

This was published 3 years ago


Rape is not a workplace option. Like any boss, politicians must set standards

The sadness for Brittany Higgins is only made deeper by the political subjugation of her trauma following her alleged rape. The dreadfulness of what happened to a young female ministerial staffer is rapidly being lost in its ramifications for political leaders and the culture of the Canberra bubble.

As it was in 2018, when the then NSW Labor leader Luke Foley was accused of inappropriately touching a journalist, we need to be conscious that the real wrongs could be lost to political point-scoring.

Brittany Higgins alleges she was raped by a colleague in Defence Minister Linda Reynolds’ office at Parliament House in March 2019.

Brittany Higgins alleges she was raped by a colleague in Defence Minister Linda Reynolds’ office at Parliament House in March 2019.Credit: Channel Ten/Alex Ellinghausen

Some good must come out of this dreadfulness. Now Brittany Higgins has so bravely spoken out, the wheels of justice must turn quickly. It cannot be long before a man she can name, a fellow staff member, will need to account for himself in what is likely to be the usual unpleasantness of a sexual assault trial.

But the allegations are also, inevitably, a window into that bubble, a bubble of long hours, hard work and hard drinking. Where staff believe that to complain of mistreatment is to risk their job or their chances of promotion. You may well say this happens in other work environments: bar chambers, the bench, the finance markets, the media newsroom, where pressure, ambition and the thrill of the job are also known to conspire with alcohol to break peoples’ lives. You are right.

What is different is that the Canberra fishbowl is Parliament House, where federal MPs meet to determine the country’s future. Every wrong move, every misdemeanour, is taken as a mark against that place’s standing and our confidence in government.


There’s no doubt that factors which enable sexual assaults in certain workplaces are well recognised, particularly between a staff member and boss. When it concerns co-workers, the factors extend to how well the boss prevents assaults, supports victims and requires accountability from perpetrators.

All of that is now the task of Celia Hammond, a Liberal MP appointed by the Prime Minister to unpack and advise upon how to change Parliament’s workplace culture – and it is not before time.


The Prime Minister’s suggestion that allegations of this sort be referred to the Department of Finance, the employer of political staffers, comes with its own difficulties. It is rare, in my experience, for organisations to take this path, but good on the Prime Minister for pressing this point. One thing is for sure: it would be easier on victims than a rape trial. (What a terrible comment on our courts. You’d think somewhere a judge might be thinking the same thing.)

While it will take a court room trial to adduce the facts of the alleged rape, the trials of Defence Minister Linda Reynolds, and, by extension, the Liberal Party, appear to be under way already. Reynolds, Higgins’ then boss, is accused of shocking insensitivity and inadequate support. The questions have already been asked, fair and unfair. From reports of her answers, the minister responded with the right degree of concern. She had been, after all, a senior Defence executive who would have been well schooled in managing crises of this sort. However, there is more to come.


Other questions will no doubt follow which go to attitudes and culture. Should Reynolds, even while she was attempting to protecting the alleged victim’s privacy, have reported it to her employer, the Finance Department, with or without Higgins’ permission? Should she have reported it to the Prime Minister’s office, with or without her permission? Should there have been some action taken by the Liberal Party or the Finance Department to track down the alleged perpetrator (who by now had resigned), with or without the alleged victim’s permission? Should the minister have insisted it be reported to the police? Should she have persuaded Higgins to report it to the police?

Had the minister made her own expectations of staff behaviour clear? Should the Finance Department have instituted its own measures to provide a safe and respectful workplace for political staffers, as for departmental staff, or should the government of the day have demanded it? Why didn’t previous governments do so?

So, yes, there will be many more questions, fair and unfair. Some have two right answers.

It would be foolish to label sexual harassment and assault as a peculiarly Liberal Party problem. Parliamentarians who would claim otherwise run the risk of being embarrassed by revelations yet to come. Both major parties have moved, or are moving, to codes of conduct that did not exist at the time these events occurred.


However, codes of conduct need to be reinforced from the top. That is the best form of prevention; some call it culture change. It’s leadership. Bosses, whether it’s the backbencher with six staff, the minister with dozens, the Opposition Leader or Prime Minister, must be clear-eyed about their responsibilities. They cannot be ducked or palmed off to the chief of staff. Leaders who live by the adage of “Do as I say, not as I do” will die by that adage.

If they have more than zero-tolerance for criminal or unacceptable behaviour, including that which is alcohol-induced, then they should not be surprised if their staff live down to those standards.

Whatever the outcome for Reynolds and those questions, fair and unfair, the lessons of this dreadful case for all MPs must be heeded: be the leaders to your staff that the nation expects. Don’t rest upon the leadership of the Prime Minister or the Opposition Leader; do it for yourself. Zero-tolerance begins and ends with you. Rape is not an option.

And you will be uncovered if you fail.

Pru Goward is a former sex discrimination commissioner and NSW Liberal minister. She is a professor at Western Sydney University and a director with Taylor Fry, data analysts and actuaries.

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