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How to talk to your kids about sex, gender and everything else


This article was first published in February 2021 but has been updated with new research and comments.

When my kids were babies, I was adamant that I would never be that parent, when it came to teaching them about sex. After all, I never used euphemisms for their genitals that sounded like the names for the doodads Disney princesses wear in their hair. Nah, I’d be a straight shooter.

Then my kids started asking questions.

Faced with teaching your kids about how babies are born or, later, about consent? Do it in the car, where you don’t have to look each other in the eye, says Dr Joe Tucci.

Faced with teaching your kids about how babies are born or, later, about consent? Do it in the car, where you don’t have to look each other in the eye, says Dr Joe Tucci.Credit: Andrew Quilty/AFR

“There are eggs in a mother’s belly, and the baby comes from one of those eggs,” I said to one of my kids when they asked how babies were born. Though I was pressed to provide actually intelligible information on the matter, I dodged and weaved like Richard Nixon avoiding questions about Watergate. Eventually, I blurted out an anatomically correct explanation for how babies were made with the bug-eyed composure of Beaker from the Muppets after his Bunsen burner has caught fire.

What can I say? I was caught off guard. (My kid was five.)

Also, I have bad instincts. Like the time I sprang on my kids some impromptu guidance about keeping safe from sexual predators.

“Sometimes adults want to harm kids by having sex with them,” I blurted out one day as we ate pizza in a restaurant.

From the other side of the table, sitting beside our children, then aged 11, nine, and four, my husband gave me the universal and wide-eyed “Stoooooop!” look.

One of my kids looked up at me, stopped chewing, and said: “What’s sex?”


Discussing sex with your kids can be discombobulating.


So it’s no surprise that new research from Curtin University has found that Australian parents overwhelmingly want sex education and relationships taught in schools. And that goes beyond the usual spiel about contraception and pregnancy, but a desire that their kids are also taught about sexual pleasure and gender identity. Significantly, the study, which interviewed nearly 2,500 Australian parents, surveyed people from a wide variety of political and religious affiliations.

So, how can we best speak to our children about these matters?

It’s easy to beat ourselves up, for, say, being flustered when trying to help our children understand their biological origins, let alone more complicated issues like consent, masturbation, and abuse.

But, says Dr Joe Tucci, chief executive officer of the Australian Childhood Foundation, parents should give themselves a break.

“If you have good intentions, it’s not wrong,” says Dr Tucci, a psychologist with extensive experience in the field of child protection. “Anything that opens up the conversation with your child is an opportunity… The biggest fear that parents have is they’re not sure how to go about it, and [they think], ‘If I say something, am I going to damage my child?’ Well, you won’t. You’ve got the opportunity to go back and continue to talk. The most important thing for children is that their parents don’t shut conversations down, they normalise conversations, so they feel that those conversations can happen.”

And they will. Examples of curly questions he’s had to help clients who are parents navigate, include: “Do adults really put penises in their mouth?“, “Do people put penises into bottoms?“, and, “Can I watch you and Dad have sex?”

The good news? Not only is it common for children to ask such questions, but if yours are throwing them at you, it’s a sign that they are not only curious people, but comfortable asking you for answers.

This doesn’t make it easy to be in the firing line.

Dr Tucci empathises with how tricky it can be for parents to discuss sex with their kids. He recalls the parent whose child “went to his granddad and said, ‘I can’t believe that Dad does that to Mum’. And the granddad said, ‘What?’ And he said, ‘Well, Dad just keeps jumping up and down on her, all the time, all the time.’ That was embarrassing.”

As a rule, Dr Tucci says parents, when asked about sex, should just “say the truth, try to be clear and accurate in what you say, and put it in the context of your values.”

Don’t dismiss your child’s question, shame them or, he adds, be angry with them for asking it.

“Always, always try to keep kids talking, give the message that they can tell you anything because if you wanted one protective measure [against abuse], it’s that, that kids will come to you, even after they’ve been told by someone who’s manipulated them, not to tell anybody,” says Dr Tucci.

Another tip?

“Don’t over-answer,” says Dr Catriona Davis-McCabe, president of the Australian Psychological Society, and a counselling psychologist. Many parents do this, after a child has asked a simple question about sex. “We parents, we panic,” she adds.

Try and give them age-appropriate information, and leave it at that, she adds. And be forewarned that many parents are confronted with an aspect of their child’s sexuality earlier than they expect.

“You know, masturbation is normal and healthy for children, and the reality is that it can start long before puberty begins,” says Davis-McCabe. “So parents will notice that; they do ask [me], ‘You know, is this appropriate? Should I talk to my child about this?’ And I think, yeah, absolutely. But just make it age-appropriate. Let them ask you questions, and answer whatever it is that they are asking.”

She also wishes parents realised that it’s “entirely normal” for a child’s gender identity to change over time. A child might identify as non-binary, for instance, during only one part of their life, whereas for another it is their lasting identity.

“That’s their internal experience, and that’s what it feels like for them,” she says of the latter. “It’s who they are.

“If your child is struggling with their gender identity, absolutely talk to them about it, and name it because what we’re seeing now is that young people are more open to talking about gender, and gender as being on a spectrum,” says McCabe, who works with many transgender and gender-diverse clients.

“There’s a lot of stigma around transgender [people] and gender diversity and research shows that transgender and gender diverse people suffer more with mental health issues; depression, anxiety and stress. It’s not often associated with their gender, but how their parents or family and friends react towards them, because of how they experience their gender. So we really need to understand our children and just, you know, look after their mental health and listen to them.”

And when you talk to your kids about any aspect of sex, have the conversation in the car, or while you’re involved in another activity, so that you’re both distracted, says Tucci. “Because the kids don’t have to look you in the eye,” he says.

Other handy sex-ed life hacks: teach older children about sexual consent by introducing it as the older sibling of “respect” – a much further “step down the track” from what they learned when they were younger about saying “please” and “thank you”, and being a respectful listener, and not talking over others.

And, if you screw up any conversation, you can always go back, and try again.

“You can go back and say, ‘Hey, you know the other day we were talking, and I felt like I got a little taken aback, so I didn’t really answer properly’,” says Tucci. “They’ll say, ‘No, no, no’, but you just say, ‘Just let me’. Ultimately, kids are experiencing you being able to go back and sort of revisit [what you said] and model that you can [try again and] say things better.”

And, parents, know that you’re not alone.


Even Dr Tucci’s been thrown for a loop.

He recalls what happened when he used to drive his son, weekly, to his mother’s house.

“On the way, there’s a big sign, yellow and black writing, ‘How do you make your sex last longer?’ We drive past the sign every day, I don’t even notice it. At six, [my son], he can barely read, he says, ’Dad, ‘What’s sex last longer?’ I think, ‘This is a good question’. I said to him, ‘Look, it’s something we’re going to talk about a lot as you get older, but for now, sex is something that happens between mums and dads, and it’s a nice thing’, and that was it. And then I changed the way we went to mama’s house from that day on.”

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