

This was published 3 years ago

PM, are you listening? Here are our stories. Hear us roar

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said he was listening, so we asked women to tell us their stories. And they have - in the hundreds.

It’s time: Women are calling for change.

It’s time: Women are calling for change. Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

In an emotional press conference this week, Prime Minister Scott Morrison said it had been a traumatic month for many Australians, as he and the nation were confronted by the issue of violence against women. He said he had been listening to women’s stories, and would continue to do so.

We invited you to tell him your stories through the Herald and The Age. And the deluge began. Hundreds of women from across the country wrote of the traumas suffered, of feelings of shame, humiliation and fear they had endured, many for decades. They had been abused by friends, family, colleagues, strangers; in their homes, at their workplaces, on public transport, in taxis - anywhere and everywhere. Some women told of their experiences from 50, 60 years ago, for the first time. Grandmothers, mothers, daughters wondered what their lives would have been like had they not had to carry their secrets, their traumas, their shame through the years.

They are united in their desire to be listened to for altruistic reasons – they want their stories to contribute to the movement towards change that has gripped the country. They are inspired by the bravery and strength of young women like Brittany Higgins, Grace Tame, Chanel Contos and those who responded to her petition, and have told of their experiences to build on the momentum created by younger generations. They are angry because every woman has a story to tell and injustices continue. And they want to be part of what they hope will be historic change in the treatment of women in society – because enough is enough.

Thank you to all who contributed – you are heroes, and women in the future will be grateful. The Herald and The Age pride themselves on publishing the names and suburbs of our letter writers so that readers know they are real people prepared to back their opinions. We took the difficult decision of only publishing letters today with names withheld because of legal reasons. On balance we felt it was worth making an exception in order for these stories to be told. However, we have only published letters from people who were prepared to share their names and addresses with us, confidentially. And every letter published in the print edition was written by a person whose name and address has been confirmed. And a warning to readers: the letters below contain distressing content.

So, Prime Minister, are you listening? Here are our stories. Hear us roar. Pat Stringa, Letters editor

  • National Sexual Assault, Family & Domestic Violence Counselling Line: 1800 737 732.
  • Crisis support can be found at Lifeline: (13 11 14 and
Thousands attended the Women’s March 4 Justice at Parliament House in Canberra earlier this month.

Thousands attended the Women’s March 4 Justice at Parliament House in Canberra earlier this month. Credit: Alex Ellinghausen


Our stories:

Many of us don’t speak of what we’ve suffered, conscious that other girls, other women, have endured far worse. We should not have endured any of it. I’ve been groped and harassed more times than I can count, by men I try not to remember. Lately, they’ve pushed into my thoughts again, like the stranger who, late one night, invaded my cab and cornered me in the back seat. I was a teenager. I’d hailed the cab because I was frightened by a group of men following too close behind me on a dark street. I think about the workmate who slipped his hand down my pants at the pub, the boss who interrogated me (in my first job out of university) about my sex life, the supervisor who asked for sex after writing me a reference. Each time, I felt trapped. I worried about the repercussions if I did anything but laugh it off. I felt powerless, debased. Now, I’m enraged. The Prime Minister, and those in power, must address the culture of male entitlement and disrespect that enables such behaviour, and act to improve the treatment of women and girls in this country. We will not be silent any longer. Name withheld

I was a naive 8-year-old, as all 8-year-olds should have the right to be. I also loved to play games. Who doesn’t? So when the older boys from across the street asked if I wanted to play a game, how could I have known their sinister intentions? The three pubescent boys, two the sons of a policeman, no doubt knew better but did it anyway. They egged each other on. For years I dealt with it alone. Wondering how I could be so dumb. Feeling ashamed. It was only when I was physically triggered, 10 years later, that I finally started to get some help. And someone finally gave a name to what I had experienced: sexual abuse. It took another 10 years before I got some more help, and yet I am still not fully healed. Now 30 years on, where is the justice for me and others like me? Why have those boys and so many others like them got away scot free? I’m grateful for the chance to be heard, but what I really want is for laws and law enforcement to change to make sure this stops happening once and for all. Enough is enough. Name withheld

I am a 57-year-old survivor of childhood sexual abuse, family and domestic violence. I am from a minority group with inter-generational trauma. Being interfered with by my father has put a stamp on my countenance. A man once told me that looking across a pub he could detect vulnerable women. I remember as a small child witnessing my father brandishing a large knife - threatening to kill my mother; on another occasion - coming home from school aged 6 finding Mum, having packed suitcases and fleeing though I didn’t realise this at the time. I was groped by boys at high school; raped at the age of14 (but blamed myself for risk taking).

In later life I have escaped domestic violence from several partners - only with the help of my girlfriend and stepfather – all the while still raising three teenage boys. Often the DV was subtle – isolation, mental or financial abuse. Luckily (if that’s the word) only 1 relationship ended because of actual violence. Putting this in words – I can feel like a loser. I’m now finally re-married to a beautiful, respectful man and live a peaceful life. Name withheld

I am a clinical psychologist, and across 25 years of clinical practice, I’ve worked with thousands of survivors of sexual assault and abuse – most of them women and girls. In that time, I’ve heard many survivor stories of horrific violation, grooming, assault, coercion and abuse. I have witnessed how very broken the human spirit can be, and how incredibly resilient and strong survivors are. Of the many types of trauma to which we can be subjected, sexual assault is the one most likely to lead to serious mental health problems, sometimes over decades or lifetimes. With the right care and evidence-based treatment, recovery is possible – the right “dose” of the right treatment can see women not only survive, but recover and thrive – this work brings me the privilege of walking alongside my clients as they leave the impact of trauma behind. Right now, though, an evidence-based amount of psychological therapy (40+ sessions per year for complex trauma), is only available in Australia, to the lucky, or the rich. Mr Morrison, Mr Hunt, please allow sexual assault survivors in Australia the dignity of access to the treatment they deserve: increase access under Medicare, to 40 sessions of psychological treatment per calendar year (from the current 10), so that recovery can be an option for all. Name withheld

Women’s March 4 Justice at Parliament House in Canberra on March 15.

Women’s March 4 Justice at Parliament House in Canberra on March 15.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen


When I was 19 – about 10 years ago – I was a flight attendant starting out at a small regional airline where I was the only cabin crew member onboard the aircraft. Pilots had (and still do) command so much power but when you’re younger, they are like gods. Part of my pre-flight checks was to ensure the oxygen bottle and crash axe were behind the pilots seats in the flight deck. One morning I went in as usual and bent over to check these items in the flight deck whilst the pilots were doing their checks. The captain had a mirror on the end of a long stick and stuck it between my legs up to see my underwear. Both pilots laughed and found this very amusing. I was upset but couldn’t say anything about it, I was humiliated and afraid ... I had to make them coffees and serve their lunches mid flight and be my bubbly self to keep the peace and to keep my job. I then spent two nights away with these men and ensured my hotel door was locked. If I’d reported that, my life would have been hell. The value of me over them was insignificant and I’d have been out of a job very quickly. This is one of many incidents – the power imbalance is astounding. It’s unbelievable how bad things are for women and it breaks my heart that my daughter’s future will be no better than mine. Name withheld

I am an ordinary, everyday female. I was not intoxicated or in the “wrong place” when I was sexually harassed. I was sexually harassed as a young girl. I was unable to understand this behaviour and was frozen in fear. I never told anyone until now. As a young woman I was harassed at a work conference. I did not report this. I quietly retreated to my room and locked myself in. I missed out on mixing socially with others from my profession. My teenage daughter and I were threatened with rape by a carload of louts. I rang the police. They came to our home to write a report. They were supportive and thanked us as there had been similar abuses in our area. Always report any instance of harassment or abuse. Recent reports have reawakened my feelings of terror and anxiety. Name withheld

I have been raped twice. The first time when I was 21. He was in his fifties and a friend of my sister. I told no one. The second time, I was 27, and woke in my bed to a stranger with a knife at my neck. I reported this to the police, but he was never caught. Add to this, multiple instances of sexual harassment, including twice by my manager. In both cases, I resigned as the only viable solution. The lack of consequence for perpetrators in both complaints handling processes and the criminal justice system is both a symptom and a cause of a culture that tolerates sexual violence in all its forms. What can government do? Why not start with a national definition of consent utilising the Tasmanian model. And set up specialist courts and processes to take account of the unique difficulties in prosecuting sex crimes. Maybe then, women might start to believe that someone is listening. Name withheld

Dear Prime Minister, When I was 16, I was sexually assaulted. The boy, a 17-year-old exchange student, followed me to the house we were using as our base during an excursion to the beach. I fought him off when he tried to rape me, so he forced me to give him oral sex instead. I didn’t tell anyone. We’d only met that day, but I thought people might think I’d led him on. I was worried people might think I was “cheating” on my boyfriend. That I was a slut.

My story is so typical I’ve never bothered to tell it. Almost every woman I know has experienced something similar – at school, at university and in the workplace. During one work event, I was groped by a colleague who put his hand in my bra and squeezed my nipple. He was a junior staff member I’d never previously met. I was warned by a friend – a senior male colleague – not to report it. “They’ll get rid of you if you make waves”, he said.

I didn’t report it, but our boss found out anyway. Nothing happened, and within a few months my abuser had been promoted and the colleague who warned me not to report is now a senior adviser to a cabinet minister.

The stories from women such as Brittany Higgins have been a rallying cry for readers.

The stories from women such as Brittany Higgins have been a rallying cry for readers. Credit: Alex Ellinghausen


At another work event, I was assaulted by a television personality, while a football player egged him on. I was shepherded out of the room and driven home by the host, whose primary concern was that I’d report it. I didn’t and they didn’t either. The matter ended there.

These are just two experiences among dozens, my experiences and those of my friends. There’s the high school teacher who held alcohol-fuelled parties for students, with a room available where boys could take drunk girls; my friend found herself there after drinking spiked punch and has lived with the shame ever since. Or the two male teachers “going out” with their year 11 students. Everyone knew, nothing was done.

Or the university encounter by my friend and her sister, who were wrestled to the ground by a group of male students, celebrating a football win. “They began lying on us chanting and calling us sluts,” she recalls. They only ran away when the girls started screaming and others ran to their aid. Or the incident in a Sydney street, where a group of men walked towards a friend, and grabbed her hard on the crotch, walking away smiling as if nothing had happened. Like it was a game.

We all have stories like this. It’s so common it’s hardly discussed. I’m telling you this so you understand that the matters reported in recent weeks don’t happen in isolation. This isn’t a “women problem” in one party. This isn’t a “women problem” in one workplace. This is a cultural problem and an Australian problem. You owe it to us to make change. Your daughters depend upon it. The women of Australia demand it. Name withheld

These last few weeks have been emotionally draining. It’s bought up everything from the past.

In my very first job I was told by my boss, the owner of a large company, that if I didn’t have sex with him I’d get the sack. I left of my own accord and didn’t report him. In many of my places of work I was sexually harassed by clients. I was asked repeatedly by one client to walk away from him so he could watch my bottom. I worked in restaurants and hotels as holiday jobs and was repeatedly touched and propositioned. I received abuse for rejecting the men. I didn’t report anybody. The reason I didn’t report these incidents was because I knew I would never be believed. I thought I would be blamed, and oddly when clients harassed me I protected the businesses I worked for as I knew they would lose the clients if they were reported. I never thought of myself and what I needed, I only thought of the effect on others. Name withheld

When I was 17, a middle aged man in a blue BMW followed me down a main road at night. He drove around the block to cut me off at an intersection and asked if he could pay me for sex. When I was 18, I received harassing texts about my looks from a stranger who was watching me work at my retail job. He told the police it was joke a joke but I didn’t feel safe leaving work for months.


When I was 21, a man told me he was taking the condom off during sex. I didn’t feel safe to stop him. Three months later, still 21, I was rummaging through my handbag for my keys. A man ran up behind me, put his hand up my skirt and forcefully grabbed my vagina. He ran off with his friend laughing.

When I was 32, my neighbour threw a note on my verandah telling me he’d been climbing on his roof to watch me in my apartment. He told me what he wanted to do to me and gave me his number, as if his behaviour was an inducement. I never felt safe in that apartment again. I am so angry and frustrated I’m on leave from work. This has to end and there must be change. Name withheld

He was my boss. At first he was nice, but then things changed. I never knew what mood he’d be in when I got to work. Some days he would shout and swear and everything I did was wrong. When he was in a “good” mood, he’d make inappropriate comments about my body, and touch me when nobody else could see. After a while he started asking for sex. Most of the time I let him. It was the only time I didn’t feel like I was completely useless or worthless. For a while it gave me a sense of having some control in the relationship because I had something he wanted, but I soon realised that he was always in control. I started getting flashbacks of him holding me down and me pleading with him to stop because he was hurting me. It’s just a snippet and I can’t remember when or where it was. One of my colleagues said he drugged and raped her at a party, and I’m worried that he did the same to me. Name withheld

Protesters at the Women’s March 4 Justice at Treasury Gardens in Melbourne.

Protesters at the Women’s March 4 Justice at Treasury Gardens in Melbourne.Credit: Eddie Jim

Born in 1943 I had to put up with unwanted male attention of a sexual nature from when I was fourteen, beginning with a classmate cornering me in an outside laundry after weekend tennis, and attempting to “have a feel”. Never a drinker or a smoker, opportunistic groping and attempted mauling on the train home from uni in the 60s saw me stand up all night in a doorway light to avoid the prying hands and sloppy attempts at forced kissing and other ugly moves. This happened every term journey for four years! Lewd suggestions by taxi drivers, an attempted rape by a neighbour, opportunistic and surprise maulings by people I knew fought off, a rape by a friend of the family – he denied having done it; but also said to me it was my fault because “you shouldn’t be so pretty”. On and on it goes ... As an older woman I have still been viewed as a prospective toy – but my experienced tongue has developed a quick razor’s edge to its cooling words. Name withheld


Three days after the Harvey Weinstein story broke in October 2017, my mum called to tell me that the man who had sexually assaulted me during a massage when I was a teenager (15 years prior) had been arrested for doing the same thing to a 10 year old girl. In court, his lawyer said “but you could have told him to stop, and you didn’t, did you? Your mum was in the next room and you didn’t call for her, did you?“. I was a shy 17-year-old girl so scared that all I could do was freeze and look at the ceiling, waiting for it to stop. I am not that 17 year old anymore, but I still feel her fear. The most painful thing has been reflecting on the impact of what happened and seeing the patterns my younger self engaged in that were harmful, especially in what I have


allowed men to do to me. A reflection on past relationships has led me to see that the loss of control over my own body while being assaulted has been actualised many times over, a realisation that causes me great sadness and distress. Name withheld

Like the majority of women in Australia, I’ve crossed the street to avoid walking past a man. I’ve clung onto car keys in my pocket and quickened my pace at a poorly lit train station. I’ve called out to a non-existent housemate from the doorway, been harassed at work, been threatened, been frightened.

In primary school, a man burst into my toilet cubicle. I froze. A classmate screamed and saved me from god-knows-what. In my teens my best friend rescued me one afternoon as we walked home from school. A man jumped off a fence and tried to grab me. She thumped him with her school bag and he fled. A few years later she was there for me again one New Year’s Eve as I was wrenched into a shop enclave. But no one could help me the time I was date raped. Eventually, I got self-defence lessons.

I want to be free to go where I want, do what I want, wear what I want and be all I can be. Every woman deserves this, as does every man. It shouldn’t matter your age, sex, religion or race. Name withheld

I was a 15 year old schoolgirl, when I had my first sexual experience over 60 years ago. On the first day of my first job, as a Christmas casual, I was sexually assaulted by the store Santa Claus in the lift. He told me he was the best mate with my boss as he groped my breasts and squeezed my nipples. I ran out of the lift when someone got in. And used the four flights of stairs every day for the next two weeks after that.

Why didn’t I report him? Who would have believed the new schoolgirl 60 years ago? Why didn’t I tell my parents? They would have made me leave the job and we needed the money to outfit me for my final two years of school. I was scared every day but managed to avoid Santa. This is the first disclosure I have made. I wasn’t raped, but it was a very frightening experience for a naive school girl.

