

This was published 3 years ago

How do the latest coronavirus restrictions work in Victoria?

By Tom Cowie

Victoria has entered a “short, sharp” lockdown that will last for five days from 11.59pm on Friday.

As with other lockdowns, people will be asking questions about what the new rules are and how they apply in certain scenarios.

We will do our best to answer some of those questions, based on the information that the authorities have provided.

Please check back in regularly as this story will be updated to reflect new information.

What is an essential worker?

Working from home is back for everyone who is not an essential worker.

A full list has been provided online. It is likely that those who were essential workers during stage four are essential again.

Do essential workers need permits?

No. This was a feature of the 2020 lockdowns, but Premier Daniel Andrews said a permit system would take too long to set up this time and a “commonsense approach” would be used instead.


What shops are open?

Here’s what’s allowed to stay open: supermarkets, grocery stores, bakeries, butchers, fruit and vegetable stores, fishmongers, post offices, newsagents, pharmacies, petrol stations, vets and bottle shops.

Why do these rules apply to regional Victoria?

The Premier addressed this at his press conference, saying that he didn’t want the COVID-19 variant to spread from Melbourne to regional Victoria.

He also said there wouldn’t be enough time to set up a “ring of steel” checkpoint on the metropolitan boundary for a short lockdown.

“I know the first reaction may well be, ‘well, we have no cases. Why are you doing this?’,” Mr Andrews said.

“If the rules are softer in regional Victoria, then people from Melbourne will travel to regional Victoria and potentially bring the virus with them. It’s just logic.”

Do I need to rush home if I’m staying elsewhere?

Mr Andrews encouraged people to stay where they are until the lockdown ends, although he said those who can’t do so are allowed to return. Here’s the Premier’s response to a question on the topic:

“I’d say to people – look, there will be people who are not at their principal place of residence now. It’s five days. I’d encourage you to stay where you are. You don’t have to. You can travel back if you can’t stay at your second home or with family, wherever you are. But you are allowed to stay there.”

Hearing that would suggest that people can travel home when their plans make it possible, so not necessarily by midnight tonight.

Will people be fined?

Yes, people can still be fined for breaching COVID-19 restrictions. Victoria Police can issue on-the-spot fines of up to $1652 for individuals and up to $9913 for businesses.

“If people don’t follow the rules, then that will be a selfish thing to do. I hope it doesn’t come to that,” Mr Andrews said.

Should I go to the shops to panic buy essentials?

No! Panic buying is discouraged, particularly of toilet paper. All it does is make things harder for supermarket workers and other shoppers. Shops that stock necessities will remain open for the next five days, as they did during the lockdowns of 2020. There will be plenty of supplies for everyone if people buy only what they need.

“There is no need to be doing that. There just isn’t. There never, ever was,” Mr Andrews said about panic buying. “It creates shortages. It doesn’t protect you against them.”

Can florists stay open?

It’s Valentine’s Day this Sunday, a big day for the flower industry, which would have ordered huge levels of stock. The Premier was asked about this at the press conference today. He didn’t give a clear answer, but here it is anyway:

“It will be a very busy day for them. They employ many people and all that. Let me get some specific advice around that. I had not anticipated that question as such, but I should have, probably, given it is Valentine’s Day. We will get some advice.”

Can I play [golf, cricket, lawn bowls, etc] on Saturday?

No, all sport is called off this weekend. Cancel that early tee time. The same applies to children’s sport.

Can I travel to/from the airport for a flight departing/arriving at Melbourne?

Yes, travelling to the airport is allowed to take a flight during the lockdown. Melbourne Airport will be open.

What if I’m attending an event tonight?

The lockdown begins at 11.59pm tonight, when some events may be in progress (the Australian Open is one such example). Mr Andrews said that the midnight cut-off was chosen to make sure fewer events are impacted.

The Australian Open will continue with no crowds, but people can still attend Friday’s matches, including the Nick Kyrgios v Dominic Thiem blockbuster. However, ticket holders were informed by email on Friday evening that they would need to leave by 11.30pm.

Is my job considered essential?

It’s hard to give a definitive answer for every profession, so the best option is to look at the graphic below. If your occupation is there, then you can go to work. Otherwise, you will have to work remotely, or take time off if that isn’t possible.

Can I visit an intimate partner?

Intimate partner visits are allowed. The five-kilometre rule did not apply for these visits during the earlier stage four lockdown, which is the model for these “circuit breaker” restrictions.


Can I move house?

This question was not directly asked at the press conference and I can’t see it in the state government release. Again, it’s probably worth checking back to the stage four rules from last year.

Back then, moving house was allowed if contractual arrangements were already in place (such as a new lease or house settlement).

Can cafes or restaurants open?

Only for takeaway.

What is the mask rule for exercise?

Masks are once again required at all times, both indoors and outdoors. The major exception during the stage four lockdown was during strenuous exercise, for activities such as running and cycling. Masks still need to be carried, however, and used when you stop.

Are we doing school remotely?

Yes, schools will be closed for three days from Monday. The exception is for children of essential workers and vulnerable children. The arrangements for remote learning will be up to the school.

Here’s what the Premier said today:

“It may well be that students are given homework today as they finish school. It may well be that there is limited remote learning.

“But I don’t think it would be a situation akin to where we were last year. I think it’s fair to say that schools, on a case-by-case basis, will do the best they can to make sure those are not wasted days.

“We’ll look to make that time up if we think there’s a deficit, we’ll look to make that up over the course of the rest of the year.”

Will childcare and kindergartens stay open?

Yes, they will.

Is elective surgery cancelled?

We are seeking to clarify this with the Department of Health and will update when more information is provided. Reader Geoff tells us this: “My mother-in-law has just been advised that her cataract surgery has been cancelled and rescheduled to March.”

How does the five-kilometre rule work?

Exercise and shopping is limited to a five-kilometre boundary from your home. If you do not have a shop within that zone, then you can travel to the closest one.

Do building sites have to close?

Yes, all construction comes to a halt except for critical infrastructure and road works. The same applies to related activities, such as renovations. This is a more severe level of restrictions than last year.

What’s the deal with exercise?

You can be outside your home for up to two hours of exercise. Gatherings of two people are allowed, or the members from your household.

Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton speaks on Friday.

Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton speaks on Friday.Credit: Getty Images

Is surfing/fishing allowed?

This one is a bit hard to answer, there is no specific listing of activities that aren’t allowed. However, the government document does say that all recreation and sport have been banned.

If I live in a border town can I go to work in NSW?

The SA border has been closed to Victorians, but the NSW border is still open.

Are taxis and rideshares essential services?

Yes they are. No permits required.

Can grandparents care for children while I work from home?

This was not addressed specifically in today’s press conference. “Caregiving” is still one of the four reasons to leave home. Childcare centres are also going to remain open. We will try to clarify further.

Are nursing homes going back into lockdown?

No visitors are permitted into aged care or other residential facility settings, except for end-of-life reasons.

Are auctions and inspections going to take place?

No, both are not permitted, except virtually.

Are house cleaners essential workers?

Cleaners are not on the list of essential workers provided by the government.

Can I attend a wedding or funeral?

Funerals are still allowed for gatherings of up to ten. Weddings must be postponed, except in very exceptional circumstances (such as end-of-life situations)

Can I get a haircut or facial?

No, hairdressers and beauty services must close.

Is click and collect still happening?

Yes, click and collect is still allowed for online shopping.

Will hotels cancel bookings?

Hotels and accommodation providers, such as Airbnbs, can stay open to support existing guests. However, no further bookings can be accepted.

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