

This was published 3 years ago

APRA aware of IAG’s potential Greensill risk since November

By Sarah Danckert

The prudential regulator had been monitoring Insurance Australia Group’s potential multi-billion dollar exposure to troubled finance house Greensill since last year, despite the insurance giant privately insisting it doesn’t carry the risk for the policies.

Two sources close to the situation but without authority to comment on the record confirmed the Australian Prudential and Regulatory Authority (APRA) had concerns about IAG Insurance Australia Limited’s relationship with Greensill, over what threatened to amount to an exposure of over $US4 billion, since November.

Tough week for Bundaberg-born Lex Greensill.

Tough week for Bundaberg-born Lex Greensill. Credit: AFR

Sources said IAG was quick to assure APRA that while its name appears on the insurance paperwork, the risk of those policies was transferred to its former partner Tokio Marine in 2019 during its exit from its joint venture BCC Trade Credit. APRA and IAG declined to comment.

Greensill and its insurers ,Tokio Marine and IAG, settled their dispute in the NSW Supreme Court late yesterday. Earlier on Thursday, Justice James Stevenson threw out a request by one of the parties to suppress court documents relating to the case. The court documents laid bare Greensill’s problems but also allegations by IAG that the policies were signed off by an employee of an IAG subsidiary without designated authority.

Greensill’s court filings revealed it received formal notice its insurance would not be renewed in September last year and has been unable to get new cover from different insurers.

Greensill, founded in Bundaberg in 2011 and valued at $6 billion, provides a service that allows suppliers to big companies to be paid earlier for a fee. These financing arrangements are then packaged up and rolled into securities that are sold by Credit Suisse. Credit Suisse requires the debts Greensill buys from suppliers for a fee to be insured in case a big company doesn’t pay up.

Greensill has sought protection under Australia’s insolvency laws after Credit Suisse and another group GAM Holdings froze the funds that were central to Greensill’s business. That decision was fuelled by concerns Greensill was overexposed to one client, widely believed to be various entities associated with steel baron Sanjeev Gupta. Mr Gupta’s company GFG Alliance declined to comment when contacted. Only months ago Greensill was planning an initial public offering despite having recently lost big name clients Telstra and UGL.

The London-headquartered group is expected to shortly announce it has brokered a deal to sell the bulk of its business to US group Apollo Asset Management, which is expected to wipe out shareholders.

Overnight the group’s banking arm was hit with criminal charges in Germany over alleged accounting irregularities and German regulators moved in to shutter Greensill Bank.


Greensill put out a statement this morning responding to “allegations of criminality” at Greensill bank.

“As matter of practice, Greensill Bank seeks external legal and audit advice before booking any new asset,” the company statement said.


“The bank’s management and risk committee received extensive advice from leading German and UK law firms which informed the way in which the assets were classified.”

It is not clear how the criminal charges or the insurance battle will impact any deal with Apollo. Greensill plans to defend the German allegations. Meanwhile, IAG and Tokio Marine are defending Greensill’s insurance action.

Justice James Stevenson noted this week that IAG did not have reinsurance for the policies at an emergency hearing this week and IAG’s Insurance Australia Limited could "be exposed to claims, potentially in very large amounts, for which it has no reinsurance cover" if forced to renew the policies covering assets valued at $US4.6 billion.

Earlier this week Justice Stevenson threw out Greensill’s bid for emergency orders to force IAG to renew the policies because it had waited six months before launching the court action on the day the policies were closed.

IAG alleges in court documents released on Thursday that the policies were extended in June 2019 without its authority. However, Greensill’s lawyers told the court the extension took place while IAG still owned its subsidiary Bond & Credit Company (BCC) and BCC remained after its sale to Tokio Marine a representative of IAG under the insurance contracts.

Greensill alleges in the court documents that its correspondence with IAG and its partners shows that its insurance was unfairly cancelled after Tokio Marine became concerned an employee at their joint venture BCC had signed off on the extension even though he was not delegated to do so.

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