Now I feel guilty that I wasn’t as brave as Grace or Brittany. Maybe someone else would have escaped a similar experience if I could have felt confident that I would be believed. Name withheld

Was it the babysitting male that got into a bed with me at 7, or the drunk solicitor who crept into my bed after a dinner party with my parents who decided it would be in my best interest to lose my virginity to an experienced man (I was 16) or was it the well-known hairdresser who did my hair in his office above the studio so he could grab me between my legs (I was 23) or was it the masseuse who rubbed his erection on me instead of his hands (I was 35) or was it the young man who raped my drunk daughter in college at UNSW, that finally broke the dam? No, none of them reported. Why? Because how do we prove it? Yet we remember each and everyone of you - and the trauma you left. Name withheld

These last few weeks have been emotionally draining. It’s bought up everything from the past. This story is not the only one I have, but it’s the most damaging to me. My ex-boyfriend raped me while I was asleep. In our house. I woke up while he was doing it. He then stated that “you’re my girlfriend, do you want me to sleep with someone else?” Even as I type this, I’m scared of putting my name to it. I’m worried something is going to happen. Name withheld

I do not know a single woman who has lived free from sexual assault and harassment from men. Not a single one. At 28 years old I live in a world where it is apparent that my worth and value as a woman means nothing to most men. I was first introduced to this at 12 years old. Unfortunately for me my innocence ended the moment I was unable to hide my growing breasts. Too many women have been broken and let down by systems, society, and each other. Even if I wanted to suppress my own traumas and “get over it”, my role as a psychologist means that I am presented with new stories of male violence and abuse every single day. We need change; for myself, my clients, my sister, my friends, for the ones who have lost their lives to the abuse of men and for those who are yet to come into the world. Name withheld

At the age of 25 I slept (by myself) at a friends house after a party. I woke up in the middle of the night being raped by a guy I’d flirted with during the party. I never told anyone and blamed myself for 10 years for having too much to drink before speaking to a counsellor two years ago and being told it wasn’t my fault. I still have flashbacks of being frozen and not able to push him off or scream for help. Name withheld

My father started abusing me when I was six years old. It ended when I was 13, when my parents separated. His abuse left me physically unable to bear children. I was saved by an older sister who realised what might have happened. That allowed me to talk about it and to know I would be believed. My sister told my mother when I was about 16. I was lucky to have an observant and aware sister. I know so many others don’t have that support. Over the years, I have sometimes sought help from a psychologist or psychiatrist and, between that counselling and support from my sister and other family members and friends, I have survived. I am not a victim. Name withheld

Sexual assault has been going on in Australia for generations. I am 82 years of age. In 1951 at 13 years of age in school uniform, I was on a crowded train in Melbourne - a country kid coming to represent my school in a sporting program. A young male came up behind me while I was standing up and started to masturbate into my rear. I was too frightened to say anything to my host family as simply had no idea what was happening. Remember this was in the early 50s - sex was not spoken about. At 19 years of age a similar experience happened while watching a Miss Australia pageant in Sale, Victoria, standing outside on a summer’s evening another young man started the same practice - this time I moved away into the crowd, silently accepting this behaviour as normal. At 21 years of age while at the movies in Sydney, sitting by myself in the dark a young make came up sat down next to me and a few minutes later started rubbing his leg against mine. I then had the courage to get up and move. Today young women would scream out like Grace and Brittany are encouraging us to do - they are my heroes. It is going on at all levels including our institutions. A young woman said to me recently we are not walking vaginas. I hope the PM is listening from his own ears. Name withheld

I was drugged with a date rape drug and raped 30 years ago, by a business colleague, while working. I told no-one as I was too ashamed. My daughter was raped at 17 by a close friend. She reported it to the police and as I sat with her while she bravely made a formal statement, I spoke for the first time about my experience. It was traumatic but also a relief. Now I tell everyone. My 17 year old daughter taught her 55 year old mother not to be ashamed. The police who were excellent referred it to the DPP and after four years, she had her week in court. He was convicted but only received a CCO with community service which was excused due to COVID. The court case was harrowing but well worth it as we both wrestled the power back from our rapists - mine figuratively and her rapist now a convicted sex offender. I would implore all women to not be ashamed, but to be empowered and speak out and call out these sub-human men. Things will only change if more victims come forward. Name withheld

I am a 58-year-old university tutor and today I was sexually harassed by a male student via Zoom. I felt helpless and lacking in control. I did what I could to neutralise this intrusion, while trying to remain professional and continue to deliver a class to the other first year university students. I am furious with rage that a young man felt he was entitled to intrude into my classroom and degrade another person. I am enraged , but impotent. This male won’t be found, won’t be punished, won’t learn. He already believes he can do whatever he wants to a woman and unless there is fundamental change in our country, he will continue to behave in this demeaning and dehumanising way. Name withheld

I extremely gently turned down a man at a bar on Friday night. We had had a chat and he had an unusual name so he showed me his driver’s licence. Saturday night I happened to see him again at a nightclub. I greeted him and he was friendly and polite. We went our separate ways. Later that night, I was trying to leave the club and it was really packed and I passed him on the way out. We had to press past each other in the walkway. Sweaty bodies everywhere. He put his hand up my dress and aggressively put his fingers inside me. I couldn’t do anything because I was being shepherded out by the crowd. He must have been mad that I very kindly told him thanks for approaching me but unfortunately I have a boyfriend the night before. It strikes me that he didn’t even care I had seen his full name and address the night before. He obviously didn’t care about the consequences of assaulting me. Name withheld

The March 4 Justice in Treasury Gardens, Melbourne.

The March 4 Justice in Treasury Gardens, Melbourne. Credit: Justin McManus

I was first assaulted as a naive 17 year old by my boyfriend’s friend. It was so humiliating that I told no one until I was much older. I felt like I had made a mistake accepting his offer of a lift to my car behind the ANU. Only much later did I understand that I hadn’t asked to be assaulted. I was not to blame. Next incident at 27, chased by two men while out horseriding. They came within a couple of metres before I got away. I still have nightmares- I’m 63. I used to love bushwalking but now I’m too scared. I later worked at youth and women’s refuges - too many tales to share. I trained to present Love Bites in high schools on respectful relationships based on Angela Barker’s terrifying experience of brutal DV leaving her with an ABI and in a wheelchair needing 24 hour care. Out of 14 fellow female students 12 had been assaulted. Name withheld

I am 57 years of age. I have, and continue to be, abused by men in one form or another over my life. I keep to myself, and even in a new small country town, I suffer abuse. Albeit very subtly from my neighbours. It’s a generational thing here and everywhere as far as I’m concerned. Australian men are horrible. Name withheld

At the age of 68, I have a loving husband and son, good friends, and am happy with my life. This is not to say that I met my full potential. At age 7, I was “fiddled with” by a road worker. At 13, I was “dry raped” (as it was then called). In year 7, a teacher subjected me to a daily ritual of humiliation in front of my classmates, which I now understand was sexually motivated. In year 12, I skipped class all year from my favourite subject, not understanding why, till the teacher sexually assaulted me during the end-of-year celebration. Over the years, I have shared stories with my peers about the constant threat, at work, when out at night, or just waiting for a bus in full daylight for that matter, but have never mentioned the specific incidents listed above. If asked why, I’d have to say, “I don’t know”. I grew up with a seriously diminished self-esteem, did badly at school and never attended university. Fortunately, I found my way. It may not have been so. A lot hasn’t changed and I worry for young people. I hope the tide is turning. Name withheld

I was just a girl who had a friend who was a boy, who thought he could take what he wanted.

In 1973, at 17 years of age, I was raped. I had already been touched up, grabbed, kissed, prodded and leered at by more men than I can count; my dentist, family friends, relatives, boys and men alike. The fact I can say I am not unusual is a savage indictment of our culture. Despite considering myself a highly educated, privileged feminist, having run my own successful business and engaged in politics and community on very many levels, I carried the guilt and shame of my rape till this day.

I thought that having read the books, talked the talk, walked the streets and carried myself with confidence through to my sixties I had put the demons to bed. But no. Hearing the likes of Grace Tame, Brittany Higgins and the countless other young women speak their truth and talk openly about sexual harassment and rape has changed me. I am now aware of just how much shame I have carried for decades, how many secrets I have kept, how much silence and protection I have afforded the many men who have behaved appallingly simply because they could.

I stand with these young women in awe! This is a ground breaking moment for us all and I am so utterly grateful they have the courage and clarity to move this debate forward not just for themselves but carrying us all along with them. Name withheld

I am a 65 year old woman and I was first sexually assaulted when I was a preschooler by three boys next door. I didn’t have words for what happened but I knew it was bad. I felt ashamed, guilty and dirty. I have never told anyone although they boasted about it at school. As a young “liberated” woman in the 1970s I was frequently coerced and occasionally forced to have sex when I didn’t want to. Finally I was raped by my abusive partner in the 1980s. All my female friends and family with whom I have discussed sexual assault experienced coercion and assault when we were younger. Not a single woman has told me she has been free of this trauma. I am university educated and enjoyed a long successful professional career. I have been happily married for decades. If I could achieve, and my female friends could achieve, this what could we have achieved without trauma and fear as crucial elements of our beings? Name withheld


There is no nice way to start this letter so I will just dive in. I was 7 years old when I was first sexual abused by an old man when we were on holidays in Greece. I was 11 when I was first raped by an older boy. I was 17 when I was raped again. I was 19 when I was sexually assault by the youth minister of my church. He had also been assaulting my friends over the past 7 or so years. The church turned a blind eye. That man continued to molest teenage girls for another five or so years before he was stopped. Not by the Anglicans I might add. The last time a man laid his hands on me I was in my late 20s. He shook me by both shoulders in front of the assistant minister who did nothing and told me I was over-reacting. This same man asked a couple in my bible study group about their sex life. A few years later he sent a inappropriate email to a bible study group regarding one of the female members. I called him out on it and received a torrent of abuse (of a sexual nature over several emails). I was then in my mid-30s, married to a wonderful guy, and had three great little boys. I was not going to let this be swept under the rug again. But the church did nothing. My husband later died leaving me with my now four lovely boys and everyday I teach them to respect women because no one should find similarities between mine and their own stories. Are you listening Scott Morrison? Name withheld

When I was 18 and working in the public service back in the late 80s, I was asked to work as a secretary to a consultant. This man was a good 25 years older than me and repeatedly told me he was having sexual dreams about me and making unwelcome remarks. He would phone me at work, whilst he was out and speak in a way which made me really uncomfortable. Despite having a boyfriend and dropping numerous hints, his vulgar behaviour continued. One day when he phoned in, I called over a senior female colleague and gave her the phone and she listened to him spew his unwelcome filth. This female colleague then took the matter to senior management, with my blessing. The wash up? The consultant was given an older secretary (around 55 years of age) and I got demoted to the typing pool and my wages were reduced. I totally understand why women don’t speak out as often you are financially punished for speaking up. I left this government department four years later, to work in private enterprise, after another colleague groped me inappropriately. I didn’t even bother reporting this incident. Name withheld

It was 20 years ago and I think about it daily. I am still ashamed.

When will our politicians and the media recognise that rape is not the only way that women are being systemically abused and that the smaller, less sensational issues like denying women a fair and just complaints handling process in workplaces allows the culture of disrespect and inequity to flourish that leads to men feeling they are justified in raping and covering it up?

In November of 2019, I was forced from my workplace as a teacher in a NSW government department due to a series of events that occurred after insisting on a professional relationship with my workplace manager. After losing my husband to cancer, he had actively groomed me and made me feel that due to my grief, my job wasn’t safe if I didn’t “trust him” and accept the cruel and controlling mind games he inflicted on me. I was then subjected to an unjust complaints handling process which refused to view evidence I presented, while promoting my boss to a position of very senior leadership. I had had a successful career for nearly 20 years and had been happily in one school for 17 years until I found myself in a vulnerable position.

The NSW Department of Education is a huge employer of women and should be ensuring a safe place for students and staff against abuses of power, yet those under the purview of the NSW Department of Education do not currently have access to a just, equitable complaints handling process. I have followed this through to the highest level within the Department and have subsequently brought it repeatedly to the attention of our NSW Premier and Minister for Education and Department Secretary . I keep hearing how important it is to have more women in leadership, but it’s important they stand for equity and walk the walk as well as just claiming to, as the minister says “be a voice for women”. Nice words - I look forward to politicians actually using their voice for people like me, who have suffered systemic injustice. Name withheld

Not a physical assault, but evidence of men making public places hostile for women and relishing in humiliating women. I was the only female member of a three-piece band. Between each and every song of our set at a small Newcastle pub, a man in the crowd out in the darkness repeatedly yelled out for everyone to hear, “show us your tits”. No one stopped him. No one standing near him told him to cut it out. A room of good guys did nothing. I could hear some of them laughing with him. I had no mic. Not even my band mates said anything. He saw me on stage and thought it funny to single me out and harass me to score lad points with his mates. Like women are just there to be ridiculed and humiliated for some pathetic male-bonding exercise. Maybe it’s NotAllMen, but too many self-proclaimed ‘good guys’ aren’t as good as they think they are. Name withheld

At 14 I was attacked and gang-raped by 10 boys. This happened in a mining town in country NSW. I did not consent to being raped. I screamed, fought but was powerless. From that day on I gained a reputation as a whore, because the attackers made up a story that I had welcomed it. I lived with that reputation all my life, I lived with shame, made a number of suicide attempts, and a fear and distrust of men. I told no-one because I knew it wouldn’t be believed, such was the culture at that time. I’m now 75, and I’m crying even now as I write this. There are more services now for women, but I still believe the same culture exists and the same hatred towards women. Name withheld

A protester in the Sydney Women’s March 4 Justice at Town Hall Square.

A protester in the Sydney Women’s March 4 Justice at Town Hall Square.Credit: Nine News

Twenty, assaulted by a co-worker, action taken by management - buy him a new shirt. Thirty, assaulted by a tradesman at work, action taken - “why didn’t you lock the door when you left the house”. Forty, assaulted by a family member, action taken - none, how do I tell my sister. Fifty, assaulted by “friend” at a party, action taken - none, I don’t want my husband in jail for striking back. Another family member has been convicted of rape on three occasions. He and other rapists will read these stories and rejoice (probably with “pleasure release”). It’s not about sex, it’s about power, control and a deep seated hatred of, and belief that women are “things” not people. Name withheld

I am writing to provide my story to join with all the other women who have been subject to sexual harassment and abuse. However I am not going to talk too specifically about any events – my focus is on the social attitudes that shaped the response to what happened to me.

In primary school in the early 70s I experienced abuse from a local man who exposed himself to me and wanted me to get in his car. In the later 70s as a teenager there was a man who regularly caught my train home from school who would expose himself to school girls on the train. I also had teenage boys take advantage of me and my friends at parties and other social events, not dissimilar to the stories told to Chantal Contos about contemporary events.

I was brought up in a Catholic family and went to Catholic schools where sex was rarely mentioned other than as procreation. Young women were expected to protect themselves (not sure how) from men’s “natural urges” but we were never educated about what that meant. Young women who were sexually active were labelled as sluts and those who became pregnant were ostracised and shamefully sent away and had their babies adopted. I told my parents about the primary school event, police were called and I was interviewed but it was never spoken about again and I continued to be terrified that this man might come and kill me because we had told the police. Young people were not and are still not well prepared for the intricacies of emotional and physical relationships - for my teenage self there was a deep deep silence and fear – if a boy did something unwanted to you then you must have led him on, it was somehow your fault. I am really sad that this attitude continues on today – the recent court cases involving high profile footballers where the women involved have their reputations trashed to try and sway a jury is appalling, and we know this is common and why people do not report sexual assault as it also means a further damaging assault by the process. Name withheld

This breaks my heart to write, but it broils and bubbles like a cauldron of poison that I cannot rid myself of.

About 25 years ago I was sexually assaulted at a remote community in a regional area – police were called but it took two days for them to get there, they were professional but I perceived the attitude that I had put myself in the situation, that I was to blame. No-one was ever charged and I decided not to pursue the case given the attitude of authorities and the emotional toll that it took on me. Like so many women I am hypervigilant on a train with few people, walking across a carpark at night, always having my keys in my hand as a potential weapon. I want change and I want strong leadership to make these changes now to keep us all safe. Name withheld

In the 1950s I travelled to high school in the city by train. One one occasion a man rubbed up against me and then exposed himself. I moved elsewhere in the carriage.

More scary was the time I was walking home from the station as usual when I realised I was being followed by several young men in a car in an area where no one was about. The car drove slowly alongside and they called out but I quickly crossed to the footpath opposite. The car then drove around the block and came alongside again, so I repeated the manoeuvre until I reached the shops, fortunately only a block or so away. They then disappeared. My father picked me up from the station for the next few days in case they tried it on again.

I answered the phone at home one evening and all that came from the receiver was heavy breathing. This was repeated the next night so my father got on the phone to end it. Name withheld

As a young teenager I was emotionally and physically abused by my father and stepmother. Once they stripped, beat and cold showered me. Once he repeatedly kicked me as I lay curled on the floor in self-protection, bruising both legs black knee to hip. She watched. I asked my mother if I could live with her; she refused. She and my school did nothing. It seemed everyone thought me worth this treatment. My father was a psychologist, my stepmother a social worker. My sister was sexually abused by our stepfather when she was five. She told me when she was 21, and our mother when our younger half-sister had young children. Our mother did nothing. Several years later, at my niece’s wedding, our mother told my sister’s husband she doesn’t believe it happened. So did our half-sister. My sister severed relations with them. Because I stood by her, my mother and half-sister severed relations with me, painting us as crazy. So my sister made a police report. The investigating officers said he matched classic patterns, but there was insufficient evidence to charge him. Name withheld


I was only young, but here I am at 65 years of age and I am still hanging onto the injustice I felt perpetrated on me as a 17 year old in 1972-1973. I grew up in the northern suburbs of Sydney. At age 16 years I left school and went to TAFE to do secretarial studies. At 17 years of age I commenced work as the branch secretary National Bank. It was my first job after leaving TAFE . I was a shy, small lovely looking young woman. I had friends, a boyfriend and family who treated me well, I knew nothing of sexual harassment, and at that time in herstory the term was not used. My story relates to the males working at the branch of the National Bank, in particular to the accountant and a teller. They would stand behind my typist chair, which just had a small back support, and press their semi-erect penis into my back, when they came over to give me work to do and linger leaning against my back. I was horrified! They would then say jokes and laugh to each other about how it felt for them. I was in the frozen state each time it happened. The other two women and males just watched on and I felt blamed for the males’ behaviour. There were constant innuendos about sex, sexuality, my looks. I just took it. Then it escalated to sexual assault when a relieving accountant who seemed to have been tipped off that I was easy pickings followed me one time down the back of the building, when I went to the stationary room, he came in, shut the door behind himself, I was trapped, he grabbed me and forced himself upon me, kissing my mouth. It was horrible, I don’t remember how I got away, but I escaped into the ladies toilet next door to the stationary room, and have a vague memory of being in shock, shaking and trying to make sense of what had just happened. It was unwelcomed, unwanted and revolting. I have blocked out his name and the details from my memory, but not the incident.

I did not tell my parents, I don’t know why, I think because of shame. That somehow I bought it on my self. I spoke to a very good girlfriend who was studying social work and she advised me to leave that job, she organised for me to work at her mother’s nursing home in Chatswood. I left the National Bank, and never went back. I loved looking after the older people, and working with other women, I went on to do my nursing training at Sydney Hospital, where we had mostly women and the beginnings of my feminist underpinnings. I felt safe. I have avoided working with men for most of my working career. I have a husband and gorgeous son, son-in-law and grandsons . I am so glad to have had this opportunity to tell someone my story. It adds to the stories, far worse than mine, but all with the same theme of male dominance and a sense of being fair game because of my femaleness. Shout it loud and shout it clear - it’s time for a change. Name withheld

Sexually assaulted when asleep in bed at a friend’s house by some random male friend of hers who had dropped over. Had to fight off another guy during a party after everyone else had disappeared and I hadn’t realised I was in danger. Constantly have had to put up with comments of an inappropriate nature. Had to listen to nearly every single one of my girlfriends’ stories - over 40 years worth - about being sexually assaulted. My new boss at harassed me for weeks to have dinner at his house when I was 18. I did not want to, but he was my boss and he would not stop harassing me. When I finally went, after dinner, he sat me down in front of his computer and turned on porn. That was terrifying. Watching this Prime Minister lie and discount women and their continued abuse. It’s bullshit that he says he cares. There’s no way I’m writing my name on this because women are not safe. Name withheld

The day Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon is imprinted on my brain. It was the day my boss raped me.

