

This was published 3 years ago

The seven Republicans who voted to convict Trump in impeachment trial

By Makini Brice

Washington: Donald Trump has been acquitted in his impeachment trial on a charge of inciting insurrection in a January 6 speech to supporters just before hundreds of them stormed the US Capitol.

While the majority of Republican senators sided with Trump and backed his acquittal, seven Republican senators joined the Democrats and voted to convict the Republican former president on the single charge. One of them, Richard Burr, had previously voted that the proceeding was unconstitutional because Trump left office on January 20, a motion rejected by the Senate.

Senator Richard Burr, a Republican from North Carolina voted to impeach Trump.

Senator Richard Burr, a Republican from North Carolina voted to impeach Trump. Credit: Bloomberg

Richard Burr

Burr said while running for office in 2016 that he would not seek re-election in 2022. The senator from North Carolina had already been unpopular with Trump’s allies for his work heading the Senate Intelligence Committee, which had probed Russian meddling in the 2016 US election. Trump had opposed the investigation.

“The President promoted unfounded conspiracy theories to cast doubt on the integrity of a free and fair election because he did not like the results. As Congress met to certify the election results, the President directed his supporters to go to the Capitol to disrupt the lawful proceedings required by the Constitution. When the crowd became violent, the President used his office to first inflame the situation instead of immediately calling for an end to the assault,” Burr said in a statement. “The evidence is compelling that President Trump is guilty of inciting an insurrection against a coequal branch of government and that the charge rises to the level of high Crimes and Misdemeanors. Therefore, I have voted to convict.”

Republican senator Bill Cassidy.

Republican senator Bill Cassidy.Credit: AP

Bill Cassidy

The senator from Louisiana on Tuesday joined five Republican colleagues in voting that the proceeding was constitutional, reversing his stance from an earlier vote on the issue. Cassidy told reporters after the House impeachment managers presented on Tuesday that they had “a very good opening”.

“Our constitution and our country is more important than any one person. I voted to convict President Trump because he is guilty,” Cassidy said in a statement.

Republican Senator Ben Sasse released a statement saying the rioters came dangerously close to triggering a constitutional crisis.

Republican Senator Ben Sasse released a statement saying the rioters came dangerously close to triggering a constitutional crisis. Credit: Bloomberg

Ben Sasse

The senator from Nebraska handily won re-election in 2020 and is considered a potential contender for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination. He publicly denounced Trump’s false claims of widespread electoral fraud and said there was no basis to object to Democrat Joe Biden’s November 3 victory.

”First, President Trump lied that he ‘won the election by a landslide.’ He lied about widespread voter fraud, spreading conspiracy theories despite losing 60 straight court challenges, many of his losses handed down by great judges he nominated. He tried to intimidate the Georgia secretary of state to ‘find votes’ and overturn that state’s election. He publicly and falsely declared that Vice President Pence could break his constitutional oath and simply declare a different outcome,” Sasse said in a statement.

He continued, “The president repeated these lies when summoning his crowd - parts of which were widely known to be violent - to Capitol Hill to intimidate Vice President Pence and Congress into not fulfilling our constitutional duties. Those lies had consequences, endangering the life of the vice president and bringing us dangerously close to a bloody constitutional crisis.”

“Each of these actions are violations of a president’s oath of office,” he said.

Alaskan senator Lisa Murkowski.

Alaskan senator Lisa Murkowski.Credit: AP

Lisa Murkowski

Murkowski of Alaska became the first US senator in 50 years to win an election with a write-in campaign in 2010 after losing in the Republican primary. She called for Trump to resign after his followers rioted at the Capitol on January 6 to disrupt the formal certification of the election by Congress.

“I’m sure that there are many Alaskans that are very dissatisfied with my vote. And I’m sure that there are many Alaskans that are proud of my vote. And I’m sure that that is the same of every 100 of us that just cast a vote in there,” Murkowski said. “Because the country is split. The country is divided. And the country has chosen sides in a way that, as we can see, can be very aggressive and can lead to violence. Politics is rough and tumble and we understand that. And I’d love to think that we can argue back and forth about the merits of whether or not we need to increase the minimum wage or what we need to do on trade policy. Let’s argue it, let’s debate it. Let’s have wins, let’s have losses. But let’s stop this hatred. Let’s stop trying to denigrate the other side so that we can gain the advantage. Let’s just talk about our good ideas. And that’s why you should like us not because you hate the other guys more or you trust the other guys less.”

Mitt Romney.

Mitt Romney.Credit: AP

Mitt Romney

Romney, a Utah senator and the 2012 Republican presidential candidate, has been a vocal critic of Trump. In 2020, Romney was the only Republican senator to vote for conviction during Trump’s first impeachment trial.

“After careful consideration of the respective counsels’ arguments, I have concluded that President Trump is guilty of the charge made by the House of Representatives,” Romney said. “President Trump attempted to corrupt the election by pressuring the Secretary of State of Georgia to falsify the election results in his state. President Trump incited the insurrection against Congress by using the power of his office to summon his supporters to Washington on January 6th and urging them to march on the Capitol during the counting of electoral votes. He did this despite the obvious and well known threats of violence that day. President Trump also violated his oath of office by failing to protect the Capitol, the vice-president, and others in the Capitol.”

He added, “Each and every one of these conclusions compels me to support conviction.”

Senator Patrick Toomey, a Republican from Pennsylvania.

Senator Patrick Toomey, a Republican from Pennsylvania.Credit: Bloomberg

Pat Toomey

The Pennsylvania senator announced in October 2020 he would not be seeking re-election. He said in television interviews that Trump committed “impeachable offenses” and called on him to resign after the January 6 attack.

“He began with dishonest, systematic attempts to convince supporters that he had won. His lawful, but unsuccessful, legal challenges failed due to lack of evidence. Then, he applied intense pressure on state and local officials to reverse the election outcomes in their states,” Toomey said. “When these efforts failed, President Trump summoned thousands to Washington, D.C. and inflamed their passions by repeating disproven allegations about widespread fraud. He urged the mob to march on the Capitol for the explicit purpose of preventing Congress and the Vice President from formally certifying the results of the presidential election. All of this to hold on to power despite having legitimately lost.”

Toomey, who is not running reelection in 2022, said Trump “betrayed the confidence” of millions.

US Senator Susan Collins.

US Senator Susan Collins.Credit: AP

Susan Collins

The Maine centrist was the only Republican senator re-elected in 2020 in a state also won by Biden. She said Trump had incited the January 6 riot.

Collins, speaking on the Senate floor, said the impeachment trial is not about a “single word uttered” by Trump on the day of Jan. 6, but is rather about Trump’s “failure to obey the oath he swore on Jan. 20, 2017.”

“That attack was not a spontaneous outbreak of violence. Rather it was the culmination of a steady stream of provocations by President Trump that were aimed at overturning the results of the presidential election. The president’s unprecedented efforts to discredit the election results did not begin on January 6. Rather, he planted the seeds of doubt many weeks before the votes were cast on November 3,” she said.

“My vote in this trial stems from my own oath and duty to defend the Constitution of the United States,” she added. “The abuse of power and betrayal of his oath by President Trump meet the constitutional standards of high crime and misdemeanors. And for those reasons, I voted to convict Donald J Trump.”


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