

This was published 3 years ago

Mother of all battles: Joyce allies back stay-at-home parents over childcare subsidies

By Katina Curtis

Backers of new Nationals leader Barnaby Joyce sparked a heated argument over the federal government’s support for childcare during a meeting of Coalition MPs where some were accused of mansplaining and trying to pit working parents against stay-at-home mothers.

Nationals George Christensen and Matt Canavan, both close allies of the Deputy Prime Minister, and Liberal senator Gerard Rennick spoke out against legislation to increase childcare subsidies, instead arguing for more support for stay-at-home parents, multiple Coalition sources who were at the meeting said.

Nationals George Christensen, an ally of new Nationals leader Barnaby Joyce, wants the government to provide more support for stay-at-home parents.

Nationals George Christensen, an ally of new Nationals leader Barnaby Joyce, wants the government to provide more support for stay-at-home parents.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Education Minister Alan Tudge is proposing to increase the childcare subsidy for second and subsequent children when a family has two or more children aged under five in care. The changes would also lift the annual cap on how much high-income families could receive.

The $1.7 billion measure, set to start in July 2022, was the centrepiece of the women’s economic security package in the May budget.

Mr Christensen’s contribution to Tuesday’s debate was described by a colleague as particularly provocative, suggesting parents were outsourcing the care of their children to big corporations.


This prompted Nationals senator Perin Davey to caution her colleagues to be careful with their language and make sure they respected the choices of all parents, whether that was to stay at home or return to work.

Liberal MP Katie Allen, a paediatrician before entering Parliament, agreed, telling the meeting they shouldn’t judge parents but rather encourage families to make the choices that were right for them.

Liberal senator Hollie Hughes made a “dramatic entrance” into the debate, in what was described by some as telling off the men in the room for “mansplaining” how mothers should raise their children.


“Not all of us are capable of or want to sit at home with our three-month-old watching Bluey,” she said.

However, one senior government source said he didn’t view Tuesday’s debate through a gender lens.

Coalition sources said the Nationals MPs opposed to the measure told the meeting they couldn’t back the legislation without the government providing additional support for those who looked after their own children.

But following the debate, the party room did give the nod to the legislation to increase subsidies and it is expected to be put to Parliament on Thursday.

Shortly after the childcare package was announced last month, Senator Canavan said it helped only some types of families.

In 2015, Mr Joyce and Senator Canavan were behind a push for then-Nationals leader Warren Truss to include more support for families where one parent was at home with children in the Coalition agreement. Mr Joyce, who didn’t contribute to the debate at Tuesday’s meeting, is in the midst of negotiating a new Coalition deal after he was elevated to leader of the Nationals on Monday.

One MP, who also didn’t contribute to the debate, said Senator Canavan and Mr Christensen were “completely out of touch” and should be brought into line.

Women’s Economic Security Minister Jane Hume reminded colleagues of a study last year that showed nearly 100,000 parents weren’t in the workforce because they couldn’t afford childcare.


Opposition childcare spokeswoman Amanda Rishworth said the existence of debate within the government over the importance of childcare beggared belief.

“Australian women do not need male members of the Coalition shaming them for how they’ve chosen to balance their work and family life,” she told The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

“It must be incredibly frustrating for the female members in that room who were left to defend the choices of women.”

Liberal MP Jason Falinski asked Mr Tudge during the party room meeting how many more spaces in childcare centres the package would create and what the government was doing in a structural sense to reduce the cost of providing care.

“How do we provide more opportunity for working parents to make their lives better? It’s about availability and prices. These measures go some way to doing that,” he later told this masthead.

The government expects the proposed changes to childcare subsidies will encourage 40,000 parents to work an extra day, however, Education Department officials were unable to tell a recent Senate estimates hearing whether that would be people taking on more hours or new workers entering the workforce.

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