Almost 40 years ago, in a class of eight to10 males aged between 15-17, they turned the dialogue to their masturbation habits. I was teaching Legal Studies. Reporting this to the male deputy director, and expecting consequences for the students, l was told “You have done teacher training, deal with it.”

At a subsequent conversation with my head of department, l was told “lt was in his best professional interests to have a working relationship with the deputy director.” No HR department nor personnel, only payroll. Similar to Parliament House, 40 years later, where Department of Finance is dealing with current HR issues in PM Office. Name withheld

The first time was a guy in his mid 50s I guess - I was about 14 on the bus to the city to meet friends for a movie. I could feel him running his fingers up and down the side of my leg; his arms were sort of crossed over under a coat. I was alarmed but part of me couldn’t believe it was happening until he then progressed to creeping across the crease of my hip towards my groin. I was so appalled and frightened I got off the bus and cried. Many years later, a guy walked up behind me and “goosed” me from behind while I was walking home from work. I spun around, swung my briefcase at the back of his head as he retreated and called him out for the pathetic loser that he was and he ran off. I walked the rest of the way home in tears because was a grown woman and still was being treated in such an awful way, I hated feeling so vulnerable. No one has a right to touch you - girls if someone is touching you, speak up, tell that losers to “keep your hands to yourself’.′ The cowards need to be shown up for what they are. Name withheld

Sexualisation/ harassment started from 11 with catcalling almost daily. Other incidences have been: being followed home and cornered by a male stranger; being surrounded and detained by eight men while jogging; being ground against by a male stranger from behind while jogging; being stalked by a male stranger at university; my male oncologist telling me before breast cancer surgery that “if I was going to get raped, I may as well enjoy it”; a male doctor telling me (age 18) that my breasts were (aesthetically) ‘perfect’ during a physical examination; being kissed while walking down the street by a male stranger in the middle of the day on a main road; being asked by male strangers in a passing car to show my ‘pink bits’; being tailed in the evening by a car full of male strangers when walking and being targeted by a male driver masquerading as an Uber driver in an attempt to get me into his car. And multiple multiple hard to label micro aggressions from men, constantly. Name withheld


I was first abused when I was five. By my paedophile uncle. I was his fifth victim that I’m aware of. Basically all the kids in my generation were abused by him. When I was 14, a 27 year old man took me to a secluded place. He forced my head down onto his penis, making me perform oral sex. There was no point running or screaming as there was no one to hear me. I was surrounded by bushland. I wanted to get home. When I was 17, I went to a social function arranged by a sporting organisation. A group of us stayed at the house of one of the more senior people in the organisation. I woke with the man who’s home we were in, in my bed. His fiancee was in the room next door. When I tried to speak up, I was accused of being the instigator. I was not believed. I was then labelled a slut within the organisation. He was at least 10 years my senior. When I was 24 I had one night alone in a hotel room overseas, I awoke to a male staff member letting themselves into my room, I yelled at him. He said he was filling the mini bar at 3am. I now always use the door bolts on hotel room doors. Name withheld

Firstly, I admire the courage of those who have shared their experiences. These are mine: At 15 at a party, my drink was tampered with. The last memory I have was locking the bedroom door to go to sleep, alone. I woke up to a ‘friend’ assaulting me. I froze, in fear. Weeks later I heard a rumour that I apparently slept with another ‘friend’ at the same party. I have no recollection of this, nor most of the night. I was a virgin.

At 17, a guy grabbed me at schoolies, kissed me, touched me, and wouldn’t let go. I pushed but wasn’t strong enough.

At 20, a stranger assaulted me at a nightclub, police were called, but I dropped all charges. I didn’t want to go to court, be cross-examined and have our names associated.

At 23, as a new graduate, a colleague assaulted me at a Christmas party. Again, I froze.

Since I was 20, I don’t drink alcohol, I don’t go to nightclubs, I don’t wear low neck/cut-out and tight clothes, and I’m always home early. I’m now 30, and I’m uncomfortable being alone at night, especially around guys. I still blame myself. Name withheld

When I was 9 turning 10, I was sexually abused by a boy about seven years older than me who, with his family, were neighbours and good friends of my family. I of course had great trust in this boy and I did not demur when he invited me into the children’s playhouse. He did not rape me or hurt me in any way and in fact was gentle. But it should not have happened. When some weeks later he again invited me to go for a walk with him something inside me made me say “no”. I knew nothing at all about sex but something told me I did not want to go. He accepted my decision without any problem. He went on in life to become a well-known and influential person in the work he did. I went on to secretarial work and enjoyed my not so influential life. In my 50s, I had to deal with him again in my work on some occasions. We talked politely and civilly on the phone. I have no idea whether he remembered the “incident” and I would in no way have mentioned it - I think this might be because of the generation in which we grew up. I did not really raise this with friends until my early 60s at which time people were beginning to discuss these matters.

Protestors shout in Brisbane during the March 4 Justice rally.

Protestors shout in Brisbane during the March 4 Justice rally. Credit: Jono Searle

To my knowledge, this incident, though very wrong, did not psychologically affect me, for which I am most grateful. I am now 85 and though physically disabled to some extent, still enjoy each day of my life. I am so proud of Grace, Brittany and Chanel for their bravery and stance on these matters, and will continue to follow their fight with great interest. Name withheld

Prime Minister, I doubt very much you’ll read my, or anyone else’s, letter but I hope you do. Your inaction, misogyny and continuing inaction is not only disrespectful but a triggering of the abuse we have suffered. I was a lawyer specialising in child abuse and sexual misconduct for “big law”, until I was made redundant because my PTSD became inconvenient. To be clear, I was a bonus-winning star, until my second adult rapist came into my work building. I feel I have to defend myself because you have shown how little value you think women have. We don’t need you to add to this, misogyny already exists in male-dominated areas such as law. I was clearly shown how little value I had when I became “damaged goods”. A leader would be taking action, supporting and championing us, strengthening legislation.

Your lack of accountability, such as failing to make simple gestures such as apologising to Brittany Higgins when Linda Reynolds called her a “lying cow” has been both destructive and demonstrative of your lack of understanding. You didn’t violate me. You weren’t part of any workplace that damaged me. But you have caused me distress. Enough is enough. Name withheld

I never thought of myself as a victim of sexual assault, but of course I was.

When I was a young child, our paternal grandparents had a friend who would slap mine and my sister’s behinds, and pinch our nipples. My grandparents would say that it was just how he “showed his love”. When my maternal grandmother saw him do this at a family event, she said “tell me if that man ever touches you like that again”. I now realise he was a just a disgusting old man, taking advantage of friendly familiarity and male entitlement. Thankfully, I was never alone with him. When I was a teenager, between the ages of 15 and 17, my long-term boyfriend coerced me into performing many sexual acts, including touching my breasts, digital penetration, oral sex and intercourse. I didn’t realise I had been assaulted until several years later, long after we had broken up. I don’t know if he realises what he did to me was assault. At a university-run party, the head of a prominent society, whom I had never met, slapped me hard on the ass in front of everyone, and demanded I buy him a drink, calling me a “wench”. As an adult woman, another long-term boyfriend started choking me during consensual intercourse. We had never discussed doing this together, and he had never indicated that he was interested in doing so. Regardless, he wrapped his hand around my throat, and I couldn’t breathe. I tried to push against his arm to make him stop. I don’t know if he thought I was into it, or if he enjoyed watching me struggle underneath him, while he forcefully and painfully penetrated me. He was unbelievably strong, twice my size and all muscle. It was the first time I realised a partner could easily hurt or kill me if they wanted to, and that I was vulnerable to his will. This otherwise gentle and loving person scared me that night. I hope you’re paying attention, Scott. Name withheld

Years ago, I was on a work trip interstate with my male line manager and five men from another organisation. After a great dinner which included quite a bit of drinking I bade them goodnight and went to my hotel room. A short while later I awoke to my line manager standing over me insisting I get up and ‘party’ with him and the other men. How he got into my room I don’t know how, but I think it was through an adjoining balcony. I refused and he became verbally abusive. He couldn’t understand why I wasn’t interested. I managed to get rid of him but I was terrified. Next day there was no apology, not even a mention of what happened. I had to continue working with these men for several more days. It was an awful experience and one of many similar incidents I put up with over my working life. Name withheld

Thank you for allowing me to tell my story. Whilst working at a large bank in private wealth, a bank manager would stand too close to me in the elevator and grope me, or on the busy train after work would stand so close I’d feel his erection pressed against my back. He’d text me at work and ask me to sit on a bench while he was in the bathroom to discuss something work-related with me – then he’d come out and say he had masturbated thinking of me waiting there. I was 20, he was married. I filed a report with HR and he was let go for misuse of company property. My probationary period ended and I was not retained. Later, working at one of the “big 4”, I received an email from a throwaway account to my personal email address saying that I would receive cash to give a blowjob in a corporate bathroom and I would find out his identity when I got to the bathroom. I didn’t go. I was 22. I accepted a redundancy, rather than re-train, that was unrelated because I wanted to get out of there. Name withheld

In 2005, I was 17 years at work experience through school. I was cornered by a 30-year-old male. Fortunately someone entered the lunch room to startle him. Scared, I did and said nothing. The next day I went back not knowing what to do or say. I was berated and abused, called a fat bitch and hideously ugly. This happened in front of six other men who did nothing to stop this. They giggled when he would call me a bitch. I cried all day, I was told not to take it personally as no one likes to be rejected. I told my school, fearful that another girl may be sent there. The teacher asked me if it was really that bad given I went back the next day? I was told that it was a top establishment and this report would now ruin anyone else’s chance to do work experience there. I was asked again if I really wanted to report it. I bravely said yes. I have lived with disgust and embarrassment for years before I told a friend in my late 20s. Shocked, they told me what had happened was not my fault and the blame wasn’t my burden to carry. Name withheld

Their weapon is knowing you will be too embarrassed or scared to tell.

I’m a 52 year old Brisbane woman, who dated about 30 men in the 20 years before I married. Three of those men were violent, two partners bashed me and one date tried to strangle me. I took DVOs against the first two, but the police talked me out of pressing charges. The strangler was a post-doctoral researcher from a different department than mine. I did not press charges against the strangler, because I did not want to explain to police and courts that I consented to sex, but withdrew my consent when he put both hands around my neck and started choking me. There had been no discussion about strangulation, heightened orgasm or anything, he just attempted to kill me. I did what I had to do to stay alive, left in the dark with my clothes but without shoes or underwear, walking the streets till I found a phonebox to ring a taxi. Ten of the men I dated either raped or attempted to rape me, I am a tall strong woman and I fought some of them off. The thing which disturbed me the most was my male “friends” who would not condemn these violent rapists because they were “good guys”. So in my experience, 1 in 10 were violent rapists and 1 in 3 were rapists. I lost my virginity to a rapist at 16. I went on to do an MA, focusing on rape and sexual violence. My masters thesis showed the results of my nationwide rape survey in 16 student newspapers, with more than 600 respondents. It showed that men rape because they can, and because they know they will “get away with it” because they are aware of the very low reporting, charging and conviction rates in our legal system. The men who raped me were both private and public school, university educated and school drop-outs, scientists and musicians. There’s no way of telling if a guy is a rapist until he rapes you. Name withheld

The day Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon is imprinted on my brain. It was the day my boss raped me. I was very young and it was my first job after the recent birth of my son. I told no-one about the rape, especially my husband. We desperately needed the extra income. I had to keep working with that same man and tried to avoid him as best I could. I eventually left; I was constantly afraid.

Even all those years ago, I knew that reporting this to the police would have resulted in: “Did you encourage him? What were you wearing?” I’d heard the stories from other women who’d tried to get help after similar assaults. Over the years, working in many different occupations, I’ve always tried to protect my workmates from disgusting sexual innuendos and bullying. I stand up to the males perpetrators when these women are too frightened to do so – often to my own detriment. Nothing seems to have changed. Name withheld

Thank you for the opportunity to share my history publicly for the first time in 64 years. I am 70 years old and one of the grandmothers to whom Scott Morrison refers.

Thank you for the opportunity to share my history publicly for the first time in 64 years. I am 70 years old and one of the grandmothers to whom Scott Morrison refers. I was 6 years old the first time a man exposed his genitals to me – at twilight on a rock platform where there were other men fishing and many children. Innocently, I assumed he didn’t know his fly was open and worried that the man would be so embarrassed when he realised. At age 11, another man ‘flashed’ his genitals at me on a suburban street in southern Sydney in broad daylight. At age 12, I was sexually assaulted digitally by a 17-year-old neighbour on multiple occasions in our backyard swimming pool. The offences took place under the guise of teenage boy-girl ‘play’ so that, even if I saw him coming into our yard and attempted to flee, he would grab me and drag me back into the pool – laughing to reassure the many adults present. Just entering puberty, I was too self-conscious to make a scene or tell anyone.

At 16, the man sitting next to me on a train slumped his body onto me, put his hand on my thigh and began to move it towards my vaginal area. By this time, I had enough self-possession to push him off and move to another part of the carriage. It was peak hour and the train was packed but no-one asked me why I had left my seat but not the train. No-one asked if I was ok.

At age 19, I was verbally abused by a famous gynaecologist/obstetrician who called me a “brainless, selfish idiot” because I did not want to take the contraceptive pill, preferring to have my boyfriend use condoms. He then performed a rough and aggressive vaginal examination without speaking one word to me. He did not ask my consent and I regard this as a rape.

Margaret Donnellan and Cathy Corry at the Sydney’s March 4 Justice event.

Margaret Donnellan and Cathy Corry at the Sydney’s March 4 Justice event.Credit: Edwina Pickles

Aged 24, I waited in a rented house to hand over the keys to our landlord. He grabbed me and forced a kiss on me. I told two male friends who confronted him later and thoroughly warned him off – none of us thought to go to the police.

All women should be able to walk in their cities safely, go to parties, bars, catch public transport and go anywhere else we want. But clearly, we can’t – I was not even safe in my own pool, my own house, my own car or a doctor’s surgery, whether I was alone or surrounded by adults.

Most of these offences are not classically rape. The level of violence I experienced is well below what many women have suffered. My life has been filled with joy, love, success, travel and happiness.

Nevertheless, my history is also one of all-pervasive and relentless risk mitigation against the appalling behaviour of some men. My history is also the common, ordinary experience of many, if not most women. We should not have to live like this. Name withheld

It has stained my soul and forever sits waiting to pour out and destroy every relationship I ever have.

My first experience was a digital penetration, as an 8-year-old girl sitting on a then 15-year-old boy’s knee in the rear seat of a car (way before mandatory seatbelts) during an outing. I have only ever disclosed this to my sister who experienced the same thing by the same boy. We were not comfortable to disclose to the adults in the car, however we tried to sit elsewhere.

The second encounter was another digital penetration by a group of youths at a local swimming pool. I managed to fight them off and they soon realised I was not into it.

Later, in my early 20s I experienced two rapes. On one occasion, I was very drunk, asleep in my own bed in a share house, when a male entered and proceeded to have sex. I was in no position to fight him off. I remember all accounts quite vividly. Name withheld

I have never told anyone this but as a 9-year-old child I was touched on my vagina by an elderly male caretaker at an Anglican church in Bexley. This occurred several times and the shame has had a massive impact on how I view myself. As a 20-year-old I was touched repeatedly on my breast by a male in his 50s teaching me computers at a training facility in southern Sydney. Numerous times on suburban Sydney trains I have been deliberately touched on the breast or bottom by entitled males. I am now 57 and still experience the impact of these injustices. Name withheld

The shame has had a massive impact on how I view myself.

