

This was published 3 years ago


Australia Day honours tilted towards the rich and powerful

Governor-General David Hurley tends to keep out of politics but he has broken with his usual reserve and called for change in the system for awarding honours on Australia Day.

The former chief of the Defence Force told the Herald he is concerned about the under-representation of women especially in the more prestigious categories of awards. “We need to ensure we have a system that’s sustainable, that attracts the nominations of women.”

Analysis by the Herald has found that women accounted for only 31 per cent of honours since the system was established in 1975 to replace the old imperial honours.

Mr Hurley has also questioned the absence, since 2013, of any Indigenous Australians from the 19-person Council for the Order of Australia that culls the nominees and names a final list. He said it would be useful to appoint Indigenous people to the panel because they would add perspective.

The awards are supposed to recognise “significant contribution to the life of Australia at the community, national and global levels”.

But the system seems skewed towards those who have the time and contacts to lobby the council and collect the referees whose opinions carry weight with its members. Some professional lobbyists specialise in greasing the wheels for nominations.

The result is that the rich and the powerful get more than a fair share of the gongs. The Herald for instance found that a quarter of the people who made the Australian Financial Review’s Richest 200 List had been honoured.

While the council is theoretically apolitical, former politicians also seem to be able to work the system. There are 30 separate fields of endeavour for which people can be nominated. No one has ever been awarded a Companion of the Order of Australia (AC) – the highest honour – for work in either the category of Multiculturalism or Disability but there have been 30 ACs for contributions to “Parliament and Politics”.

Even when women or ordinary punters are honoured they tend to be the lower level of Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) or Member (AM) rather than the more prestigious AC or Officer (AO) gongs. In this year’s list, of 43 awards of AC and AO, only 13 went to women.

The granting of so many honours to politicians and businessmen is an affront to the democratic Australian spirit, which was the whole reason for establishing a national awards’ system. It also seems strange to recognise people just for doing jobs for which they are already well paid, or for amassing a personal fortune – even if they do give significant amounts away to charity.


The awards make little difference for them other than flattering their vanity but, for many community workers, an honour would be a reward for a life of sacrifice and would make a practical difference by giving publicity and credibility to the causes for which they have given their lives.


Perhaps this is why some of those approved for honours – such as former ABC presenter Kerry O’Brien – have refused. It is this structural bias rather than the gripes about individual choices that needs to change if the awards are to remain relevant.

Mr Hurley has argued that it is up to the community to nominate more people from outside the big end of town. He has called this year for more people to take the time to fill out the nomination forms so that the awards better “reflect the diversity and breadth of our community”.

Yet, equally, the 19-member council must bear its share of responsibility. It comes as no surprise that three in every four members of the council have been men, and 96 per cent of “ex-officio” members since inception have been male.

If awards are to be relevant, those who award them must consider the message they are sending.

Note from the Editor

Herald editor, Lisa Davies, writes an exclusive newsletter for subscribers on the week's most important stories and issues. Sign up here to receive it every Friday.

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