

This was published 3 years ago


‘Activist’ doctors’ phoney pandemic wars put recovery at risk

Communication during the pandemic is an interesting subject because there is no one-size-fits-all, no special sauce. We all do it differently and yet one of the characteristics that we have all observed is the public’s ability to listen to, and co-operate with, the health advice.

Former deputy chief medical officer Nick Coatsworth wants Australia to prioritise voluntary vaccines.

Former deputy chief medical officer Nick Coatsworth wants Australia to prioritise voluntary vaccines.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

We have all benefitted from this and so I must thank the Australian community for its patience, its committed action to keep this virus under control in our community and its willingness to hear and respond to what we have had to say to it.

The old adage in leadership, if you think you’ve communicated enough, communicate more, until you think people might be sick of it, was never more true than during this pandemic. And we didn’t escape criticism, usually, but not exclusively, from [ABC Radio National’s] Norman Swan, that our public messaging was delayed, or confusing, or inconsistent. But by and large, I think that our communication with the profession and the public was broadly consistent, that in fact, policy was not confusing, and the evidence to support this of course was in adherence to advice by the broader community.

Of course, we didn’t always get it right. From my own perspective, I recall during the Melbourne lockdown offering the suggestion that Melburnians stick to a clear routine during the lockdown as a means of preserving a sense of control over their day as psychological first aid in an extremely dislocating, challenging time. Except that is not what I said. I said something like “it’s a good idea to have a routine, like making your bed in the morning”. No sooner had the words left my mouth that the journalists in the room tweeted, blogged and headlined the words “DCMO advises Melbourne to make bed to get through lockdown”. Still the highest hit on Google for anything I said during the pandemic.

So what was the response when we got it wrong? Immediate recognition, clarification, and acknowledgement that it was unhelpful, incorrect or the advice had moved on. This has been one of the real successes of the medical communication during the pandemic. By and large, the public has been brought along on a journey where they expect things to change, provided it is explained, whether it be the infamous 30-minute haircut policy, which lasted all of 48 hours, or the changes to policy on community mask wearing. And for a brief moment during 2020, the ability of a usually polarised media to find gotcha moments at any level of government was effectively and refreshingly, neutered.

Not so in 2021. The gains that we made in public communication during the pandemic are at risk, partly driven by election cycles, partly driven simply by our reversion to politics as usual, where interpretation of medical advice is becoming once again canalised to political ends.

What I can tell you is that no matter what you hear, or what your political persuasion, my experience working with the federal government is that it has been uncompromisingly accepting of the medical advice even when it has been politically unpalatable. The advice to prioritise the Pfizer vaccine for Australians under 50 was accepted and the Prime Minister provided a press conference within hours of receiving that advice. The advice on imposing the Biosecurity Act on returned Australians was received and implemented instantly. And yet we have returned to politically polarised positions where a Coalition government is accused of racism for accepting medical advice. Colleagues, whatever your view on the effectiveness of the policy itself, that advice was received from Australia’s Chief Medical Officer, Professor Paul Kelly, a man who has devoted his life to health equity. The advice was irrefutably not racist.

The return to politics as usual during a pandemic is inevitable, but a significant risk to our success as a nation. And it is in this environment that we as a profession need to take a leadership position. And when I say the profession, I don’t mean our peak bodies like the Australian Medical Association or our Colleges. What I mean is that our entire profession needs to help our community get used to the idea that we will need to open our international borders, and that quarantine must inevitably be modified for vaccinated Australians returning home. Just as the whole profession provided the safety net that we needed during 2020, and was called into action in Victoria and to a lesser extent in other parts of the nation, so too must we lead the nation forward out of the pandemic.

Chief Medical Officer Professor Paul Kelly has ‘devoted his life to health equity’.

Chief Medical Officer Professor Paul Kelly has ‘devoted his life to health equity’.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

The first way forward is through our messaging around vaccination. We need to be honest in saying there are elements of the profession that have been less than helpful in garnering community support for the vaccination program.

There is a hardcore rump of activist doctors who have been anti-Astra Zeneca since the start of this year, misquoting and misrepresenting the phase 3 trial data and, in my view, substantially undermining the national program. The management of community expectation and concern over thrombosis with thrombocytopenia has been rendered significantly more challenging in light of the misinformation campaign waged in January and February of this year by those of our colleagues who took a strident position against the AZ vaccine.

Interestingly, many of these individuals are also those who are perpetuating the myth that federal and state government health advice has ignored the risk of aerosol transmission of COVID-19. Co-opting the language of climate change politics, these individuals are fond of branding senior medical leaders, myself included, as aerosol or airborne “deniers”. This language has found particular traction on Twitter where it has been a lightning rod to hurl abuse and invective under the cloak of advocacy. The common thread is to completely ignore the policy adjustments that have been made to reflect the realities of airborne spread. This, for me, has been one of the greatest challenges of the pandemic. The early policy changes on N95 masks occurred in Victoria on July 29 and nationally on July 31, 2020. And yet there continues to be suggestions, supported by uncritical reporting that infection control advice has not moved since the beginning of the pandemic.