I’m 47. When I was at a Catholic high school I was targeted by a male teacher. I was groomed but not abused. The fallout from the my peers watching was horrendous - the rumours and innuendo was awful and it was my full-time job to deflect and normalise the situation. I was 15. When I was 23, I was attacked in a park while exercising at 6am and grabbed from behind and assaulted by a male who turned out to be 16. Although I reported the incident to police at the time - he was not charged. He was the son of a prominent local GP. I could not identify him but a witness did and the police called my family home and gave me all his details. At the time I couldn’t understand why but later I realised it was because their “hands were tied”. Highly illegal I’m sure. Every male employer I have ever had has been inappropriate with me and other women working with me . I have been smacked on the behind many times, shamed in front of people I managed, had to listen to grossly inappropriate misogynistic jokes, been propositioned by men who were senior to me, I could go on for hours ... I consider my experiences to be mild in comparison to most women’s. I’m not particularly scarred. I am unperturbed by most things of this nature and have learnt, as most women have, to deal with these things and “get on with it”. I do not want my daughter to spend her teenage-hood and adulthood ducking and weaving because men do not respect women. I am done with this. I will do all in my power to help make change. Name withheld

I am a 68-year-old woman and I was first sexually assaulted when I was not quite 12. He was part of our extended family. He wanted to take me for a ride in his car. He had been stroking the inside palm of my hand and I was very frightened. I told my mother - she simply said don’t go for the ride. That was it - no father, mother, older brother defending me and taking the man to task. I had to wait and ask my friend at school what it all meant and she told me. I have never forgotten the fear - I can still taste it. At the same time I am the sister of a young man who was a high school teacher in a small town. He was required as part of his duties to ‘make up the team’ for a game of touch footy being played by both male and female adolescents. After the game a number of the girls made a complaint of sexual misconduct against him and he was suspended from duty. Other teachers in similar positions had not even been advised of the allegations against them, let alone suspended. My brother died by suicide within the week. These situations persist because people are more concerned about how it looks and how they can use the circumstances to get rid of people from the workplace. The mantra of telling the survivor to “toughen up” is more important than someone else taking the trouble to defend her. You don’t have to be a Marxist to see the power play that occurs in allegations of sexual assault in men or women and how so many people seem to revel in it. It’s sickening; we’ve had a gutful; it is time for a change for the better. Name withheld

A man followed me home from school once when I was about 15. I walked home and went up my neighbour’s driveway and jumped the side fence behind their shed so the creep didn’t know where I really lived. Nearly every nightclub outing has resulted in men trying to grab me under my dress.
I’ve been labelled a dick tease, c**t, bitch, slut by random men I don’t know in pubs and clubs because I didn’t want to accept a drink or a dance from them. Once, at a hotel, a man asked to buy me a drink when I was on the dance floor. I politely declined and turned away. He grabbed me by my hair, pulled me back and hit my face into a massive pillar and took off. I stumbled to a security guard and gave a description of the guy and told them what he did to me, they shrugged their shoulders, laughed and told me they couldn’t do anything.My first boyfriend would force me into sex with him despite me saying no. It wasn’t violent so I didn’t realise how wrong it was. When I finally split up with him, he wouldn’t leave my house. I had to lock myself in the bathroom and the neighbour over the road had to come and remove him. He then sat at the corner of my street for two hours refusing to leave.
The father of my children filmed me without my consent after we split up. I still don’t have possession of that footage and he has done it to others. Name withheld

On my first morning of my appointment to a city high school, as a young, fresh-faced graduate country girl who was rather afraid of the big city, I was subjected to crude and inappropriate remarks from another (male) teacher. Many years later, I needed some surgery, and was in the rooms of an eminent surgeon. He made some very inappropriate remarks as to what he would do to me when I would be, under his instructions, in a sedated state.
In each case, there were only two people present: myself and the perpetrator. If I had complained about the inappropriate comments, I would not have been believed, and no action would be taken. I would have been accused of trying to make trouble for these respectable men.
Why do some males think it is OK to belittle women, to make inappropriate remarks, and to treat them badly? I am fairly convinced that these men would be ashamed if their mothers had heard about their actions. Have these men no self respect? Obviously they don’t care about the damage they do to others. I realise that these two instances can be considered quite mild in the range of what constitutes assault, but, nevertheless it was verbal assault, and is still inappropriate behaviour. Name withheld


I was about 18 years old and I was working a casual job in a hot food take-away shop while I was also studying at university. I was a very good worker with a good work ethic. I started working morning shifts. One particular male colleague starting chatting to me and I thought we had a friendly workplace-based relationship. After a few weeks I noticed the conversations at work became more of a sexual nature and it made me feel really uncomfortable. I told my direct manager who asked me to speak to the owner. To cut a long story short, the owner told me; “he’s a good worker so I’m not going to do anything about it”. After that, I realised I couldn’t work there anymore if I wasn’t going to be treated by respect. I loved that job. Why as the person who was sexually harassed, be the one who had to leave just because he could slice tomatoes well. Name withheld

I was first sexually abused when I was 7 years old by a 15 year old we knew. Then, at 10, by an 80-year-old family friend. Then when I was 19, a couple I knew took advantage of me when I was inebriated. The worst time was when I was 25 and the guy I was seeing gave me a lemonade, but it wasn’t lemonade. I don’t remember passing out. The next morning I woke up bleeding rectally and had a hand-shaped bruise on my thigh. I couldn’t believe it had happened but it was blatantly obvious. The last time was when I was at a party and we’d all been drinking. I got woken up in the early hours with the host raping me while his girlfriend was in the next room. This is all just my experiences. I am terrified for my two daughters. Name withheld

I won’t be silent because I want my daughter to know that her bodily integrity is her right, that fear is not normal, that her voice counts.

Sexual abuse occurs in many different situations. As a 21-year-old student, naive in sexual matters, at the end of 1964 I attended a compulsory medical. This was required before I would be employed in the NSW public service. As I had trained for four years for my future job for life, it was important to pass this examination. The elderly doctor, whose identity I do not know, asked me to strip naked and then lie on his couch which I did. Without a word he inserted his fingers into my vagina (not asking if I were a virgin beforehand) and felt about. I froze and said nothing. Had I been assaulted, or was this part of the necessary examination, I asked myself. Virginity was quite a valuable thing to some people in those days, so, although until recently I’d been one, I thought that what this horrid old man did was a big violation. I told no one and went on with my life. I wonder how many other innocent girls did this doctor, about whom no one could object and thus jeopardise their future permanent employment, abuse. Although he would now be long dead and cannot be brought to account, I still remember the event as vividly as if it were yesterday. Name withheld

My wife was bullied by her manager at well-known large corporation. After he forced her to resign, she developed psychotic depression, and after discharge from mental hospital, took her own life. She was only 39, with a 9-year-old daughter. HR kept the matter under the carpet, workers compensation rejected the claim (suicide not covered), police not interested, the coroner declined the inquest (she was mentally ill at the moment of death), hospital authorities said: “well, sometimes people die”. Apparently no one is responsible. I think I don’t need to explain what me and my daughter have been through. Name withheld

When I was 21, I was travelling on a train late at night from Newcastle to central. I had fallen asleep and I woke up to find a man masturbating in my face. Name withheld

There has been a lot said about sexual abuse of women in the workplace, I would like to say the rural industry (farmers) are one of the worst. As a lady farmer, it is an unwritten law women supply the food, beverage, at any time of the day or night. They are expected to work on the farm as well as run the house, accounts etc. Being a lady farmer on her own or a single mother, well that is different – you are a sitting duck for any male that is so called “working” on his property to pop in to see how you are coping. Mostly they are popping in to talk to you about your lack of sexual activity and how they can “help you out” . Words like, it must be hard I can help you anytime day or night, but with that comes the groping, sexual advances, and unnecessary rude comments. You can say to them “go home back to your wife” that makes no difference. In my case I would find myself locking the gates, always looking over my shoulder when working in the paddock and around the stock yards. Farming communities are tight - everyone knows everything, you can’t make complaints to the necessary people without being judged as leading them on. So for years I kept quiet, trying to handle the harassment, not going to any functions, hiding in the house at night, running to my friends place to get out of the way, finally had to make a police report over two particular incidents. Finally I sold my much-loved farm to get away from the abuse. It impacts on your self-esteem, trust and ability to work feeling like you have been run out of town because you didn’t comply with the hidden unspeakable sexual abuse. The PM claims he has listened, but he is deaf – deaf to the pain, the anguish, the despair. But he is not blind to the rage – that is a political problem to be managed, to be strategised, to be spun into slick slogans. Name withheld

  • National Sexual Assault, Family & Domestic Violence Counselling Line: 1800 737 732.
  • Crisis support can be found at Lifeline: (13 11 14 and

A rape survivor in my eighth decade, I had long since buried memories of the man squeezing my breast, the man forcing his tongue down my throat, the man raping me – all before I was 17. What has excavated these long-buried traumas now? It’s not the stories of Grace Tame, Brittany Higgins, Chanel Contos – horrendous as they are. No; It is the PM’s response – his lack of understanding, lack of empathy, his deny/deflect/discredit strategy that turns the spotlight on him. He is the victim. Look at his tears. He invokes his wife, his daughters and his widowed mother – the centre of his world – to convince us he gets it. But he doesn’t get it – this is not a women’s issue – but an issue of abuse of power, privilege, and entitlement. And his lack of responsibility and accountability. Name withheld

I am a performer, a singer, a comedian. Two years ago at a show with approx 100 drunken male PE teachers at a golf club in south-west sydney I was tackled to the floor by a man who whispered in my ear “you know you want it”. What did I want? I had asked for audience participation. No-one intervened, I threw him off and finished the show, he was not asked to leave. I cannot count the amount of times I have been asked to “show us your tits” while singing; the amount of nights I have been stalked and followed to my car. Hosting a trivia night in Cronulla, a table of men had written “you need a good %$#” on the answer sheet, when I bought it to the attention of management, I was sacked. Saddest of all, they were just the strangers, most of the assaults I experienced were at the hands of a family member or partner. Name withheld

A protester at the Sydney March 4 Justice.

A protester at the Sydney March 4 Justice. Credit: Brook Mitchell

I am 80-ish and as a 6-year-old my 11-year-old brother used to pay me two bob to massage his erect penis with oil. Then he began penetrative sex. It hurt. When I talked about it with my sister and mother 20 years ago I was brushed off. He was not a favoured child but I was, is that why he did it? The family was educated and achieving but dysfunctional, a battleground. Love was absent, is that why he did it? In the last month a foggy veil of shame I have had all my life has lifted. I can think clearly. It’s so easy to see men’s disrespect for women and it is pleasurably brave to stand up to them now the mental fog of shame has gone. Thank you to all those at the front line in this fight for respect. Name withheld

I am a university educated, middle class woman, with a career in public health. Obtaining undergraduate and post graduate qualifications and working has been extremely difficult because of many, many years of sexual assaults and rapes. I have PTSD and a severe dissociative disorder. I had a harsh and unsupportive family, so no help there. Eventually I was a ‘sitting duck’ for the grooming and eventual rapes by a priest who was a family friend, an uncle who was a medical specialist, a very close friend’s brother who is a QC, and along the way a stranger at a train station who had a knife. Even the psychiatrist I saw to help with these traumas when I was in my 20s enticed me into his bed. All this was horrendous, but I am sure similar to the secrets held by many other Australian women. Name withheld

I don’t want to talk about the day a work colleague took me to his house for dinner after spending a lovely Saturday together. Or about how, after I said no sex without protection, he held me down and took what I refused to give. I want to talk about how for more than a year I blamed myself for somehow causing that to happen and questioned what I did to cause him to think that was ok. How calling it what it was seemed crazy to me. And how I coped with that guilt and shame and confusion by drinking and cutting myself in secret. How I accumulated enough of my back pain medication so I could stop crying every night by ending my life. How I didn’t tell anyone what happened because I felt like they would judge, shame and blame me, because that’s what we do to women. How my parents caught me cutting myself and dragged me to counselling and cried when I told them why. How I found a good man who helped me heal and twenty years passing lessened those feelings. And now I feel broken again. But really I’m bent, not broken. Name withheld

I am the daughter of a well-respected LGBTI rights campaigner. I need you to know that, like lesbians, their kids – especially their daughters – are targeted to be raped by some Australian men. I’ve been raped three times. Once by my husband, anally, in our own bedroom, as I cried, already socially isolated by his domestic violence. Once by my neighbour having been given Rohypnol in a cup of coffee to blank me out, then a shot of heroin I could not and did not consent to. It was the day his first child was born. I didn’t know he was a drug addict. The other time, a gang rape after Valium in a beer, involving three men. No charges, counselling or compensation because it took me too long to “deal with it” and cope. Two years is not long enough to access counselling or make a formal complaint to police, especially if you are an emotionally-unsupported single mum. Please help us Gaybys not be targeted as “sexual conquests”, no woman deserves such pain, fear and humiliation. Name withheld

At a very young age (maybe 10) I was groomed by a family friend to touch his penis. I don’t remember if he told me to do anything else but I do remember being scared. When I told my parents they said other people had said he’d done the same to them. Nothing was done.

When I was in high school my Dad’s friend came into my room when he thought I was sleeping and he put his hand down the front of my top. I didn’t tell my parents for a long time and when I did again nothing was done.They asked why I didn’t tell them sooner.

Another family friend who had an older son also took advantage of me and got me to touch him inappropriately. I think by this age I was numb to the fact that it was wrong and never spoke up about this as I was afraid I would get in trouble.

Writing these things as a mother of two daughters makes my heart beat so hard that it hurts.This has to stop. The fact that it happens more often than not and by people that we know is disgraceful and scary. Listen to us Scott Morrison; why would we make this up? Name withheld

I would implore all women to not be ashamed, but to be empowered and speak out. Things will only change if more victims come forward.

I am 66, and was raped on two separate occasions when I was 18. I had moved to a city from a country town to start university. Both occasions related to attending parties. The first time the man followed me from the party as I left, dragged me behind a building, and hit me in the face to stop my struggling. The second time I had been drugged and semi-awoke to find myself being raped.

I didn’t tell anyone at the time until many years later, as I carried a sense of shame. Women must shed this self-blame, as it silences us and protects the rapists.

I am very happy to see women of all ages now telling their stories, and thank the Herald for offering another place to do that. I hope you can also use this forum as a way of gathering data about the prevalence of rape, so that people like the Prime Minister can no longer profess ignorance. Name withheld

I was a virgin and raped at 15 years old by a boy aged 16. We were at a party. I was drinking. He raped me. I had blood on my clothes, which I lied about after to hide what had happened. Everyone knew “we had had sex” because of the blood. No one knew what actually happened. I said “stop” over and over again and when he didn’t ... I stopped. I just lay there, resolute to the fact that this was happening. Fair, I didn’t fight, scream, push him off. It wasn’t violent. But I had been drinking and wasn’t able to assert myself enough. Although what is enough? I said stop. He kissed me on the cheek and said “thank you”. Those were the last words he ever said to me. This is my story. Name withheld

This breaks my heart to write, but it boils and bubbles like a cauldron of poison that I cannot rid myself of. It has stained my soul and forever sits waiting to pour out and destroy every relationship I ever have. It starts age three or four. Raped by my cousin, still can feel his body on mine while our parents are in another room. I’m fairly sure the abuse went on until my teens when I could and did fight back, but have amnesia over it. He goes on to become a monster who went to jail for torturing a woman.

When I told my mother, she didn’t believe me. I’ve still never spoken to my dad about it. I was assaulted by a neighbour at four – pulled into a shed and groped and kissed.

I was then assaulted by three young men while I worked at KFC as a shift supervisor at 19. Someone took video of them jiggling their groins in the direction of my face while I cleaned something on the floor. It was caught on security tape. When I took it to higher up, the owner and area manager said “do you really want to ruin the lives of these young guys?” When I took it to police, the response was: “Did you punch them? Unfortunately we can’t do anything.” Years later, I had to work at a completely different job with one of the guys. We were working with children. It triggered me every time I had to see him. Name withheld

I worked for a mayor candidate in his election campaign. We are out a lot at functions. I’m married with two young kids. One night he starts foot rubbing and up the thigh. I accept the invitation to go back to his place cause I know I don’t have a job if I say no. He complains that I’m disinterested. I later move jobs and I’m in an executive role, my boss is the GM and he seems very caring. One time we have sex in a large hall area of the building. I know I can’t refuse to go along. That would be the end of my career. Security guards see us and do nothing. Just close the door and apologise. Name withheld

I was sixteen when I was the victim of a sexual assault by my sister’s then boyfriend, in a laneway in Petersham. He had offered to escort me to the train station, as my sister had stayed for a party and I wanted to go home. After his assault I managed to escape and run. I told no one. Not my sister, no one. I have also suffered domestic abuse, in my first and my second marriages, always thinking it was my fault. I have experienced rape in my marriage too. I am now in my 80th year, and these past weeks have brought it all back to me. I thought I had put it all behind me, but the misguided shame lives on. Name withheld

Women have been sharing their experiences.

Women have been sharing their experiences. Credit: Brook Mitchell

I told my brother I knew at least three girls in high school who were raped by guys we went to school with. He looked at me in disbelief. “But why weren’t they arrested?” Because none of the girls felt they could report the issue. “They were on a date”. “They led them on.” “They shouldn’t have let it happen”. This is a valid fear of how we will be judged. Enough is enough. Name withheld

When I was around 8 years of age, at my mother’s friend’s house playing with her son, a much older boy told me I couldn’t play with them unless I was his queen. I agreed. He then proceeded to groom me and sexually assault me on several occasions in the guise of being “kings and queens”.

At high school, I was sexually assaulted by a group of three boys on an ongoing basis over several years during one of our regular classes. The male teacher saw this happening, looked at me in disgust and did nothing. I had my first date in a movie theatre at 14. The boy was 19. He grabbed my hand and used it to masturbate himself. I was sexually assaulted by my father at 15, when I told him I wanted to be a model. He decided this was the perfect opportunity for him to grope me. I was raped at 17 by a bouncer. I told my friends and they told me I was drunk and should sleep it off.

I had consensual sex with a man I liked when I was 17. His friend walked into the room. I had the choice of ‘consent’ or rape. I chose to close my eyes and hope it was over quickly.

When working in a club, a colleague called me out the back. He had a Mars bar stuck on his penis. He wanted me to eat it off. I told my boss. He told me that was just ‘Raf being Raf’ and if I had a problem with it, I could leave.

Every time I was wolf whistled at, I felt stressed and afraid. Every time some dickhead gave me a compliment, I was stressed and afraid. Would these result in more abuse if I responded or ignored them? Should I keep them happy and smile appreciatively so they didn’t go further? Should I run? Should I tell them why it was inappropriate? No. Just stay small, quiet and ready to run.

I was raped at 24 by someone who I thought was my friend. That was the final straw for me. Now I have PTSD and I always wish I was dead. I just wanted to have a normal life, white picket fence, 2.1 kids. Now I just want to try and stay employed long enough to be able to buy a house so I’m not homeless in my old age. It’s so damn hard to stay employed when everyone is terrifying. Just attending a workplace is exhausting, constantly feeling the need to protect myself is so damn draining. I struggle to actually live.

Now I’m extremely fat. It’s the only thing that makes men leave me alone. I just want to be treated like a person with real feelings. I want to feel safe. Please keep your hands and penises to yourselves. It’s really not that hard to not be rapey. I could fill pages with all of the minor abuse. But why bother? No one cares. Name withheld


In 1982 a man held a knife at my throat and said he was going to rape me and kill me if I didn’t submit. Luckily I was able to talk my way out of it, he ran off, I called the cops. They arrived pronto, two plain clothes detectives, one senior, one junior, and took me down to the station to make a statement. But on the way, they suggested, we should look through the local pubs as the offender might well be hiding out there. So they took me, a traumatised and freshly minted survivor, through the public bars and lounges of seedy Sydney pubs, the bastions of toxic masculinity, under the gaze of drunken men. The senior detective went to talk to the publicans, giving them the offender’s description while the junior detective walked me through. At the third pub the senior told us to wait in the car. He went in, came back saying the publican was busy and would come out. Publican duly came out and leaned on the open front passenger window where Snr sat. I sat behind him. “What seems to be the problem?” asked the publican. Snr says, “Well we’re looking for a suspect (gives description) ...” and publican passes him something while saying he’ll keep an eye out. In the following days as I replay and replay events it dawns on me. The object he passed was cylindrical, 10cm long at most, and red-orange. The colour of a $20 note. It was money. I believe the cops were doing their rounds and dragged me along. We didn’t find the guy. I made a statement at the copshop and never heard another thing. Name withheld

My 84-year-old sister has needed my loving and caring support over the last few months due to the excessive media attention to women’s sexual abuse that has brought to her attention a sad part of her life she had tried unsuccessfully to bury. The focus on these experiences reminded her that she was raped by her employer when she was 16 years of age. Pregnancy resulted followed by her having an abortion, over which she has felt great anguish for the rest of her life. Speaking about this and sharing with me has been difficult for her to face, as though the abuse happened just yesterday. Counselling was the only thing to diffuse her regret and anger. Name withheld

My daughter was gang-raped at 14 but didn’t disclose this, even to us, until her early 20s when her mental health took a downturn and she could ignore it no longer. She reported it to the police and they interviewed one person, who denied it. That was the end of that but my daughter was given victim compensation. Not a lot for a lifetime of mental health issues. Name withheld

“Don’t tell. It’s our little secret. If you tell, Dad will go berserk and shoot me. He’ll be in jail, and I’ll be dead. You’ll be taken away and you’ll never see Mum and your brother and sister again. If you tell, no-one will believe you anyway. It’s our little secret.” That was the mantra from my step-grandfather for the first 12 years of my life.

