

This was published 3 years ago


In Don Harwin’s Sydney, what should be a project of sacred trust is a problem to be fixed

Sydney’s learned heritage tribes are shaking with anger. Sunday is World Heritage Day and for Sydney’s heritage system, after a decade-long slide into disrepair, remedy would seem timely. Don Harwin’s heritage review discussion paper, released last week, should therefore be something we can welcome. In fact, no. It should be subtitled, How to Eviscerate the Heritage System.

Harwin’s review is driven by the same penny-pinching, unimaginative and intellectually threadbare approach that has diminished our heritage for years. Far from tightening protections while there’s still something to protect, it will make heritage status less secure, delisting easier, listing less rigorous and approval bodies even less scholarly. In short, it seems designed to kick the whole caboodle over the edge.

The review discussion paper sends the message that Sydney’s heritage is a burden.

The review discussion paper sends the message that Sydney’s heritage is a burden.Credit: Peter Rae

The review of NSW heritage legislation will be conducted by the Standing Committee on Social Issues – huh? - where (with Fred Nile’s help) the government will have the numbers. But legislation isn’t the problem. In fact, though the old 1978 Heritage Act could use a gentle nip-and-tuck, it remains rather sprightly. The problem is attitude.

Once upon a time our heritage system was envied and emulated. Even now, legendary architectural historian and heritage practitioner James Kerr’s model conservation management plan, first published by the National Trust in 1982, underpins international best practice. It’s used by the Getty Foundation to teach heritage professionals everywhere and has brought grants to Alvar Aalto’s Palmio Sanitorium (1933), the Eames’ delectable California house (1949) and the Sydney Opera House, inter alia.

Back home, though, the pridelands are looking bleak. In NSW, a decade of dramatic underfunding and a palpable fear of scholarship have brought our once-fine system to its knees.

We now have a listing system that is unstrategised, a department that is devalued and demoralised, a Heritage Council dominated by lawyers and bankers, a swag of mechanisms designed to switch off heritage protections and a government determined to treat heritage as an impediment.

We also have a heritage minister – although the portfolio is too paltry to appear in his title – determined to demolish the heritage-listed Willow Grove for a museum supposedly devoted to Parramatta’s heritage.

“It used to be,” one despairing expert told me, “that rapacious developers wanted to bulldoze heritage and our job was to stiffen government resistance. Now it’s government that connives at the destruction.”


It is government that consistently designates development “state significant”, automatically removing heritage protections. Government that flogs our beloved sandstone buildings and demolishes heritage-listed Haberfield. Government that usurped the city centre’s Transferable Heritage Floorspace system (designed strictly to benefit private heritage owners by allowing them to sell air rights) to offset its own expenditure on the Hyde Park Barracks reno. This It was a coup for the Barracks, but it weakened the protection for others.

What we need is a return to the glory days when the Heritage Council was at least half highly respected design professionals, when the department was replete with the wise and dedicated and listings occasioned learned debate. When governments recognised heritage as a project of sacred trust. Instead, the discussion paper’s proposals will only hasten the downward slide.

The headline on the ministerial press release was a warning: “NSW to modernise heritage protections.” Modernise? What could that possibly mean? Is the heritage system like some labour-saving gadget, some nutri-bullet thermo-whizz bluicer designed solely to make life more convenient?

Well, yes, actually. That seems precisely the government’s view.

Certainly the prose has been through the blender, sieved and pureed to remove all fibre and content. There’s no research, no argument, no facts. Just imbecilic questions, meaningless diagrams and pap. One especially fatuous faux-Venn diagram comprises three overlapping circles in different colours. There’s no meaning, no named intersections, just three circles called, respectively, “putting heritage to work”, “making heritage relevant” and “making heritage easy”. All very Thatcherite.

If an undergrad produced such rubbish, they’d fail. And true, vacuousness is what we’ve learned to expect from government. But vacuous is not harmless.

Buried in the happy claptrap are layers of insinuation – sneaky words like “onerous”, “burden”, “mothballed” and “freeze in time”– planted to foster the myth that heritage is a nasty problem. If it cannot play the profit game, this implies, should really just go away.


Hence the nonsense about making heritage “easy” and “relevant”. The paper proposes to “streamline” the process via “abridged delisting” and “rapid assessment”. It will give the minister power to “fast-track” heritage approvals. And it’ll impose a four-tier listing system that prioritises “iconic” monuments like the Parramatta Female Factory (and look how much care they’re taking of that right now, surrounding it with towers) while everything else slides still further down the care scale.

We all love adaptive re-use, and in the hands of 20th century Italian master Carlo Scarpa it actually enhances the old. But this paper is code. If it can pay its way, fine. If not, let rip. It’s the neo-Liberal worldview in a nutshell.

It’s specious. For a start, profit isn’t our only value. But also, heritage is a huge economic engine. The most desired parts of Sydney, as of any city, are the old parts: Woollahra, Paddington, Hunters Hill. When we travel in London, Algiers or New York, we head straight for the old, storied parts of town.

A 2020 report by Place Economics found that historic buildings in New York City generate 140,000 jobs a year and that “the lowest office vacancy is in the High Intensity Preservation submarkets”. In the UK, in 2019, there were 194 million visitors to historic sites – up by 3 per cent – of which 60 per cent were locals and 3.5 million were school children.

We shouldn’t have to justify heritage in economic terms. But if we do, we can.

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