

This was published 3 years ago

‘He punched the table’: Three women allegedly bullied by WA Labor MP call for end to ‘put up and shut up’

By Hamish Hastie

Three women left shattered after working for a WA Labor MP have blasted Premier Mark McGowan for jumping to his defence, calling for greater workplace protections for electorate officers.

Janelle Sewell worked for Kalamunda MP Matthew Hughes from March 2018 to June 2020, while Sally Spalding worked for him for five months in 2017, but both women said they were forced to leave the office because of bullying, denigration and belittling that eroded their confidence and mental health.

Former Matthew Hughes staffer Sally Spalding.

Former Matthew Hughes staffer Sally Spalding.Credit: Hamish Hastie

A third woman, Meg Travers, chose to leave after her three month probation period in December 2017.

Mr Hughes vehemently denies the claims.

The women said there was a culture among electorate officers to avoid complaining about MPs for fear of losing their jobs and their standing in the party.

They also felt let down by Mr McGowan and WA Labor, who have backed Mr Hughes despite a growing push to take workplace complaints from women more seriously following the Brittany Higgins rape allegations and claims Sanja Spasojevica was unceremoniously sacked from Deputy Premier Roger Cook’s office.

Anger at Premier Mark McGowan

Mr McGowan described the Kalamunda MP as a “decent man”.

He said there were different versions of events but it had been managed by the Department of Premier and Cabinet and the “principal complainant” — Ms Sewell — was happy with the way it was managed.


“I’ve spoken to Matthew, he had a very different version of events and in an electorate office, as indeed in all offices, there are often personality issues, people have different views of things and work disputes are not unusual,” he said.

“The main thing is that it’s managed appropriately, and it has been.”

When asked on March 12 whether he had spoken to the women to get their side of the story Mr McGowan said: “I understand those matters are managed by the department.”

Ms Sewell denied being satisfied with how her issues were handled.

Ms Spalding said Mr McGowan’s comments were devastating and placed blame on the three women.

“That was not the case. Three women found Matthew to be the problem, not us. The Premier is wrong on that count,” she said.

“Secondly, the Premier is blaming the women, which certifies the power imbalance by supporting his incumbent male who still has a job.

Former Matthew Hughes staffer Janelle Sewell.

Former Matthew Hughes staffer Janelle Sewell.Credit: Hamish Hastie

“At the end of the day, working for Matthew is a toxic workplace. That hasn’t changed.

“Matthew still has a job. The three women who worked for him were unemployed after they left his office. There’s a power imbalance right there. Why do women always have to cop the blame Mr McGowan?”

From dream job to nightmare

Ms Sewell said electoral work was her dream job but put-downs and bullying built up over time, impacting her mental health.

She recounted to WAtoday several moments of Mr Hughes’ “irrational and unpredictable” behaviour.

This included a day in April 2019 when she said Mr Hughes began swearing and banged her desk with his fist.

“To the point where I shut down my computer and said ... ‘I’m going to go home because you’re very angry and you’re swearing and you’re punching my desk’,” she said.

Another incident, which led to Ms Sewell’s termination, happened in June 2020 when she approached Mr Hughes asking for clarification on how to pay a bill.

Ms Sewell alleges Mr Hughes told her he had explained the process to her previously and began following her around the office demanding she admit to him he had told her how to resolve her query “hundreds of times” before.

“For me the problem was I kept trying to escape his raging and he followed me everywhere and he wouldn’t let it go,” she said.

“He was in my space and I kept having to move around him.”

Ms Sewell then alleged Mr Hughes told her to go into his office to “have it out”, which she refused.

Eventually, another officer arrived and stepped in, telling Mr Hughes to leave and they began documenting the incident.


The next morning, Ms Sewell called the Department of Premier and Cabinet’s human resources team requesting help or a transfer to another office.

Six hours after that Mr Hughes called Ms Sewell, who said he terminated her employment because of a “breach of trust” after she contacted HR.

Ms Sewell said she “lost all joy in living” during her time in Mr Hughes’ office.

“There was nowhere for me to go because he was so irrational and so unreasonable and I couldn’t talk to him like a human being and he didn’t treat me like a human being,” she said.

“It started to affect myself and I would get nauseous before I went into work in the morning.

“I started to lose a lot of hope overall because I didn’t know how to solve it, I came in with really good intentions and a lot of hopes and dreams and the sky was the limit and by the end of it was broken, it completely broke me”

Ms Spalding left after just months because of the MP’s alleged bullying.

She said Mr Hughes would often put his hand in front of her face to stop her speaking and she was constantly made to feel stupid.

Labor Kalamunda MP Matthew Hughes.

Labor Kalamunda MP Matthew Hughes.Credit: Parliament WA

“The thing he does more than anything is really f--- with your head,” she said.

“There was a part of me that thought ‘maybe I just can’t write, maybe I have bluffed my way through 35 years in journalism’ ... and he is right that I am actually completely incompetent?”

A third woman, Meg Travers, worked for Mr Hughes for three months at the end of 2017 before leaving at the end of her probation period without another job to go to.

“It very quickly became I’d sooner rather be commuting an hour into town rather than dealing with this hot-cold temper but also this irrationality and the sense that I was just there to bear the brunt of his explosions,” she said.

Mr Hughes, a former school principal at John Septimus Roe Anglican Community School, did not respond to a detailed set of questions about Ms Sewell’s specific claims, but denied any wrongdoing.

He said he took pride in how he conducted himself personally and professionally.

“An electorate office can often be a high pressure work environment for many reasons, but I always ensure staff are treated respectfully,” he said.

“I’m sorry to hear of the allegations raised. I deny accusations of bullying, misogyny or intimidation.”

‘Let down’ by systems

Ms Sewell and Ms Spalding said they had been let down by both the Labor party and the Department of Premier and Cabinet.

In her resignation letter to the DPC’s human resources manager Mei Wood, seen by WAtoday, Ms Spalding said she was leaving because of Mr Hughes’ bullying.

Ms Spalding said one of the most galling things about her saga was that the behaviour was allowed to continue toward two other employees.

Ms Sewell took a payout from DPC following her termination but refused to sign a non-disparagement agreement.

She said there were no signs of empathy from the party’s top brass.

“I thought WA Labor had a responsibility to have the behaviours addressed,” she said.

She lodged a formal complaint about Mr Hughes with the party and is waiting for it to be actioned when party business resumes following the WA election.

A WA Labor spokesman said it took allegations of bullying seriously but backed Mr Hughes.

“Ms Sewell was employed by the Department of Premier and Cabinet, and was referred to them to progress her matter,” he said.

“Matthew Hughes denies categorically the allegations. He is a hard-working local member who enjoys the support of his community, and has enjoyed the support of the school community for the decades in which he served as a school principal.”

A Department of Premier and Cabinet spokesman said they took all employment matters and duty of care seriously and proactively worked with electorate offices, and members, to support a positive and safe workplace culture for electorate staff.

“Electorate staff, like all government officers, are protected by the existing legislative framework which includes the requirement to have a safe workplace,” he said.

“When matters are brought to the attention of the Department, they are reviewed and appropriate action is taken.”

Change needed to end ‘put up and shut up’ climate

Under the Electorate Officers Award, MPs have the power to summarily dismiss an employee deemed guilty of gross misconduct or neglect of duty, which is often determined by the MPs themselves.

Ms Sewell said this led to MPs holding a huge amount of power over their staff, and other staff warned her of this.

“I was told that I needed to be quiet because I could be fired for no reason and I was putting myself at risk by saying anything at all,” she said.

Ms Spalding said the power imbalance needed to be fixed.

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