Our little secret. My rapist did everything he could think of to my little body. But the real damage lies deep in my soul. I can’t speak for all survivors. Except in this. Sexual violence damages ALL of our souls. Beyond understanding. Forever. It damages our families and our friends. Forever.

The problem with not holding perpetrators accountable is that they carry on unchecked, destroying lives. To witness what has happened in the last few weeks at the very top of our political system is a kick in the guts for all survivors. It tells us again, It’s our little secret. No one will believe you anyway.

No more. Procedures must be put in place to support victims and deny secrecy to rapists. No more protecting parliamentary predators. Name withheld

Let me count the ways. Age 11 at my home in the presence of my family (they were unaware) I was groped under the table by my parents’ best man. At 15, I was raped by a boy from a Catholic boys school, harassed at work more times than I can remember. Their weapon is knowing you will be too embarrassed or scared to tell. Name withheld

Almost 50 years ago I married my first husband. He was abusive from the start. He abused me physically, mentally, emotionally and sexually. The abuse included hitting (but never where a bruise would be seen) pulling hair out by the roots, locking me out of the house in my pyjamas in the middle of winter, isolating me, telling people I was crazy, and threatening to hurt my family if I left. On the last night of our marriage we had attended a rural community gathering ending with the usual baseless accusations and violence. I sought sanctuary in a room full of men, most of whom I had known all may life, and many of them related to me, and begged them to not let him take me away because he would hurt me. To a man they sadly said they could do nothing because he was my husband. That moment will stay with me forever. After extracting myself from the relationship, I just thought that that was over and never really spoke about it. I never thought of myself as a victim of sexual assault, but of course I was. The fact that he was my husband does not change anything, but it is only now that I am realising that. As I write, this it seems trivial compared to what many women have experienced, but it feels good to be able to share my experiences. Name withheld

What can government do? Why not start with a national definition of consent utilising the Tasmanian model.

When I was 16 and met a handsome young man at a lifesaving club where only lemonade was served. Later, we went for a walk along the sands as it was a warm and balmy night with a moon shining on the ocean. Soon we were out of sight of house lights and I thought we should turn back when he suggested we sit near the sandhills. I had no sooner sat down when he was upon me, heavy and strong. At first I pushed back but I was clear headed and knew I was no match physically. In an instant I put him at ease by saying OK. He immediately relaxed, rolling off me, putting his hands behind his head. Slowly, I sat up, leaning forward when he grabbed me again asking what I was doing. The answer was I’m taking off my sandals. He released me and as he did, I jumped up and ran down to the hard sand with him after me, swearing and cursing but not catching me as I eventually ran up the steps to the promenade, jumping into the nearest taxi. If I had been drinking to excess, I wouldn’t have been able to think clearly nor run so fast and this memory makes me concerned for girls and women who overdose with alcohol or anything else.They put themselves at risk far more than if they were sober. Thinking later after this event, I didn’t just blame him but accepted that I had been young, naive and unthinking. It didn’t happen again. Name withheld

I am a financial counsellor and almost every female client has been the victim of domestic violence. I want equal pay and I want men to stop their criminal behaviour towards women. I am married to a respectful, caring male so I know not all men are bastards, so what are men going to do and change the way the treat women. Name withheld

I was working as children’s entertainer at an aquarium, and dressed in a full seal costume with limited mobility and a no talking rule. My male colleague would invite members of the public (other men) to “have a feel” to guess if it was a female or male under the costume. He also pushed me up against a wall and intimated sex acts on me, and loudly commented on my breasts in the break room. I was 14. Name withheld

The abuse has impacted on my relationships, my career, my children and my health. I deal with it every day and I am one of the lucky ones, I’m still alive.

At 20, I awoke with a man touching my vagina and he pressured me into sex, even though I had told him I did not want to. At 21, as an employee in a graduate program, I had a 45-year-old male colleague tell me his wife did not engage in oral sex, and ask if I would like to give him a blowjob. At 22 (working in a different company) I had a male colleague regularly put pornographic photos in front of me while I was on the phone to clients. When I notified management, I was told to toughen up and avert my eyes. I can’t help but wonder – would all this be happening in Canberra if Julie Bishop was PM? Now is the time to act, Mr Morrison. If you’re not sure what to do, get some good advisers who can guide you. I can accept and forgive for what has happened thus far, but please, please do not let the women of this country down by not taking serious, widespread and culture- altering action. Name withheld

I am a woman, now in my 40s. I was sexually assaulted on several occasions at age 5 by a 15-year-old family member. I was sexually harassed by my professional rugby playing boyfriend’s teammates over a period of 2 years. The pervading view of women was disgusting. Women were often referred to as “things”. I was raped at university – a fellow student who just would not leave my room. In a separate incident I was raped by an up-and-coming Liberal staffer who would just not leave my room even when I threatened to call the police.

I was relentlessly sexually harassed in my first state government workplace. A senior member of staff asked me about recent weight loss and said how disappointed he was as he used to love looking at my breasts. A group of men had a list of all female staff which they regularly discussed and “rated” how they imagined their vaginas. A group of men complained to HR that they found my presence “a distraction”. Senior men, stakeholders in another organisation openly speculated about my sex life. I reported all of these matters to the male head of HR and asked that a sexual harassment workshop be held. This request was denied. I left the organisation.

Again in the public service, on a work trip, a senior colleague forced his way into my hotel room and asked “so are we sleeping together”? I reported this matter and was accused of trying to steal his job. The workplace tried to move me sideways into another role. I resigned on principle. The CEO of a government department said to me that he felt we had a connection and would I spend the evening in his hotel room. This was a professional relationship I had to sustain for several years. Another head of a department has sexually harassed me on too many occasions to count. I was stalked by a government minister.

I have been sexually accosted by a taxi driver. I no longer wear my hair in a pony-tail when walking in public places. I carry keys in my hands, an umbrella, I pick up a stick anytime I am walking through a park. I refuse to have my child in a childcare centre where males work. I refuse to allow my other daughter to go on sleepovers where male siblings will be present. My mother was raped by her employer and gave birth to my sister. She was sexually assaulted by her brother. Her mother was also sexually assaulted by her brother.

Readers have been sharing their stories.

Readers have been sharing their stories. Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

The male dominance / power imbalance is real. It is insidious. And I see women play on it as a way to stay safe, get ahead, and keep life manageable. While we are focusing on “bad” male behaviours, we need to understand WHY men behave this way. I’d argue many of the men who have harassed me in my life (I make a distinction here between harassment and physical assault) are not bad. They have been brought up to believe that to be masculine they need validation from women. As a woman who attracted attention based on my appearance I have been targeted over and over. And I will admit to you – sometimes it was just easier to let it happen. I learnt early on that making a fuss burns the woman to makes the complaint. We need to do a lot more to understand this dynamic. We also need to ban violent pornography. It disgusts me to my core and only further serves to entrench male sexual entitlement/use of women, children, vulnerable people for personal satisfaction. Name withheld

At a 17-year-old and a “fresher” I was at a party held in a courtyard at a student’s pad. As I stood with a glass in hand a senior student approached and started talking. As he did so he moved closer and closer in a menacing manner so I moved back and back until I could go no further. My bottom was against the drinks table with its glasses and bottles. Then, despite my objections, he began to feel me up, beginning first at my waist up to my boobs, then down to my thighs and creeping up my skirt. “Stop it!” I hissed and when it continued I twisted around to the table behind and grabbed a beer bottle, one of those big ones. Only when I brandished it in a threatening manner did he desist. He could tell I would use it. Name withheld

Morrison said that women “have to put up with this rubbish and this crap for their entire lives.” This is a snapshot of how it unfolded for me. Toddler to 18 years: fraternal bullying, domination, humiliation, gaslighting, framing, physical and psychological violence. Paternal oppression through silence, complicity and no punishment. Eight to 12 years old: Ambushed and sexually assaulted a number of times, by a young man who was the son of couple within our family circle of friends. Eighteen years:Virginity lost to date rape, countless incidents of sexual harassment in the workplace. Twenty years: Sexually attacked in my sleep before New Years Day 1987. Thirty-one years: Sexually harassed with attempted sexual blackmail by my senior co-writer/ business partner. My father told me to walk away, even when hundreds of thousands of royalties and my career was at stake. My stepmother told me to go along with it – “He’s not bad looking, is he?” Results: career, social/power loss, financial ruin, re-triggering all past traumatic events, victim-blaming by my parents into a nervous breakdown and six weeks of involuntary hospitalisation. I am now 55, under-employed, manuscripts unpublished and impoverished. Name withheld


At 16 I was needy and vulnerable. I was groomed and raped by a 35-year-old policeman. My educated misogynistic father shut me down with “what story are you making up!” The policeman’s behaviours were known – my schoolfriend’s parents prevented her attending his horse-camps, and recently I overheard a stranger commenting “isn’t he that paedophile”; but no actions against him.

I was stalked and sexually assaulted in my mid-twenties. The attending officer warned “this man may hurt you badly - leave with no forwarding address”. The perpetrator was detained for three days receiving a $50 fine - I was advised legal action would cause me more trauma. For years I sat up with a knife under my pillow trying not to sleep, becoming mentally and physically unwell. My father said “women who sunbake topless on the beach are subconsciously asking to be raped” - my family and others complicit by silence.

I learnt the shame and blame of abuses were mine, to tolerate abuses, to make self-destructive choices. I feel worthlessness and enragement from a lifetime of various abuses and systemic discrimination, which stole my potential, happiness and health. Silenced until 59 - thank you Grace and Brittany for roaring for me. Name withheld

It began at age 10 with sexual touching by a male relative. Too embarrassed to speak up I learnt to keep my distance. Growing older, bought the constant whistles and sleezy comments from building sites, ute drivers and truckies and inappropriate gestures and sexual innuendo from male work colleagues. All this I endured stoicly because it seemed to be expected of me as a female. Marriage, two children and a divorce later I rejoined the workforce, only to be told, by a woman no less, that one of the male seniors was, “a bit handsy, but harmless - just ignore him”. After many demands for him to stop and numerous complaints to his superior, I told the groper I’d tell his wife. That put a stop to it. More jobs and more harassment followed until I turned 50, the age where women become “invisible”. What sweet relief. Name withheld

More jobs and more harassment followed until I turned 50, the age where women become “invisible”. What sweet relief.

Sadly, history tells us all political parties have ‘form’ in relation to sexual assault, misbehaviour and discrimination. I was sexually assaulted by a politician at a corridor party in the dying days of the Keating government. I was a departmental officer attending at the invitation of my minister’s office. I was asked to be ‘nice’ to the politician as he was a significant factional figure. Clearly this ‘niceness’ was not intended to extend to his persistent and aggressive physical assaults – attempting to lure me to his office, pushing me against the wall, kissing me and groping my breasts and genitals. Fortunately I escaped and, for my own safety in the face of his persistence, was escorted from the ministerial wing. While I was not expected to accommodate this man’s desires, it was clear that his position (and mine as a mere departmental officer) meant he would avoid negative consequences. On the other hand, I was told (unofficially) that when signing departmental awards for excellence, the then minister ‘jokingly’ queried whether mine was for “giving blowjobs in the corridor of Parliament House”. I was traumatised and humiliated both by the assault and the alleged ministerial response, and saddened at the lack of departmental care. Both the politician and former minister are now dead, so I cannot receive seek or receive redress and there is nothing to gain in naming them publicly. Since that time I have worked for politicians of both sides, and at senior levels in the public service and private sector. While there are many models of good behaviour, remains much to be done to address harassment, assault and bullying. Name withheld

My experience of being harassed at a workplace function was in the early 1980s, when leaning on a balcony, someone grabbed by backside. All I could hear was male laughter and I was so embarrassed I pretended not to notice. My colleague saw who it was – the managing partner of the company I worked at. Another incident – walking along the street and a man walking past in the opposite direction just decides he’s going to grab my breast. I was so shocked, by the time I had thought to run after him, he was long gone. I know my experience is very minor compared to others but I hope this movement brings about change in male behaviour for my granddaughter’s sake and the next generation of females. Name withheld

I am honoured to be able to acknowledge in this way the harrowing experiences of my mother, who died 16 years ago at the age of 86, taking with her to the grave her unresolved experience of being continually sexually abused by a family “uncle”. She was the second youngest of nine children and after her mum died having the last child, the family was broken up and my mum, as a young child, was sent to live with an “uncle” family friend and his wife. Seen to be a fine upstanding man, he started a process of sexual abuse of my mum, from when she was sitting on a swing, and when she was at the piano practising her musical studies, through to when she finally managed to leave as a young woman. In my early career and with a new daughter myself, I worked at Barnardos and when telling Mum snippets of what issues of child sexual assault I was working with, she shared what had happened to her. I was never able to get much from her but she couldn’t ever tell her siblings and just thought of it as something she felt she must have brought on herself and something she always tried to forget. Both she and her harrowing stories have gone now, but I’m honoured to be able to acknowledge what has happened to her and countless children and adults, in this anonymous and collective process. Name withheld

I am so glad that women are now able to tell their stories and not have to hide the abuse they have suffered.  I admire their courage and determination to bring about a change in culture for all women.

At 16, while on a bike ride with a friend, a masturbating man stood up out of the bushes along the side of the path. In uni I went to an event where a bouncer - who not only ran a security company but also ran in my state’s election for a conservative ‘family values’ party – refused to let me enter the event unless I kissed him on the mouth. Same with many other women who attended. A few years ago a complete stranger kissed me on the mouth while I was carrying groceries in the lift in my building. I remember being so shocked I just stood there holding my bags. A former lover attempted to force me to perform oral sex. I remember being scared he would break my neck. One night while working at a nightclub someone fully grabbed me between the legs while I was walking around picking up glasses. These stories are just a handful of mine, and span the last 15 years or so. Name withheld

At five years of age I was quietly looking at picture books on the back verandah while my grandparents entertained guests. One of the visiting men appeared and asked me to take my pants down. I refused. At 10 years of age, on a train by myself (in those days). Between St Peters and Sydenham a man sat next to me, took out his penis and shook it at me. Upset and embarrassed, I ignored him. He got out at the next stop.

At 20 years of age, in salubrious Cremorne, heading home after an early evening visit to the nearest public phone box (in those days). A man walking towards me grabbed my breast. I yelled, he ran. At 28 years of age, on a beautiful sunny day, driving my open sports car (in those days) from Newcastle to Sydney. At a petrol station on a quiet stretch of the highway, the sole attendant reached into the car and squeezed my breast. In the next town I reported him to the police, who immediately set out to take action. In the fifty years since then a couple of incidents, fortunately nothing involving penetration. Just lucky, I guess. Name withheld

I accepted an invitation to dinner from a man when I was about 20. The dinner was a rather dull affair with no spark of attraction between us. He picked me up from the nurses home at Prince Henry hospital where I was living at the time. After the dinner he was driving me home but suddenly “had to be at a friends place at Kings Cross to accept a phone call from overseas”. This was before mobile phones. Needless to say there was no phone call - just the expectation of sex with which I did comply as I was in unfamiliar surroundings and was becoming frightened. I was not drunk. After I was tossed out on the roadside, still only half dressed with $2 to get a taxi the rest of the way home. I will never forget that walk of shame to the taxi rank as all the cabbies watched me go past. I often think about this guy and wonder if he has a wife and daughters himself now. Name withheld

Between 1989 and 1991, I lived at a residential college, while I studied physiotherapy at the University for Queensland. Every time the nightly bus service stopped at the college there would be an announcement: “Calling All Girls, The Rape Bus is Here”. The statement was announced by fellow female residents who were manning the front desk. The statement was announced over the intercom that went into every girls room. The bus visited the college to pick up/drop girls off to various locations around the St Lucia campus. If you had a late night lecture, wanted to study at the library at night or just visit friends at another college on campus, this was the bus service to catch if you didn’t want to get “raped.” I always had this feeling that “I have to get home before it gets dark, otherwise I may be in danger.” I was acutely aware that if I had a late night lecture, I needed to know the timetable of the “rape bus” and where to catch it from to ensure my safety. I have been every fortunate, I have never been assaulted. However, I am sick and tired of the way women have been treated and continue to be treated. Name withheld

From the age of 5 through to 17, I experienced constant harassment from my father. It ranged from touching me between my legs (in the guise of playing a game), having nude baths with him, being encouraged to masturbate in front of him and, in my teen years, fondling my breasts. It continued until I left home at 17. At age 11, an unknown male exposed himself to me and making me hold his penis in a park while my father was distracted by his latest girlfriend. At age 18, I was in an accident where I received crushed vertebrae. A specialist friend of my stepmother offered to treat me. He started massaging my legs because “the nerves in your legs are connected to your spine” and then was “accidentally” touching my vagina. My stepmother chose not to believe there was anything inappropriate when I told her. As an adult, I became a lot more assertive and so was able to deflect inappropriate physical contact. Name withheld

In 1987, a male teacher propositioned me during class-time. I was 14. In the 90s, a man raped me without a condom the morning after I’d spent a consensual night with him. At an ashram in India, a monk pressured me to share massages. Male harassment has always been inescapable. Most women of my ‘liberated’ era have a long list of such tales. Today, I am infuriated that I can’t let my 16-year-old daughter walk home after dark in case a man decides he needs to attack, rape or murder her. We are still not safe or free and the anger and frustration I feel when the men in power refuse to understand is overwhelming. Name withheld


