

This was published 3 years ago


Biden changes the balance in Australia’s climate wars

The Federal Opposition front bench reshuffle this week has raised speculation about a change in the direction of the ALP’s climate policy but a more significant shift for Australian politics is happening not in Canberra but in Washington DC.

The Canberra bubble has been electrified by Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese’s decision to name a new environment spokesman. The NSW Right faction’s Chris Bowen replaces Mark Butler, known as a passionate advocate for faster action to reduce emissions.

Some view the reshuffle as a sign Mr Albanese is planning to run dead on climate in the federal election (due within a year) in the hope of winning some coal seats in Queensland, although on Friday morning he denied this interpretation.

There is certainly a question mark over the ALP’s climate policies. It has committed to achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and has said it will not use the so-called Kyoto carry-over credits to fudge the reductions in emissions by 2030. But it has not yet said what intermediate targets it will set for emissions.

Yet the ALP should not go soft on climate policy now at a time when the US election has shifted the balance in global economics, politics and diplomacy in favour of stronger action.

President Joe Biden in his first week in office has made it very clear he is serious about his campaign commitments to push action on climate change at home and abroad.


He has already signed a number of executive orders designed to reverse the anti-environmental policies of the Trump administration, most importantly, rejoining the Paris Agreement on climate change which Trump had left 77 days earlier.

Diplomatically, Mr Biden’s new special envoy on climate change, John Kerry, in his first big international speech to the World Economic Forum sent a message to the Morrison government by stressing its link to last year’s catastrophic bushfires. He said the images of the bushfires stopped the world in its tracks.

Now that the US is committed to emissions cuts that are much more ambitious than Australia’s, Australia will have no-one to hide behind if it argues against stronger action at the next global summit on climate change in Glasgow in November.


Mr Biden could also apply bilateral diplomatic pressure on Prime Minister Scott Morrison over his failure to produce a serious emissions reduction policy despite the Coalition’s seven years in power.

It is not an issue that will split the US alliance but it could lead to uncomfortable moments.

For instance, Mr Morrison has invited Mr Biden to Australia next year for the 70th anniversary of the ANZUS alliance. As part of his push for global action, Mr Biden could use the opportunity to raise the issue of climate change as Barack Obama did on his trip to Australia.

The change in the US will also have a significant impact here because Australians look to the US to set an example on policy. Mr Biden announced this week he will require all US federal agencies to start purchasing only electric vehicles for the 650,000 cars in its fleet. That will make it harder for the Morrison government to repeat the hysterical scare campaign before the last election about electric vehicles “killing the weekend”.

The growing global consensus about the need for strong climate action will also change the economics of the debate and undermine the power of the fossil fuel lobby. Countries that account for more than 70 per cent of Australia’s trade, such as China, have already set carbon-neutrality goals.

That switch to renewables, along with the COVID-19 recession and the trade war with China, is already cutting demand for coal. Coal miners can see the writing on the wall and some are thinking about how they can leave.

The balance of lobbying muscle in the business community is gradually shifting, too. Iron ore billionaire Twiggy Forrest used his first ABC Boyer lecture this year to warn that unless action is taken, “Bushfires will rage out of control ... Tourists will no longer have a Great Barrier Reef to visit. Our cattle and our crops will struggle with incessant drought.”

Former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull said this week that Mr Morrison is not very motivated in any direction about climate change except as a political issue. There is some truth in that, but the politics of climate change is shifting fast. Since President Biden’s election, the rhetoric in Australia has moved, with Mr Morrison more willing to state unequivocally that there is no longer any question about the need to work towards a zero-net emissions future.


The election of the Biden administration gives both parties an opportunity to reset their policies. Mr Morrison should, as a minimum, pledge to reduce net emissions to zero by 2050, rather than his current limp promise to get there in the second half of the century. Both parties should then make the commitments needed to reach that bipartisan target and then go further.

The Herald editor Lisa Davies writes a weekly newsletter exclusively for subscribers. To have it delivered to your inbox, please sign up here.

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