

This was published 3 years ago

Grant program reopens after businesses miss out on COVID-19 relief

By Annika Smethurst

Almost 12,000 Victorian businesses that were denied $10,000 COVID-19 grants will be able to reapply for support after an Ombudsman’s probe found applications were overlooked due to the complex application system and small errors.

The COVID-19 grants scheme was announced in March 2020 as part of the Victorian government’s $500 million economic support package to support small businesses affected by lockdown restrictions.

Victorian Ombudsman Deborah Glass released her report into the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions’ administration of the Business Support Fund on Tuesday.

Victorian Ombudsman Deborah Glass released her report into the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions’ administration of the Business Support Fund on Tuesday. Credit: Penny Stephens

But within weeks Ombudsman Deborah Glass was flooded with complaints from businesses trying to access government support. By September the Ombudsman received more than 627 complaints, prompting a seven-month probe into the scheme.

In a scathing final report into the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions, tabled in Parliament on Tuesday, Ms Glass found understaffing, a complicated application process and minor errors meant thousands of applications weren’t assessed when the deadline expired.

She said vulnerable business owners were being penalised for their honest mistakes.


According to the report, thousands of businesses missed out on grants because they were unaware their applications had been returned to draft form by the department, which required additional information to process the request.

Department staff interviewed as part of the probe told investigators that business owners often insisted they had provided the additional information, such as business activity statements, but the applications languished in draft form and were never submitted for assessment.

Staff said their concerns about the application process were regularly dismissed by management.


Small spelling mistakes in business names and email addresses also led to grants being rejected. In one case, a restaurateur whose business was severely affected by the shutdown entered his business name as CurryHut instead of the full registered business name Curry Hut Group.

Despite entering other business details correctly, including the address, the department rejected his grant application.

Another business told the Ombudsman that the stress and anxiety triggered by the lockdown caused them to spell their email address incorrectly on one of the three occasions they were asked to enter it on the form.

“The department utilised the one section where our email address had a one-letter spelling mistake,” the business owner said.

“It is not reasonable or fair, that a one-letter mistake in an email address should be used as justification to deny a grant payment to which the department admits we are eligible for.”

In her final report, the Ombudsman criticised the department for understaffing as well as poor record-keeping and communication with businesses.

“After the fund was announced, the call centre was unable to manage the volume of contact from business owners,” the report found.

“It was evident that communication problems exacerbated the stress, anxiety and frustration many business owners were already experiencing.”

When the fund closed on June 1, more than 95,500 applications had been submitted and grants were paid to 78,000 eligible businesses within eight weeks.

But an estimated 12,000 businesses that were overlooked or had their applications unfairly rejected may be entitled to a share in $120 million following the Ombudsman’s investigation.

Acting Premier James Merlino said the government had accepted all of the Ombudsman’s recommendations and begun reviewing the applications of the 12,000 businesses that had missed out on funding.

“I know this has been an inconvenience and [those businesses] will be contacted by the department,” Mr Merlino said.

“And rest assured, your applications are being reassessed right now.”

Ms Glass said while the aim of the fund was laudable, vulnerable business owners were forgotten and administering the scheme inflexibly undermined its very purpose.


“The COVID-19 lockdowns fell like a hammer blow on small businesses,” Ms Glass said.

“There was desperation in people’s voices, they were counting on a grant to pay bills, rent, wages to survive.

“Despite the stress and anxiety caused by COVID-19, in an environment where their businesses were being destroyed, people were being penalised for their honest mistakes.”

Opposition Leader Michael O’Brien said: “These small business people are mums and dads who put their heart and soul into trying to keep their businesses open during lockdown, and they were let down by government incompetence.

“The government was wrong. The government was unjust.”

With Sumeyya Ilanbey and Paul Sakkal

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