications with the interior can be kept open.

In such a roadless country as the Mississippi States, the services of a railway would be necessary to bring food, guns, and ammunition, and all the railway terminus on the Mississippi are in Federal occupation.

The possession of the river by the Federals is an enormous advantage. It cuts the Confederacy in two. Arkansas and Texas are cut off from all effectual communication with the Confederate capital, and must either carry-over I separate war on their own account, or surrender.

It is from the west of the Mississippi, too, that the principal, supplies of cattle have been forwarded, and the loss of this, road race will be a heavy discouragement to the Southern army, whose commissariat is already severely pinched.

The second invasion of Federal soil has resulted just as the first did. After a three days’ bloody battle, the Confederates retreated. General MEADE, a new man, has the honour of driving back General LEE.

The battle took place at Gettysburg, a town in Pennsylvania, about twelve miles north-east of Harper’s Ferry, and nearly due north of Washington.

The slaughter, as usual, is described as heavy on both side; the conquerors were too exhausted to pursue with vigour, and LEE was suffered to recross the Potomac, with all his wounded, his stores, and his spoil. Only one regiment, that did not escape in time, was cut off. The fate of this second march into Maryland, will probably deter the Confederates from any repetition of this move, and induce them for the future to remain strictly: on the defensive.

Charleston is being once more attacked, and this time with some prospect of success. The land force is co-operating with the iron-clads.

A firm footing has been gained on Morris Island, which, with the exception of one fort has been conquered. This will render it possible to attack Fort Sumter on its weakest side and with the fall of that fort the greatest hindrance to the approach to the city will be overcome.

General BRAGG’S army Tennessee has been so weakened to reinforce LEE and JOHNSTONE, that he seems no longer able to oppose the advance of ROSENCRANTZ. The Confederacy is evidently getting exhausted for want of fighting men, and attacked at several points at once, it cannot present an equal front to the foe.


In a prolonged war numbers tell The North has lost by far the greater number of men, but then it can afford to bear the loss. It has the larger population to draw upon, and is perpetually re-plenishing itself by immigration.

The riots in New York show that President LINCOLN would, in some places, find it difficult to enforce the conscription, but the rowdy mob of New York must not be taken as a general sample of the working classes of America.

At the same time they can be little doubt that the conscription is everywhere unpopular, and the Northern successes have come just in time to enable Mr. Lincoln lighten the pressure of it. It shakes the prestige of his authority, however, that the mob’ should have gained the moral triumph of compelling him to suspend the draft.

It would be premature to assume that the Federal successes will end the war.


The South if bent on desperate resistance, can hold still hold out a long while yet. Nearly all the Federal successes have been within reach of water carriage, and the subjugation of the Southern territory is still a gigantic task.

Everything depends on the stubborn tenacity of the South to its “idea” Supposing Charleston to be captured, Richmond, Wilmington, Savannah, and Mobile have still to be reduced, and even after they have fallen, there are inland fortresses are still more difficult to get at.

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