My first experience was walking home from school at 12, when a man jumped out from behind the bushes in my path and exposed his genitals. He was erect and he was playing with it. It was the first time I’d seen a man’s genitals. I never told my family or reported it because I was terrified and embarrassed. My second experience was in India on a school trip at 15. At a busy tourist site, middle aged men grabbed the girls’ chests, crotches and behinds. It was the first time someone had touched me there. This one I reported, but nothing more than counselling came from it. My third experience was with a boyfriend at 20. We were having sex in the dark and he was using the flashlight on his phone to see. It took ten minutes for me to notice that he was filming me without my consent. I stopped sex and deleted it off his phone, but my trust in men was now completely shattered. I did not report it. I no longer had the video as proof, I didn’t want to upset his family, and no one would believe me. Name withheld

Marital rape in 1969 was legal. This happened to me. With no-one to tell or believe me, it remained a secret. March 4 Justice inspired me to tell. These brave young women today need our support and continued fight for respect and equality. I am tired of this fight. But fight I will for a better Australia and world for my daughters, granddaughter, and for all women. Name withheld

As a survivor of child sex abuse living with PTSD I have been so betrayed by leadership in all facets of our society that I feel more despair than hope as the news cycles unfold and again, I add my own cry for change. What more will it take for women to be treated as human beings? I have never experienced a world free of sexualisation and harassment. In addition to the abuse I suffered, in my adolescence I was whistled at or heckled when I walked to school. When I was 16, a man stalked me for four months. As a nurse, I was harassed and groped by patients and doctors. When I became a lawyer, I thought I would be empowered to escape, but the legal industry merely continued the trend. The abusive and inappropriate behaviour of men has denied my identity and my very right to exist. It has stolen my family, inhibited my intimate relationships, and sullied moments that should have been joyful. It must stop. I’ve lost hope, but I won’t be silent because I want my daughter to know that her bodily integrity is her right, that fear is not normal, that her voice counts. When will this cry for help finally be heard, and acted upon? Name withheld

She was a university student and a part-time waitress at a popular theatre restaurant in 1976. The boss said he would drive to her home after a late shift. Peter was an ex-policeman. He was a lot older and overweight. The assistant manager was also in the car. She thought she was safe. Instead she was taken to a flat at an unknown address. She repeatedly asked to be taken home. She had no idea where she was, no phone and no means of getting home. He kept her there all night. He lied. She cried. The next shift she was sacked. She has never forgotten what happened that night. Now she wonders if she wasn’t the only one. Name withheld

My story is not about violence or assault but it is about the entrenched misogyny at the highest levels. I’ll preface this by saying that I’m a CEO of a successful mid-sized organisation. While attending a multi-person meeting when I had dropped my pen at the boardroom table and had bent down to pick it up, a male CEO from another organisation who was also at that meeting abruptly and loudly said “while you are down there”. His intent was clear, entirely sexual without a trace of irony. I gave him a strongly-worded dressing down but had I been a more junior staffer, it would have been even more confronting. Name withheld

I was sexually abused by a family member. I have been physically assaulted numerous times by an ex-partner and received abusive messages and threats to disclose personal information from a different ex-partner. This is in addition to numerous other examples of discrimination in the workplace and in a professional capacity. For Gen Xs, this is all too ordinary. Name withheld

Protesters at the Sydney March 4 Justice.

Protesters at the Sydney March 4 Justice. Credit: Brook Mitchell

I was 16. He was my friend. I dozed off on a lazy Saturday afternoon confident of my safety. This time was different. I woke up to the door barred so no-one could help me. I was not drunk, I was not dressed provocatively, I did not lead him on. I was just a girl who had a friend who was a boy, who thought he could take what he wanted. It was 20 years ago and I think about it daily. I can still feel it, I still see it, I am still ashamed. I did not come forward. I have to believe he didn’t do it again. Name withheld

I was continually harassed by an ex-boss who chased me around his office and nearly raped me on the last occasion. His wife was pregnant at the time so he wanted sex. Name withheld

I want to be free to go where I want, do what I want, wear what I want and be all I can be. Every woman deserves this, as does every man.

I was sexually assaulted 45 years ago. I was a school student in uniform walking home from school. A man stopped the car and wound down his window and asked directions. He grabbed me and dragged me forcibly into his car. He then drove the car into a bush area. I wasn’t raped but I was sexually assaulted. Afterwards, he drove me back to the main road and let me out. I was lucky I wasn’t raped, I wasn’t killed. I never told my caring parents. I saw this man for many years after the assault, stopping at the bus stop where I waited for my school bus, smiling at me. Driving pass me and slowing his car down. I felt preyed on. Forty-five years later I have only ever told my husband of the assault but if I did see this man now working in a high profile public service job I just might have the courage to go to the police to report this man, thanks to the courage of Grace and Brittany. Name withheld

The teacher who kissed me on the mouth. The drunk 19 year old boy who knew I liked him and thought after a few drinks that kissing meant “yes to everything”, stuck at a party on a remote property for the weekend with no way to get home. His concern on the Monday school bus was not that I bled for three days, but that I might get pregnant. The lovely family I spent holidays with for years to escape my vicious depressed mother, only to have the dad lie on top of me and kiss me goodnight on the mouth at 15. The boys at residential college at uni who spread rumours that I slept with them because I refused, at 17. The stranger who grabbed my breast hard walking across a pedestrian crossing in the other direction. The men in my male-dominated profession who speak over me, interrupt me, give each other work because they went to school together. It’s exhausting. Name withheld

I turned 51 in February. I am the GM of a charity. There are around a dozen board members, all men. By and large they are really polite and gentlemanly but in the last 12 months or so alone I’ve had: a middle aged guy go to shake my hand at a function and use the hand shake to yank me towards him to kiss my neck; one of the most senior political representatives in Australia lear down my cleavage instead of making eye contact on being introduced and a member of the Board try to show me a photo of himself minus his pants at a strip club in Vietnam.

Now I wear neckline dresses and shirts to all functions. I wear trousers where possible. I wear body tape to keep my clothes firmly attached to me. I don’t go to the office if I know a particular person or other is in town and might drop in when I am alone. I thought this would have stopped by now. Every time these things happen I feel undermined, insignificant, vulnerable. A seething volcano rises inside me but I can’t seem to find the courage to tell anyone because everyone I would logically tell to make it stop is male, seemingly on the other side. Women need to get together and fight this together. We need to rally. I am so very tired of feeling afraid. Half a century of feeling afraid. It’s so long. Name withheld

I have been spat at, had drinks thrown in my face, been told I was a “f-king slut” and worse, in public places by men when I have called them out on their treatment of me (such as yelling for me to suck their d--ks). I have been chased around offices, had hands all over me, have been groped numerous times in public, had lewd suggestions, inappropriate comments. I’ve been threatened physically and called every name under the sun. I’ve had my head shoved into laps. Name withheld

In the mid-90s, I was going through a traumatic time. Being a person who has always spoken out concerning matters of social justice, I was heartened to see a number of letters in my local newspaper from an elderly priest about matters of justice and equality. He lived in aged care home. I wrote to him and thought I would like to visit. He met me at a rail station in his car and he started reaching for my breasts. I had to sit with my arms folded tight. He took me to a lonely cemetery where he told me he was going to be buried. I was terrified. He then drove me to his aged care hostel. He continued to sexually harass me. At any time I could have left his room but I was frozen with fear. I did not expect this from a priest. My aim was to get back to the station and home. He drove me and his last words to me were “you can’t deny an old man”. Name withheld

It was my first year of teaching, I was a naive 22 year old. On the day of school photos, the staff had to stand on tiered planks. So there was a row above and behind me. I felt something on my shoulder, looked down and it was the bared penis of the male teacher standing behind me. He left it there until we dispersed. It never occurred to me to report it to the male administration and I knew it would be treated as a joke if I told anyone. That was 50 years ago and the memory is vivid. Name withheld

Protesters hold up at a list with the names of more than 800 women and children killed in domestic violence incidents since 2008.

Protesters hold up at a list with the names of more than 800 women and children killed in domestic violence incidents since 2008.Credit: Justin McManus

At about 10 years of age, I was sexually assaulted by a relative’s younger brother. I really had no idea of what was happening and I told no-one. This happened a long time ago, and it was only a year or two ago that my relative told me she could not understand how he could make excuses for men caught with child sex abuse material. I still felt I couldn’t say anything. But I worry that he could be an offender. This stuff tears lives and families apart. Name withheld

Writing these things as a mother of two daughters makes my heart beat so hard that it hurts.

After 60 years I can tell my story and other women will understand the hurt and loss I went through. A male clerk, in the company where I worked, exposed himself to me and started masturbating when I was leaving the office toilets. I told the senior female secretary to the manager and the outcome was I was fired. It was not only the shock of losing my job, but also losing the respect of my boyfriend and encountering the fury of my father. From this disgusting male action I was the one who lost the respect of my family, my confidence and an income. In succeeding years on two occasions when extended family male members tried to sexually harass me, I kept quiet only to hear that the perpetrators told lies about me to cover their actions in case I spoke out. I have worn this reputation to this day, the hurtful reverberations from their actions don’t go away. You see, nothing has changed. The illusion of male dominance is in their own egos, exacerbated when they gather together in places of social importance, where they have the need to outdo one another with derogatory action and remarks against women. It is time they graduated from primary school. Name withheld

I was in Year 8 at a Sydney boarding school in 1983 and I recall this was an exciting period when my friends and peers were starting to experiment with our appearance, relationships and alcohol. A male friend in my year had a party at his house on his farm. He had explained that his parents would not be there, but that his older brother, a young adult, would be present to ensure nothing got out of hand. There was alcohol and I drank a lot of it, to the extent that I became ill and passed out. I recall being taken by two of my friends into a bedroom and they assisted me into bed and then left me to sleep it off. I do not know how much time had passed but I started to stir when I became aware that there was someone in the bedroom with me. I was still groggy and confused but I was able to clearly identify the person and I recall their name to this day. It was a boy from my school, two years ahead of me. He undid my jeans, put his hands down my underpants and sexually assaulted me using his hand. I was scared and confused and still very much under the influence of alcohol. I did not know what to do, so I pretended to still be passed out. I told two of my friends about this a couple of years later and swore them to secrecy, but I kept it to myself for some time because I didn’t think anyone would believe me. This boy was popular at school and came from a well off farming family and I felt like I had done something wrong because I had been intoxicated. I told my mother and sister about it approximately five years ago, which was somewhat cathartic. The real sadness for me is that I’ve grappled with anxiety disorder for many years. Being sexually assaulted has had an unfortunate impact on my psycho-sexual health, such that I struggle sometimes with intimacy. Name withheld

During the 1990s, when in my 30s, I needed to work a few days each week in Canberra. One morning, whilst waiting for a taxi at the entrance of the Hyatt Hotel the then very senior cabinet minister approached me and started a conversation. He was at the entrance with a group of about five staffers/colleagues, all male. The minister’s conversation and questions became more pointed and personal. I was very uncomfortable. The following evening I was to meet colleagues in the hotel bar and then go on to dinner. Unfortunately, the same minister and group of other senior politicians were at the bar when I arrived to wait for my friends. I found a group of seats as far away as possible from the minister’s group. They had all obviously been drinking previously, with the loud conversations and jokes. The senior minister pointedly joking loudly with his friends, made some comment where they all laughed, looked in my direction and then the minister approached me. He seated himself, moving a chair, next to me and blocking the view of the others. He was insistent that this evening I would spend time with him and he would take me to dinner. He kept leaning into my personal space, breathing close to my face and touching my right knee and hair. He was so close I could not move away and he was blocking my getting up from the chair. I was lucky in that two members of the Australian rugby team were in the bar at that time. At this stage the minister was becoming very insistent, louder and aggressive at my lack of response to his suggestions. The rugby players politely interrupted the minister, introduced themselves and had a brief conversation about the World Cup. One of them then suggested to the minister that he return to his group, and suggested I was not looking well. The other offered to walk with me to my room, to which I agreed. The minister continued to be engaged in conversation. They were so kind. I was crying as we walked up the corridor to my room. I was shaking, as I had no idea how I was to get myself out of the predicament with such a powerful and well-known figure. I can still feel the fear and being overwhelmed, the powerlessness of the situation. This interaction with a person in a place of trust, having such power and that are instantly recognisable made me question what I had done to make him behave in such a way. I had a lucky escape and it is a relatively minor event compared to some, however, even 30 years later I still feel the anger and shame. Name withheld

The protest outside of Parliament House in Canberra.

The protest outside of Parliament House in Canberra. Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

My first experience was in 1969, when I was molested by the local swimming teacher at age 10. Embarrassment and shame kept me quiet. I was twice threatened with rape in the workplace during the 80s and early 90s while working alone, once by the security guard. I was raped by my ex-husband, who was drunk. On several occasions travelling home by train I have been touched inappropriately by men. It’s important to document our stories - for too many years I accepted that this was our ‘lot’. It is not. Name withheld

He stole my promising future. But at least now I know that it wasn’t my fault.

As I child, I was repeatedly assaulted by a close friend of my father. I never told anyone, mainly because I was too young to understand what was happening. When I was old enough to understand, the man had died and I chose not to hurt my father. As a teenager, it was assumed that girls would submit to being kissed and touched by boys they just met. We never learnt how to say no, we just accepted that this is what happened. I think my childhood experience is part of the conditioning that allowed boys to become sexual with me without asking my consent. As a woman I have taken control and don’t allow this to happen without firm choice. Name withheld

When I was raped, he punched me in the face, raped me anally, orally and vaginally. He used a broken glass to cut my chest. He strangled me to the point where I knew I would black out any minute. I picked up the glass he had used on me, and slashed his groin with it. He finally let me go. I went to police. They treated me kindly and with respect. I have no complaints about them. When I went to court, however – it was a different story. That experience was so traumatising and brutal – I would never do it again. I could never encourage any other victim to go to court – unless she was a virgin nun with video evidence of the attack. The way I was treated by his lawyer was like being raped all over again. And in the end – they let him go. Not guilty. It was all for nothing. He told police: “She’s just a f***king whore. I slapped her around a bit. Who cares?” And you know what? He was right. Back then nobody cared. Not the jury. Not his supporters. Has anything changed? Does anyone care now? Name withheld


Over sixty years ago both my parents started sexually abusing me, when I was a pre-schooler. It went on for over 10 years, they also included friends of theirs in this abuse, and had some church involvement too. It has had a huge effect on my life, with chronic physical ill-health as well as PTSD. To outsiders it would have seemed I was well cared for - lived in a middle-class Melbourne suburb, went to a private girls’ school, well dressed and fed and so on, but living a hell that no one else saw.

My year 3 teacher might have been given a hint on something I wrote, since on return it had ‘disgusting’ written in red on the paper.

Please Mr Morrison, think of us victims/survivors of sexual abuse - whether as children or adults. Think of us listening to your comments, and getting triggered again by your total lack of sensitivity. I would have been at a March4Justice event, if I had been well enough to get off my couch. If I had been there, I would have been even more furious at your ‘no show’, and your statement about women being shot at marches in nearby countries. Name withheld

Dear Mr Prime Minister, I am a 63-year-old woman. I have been indecently assaulted six times in my life, starting with a man who rubbed himself against me on the escalator in Murray Bros department store in Parramatta when I was a schoolgirl in uniform. All assaults happened in broad daylight, and three happened while I was with other people; one was on a crowded bus in Rome while on my way to the Vatican. That time I was surrounded by a coven of nuns as a stranger digitally penetrated me, apparently secure in the knowledge that I would say nothing. As it turned out I spoke a little Italian and knew enough curse words to call him out, after which he was belted about the head by nuns wielding umbrellas. I was advised when still a teenager to carry my car keys in my fist as a weapon. I have avoided walking alone at night my whole life. I have a son whom I have taught since birth to respect women, and he does. He doesn’t need to consult his partner to know how women feel when they are objectified and abused. Name withheld

I was sexually assaulted by my boss on several occasions, despite me being in tears and begging him to stop. I had recently moved to Australia for the job, so I was not only ashamed of the assault, but felt I couldn’t talk to anyone about it as my boss was a well-recognised person with a high media profile. As a result of the unwanted attention, I resigned from the job. I eventually went to the police several years later so that it was on the record, but his profile meant that I wasn’t prepared for the media coverage so kept quiet. Name withheld

Growing up in the city, cat-calling, whistles, leers from strangers at night, being grabbed on buses and trains – it was all just part of life when I grew up. I’m glad my daughters have higher expectations of men’s behaviour, but we still have a long way to go. Name withheld

The most courageous decision I ever made was to tell my parents that my uncle was sexually abusing me. I was 5 years old and I wanted it to stop. It was a night he was supposed to babysit me and my younger sister. We weren’t the only ones – he did it to all the children in his life, boys and girls. He has a disability. He was never charged. My mother had to ring ahead to every place he was going to be with children to warn them because he had no criminal record. He lived with my grandparents, who chose to protect him over us. We had to see him every time I we saw them. It nearly tore our family apart. I still have to see his picture when my Dad posts about him on Facebook, but since my grandmother died I haven’t had to see him. I am uncomfortable around people with intellectual disabilities. This is his fault but it’s my shame. There will be no justice. Not for me. Not for him. Not for my family. Name withheld

A male colleague exposed himself to me. I told the senior female secretary to the manager and the outcome was I was fired.

