

This was published 3 years ago


Fixing childcare would be a start on PM’s women problem

If Scott Morrison is serious about both boosting jobs and helping women in this upcoming budget, it’s obvious what he should do: make childcare free. Or, at least, increase subsidies to such an extent that it is effectively free for the vast bulk of working parents.

Morrison faced criticism that his last budget in October failed women with its focus on “hard-hat” heavy infrastructure projects and across the board income tax cuts.

Scott Morrison has struggled to convince women he’s on their side.

Scott Morrison has struggled to convince women he’s on their side.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

In reality, that stimulus provided crucial support for Australia’s COVID-ravaged economy.

But we are far from out of the woods and there is plenty more to do. And if we are really looking to boost livelihoods, a massive injection of funding into childcare is the way to do it.

Economic modelling by Janine Dixon of Victoria University’s Centre of Policy Studies has shown that if you spend a dollar on childcare, it will boost jobs by about 25 times as much as giving that dollar back as a tax cut. Get that? Childcare is better than tax cuts at boosting jobs.

Why? “The clear superiority of childcare expenditure in stimulating economic activity reflects the concentration of the benefit on a cohort with much greater capacity for labour supply response.”

Put simply, parents are more responsive than most taxpayers to the financial incentives they face.

Almost overnight, new parents become experts at making trade-offs. Prioritise getting the housework done, or perform basic self-care acts like showering? Sleep when baby sleeps, or spend that extra hour desperately trying to re-live your old life by scrolling social media? (We’ve all been there...)

Having children is like a crash course in the importance of scarcity – of both time and resources. Confronted by this new reality, parents are forced to look keenly at the various trade-offs of different courses of action. And when it comes to the calculus of whether to work or stay home, the perverse incentives in the system are clear and powerful.


Some middle-income mothers face losing up to 95 per cent of any extra income earned once childcare costs, taxes and the impact of losing family benefits are considered, according to modelling by Miranda Stewart at the Australian National University.

When faced with such diabolical calculations, sensible parents (mostly mums) make the entirely rational decision simply not to work as much as they would wish to.

‘The economic benefits of well-targeted expenditure on childcare are such that it is largely self funding.’

Janine Dixon, Centre of Policy Studies

It is this cohort of potential workers that targeted childcare spending can tempt back to work, says Dixon: “Extra childcare facilitates paid employment for the more than 450,000 Australians who care for children and would like to increase their hours of work; whereas the equivalent income tax cut is a transfer to most taxpayers, most of whom would not increase their hours of work in response to a relatively small increase in take-home pay.”

Our economy could be 0.8 per cent bigger in 2030, worth an extra $15 billion in today’s dollars if we could get this hidden army of almost half a million parents to increase their paid work by even just 10 hours a week, Dixon calculates.

But simply boosting the economy is a dubious argument for any policy, in isolation. Who is to say bigger is necessarily better?

More importantly, in my view, greater outlays on childcare would result in more Aussie parents and families living lives that better reflect their actual desires about how to combine work and family. Doing so would remove a major source of stress for many working families.

And yet another positive side effect, it would also help many women maintain a foothold in the competitive jobs market, advancing their status and power in both the workforce and society.

Healthier economy. Happier families. More empowered women. Win-win-win.

As for how to do it, there are many options worth exploring. One proposal from the Grattan Institute’s Danielle Woods would increase the existing childcare subsidy for low-income families from 85 per cent to 95 per cent, gradually tapering it for households with income above $68,000.

This would mean nearly two-thirds of families would pay less than $20 a day per child for childcare.

It would cost taxpayers an additional $5 billion a year. But here’s the trick: a large portion of that money would be recouped by increased personal income tax revenue from higher workforce participation, particularly by women.

As Dixon observes, “The economic benefits of well-targeted expenditure on childcare are such that it is largely self-funding.”

It’s time to ditch the political rhetoric – however heartfelt – and get on with the job of developing public policies that reflect the realities of modern life.

The entry of women into the workforce has radically reshaped society over the past few decades. It’s easy to forget just what a radical change it has been in a relatively short period. Personally, I remember it every school holidays, when school ends but work doesn’t.

Public policy settings have simply failed to keep pace with the massive reorganisation of our home lives. Much of the system still implicitly assumes a stay-at-home caregiver.


But in many cases, she’s not there any more. She’s at work, suffering the twin emotional burdens of trying to be in two places at once and the financial burden of paying for expensive childcare.

It’s an incendiary mix, particularly when added to her silent internal bonfire, one which has been slowly building every time she has been subtly objectified, overlooked or talked-over, simply because of her outward appearance.

So, yes, she gets angry sometimes. Can you blame her? Don’t just talk about it. Fix it.

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