

This was published 3 years ago


Boom times: We may be having another commodity supercycle

Anyone having a quick squiz at commodity prices could easily think we’re in the middle of the kind of commodities supercycle last seen in the China-driven boom in the aftermath of the global financial crisis.

While iron ore is the flag carrier for the boom in resource commodities – prices are at record levels – but oil, copper, nickel, cobalt, lithium and even coal have rebounded quite dramatically from their pandemic lows. Copper is back at 2011 levels.

Iron ore prices pushing towards $US200 a tonne.

Iron ore prices pushing towards $US200 a tonne.Credit: Louie Douvis

There’s also a boom occurring in agricultural commodities. Wheat, corn, other grains and soy prices are at six-year highs and cotton and live cattle prices have bounced back strongly from their pandemic lows.

The sheer strength of the price movements raises the question of whether there has been a structural change in commodity prices – a new supercycle – or something more cyclical. The answer probably lies in a mixture of the two.

Commodity prices – for both hard and soft commodities – dived last year as the threat of the pandemic became clearer.

Iron ore prices were around $US60 a tonne, already-weak oil prices crashed to just above $US20 a barrel, copper slumped nearly 25 per cent, corn prices more than halved and wheat was down about 17 per cent in the March-April nadir for markets that were panicked by pandemic-induced uncertainties and fears.


The pandemic severely disrupted production and supply chains for some commodities that are still recovering from the dislocations to labour, transport and demand even as the extent of the sharp lift in many large economies is surprising on the upside.

Ahead of the pandemic, markets for many economies were being distorted by international trade tensions, most particularly the trade war between the US and China, and by the slump in oil prices that caused OPEC to significantly reduce production and US shale producers to freeze their drilling.


Underlying the shorter term influences was the accelerating shift towards greener economies that would underpin demand for copper - where supply has been constrained by the dearth of large new resources and the increasing costs of exploiting existing reserves - along with demand for the nickel, cobalt and lithium needed for the surge in demand for batteries.

Some of the supply-demand pressures in the markets for some commodities will wash out as (hopefully) the economic recovery from the pandemic continues and broadens, production increases and the process of rebuilding inventories depleted by the pandemic that has been a factor in the price hikes.

It’s a confused picture, with an over-lapping element of relatively short, incident-driven cycles, longer-term lifts to demand for some resources from a change in thinking about the roles of government in some economies and particular structural drivers of a supercycle for some quite specific commodities.

Another important short-term influence has been China’s buying. It seems China took advantage of the pandemic-depressed prices last year to go on a buying spree, particularly targeting agricultural products.

That may have been to try to make up for the big shortfalls in China’s commitments under the trade deal it struck with the Trump administration to seal a trade truce or simply opportunistic.

Some of its purchases might also have been to accelerate the restoration of its key pig herd after it was decimated over the past several years by waves of swine fever.

The spikes in iron ore and other metal prices probably reflect to some degree China’s stimulus measures in response to the pandemic and then, more recently, a build-up in inventories of strategic metals.

A weakening US dollar might also be playing a role in the commodity cycle.

With China now winding back its responses to the pandemic and re-starting the deleveraging program that the pandemic interrupted, its economic growth is moderating sharply and therefore the pandemic element of its demand for commodities will also decline.

The conclusion, therefore, is that there is a cyclical element to commodity markets that will wane as the recovery and vaccination programs in the developed economies roll out and those economies transition to more normal growth trajectories.

Some things, however, won’t return to normal or at least won’t return in the near term.

Governments around the world have injected many trillions of dollars into their economies in unprecedented levels of fiscal stimulus/relief. Central banks have overseen far more expansive monetary policy than they did during the 2008 financial crisis.

Joe Biden’s infrastructure spending spree will increase demand for certain commodities.

Joe Biden’s infrastructure spending spree will increase demand for certain commodities.Credit: AP

In the US the Biden administration is pursuing a radical, by US standards, economic and social policy agenda that involves massive increases in government spending. The Biden infrastructure plan, if it can get past Congress, would see $US2.3 trillion invested in America’s physical and social infrastructure.

That’s a program that will run for nearly a decade, introducing a large new source of demand for commodities.

The inexorable drive to lower carbon emissions is accelerating and the sudden emergence of the US as a leader in that drive will fuel increased demand for the metals required for batteries, solar panels, wind farms and the technologies that support them.


There is already an acute shortage of the semi-conductors required for many 21st Century technologies that is disrupting industries from auto production to consumer electronics. Demand for those chips will only increase in the long term as the landscape of technology and the changes to the way industries and households behave and operate evolve.

Resources like copper, nickel, lithium, minerals sands and silicon ought to be underpinned by a long-term structural increase in demand.

For others, like iron ore or oil, the gains from increased demand from the recovery from the pandemic or from longer-term influences like the Biden infrastructure plan will be mitigated in the longer term by new supply and changes in their markets.

Oil will obviously be impacted by the efforts to lower carbon emissions and the bringing forward of targets for heft reductions in emissions. It will also be affected by OPEC winding back the cutbacks it made to production when prices were far lower. The oil price was down around $US20 a barrel in April last year.

The iron ore market has been shaped over the past year by China’s stimulus and Brazil’s shortcomings. Brazil has yet to fully recover from the impact of its tailings dam disasters, which has produced windfalls for the Pilbara miners.

Brazil will eventually be back in full production; China’s demand will taper as it deflates its stimulus and, in the medium term, increases the proportion of scrap metals used in its steel industry.

Copper prices are back at 2011 levels.

Copper prices are back at 2011 levels.Credit: Louise Kennerley

Where resource companies cut back heavily on investment in new production after the last supercycle ended violently there will be some new volumes enticed into the market by the current price settings.

Development of the China-controlled iron ore in the mid-West of the Pilbara, and the giant high-quality Simandou deposits in Guinea that Rio and China have an interest in, are being talked about seriously again.


It’s a confused picture, with an overlapping element of relatively short, incident-driven cycles, longer-term lifts to demand for some resources from a change in thinking about the roles of government in some economies and particular structural drivers of a supercycle for some quite specific commodities.

That makes it quite different to the commodities supercycle that ended in the early years of the last decade.

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