I was 11, doing my homework on the coffee table in the loungeroom. An older sister’s boyfriend, 18 or 19 at the time, emerged from the bathroom with a towel around his waist. He came over, dropped the towel, and told me to ‘touch it’. I pushed the table into him, ran way, and howled alone in my bedroom for hours. My sister found out, and said she’d buy me an album if I didn’t tell anyone. I didn’t, and I’ve told not a single person to this day. I suspect she was then subjected to her own harassment by him, though they were together for many years. We never spoke of it again. I became wary of men and developed a brittle, don’t-come-near-me attitude that affects my relationships with them to this day. Name withheld

I am 68 years old. When I was 15 I started my first school holiday job at a department store in Melbourne. At the end of the first week, the floor manager, who was in his 30s, took me to the car park on the roof at lunchtime and forced me to perform oral sex on him. I had no idea what this even was and was terrified and revolted. I had never even seen a man naked. This happened again a few days later, after which I quit. I never told anyone about this until recently. I never told my parents. Just writing this makes me feel sick. I have never forgotten it, I remember his name and I will never forgive him. It was my first sexual experience. Over the course of my life I have been seriously sexually harassed by colleagues and strangers, as most women I know have. We thought we had no choice. We talk about it together all the time. Trust me. We are seriously angry. Name withheld

When I was in year 8 in high school student I was on a CityRail train from my school to my father’s house one afternoon. Sitting on the window seat of the together facing seats I noticed that the man opposite me (seated next to the aisle) was moving. I looked down to see that his fly was open, his penis was exposed and he was masturbating as he looked at my legs under my school uniform. I think prior to that moment I always thought that I would be really brave and that, coming from a house with several brothers, I was ready and able to look after myself. What actually happened is that I became paralysed with fear. Silent and bolted to my seat. I didn’t ask him to stop, I didn’t cry out to the other passengers for help and I didn’t rush past him to get away. I just sat there frozen until two stations later, he finished, tucked himself in and left the train. I remember feeling so much shame at my response. When my Dad picked me up from the station I didn’t tell him, feeling like the experience of telling my dad, the school or police would just make a bad situation worse. Ten years later I was walking home from my work at midnight. The company paid for cabs for us but I’d been working around the clock and hadn’t done any exercise for what felt like weeks. It was a summer evening and I wanted to move my body for just the short walk home before I fell into bed and did it all over again the next day. On the way home a man stepped out the the shadows with his penis out, masturbating. I froze and struggled to walk past him. Then I completely lost the plot. I turned around, grabbed him by the shoulders and started shaking him while I screamed and cried. He must have been terrified. I had no idea that I was still carrying so much fury and shame. If you’re listening: women just want to be safe while they get where they want to go. On the train. In the streets. At home. In the boardroom. Name withheld

I have been holding this story for nearly 40 years and the rage and hurt that goes with it. I was a first year university student in Sydney, mature age at about 30. I was responding to a lecturer’s invitation to get clarification on the assignment he had set. He had given us the times that he was free to give advice. Being a conscientious new student and unclear about the strange confusing assignment, I went to his office for help. He invited me in and was a bit weird and unhelpful. I felt uncomfortable so I got up to leave. He pinned me against the wall, groped me and shoved his face against mine and his tongue down my throat. I fought him off me and rushed out the door. I was disgusted, shocked and furious, but did I tell anyone? No: shame and thoughts that I would be disbelieved and blamed made me button my lips. Name withheld

It is 58 years since I was hoodwinked by a known parishioner, held against my will and raped. The behaviour of the man after he had done what he felt he needed to do led me to believe that I would be killed. Despite my young years I was able to talk him into returning me to my friends. Was the publishing of my experience in the SMH cathartic? No. Despite the many wonderful people who contacted me with positive affirmations cannot take away the fact that some state bureaucrat decided that mine was not the worst case scenario and I was awarded the lesser of the “recognition” payments. I didn’t want the government’s token gesture and gave the money away. To be told that your experience is lesser is devastating. It trivialises what happened to me and what continues to impact on my life every day. I don’t want money. I want meaningful recognition. The three years in prison for my attacker also trivialised what happened to me, especially as I was not the only complainant against this man. The giving of a statement to the police was traumatising, but I saw it through because I wanted justice. I am still waiting for it. Name withheld


I am so in awe of Grace Tame. I too was sexually abused, by my own brother. This happened for up to 10 years in the house I grew up in. Eventually, in a rage of anger I told my father. There was no point as he is not supportive and it has been swept under the carpet, and I was told not to talk about it. As my sister says - if it hasn’t happened to you, you don’t know what it like, or how to feel. Name withheld

I was perhaps 5 when this compliant eldest child became recalcitrant visiting relatives. My wonderful mother finally convinced me “a problem shared is a problem halved” and believed me when I described being three years old sitting on my uncle’s lap, urged to fondle his erect penis while he babysat me. The revelation fractured my father’s family which still hasn’t healed to this day, though I was pressured into inviting him to my wedding to ‘keep the peace’.

And in my 20s I received a prestigious award at work only for a senior male colleague to exclaim loudly that it was easier for me because I could f*@k all the clients. The whole department laughed. I pleaded on the spot with our male manager to make him take that back. They just laughed harder. After that episode I took the first job offer I got which was not the most lucrative decision. Name withheld

Mid 1960s, I was in my mid twenties, a teacher, at a suburban primary school where the teachers’ toilet was in a separate toilet block in the playground. I went to the toilet just as school was over and when I came out of the cubicle, there was a man there threatening me with a knife. I told him he had to speak to the principal, pushed the knife away, moved past him, quickly went back to the main building, and to the principal. I still don’t know where that courage came from. My principal rang the police, who came quickly. From my description they recognised him as being well-known and would “speak to him”. That was the end of it. Suppose it had been a primary aged girl instead of me? Again, mid 1960s, I had to report to a Departmental doctor in Sydney to see if I was fit for superannuation after a slip in a polished floor at school had chipped my elbow bone. I had to strip to my bra and panties - to have my elbow checked. Did mentioning that I was having my period prevent anything else? Over the years I have experienced many examples of unwanted groping, body pressure by a male, man in a train ‘pretending’ to go to sleep and leaning against me even though I pushed him away, suggestive comments, being told ‘don’t pull your pants up’ when I came out of a backyard toilet, a man masturbating walking towards my daughter and I in Copenhagen, a rail worker on a country train offering to return to my sleeper ‘later’, the inference that to obtain a promotion I had given favours to the Inspector, being told by a partner ‘if you love me you will have anal sex’, being told at a party ‘my wife doesn’t understand me’, and many more examples. Not all men are like this. My second husband of 40 years, is a truly loving friend, so there are good men out there, although they can be difficult to find. Name withheld

Dear Prime Minister, When I was 15, like many kids, I got a Saturday job to make a bit of my own money. I loved working in the bakery in my small country town - the early morning buzz when loaves and other produce would start arriving from out the back in the bakehouse, and the fact that I knew and liked my colleagues and our customers.

One Saturday, I went in to the tea room, which was in the bakehouse, to get something. Whilst I was reaching up into my locker, unbeknownst to me, one of the bakers had come into the room. Suddenly, he pounced on me from behind, pushing himself up hard against me and grabbing my breasts. Luckily – and involuntarily – I had a fight response. I managed to push him over backwards and run out of the room, leaving him on the floor. I was completely confused, particularly since I had never spoken to him. I thought I had perhaps done something wrong (rather than him) to invite something like that. As a result, I went back into the shop and didn’t say anything to anyone.

Even now, at the age of 50, adrenalin is surging through my body as I recount this story. This is partly because, with time and distance, I can see how wrong this was, and how much worse it could have been. This man would have been in his sixties at the time, and he owned the business. He chose a time to sexually assault me when all the bakehouse staff had gone home for the day, and he would have known the shop was too far away for anything to be heard. Worst of all, there would have been six or seven other girls like me working in that place. But because I thought I’d done something wrong, I didn’t say anything. I worked for a great boss in the bakery shop, and have loving parents who each have strong moral compasses. I have still never told my parents about this, particularly as I think finding out about this now would just upset them. It’s only recently dawned on me that the correct term for what happened to me is in fact sexual assault.

I have wonderful men in my life who I know I can trust completely. However, what I learnt that day is what absolutely every girl and woman eventually discovers. You cannot afford to assume men are trustworthy – in the street, at work, on a tram – and you must behave accordingly. The men who do these things are also fathers, brothers, sons and uncles – they are not orphaned freaks. So, you learn to keep your wits about you, like I did every Saturday after that, and you learn to make yourself a smaller target.

I do not believe that, in my own country, I need to be grateful I won’t be shot if I choose to raise my voice in protest at what happens to many women in the course of their lives, or what happened to me. The horrible banality and depressing regularity of stories of sexual harassment and assault, involving both members of the public and well-known figures, is partly what is making women so furious.

What that man did to me in 1985, when I was a child, was outrageous and possibly criminal. It’s time for you to seriously step up, Prime Minister, and drive the cultural change women, and all of us, need. And if you don’t, we will. Name withheld

I have hundreds of anecdotes - some small, some profound, some in the distant past and others recent. This is my life, day in and day out.

My mother, an unsophisticated, uneducated woman in her early 20s, was sexually assaulted while in hospital for polio in the 1950s. She was bedridden and as far as I know could not sit up. She saw her husband from a distance on Sundays and could not see her children, including a baby, while she was in hospital.

Her assailant was a staff physiotherapist, a woman, who continued to treat her. She was terrified over the many months in hospital and affected by the incident afterward. She said that eventually the experience (including the illness and disability) motivated her to assert herself and made her stronger. Name withheld

Some years ago my daughter was raped in the early hours of the morning by the two male nurses on dutyin the acute psychiatric ward in a hospital. When I arrived, not knowing, at around 9 am that morning she was distraught and could barely speak. Told me what had happened. Nothing I could say or do was of any use whatsoever. Her word against the two “nurses” on duty that night without a female nurse on duty. Name withheld

I was four years old when my father hit my mother in the kitchen as I hid clutching my brother under the dining room table. She slid onto floor and collapsed, I froze. I was 8 years old when a family friend fished me out of their backyard swimming pool and tried to rape me on Boxing Day 1978, I froze, then as his fingers tried to enter me I ran to find my mother begging her to take me home. I was a 25-year-old new graduate research assistant and the head of school professor would lick the back of my neck and tell me I could give him a blow job and it was not considered adultery. I froze, my contract was cancelled. Then, just last weekend on Sunday at a family lunch my sister in law’s alcoholic and violent partner shoved me hard as he passed by knocking me over to intimidate me, again I froze, until he lurched towards my 14-year-old daughter and then we left. There have been multiple gropes on trains or at parties, the leers, the “flashing” and outright wanking in front of me, the random phone sex calls from men. Even at 50 years old, it never stops. Name withheld

He said to me it was my fault because “you shouldn’t be so pretty”

I grew up in a home where sex was not discussed in any way. My mother, as a small child, had been sexually abused by a close family member, then a teacher and finally a random person on a train. My mother, an intelligent, articulate, educated woman, died far too early. She was always a smoker and took up drinking and gambling in her 40s. She only spoke a few brief sentences once about the abuse and otherwise took this secret to her grave. Not knowing anything about sex left me unprotected and open to being abused. This abuse, happened from the age of 10 for years, carried out by a neighbour in his 30s. I got help eventually and have spent the last 20 years trying to be “normal”. The financial cost alone has been enormous. The subject of childhood rape and abuse is too difficult for most people. The good men I surround myself with now cannot fathom the depths some men go to. Therefore they cannot understand the trauma, disgust, anger and humiliation experienced. It is a subject seldom broached and too difficult for most. The abuse has impacted on my relationships, my career, my children and my health. I deal with it every day and I am one of the lucky ones, I’m still alive. Name withheld

At the age of 14, my sister was attacked and raped while walking home at dusk from the shops in a city suburb in the early 1970s. She was so brutally assaulted she was never able to have children. My sister did not tell her parents and did not tell anyone for many years. She felt she must be to blame. She has suffered all her life because of one man, and has never really recovered. She would probably be horrified if she knew I was writing this letter, such is her sense of grief and shame. There is no way of knowing how many others this man may have damaged, but it wasn’t spoken about in those days. You just got on with it. It’s time for it to stop. Name withheld

This story is not a harrowing story, it is though depressingly predictable and one I believe I share with many women. I have been sacked. Sacked for believing male management would respond accordingly to complaints of sexual harassment of my junior staff. Some 13 years prior (when I was 24) I landed a fabulous position within an engineering firm and was soon promoted to manage a small team of female administrators. Within a few weeks it became apparent that my female staff were distinctly uncomfortable with the senior legal advisor. My staff described to me numerous encounters with the senior legal advisor, comments on their appearance, comments on their sense of dress, lewd comments about what they do on the weekend as young women. I raised this complaint with the female HR manager immediately and instructed my staff to take notes (dates and times) of any further encounters and file them to the HR manager. She took these claims very seriously and filed appropriate formal complaints to the senior legal advisors superior. This was the outcome: the senior legal advisor “had a talking to”, I was fired from my position, my junior staff left for other roles, the female HR manager quit and phoned me after her resignation to say she had sought alternative work with a firm she believed would handle sexual harassment correctly. One complaint of sexual harassment left one woman without work, three women seeking alternative work and one perpetrator still employed.

In another workplace I had the tremendous misfortune of working with a man with stunted emotional development. During a presentation to the board, my direct report (the CEO) and our creative agency, he screamed “What would you know, you’re just a woman. You don’t know what we’re doing here”. And proceeding to storm out, inclusive of a slamming door. I left that workplace, he is still employed there. I’m sure there are a plethora of micro behaviours I have missed over the years, ones I ignored or looked past or completely apologised for. What I have made sure though, over the subsequent years, I only ever work for powerful female leaders, directors and almost all of them have been pushed aside the second they spoke out about anything at all. Name withheld

  • National Sexual Assault, Family & Domestic Violence Counselling Line: 1800 737 732.
  • Crisis support can be found at Lifeline: (13 11 14 and

I have been on the receiving end of sexual assaults on two occasions, when I was in my early 20s. On the first occasion, I went to see a new GP as I had what I thought was a respiratory infection. I had a fever, was quite unwell, and wondered whether I needed antibiotics. After listening to my chest the male GP asked me to take off my bra and he proceeded to examine my breasts. I had not asked him for this examination and it had nothing to do with the reason for my visit. I was so stunned I didn’t say anything; this took place in the late 1980s and I didn’t feel empowered to make an official complaint at the time. The second assault took place later in the 1980s in the workplace. I was a registered nurse on a shift in ICU when a colleague (a medical officer) came over to the bedside of the patient I was attending to, and hugged me from behind, and he asked me whether I could feel his penis rubbing up against me. I pushed him away and asked him to stop, but again did not recognise this for what it was, and did not report it. It has taken me years to process this and to recognise what a violation of my rights this was. I am speaking because I want this harassment, and these assaults to stop. Name withheld

Dad was a paedophile who sexually abused me when I was a young teenager. His example may have caused my brother to rape my two younger sisters. Maybe Dad had been a victim too. Luckily, while I still have dark dreams, I have survived and am with a loving wife who tries to understand me. Name withheld

I am not a woman but I am writing on behalf of my mother who was sexually molested by an elder of the Seventh-day Adventist Church when she was aged eight – in 1938. When she was a young widow with two small boys, she suffered the unwanted sexual attentions of another such man in an entirely different location when aged in her early 20s. When she was in her late 20s a church friend of hers – recommended to her by others within that church – molested me. That man was taken to court – 60 years ago. A clever lawyer successfully got him off the charge. Name withheld

Readers have shared their experiences of having been sexually harassed and abused.

Readers have shared their experiences of having been sexually harassed and abused. Credit: Ros Holcombe 

I was sacked from a senior role when I complained about my boss harassing my female staff and myself. He frequently commented about masturbating and once mentioned ejaculating on the face of one of my staff members. HR decided to deal with the problem by terminating my employment. Name withheld

I attended a work conference approximately five years ago, and after a group dinner as everyone was leaving, a peer called me over to tell me something as the rest of the group walked ahead. He grabbed my hand and put it on his penis. This was completely uninvited and came as a huge surprise. I quickly pulled my hand away and walked away quickly. Given this person’s position within this company, I did not mention it to anyone. He avoided me for the rest of the conference and remains in the industry. Name withheld

Women must shed this self-blame, as it silences us and protects the rapists.

I was consistently assaulted by multiple men from my first kiss at 13 until 15. I have been assaulted in my workplace by senior supervisors, raped by my ‘boyfriend’ for multiple months, and by strangers. There is no system to get anything done about these assaults unless you have hard evidence and if the person you are assaulted by is of higher social/ranking status in the workplace it made it impossible to report it even though it was happening to other girls. Name withheld

When I was 14 years old, I was out drinking with my friends. A boy (15) who I’d met before at a disco was keen to take me back to his place to watch Rage and eat popcorn. I told him that I was not going to sleep with him. My friend said he couldn’t be trusted so I kept asking if he was happy to just watch TV. I was desperately lonely and wanted to be held. He kept plying me with “goon”. I woke up alone in a half-constructed house on a cold concrete floor with blood on my underwear and a vivid image of rough sex. A few years later, I was drinking again at a party and a boy asked to sleep with him in a bedroom. I said no. Later that night, my dad picked me up and apparently there was half a dozen rugby boys all over me on the car and he had to pull them off me. I can’t remember but everyone at school knew about it. I’ve also been threatened with gang rape several times but don’t have the energy to explain or recollect it here. There’s more... waking up to men being on top of me having sex with me on a few occasions and even a female friend who basically helped herself when I was passed out on my own couch. I don’t drink anymore... but as you can imagine I’m not very well. Name withheld

Dear Prime Minister, I am a leader in my field. I have a voice and I use it to talk about sexual harassment, diversity, and inclusion. You probably know my name. But it seems that I am only ever really “heard” by women. You have said you will listen. Will you listen to my story? As a child the magician who was performing at my brother’s birthday party offered to show me his pigeons and took me to the back of the house where he kissed me. I was aged around 5. As a student, I worked as a nanny and babysitter, and I coached sport. I learnt very early that men would assume that I was available for them. Aged 15 or 16, I took to walking home from one job, late at night to avoid being driven home by the father of the children I had been babysitting. A random man exposed his penis to me while I was sitting at a bus stop. I then stopped taking the bus. Have you ever had to change your mode of transport to avoid being sexually abused, Prime Minister? My first sexual experience was aged 19, at a party. I was raped by someone I thought was being “nice” to me – until he wasn’t. I knew instinctively that my family, although they loved me, would blame me for having been drinking and I did not tell anyone for many years. As I joined my current, very male-dominated profession, I took the usual precautions and listened to my female colleagues about whom to avoid in the lift, how to avoid getting stuck in late-night meetings with predators, and who was not the “good guy” he seemed. Going to a networking function or after-work drinks involved preparation and awareness and a good excuse to leave. Here are just two of the things that have happened to me in my professional life: someone walked past me at a black-tie function and ran his hand around my ribs, and cupped my breast. I never wore that dress again. Have you ever had to change how you dress in order to avoid sexual abuse? A colleague on a peak body committee asked me to drop into his house to discuss upcoming committee work. When I arrived he had a table set for two, champagne, and a marriage proposal. He and I had never interacted except on the committee. Has anyone ever put you in this position, Prime Minister? I am one of the lucky ones. I had good relationships and have three children. I am raising my children - boys and a girl - to be feminist, to understand consent, to listen. Name withheld

It’s beyond assault; it’s every aspect of life. Buying my first apartment and realtors asking if they could speak to my Dad, or speaking only to male friends who came to inspections and not making eye contact with me. Being asked at job interviews about plans to become pregnant. Presently sitting in high-level professional meetings and being the only woman in a room otherwise filled with white middle-aged men. Trying to teach my daughter to expect different while quietly panicking that it will never be different. And that’s not even touching on supporting sisters and friends through rape and childhood sexual assault. Carrying all of that while being expected to meet or outperform the men in my life and my male colleagues. Name withheld

At five our neighbour called me into his shed. That was the start of years of abuse at his hands. Around that time an uncle used to put me on his lap when he visited, he would then digitally rape me. My father was a violent alcoholic. By 11 years of age I was getting wolf whistles on the street. I’m sure the men involved thought it was fun. For me I was terrified to walk down the street. At 12, a car load of boys kerb crawled alongside me. They tried everything to get me in their car. I froze, I couldn’t speak. Somehow I found some strength and I turned and ran home. I was shaking all over. My mother’s response was “well that is what you get for going outside”. I was 12 when my brother came home one night with his mates. My brother taunted me about my bust and started fondling me. One of his mates told him to stop. There needs to be more men like his mate. Another uncle shoved his tongue down my throat. He said “that’s a French kiss. I’m going to be teaching you lots of things over the holidays”. By that time I had experienced so much abuse, I made sure he didn’t get anywhere near me. At 19, I went on a date with a work colleague. He raped me. It would be 10 years before I told anyone. After the rape, I met and married a man who would continue the abuse. I see posts online all the time saying “why didn’t they speak up at the time?” With trauma you can have flight and fright response or freeze. I certainly fought my rapist but when he started hitting me I froze. Did I report any of the abuse? No. The neighbour and two of my uncles all died before I found my voice. My rapist quit his job two days after the rape and disappeared.

