

This was published 3 years ago


Sexual assault survivors must be at heart of justice system

By Thea Deakin-Greenwood and Jane Bolitho

One thing is beyond reasonable doubt – the criminal legal system is ill-equipped to adequately respond to sexual violence. Recent events in the national spotlight show us that now more than ever before, we need a new way to address sexual assault.

The criminal legal system sets the bar impossibly high for successful prosecution and conviction in almost all sexual crimes. But even when a conviction is achieved and “justice” is seen to be done, the needs of survivors are rarely met and people exit the system often more distressed than when they started.

The criminal legal system sets the bar impossibly high for successful prosecution and conviction in almost all sexual crimes.

The criminal legal system sets the bar impossibly high for successful prosecution and conviction in almost all sexual crimes.

About nine in 10 women who experience sexual assault in a domestic relationship will not report their experience to police and while it is not possible to estimate the rate of reporting of child sexual abuse, survivors take about 20 years to disclose it, rendering opportunity for a criminal response almost impossible except in the rarest of cases.

“Justice” is defined differently for different people but the only measure of justice offered by the criminal legal system rests on a determination of guilt, and we have seen starkly how difficult that is for most survivors to attain.

It’s time to demand more. We need a trauma-responsive system to respond to sexual assault that is survivor-oriented. Restorative justice offers this. It gives survivors choices, a voice, a space to share their stories, to ask questions and seek accountability. Yet it is only available to a handful of victims in NSW. There is no specialist restorative justice process for sexual assault, and restorative processes are very limited, to youth matters and as a post sentencing option in adult matters.

In Victoria, a restorative justice framework has been established in light of the Victorian Royal Commission into Family Violence and programs such as the South Eastern Centre for Sexual Assault and Open Circle at RMIT have begun using restorative justice to respond to experiences of sexual harm.

Restorative justice for crime brings together the victim, the offender and anyone else affected by what happened to work out a resolution, often with the help of a third party. Most simply it is a mechanism for addressing harm and achieving meaningful justice. It may be but one component of an individual’s “justice” journey.

Restorative justice improves survivor wellbeing.

Restorative justice improves survivor wellbeing.Credit: John Donegan

It hinges on three powerful mechanisms: the opportunity to speak to an experience; the need for others to bear witness; and the opportunity to develop meaningful outcomes. Each of these core elements offers a counterpoint to the loss of power inherent in sexual assault.


It would be overly simplistic to suggest restorative justice is a silver bullet for the effects of trauma, or that meaning, acknowledgement and healing can be found through this process alone. Yet the system we have now does none of this.

Under specific conditions, participation in restorative justice improves survivor wellbeing and is perceived by survivors as satisfying, worthwhile and procedurally fair. Yet Australia is far behind many other comparable countries that have adopted and continue to expand restorative practices into areas in which the criminal legal system has profound challenges and shortcomings.

We need to take steps to offer restorative opportunities for sexual assault. Transforming Justice Australia has started laying the groundwork to make this happen in Australia through studying restorative frameworks in countries like the United States, Canada and especially New Zealand, which has offered restorative justice processes for sexual assault for more than two decades.

The project advocates for restorative dialogues between those harmed and the person responsible, along with friends and family. It is a consent-based model which invites accountability from the person responsible, not in the form of criminal sanctions, but in a way which responds to survivor needs. This could involve undertakings and answering survivor questions that may have been unanswered for years.

Specific funding for community-based restorative justice services and standardised training and accreditation for practitioners would help establish restorative justice options across the country.


The system of dealing with sexual assault in Australia isn’t just broken, it probably never worked. The inadequacies of the criminal justice system, as well as the trauma and ongoing pain of sexual assault, have been made crystal clear to all of us. Surely this is the moment to reimagine a better way of addressing and preventing such harm, which puts survivors at the centre.

Thea Deakin-Greenwood is a member of the NSW Sentencing Council and NSW Corrective Services Ethics Committee. Associate Professor Jane Bolitho is the Diana Unwin Chair in Restorative Justice at Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. They are founders of Transforming Justice Australia, a specialist project of Elizabeth Evatt Community Legal Centre.

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