

This was published 3 years ago


Why you could be sacked for refusing a vaccine

By Ian Neil and Nicholas Saady

The Fair Work Commission this week upheld a childcare centre’s decision to dismiss an employee because, without a proper medical excuse, she refused to comply with the centre’s mandatory flu vaccination policy. The commission held that the mandatory vaccination policy was lawful and reasonable, such that the child care worker’s refusal to be vaccinated was a valid reason for her dismissal.

The law favours an employer’s right to insist workers are vaccinated.

The law favours an employer’s right to insist workers are vaccinated. Credit: Eddie Jim

In doing so, the commission noted that “curiosity surrounding vaccination is at an unnatural high; protection against COVID-19 is becoming a tangible reality for the population and guidance surrounding how this will be administered in the workplace is scarce”.

The commission was concerned about the febrile “climate we find ourselves in” – a problem now exacerbated by sensational and often ill-informed discussion of scientific assessments of the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccinations, and inconsistent political pronouncements.

Amid this climate, two other prominent federal bodies, the Fair Work Ombudsman and SafeWork Australia, recently said most employers were unlikely to be able to require their employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19. We disagree.


There is no real doubt that, in most cases, an employer’s direction to be vaccinated against COVID-19 will be lawful. There will be few jobs for which it could be said that such a direction would not be within the scope of their employment. There is no law that specifically prohibits giving such a direction. Nor, in general terms, is there any law that prohibits an employer responding to an employee’s refusal to be vaccinated with adverse consequences, including dismissal.

However, there are exceptions. Some employees may show that their refusal to obey a vaccination direction has its source in their religion or political opinions – which would make it unlawful to discriminate against them for refusing such a direction. A critical, unresolved question is whether an objection to vaccination is truly a political opinion or a form of political communication. Courts and industrial tribunals will inevitably be required to conduct difficult and sensitive enquiries into the validity and genuineness of religious and political objections to vaccination.

Other employees will be able to establish they have a recognised and provable condition – for example, an allergy, or condition affecting their immune system – that makes it unsafe for them to be vaccinated. It may then be unlawful to discriminate or take adverse action against them because they are not vaccinated.

By a legislative quirk that in retrospect seems counterintuitive, the reverse is also true. Essential to the statutory concept of “disability” is a restriction in performing an activity in the manner considered normal for a human. It includes the presence in the body of organisms “capable of causing” disease or illness. People who are not immune from COVID-19 would not have any organisms in their bodies that “cause” or are “capable of causing” COVID-19. For that reason, it is almost certainly lawful to discriminate against them because they are not immune.


Will an employer’s direction to be vaccinated against COVID-19 be reasonable? In most cases, it will be – at least once vaccines become widely available, or until they are proved to be unsafe, either generally or for particular people.

There are at least two compelling reasons why it will be reasonable for employers to require their employees to be vaccinated. One is that employers have stringent statutory and common law duties to do what is “reasonably practicable” to protect the health and safety of their employees and others – including customers and visitors. As the commission recently held, “employers can be liable for the transmission of infectious diseases in the workplace”.

The second is constituted by employers’ commercial interests. Businesses associated with COVID-19 outbreaks may be shut down or have their operations restricted. Recently, one infection, of uncertain provenance, was enough to cause the cancellation of Bluesfest.

More controversial will be employees who argue that vaccinations are unreasonable because they believe they are unsafe, either generally or, more plausibly, particularly for them. Courts, assisted by expert evidence, will be asked to adjudicate on the validity of such fears. It seems unlikely that vaccines approved by competent authorities would be adjudged generally unsafe in such litigation. Claims that vaccines are unsafe for particular people will be assessed objectively, according to the evidence, and not assertions.


The Ombudsman and SafeWork point to every Australian government’s policy that vaccination should be voluntary. However, that is legally irrelevant. What it really means is that our governments are not prepared to take responsibility for this existentially important issue, but instead have left it to employers and employees to work it out – with, as the commission pointed out this week, almost no definitive guidance.

Ian Neil SC is a leading Australian employment and industrial law barrister; Nicholas Saady is an Australian and US lawyer.

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