My last experience of sexual harassment happened when I was 54. He was a sub-contractor that came into my workplace. He kept turning up in my office, making lewd comments. I spoke to other staff members and my CEO and asked if I should be concerned. I was told “oh that’s just him”. The comments got more and more graphic. I confronted him. He told me that he does that everywhere. As he was a manager, I was appalled. So I went above him and made a formal complaint to his employer. They hired a private investigator. The end result was they found that my story was more believable. He was disciplined but I wasn’t allowed to know what the discipline was. I was also told I was not allowed to discuss it. I found out sometime later that he had had previous sexual harassment complaints lodged against him. The end result, he is still a manager. The stress of seeing the complaint through, combined with tension within my workplace, I quit a few months later. Name withheld

I’ve never been raped. I’m one of the lucky ones – but even the lucky ones don’t get away unscathed. My sister and I were molested from age 7 to probably age 10 by a grandfather on custodial visits to our father. The family must have realised when we were laughing about how gross grandad was when he kissed you, sticking his tongue in your mouth. They didn’t take him to police and we didn’t realise what it was but from a time we stopped seeing him anymore and he got away with it. I don’t call what he did rape as it was non-penetrative touching and sex-play, but it was sexual abuse. My sister may not have been as lucky to avoid it going further as her subsequent emotional issues have been a life-long battle.

Later at university as a self-funded student living out of home I was in danger failing a course in spite of getting top marks in assignments and exams because I had submitted assignments late due to work commitments. I went to see the lecturer in his office as I knew he understood my work and ability. He looked at me, and asked “what are you willing to do to pass?” I was confused. He stepped closer, so close he was brushing my breasts with his shirt, and said “I’m asking you again what you are willing to do to pass”. The penny dropped. So I stepped back, coughed, said “Not sure what else besides extra assignments?” He looked annoyed and broke eye contact and told me to go. I failed the course, and I never went back to his class. Eventually I was excluded from that university as he was a head lecturer in many core subjects. I finished my degree elsewhere.

Later I worked for a high-powered stock trading related company which served office drinks once a month on Friday. It was a big drinking culture but fun and happy. One night we were finishing up on the street trying to hail taxis. The team leader of a closely-related team had been chatty as he usually was, and when I finally got a taxi and said my destination he said he lived the next suburb over so I offered him a place in the cab to use once I had been dropped off. He started talking once inside and said something about finishing the conversation at his place. I said no thanks, but he leaned over and told the taxi driver to go straight to his address. I laughed and said no, so he laughed too and put his hand over my mouth and told the taxi driver his place. I pushed away strongly and thinking about what had just happened, and that he thought I was some drunk girl he could take advantage of, I burst into tears and demanded the taxi driver stop so I could get out. I found out later that guy had a bet going with another male employee as to who could sleep with a woman from each floor of the company building first. This guy had just casually selected me as a likely bet winner.

I’m one of the lucky ones who never experienced actual rape. But unwanted sexual attention and coercion has changed the direction of my life including affecting my health. It shouldn’t be this way. I’ve had to start training my daughters early about the kind of resilience and clear headedness they will require to deal with men who want to take advantage of them without poisoning them against the good men who will be partners and friends through their lives and believe me that’s not easy to do. Name withheld

I finally found a way to freedom after three decades. I realised, not that long ago, that I suffer PTSD.

I am a 75 year old survivor, who joined the Sydney Women’s March 4 Justice last week. The most serious abuse I have endured was rape within marriage ... over decades. My husband’s philosophy regarding wives was “keep them barefoot and pregnant”. He succeeded at that. Catholic, no contraceptive pill allowed, other methods ignored, we had six children. All my blessings still. I was a stay-at-home mum, thereby surrendering any financial leverage. Both of us paramedics. His technique was simple; if I didn’t comply, then no sleep, just kept coming on until he got it, every night. I finally found a way to freedom after three decades. I realised, not that long ago, that I suffer PTSD.
Hypervigilant, don’t sleep well, trust issues, and struggle to keep alcohol intake (my go-to prescription for stress) at a healthy level. Through those years I couldn’t confide in anyone. Shame, keeping it from the kids, couldn’t see a way out, wasn’t about to leave my kids. So much ignorance. Of course I didn’t imagine there was such a thing as rape within marriage. “You made your bed, so lie in it.” I asked for help from a priest at one stage. His advice – just do it, comply. This is the first time I have told my story. Name withheld

I am now middle-aged but like most women have experienced sexual harassment and assault throughout my life, starting from the age of around 10. I had hoped things would be better for my teenage daughters but I actually am convinced that they are more at risk than ever before due to a porn-saturated culture which leads men to feel entitled to use women for their own gratification. When I was younger I experienced the usual bad behaviour from men – perving, wolf whistles, lewd comments, the “show us yer tits” taunts yelled from a distance. Some other experiences were more traumatising however. As a 10-year-old I used to be regularly chased by a group of brothers from my swimming club who would catch me, pin me down and let the youngest one kiss me. This was both frightening and revolting. When I broke my finger as a 13-year-old, a young doctor pulled the screens around my hospital bed and made me sit topless while he filled out my medical history form. When I was 14, I was molested in the workplace by my boss’s 55-year-old husband which had a massive fallout for my mental health. I was also repeatedly harassed for sex by my own brother who I would wake to find undressing me. At university, when using a unisex bathroom, a man in the next stall used a mirror to spy on me. Unfortunately my daughters and their peers have similar experiences to myself. My 19 year old was upskirted while attempting to board a bus recently. My best friend’s daughter was raped on her year 7 high school camp and eight years later is still too traumatised to reveal the perpetrator. This must change. Name withheld

Dear Scott Morrison, I’m sorry but 200 words is not enough. I have written a list to keep it concise. Below is my age, the male perpetrator and the incident. In italics is the trajectory of my continuing struggles with mental health as a result. Following is a stark reminder of the bigger issue transcending this debate.

Age: younger than 10 years old. My grandfather’s garage. Sexually inappropriate conduct and conversations regarding myself and other young girls

Ages: 15-30. Eating disorder - bulimia.

Age: 18-26. My jobs at hotels. Repeated and consistent groping of my bottom, breasts and body by many, many men

Ages: 19-24. Eating disorder and drug and alcohol abuse – speed, cocaine, MDMA, ice

Age: 22. My ex-boyfriends bedroom Used emotional manipulation and threats of suicide to force me to have sex with him. When it was clear I wasn’t moving or enjoying it he used further manipulation saying that I was making him feel like he was raping me and so I needed to make noises

Age: 22. My parent’s house The same ex-boyfriend stalked me, turned up at my work place and my home. He threatened to slit my throat and the throat of my next boyfriend and to kill himself if I did not get back into a relationship with him

Ages: 24-26. Continued alcohol abuse, eating disorder, depression, anxiety, panic disorder

Age: 24 The room next to my next boyfriend’s bedroom. His friend took me out of my boyfriend’s bed when I was drunk, I woke up to him. Having sex with me, at which point I screamed and cried and ran away. The boyfriend, the rapist nor anyone else mentioned it ever again

Age: 25. The shower of a male colleague from work. When I was having shower, drunk and high, he came into the shower and put his fingers Inside me when I was not watching and had made clear that I did not want to have sex

Age: 27. At a mentoring meeting with an older male business advisor He told me I would be prettier if I lost weight and didn’t have as many tattoos

Ages: 24-30. Continued alcohol abuse, eating disorder, depression, anxiety, panic disorder, suicidal ideology

Age: 30-37. Severe anxiety and panic disorder affecting ability to work, be a mother and socialise normally. This are the major incidents that there is reasonable space to outline here. However, I must make clear that I am a middle class white woman. Currently it is reported that Indigenous women in Australia are at least 12 per cent more likely experience sexual assault than white women

If this is the story of an average white women from an affluent area of Sydney, what does that say about the life of an average Indigenous women? This is the most important point in this letter. Then you will have an understanding of what it is like to be a women in Australia. Then remind yourself, that that was but one moment for you, and a lifetime for us. Name withheld

The crowd at Treasury Gardens in Melbourne as seen from above.

The crowd at Treasury Gardens in Melbourne as seen from above.Credit: Nine

I had 50 years of emotional, physical and sexual abuse. It started with male family members and continued with partners. I have been beaten, raped, emotionally crippled. I’m thankful that my two sons are wonderful men and I am currently studying to be a nurse. I know for sure my life would have been completely different if my upbringing had been different, I know for sure I would have achieved greater things and I know for sure I wouldn’t be lying on my bed crying right now over so many missed opportunities. I am determined to be a wonderful nurse who is determined to help others. My story is not over and I want my last 30 years to be full of new ideas, opportunities and wonder. Name withheld

I was raped on October 31, 1997 at my own 21st birthday party by a friend of a flatmate. I was a uni student and a virgin. For a long time I blamed myself for being drunk and not physically strong enough to fight back; for giving up and letting it happen because I was scared of him. It was over 20 years ago but I have never been in a long-term relationship. He stole my ability to trust. I live with depression and anxiety and often wonder how my life would be different if it hadn’t happened. He stole my promising future. But at least now I know that it wasn’t my fault. That I had a right to be safe in my own house, at my own birthday party. Even if I was drunk. The burden of shame has suffocated me for too long. I want to breathe again. Name withheld

Dear Mr Morrison, When I was 10 years old, my next door neighbour repeatedly sexually assaulted me. He was in his 60s and a returned Vietnam Vet who drank all day and night. My parents thought he was harmless. They let him in our house. I was raised in a good Christian home. My parents had never taught me anything about sex, and I didn’t even understand what had happened. I just knew I was hurt and scared. I never told them because I didn’t have the words to say what had happened. I still haven’t told them. A few years ago, when this man died, I felt so relieved. My parents went to his funeral and mourned the man who ruined my ability to trust men or enjoy my sex life until I was well into my 20s. This is what I carry now. I’m 38. I have a daughter now, she’s only 10 months old. I’m scared for her. Please read my story and believe it. Name withheld

I was 23 and raped at a party by a stranger. I woke up and he was on top of me taking off my clothes. I was so drunk I could not consent, nor could I stop him. I told my friends and family days later. Not one person suggested I should go to the police. I also never reported it to the police because I didn’t and still don’t trust the police or the law to do anything. Every man I have told my story to suggested maybe I did something to lead the man on or that it was a misunderstanding. Every woman I have ever spoken to about this believes me. It has been 10 years and I still am fearful of men, particularly strangers. I am afraid to date men or live my life the way I deserve to. The fear and hurt never goes away. Name withheld

I have been a psychiatrist for almost 25 years in public and private mental health. One of three women I have seen has described sexual abuse or assault in their lifetime. Sometimes it has taken years in therapy before they can tell their story. It is a privilege to bear witness to this, it’s is distressing and traumatic to hear these stories. All women are exhausted and outraged by these experiences and stories. When will this change? We need to keep openly telling these stories and marching until it does. Name withheld

All women are exhausted and outraged by these experiences and stories. When will this change?

The same car followed me home from work, three nights in a row. The occupant opened the passenger’s door as I approached each time. No one else was around so it was obviously meant for me. In my 20s. I hid in a different house each time as I didn’t want them to know where I lived. In my 60s the same man groped my breasts twice, a few years apart, following Rotary meetings. I asked for a spokesperson from the police to attend a Rotary meeting and explain that such actions were wrong. A few weeks after this a different man knelt beside me while talking to another woman near me, with his hand on my thigh the whole time. So it’s not just young women who are inappropriately groped. Name withheld

Where do I start? The man that sidled up to me in the city and whispered ‘slut’ in my ear, the boss who cornered me in the stockroom and grabbed me, hanging on as I struggled to get away saying ‘But, it’s us, it’s me, what’s wrong?’ (nothing had EVER happened between myself and this man), another boss who admired my necklace then grabbed my breast, the man who attacked me as I walked home two blocks from a party, or the police that refused to act when I went to report. The naked man who chased me down an alley then the men who I thought were friends laughing about it like it was a hilarious experience when I told them. The slut shaming I endured after being raped as a teen. It’s not the same man doing all this stuff, and it’s not all men doing this stuff, but still, way too many. Name withheld

I was in grade 6 when my first sexual assault occurred on a tram. It was on a crowded #1 tram heading to north Carlton. It took me about 10 seconds to realise the ‘swollen throbbing thumb’ was actually the guy masturbating whilst rubbing my thigh. These stories continued on until my year 12 English exam when a lovely stocky man bellowed to the guy who was dry humping me to get the fuck off the packed tram at the next stop and then stood guard protectively of me when I crumbled in a heap sobbing quietly until I got off at my stop. I was in my school uniform. I am 44. I have two daughters and I am terrified for them because I see how men look at them. Name withheld

I hope this man did not go on to hurt other women because I was afraid to speak out.

I am writing on behalf of my mother (deceased), aunts and sisters (one who is deceased). They are unable to tell their horrific, painful stories. My mother and aunts were subject to brutal rapes and abuse within a small, rural, much feted religious community at the hands of their father (my grandfather) and other senior, highly religious male members. My sisters were abused by my grandfather over many years. My elder brother (deceased) tried to rape my sister. We are considered a normal, loving family. My father was kept in the dark for 30+ years. His humility and belief of my mother and siblings was what anyone would hope for. For the conversation, I have also been sexually assaulted by both men and women on a number of occasions over the years. I understand. Name withheld

My career was in a male dominated industry. Four anecdotes (of many), all before I turned 30. At 27 I was a finalist in a Young Professional of the Year Awards run by a state based association. At the assessment interview I took along team photos of the warehouse staff who I managed. One of the all-male interview panel commented ‘I’m pleased to see everyone is clothed’. At the awards ceremony, a male winner was announced - the same panel member was drunk and commented to me ‘you were the clear winner but we couldn’t have a girl win two years in a row’. He followed me around and tried to grope me on the dance floor. I left the event in tears.

I was randomly grabbed and kissed on the mouth by a filthy smelly contractor when I was signing his timesheet late at night, with just the two of us on site. I kicked him out of the office but was terrified to walk to my car, alone in an industrial area. I banned him from site, and the tyre company state manager called me to apologise and said ‘it’s not the first time he’s gotten himself into trouble with women’. Said the person would still have to attend site occasionally due to staff shortages. I rejected this arrangement and my manager implied I was overreacting. Name withheld

My friend and I both worked for different IT companies and were on a regional trip visiting department store proprietors (who were all men). We invited one proprietor and his 2IC to dinner where they proceeded to get extremely intoxicated. At dinner the proprietor made lewd and suggestive comments to both my friend and I throughout dinner, as did his 2IC. The dinner concluded and we walked to the pub. The proprietor and I were separated from my friend and the 2IC. The proprietor proceeded to bail me up in an alleyway against the wall and demand I perform oral sex on him otherwise he would not order my products again. Thankfully he was so drunk I was able to push him away, my friend realised we were missing and came back to check on me. The proprietor was sacked the next morning for abusing a female staff member as she struggled with the lock to the front door. I never reported the incident for fear of being labelled a trouble maker amongst the proprietors and losing my career. We did tell two other well respected proprietors, both who strongly encouraged us to report my experience but fear kept me silent. I hope this man did not go on to hurt other women because I was afraid to speak out. Name withheld

In 1971 I was 18 and date raped by a man about 10 years older than me. My mother approved of him: he was a good-looking successful exec type and drove a fancy sports car. On about the third date and took me to his expensive apartment in the Eastern suburbs for a dinner party which his flatmates and their girlfriends also attended. It was the first time I smoked marijuana.
After dinner I thought it was enormously romantic when he threw me over his shoulder and carted me off to his bedroom while the others continued to party loudly. It was only when he locked the door and placed the key out of my reach that I knew this was not romance and this was serious. I had no contraception. I remember screaming but no-one could hear me.
He took me home about 4am. My mother was waiting. I told her I was tired and wanted to go to sleep. Actually I did not want to distress her. In the morning he rang. She answered and called me to the phone. I told her that I never wanted to see him again. He didn’t get it. When she asked me what had happened I made up an excuse and she never questioned me again.
I couldn’t tell my own mother. Never did. It was 1971 and better just to try to forget about it. I had not become pregnant after all. Be grateful. I am so glad that women are now able to tell their stories and not have to hide the abuse they have suffered. It is not easy to talk about. But mostly I admire their courage and determination to bring about a change in culture for all women. Name withheld

  • National Sexual Assault, Family & Domestic Violence Counselling Line: 1800 737 732.
  • Crisis support can be found at Lifeline: (13 11 14 and

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