There is a hardcore rump of activist doctors who have been anti-Astra Zeneca since the start of this year.

I do need to make a comment on social media at this point. Twitter is the graveyard of nuance, the assassin of good public policy and the enemy of consensus. I still believe in social media’s core value proposition for dissemination of information though it is sometimes hard to think that the positives of social media still outweigh the negatives. In particular, I’ve been troubled by the behaviour of some Australian practitioners on social media during the pandemic. And that is not because I’ve been myself the subject of personal attacks. Every leader needs a thick skin.

What I’m most concerned about is the effect that it has on our trainees, essentially seeing the example set by a vocal few. It is not in any way appropriate for a medical professional to be abusive to colleagues, administrators, or politicians with the justification being nothing more substantial than the passion of their conviction. That is not advocacy, it is not policy debate, it is narcissism thinly cloaked as activism. And when the Australian Health Practitioner Regulatory Agency dared to put out messaging reinforcing their pre-pandemic policy on social media interaction, these individuals claimed there was a government action to silence them. I have never heard anything so ridiculous as to claim there has been any silencing of policy dissent by the Australian government or its regulators. And yet these individuals are able to make such claims unchallenged, and sadly continue their online invective on a daily basis.

For those trainees here today I would simply translate the AHPRA code of conduct into this message – if you see something on Twitter that would not be appropriate to say publicly to a colleague on a ward, then that AHPRA social media threshold has been crossed. There is a significant trust element that enables our profession to guide our community through this pandemic. There is no excuse to erode that trust through inappropriate and unprofessional online behaviour.

Nick Coatsworth with Minister for Foreign Affairs Marise Payne and Minister for Health Greg Hunt during a press conference on the government’s response to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic in April 2020.

Nick Coatsworth with Minister for Foreign Affairs Marise Payne and Minister for Health Greg Hunt during a press conference on the government’s response to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic in April 2020.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

But these so-called aerosol wars are in fact a phoney war. Because the positions of both sides on modes of transmission are remarkably similar. The position statement of the Infection Control Expert Group on variants of concern issued on February 19, 2021 is substantively no different in content to what is proposed by our activist colleagues. It is a phoney war because the real issue is about tolerance of risk. The most extreme views tolerate a zero-risk approach to any COVID-19 infection in a healthcare worker and misuse the legal tenet of the “precautionary principle” as a proxy for the infinite elimination of risk.

One of the questions I was asked by one of these individuals early in the pandemic was to adopt a national policy of “zero healthcare worker COVID-19 infections”. My response at the time was the same as I would give now, that I wouldn’t succumb to the height of human arrogance by guaranteeing that infection with one of simplest and most elegant particles evolution has produced – that is a respiratory virus – could be definitively prevented or even that the measures that would need to be taken to try to achieve that would in any way be practical or proportionate to the risk posed by COVID-19.

And colleagues, let me be clear that risk has radically changed with the marvel that is COVID-19 vaccination. We have seen a substantial reduction in hospitalisations in the United Kingdom with first dose given for 56 per cent of the adult eligible population. We have evidence that in household contacts of COVID-positive but vaccinated healthcare workers transmission is reduced by at least 30 per cent, possibly as high as 60 per cent. And, of course, we have the significant reduction in hospitalisation and death that is now clear even with many of the variants of concern, variants which will be dealt with in the same way as we deal with influenza variation, which booster vaccination.


And so here is my challenge for us all today. In light of that changed risk environment that vaccination has created, we once again have a responsibility as a profession to calmly reassure the community, that vaccines must be taken up when they are offered, that waiting is not a valid option either individually or for the public health, and that ultimately when we allow COVID-19 back on our shores and it circulates in our community, that we are prepared and comfortable for that to happen. I know that will make some, maybe most, in this room and online today uncomfortable. We are in an incredibly comfortable position in this nation. But we eliminated one infectious disease from this globe and that was smallpox, over a multi-decade, multi-national collaboration. It is clear we will not have our borders closed indefinitely, we will not have quarantine stations in perpetuity while we aim for the false idol of eradication, and we need to come to terms with the idea that we cannot, nor do we need to, ride this one out in an eliminationist bunker.

At a point in the future when a significant majority of our community is vaccinated, there will be pressure to open our borders. We must not resist that, in fact, when the time is right, we should be leading the calls for it.

Dr Nick Coatsworth is a former Deputy Chief Medical Officer and an infectious disease specialist. This is an edited version of a speech he gave on Thursday morning to the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons.

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