


What is carbon capture and storage (and does it work)?

In part three of our Future Power series, we unpack carbon capture and storage. What are the hopes for it? And why is it so devilishly hard to pull off?


The news from Barrow Island was not good. Sand had clogged a well sunk as part of Chevron’s project to bury emissions from its Gorgon gas project off the north coast of Western Australia.

This was not a little problem. It is hard to exaggerate the significance of Chevron’s project to proponents of carbon capture and storage (CCS). Chevron is Australia’s sixth-largest greenhouse gas emitter and its Gorgon project is WA’s second-highest emitting project, estimated to put out almost 10 million tonnes of carbon dioxide a year at full production.

By the start of 2021, the company had sunk $3.1 billion – including $60 million kicked in by the Australian taxpayer – into efforts to capture a portion of these emissions and permanently store them deep underground. (In 2017, the total cost of the Gorgon project was reported to be almost $70 billion.)

CCS advocates cite the undertaking as evidence of the technology’s potential to limit greenhouse gas emissions by otherwise polluting industries.

As revealed by the independent media outfit that broke the sand-clogging story at the start of 2021, Boiling Cold, the latest problem prompted the state government to tell Chevron to limit the carbon it was seeking to inject into the ground. Sure, Gorgon was producing gas, but it was not capturing carbon dioxide as initially planned when the project was approved back in 2009.

There are few areas of global public policy as contentious as climate change, and in climate change circles few of the proposed solutions are as contentious as carbon capture and storage.

So, how is CCS designed to work? What is its record so far? And why has it been so controversial?

Technicians at Chevron’s carbon capture and storage project at the Gorgon LNG site on Barrow Island in 2020.

Technicians at Chevron’s carbon capture and storage project at the Gorgon LNG site on Barrow Island in 2020.Credit: Supplied

What is carbon capture and storage?

Carbon capture and storage describes capturing the carbon dioxide emitted by an industrial process – say, burning gas or coal for electricity or in cement and steel production – and permanently keeping it out of the atmosphere.

For large projects, this generally means pumping it underground, typically into the geological formations from which oil and gas have been extracted in the first place.

CCS’s champions – which include not only the Australian government and resources sector but the International Energy Agency (IEA) and even the UN’s lead agency for assessing climate science, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) – say the technology will be critical to meeting net zero emissions targets to slow the trajectory of global warming.

“Without it, our energy and climate goals will become virtually impossible to reach,” said IEA head Fatih Birol in 2020.

Some advocates also hope CCS will play a role in developing a future Australian hydrogen industry, trapping gas used to make the hydrogen and storing the emissions safely.


But its detractors – which include leading engineers and scientists along with climate activists – say that CCS is an unproven and expensive Band-Aid designed to extend the life of unnecessary, dirty industries. They say it is a diversion that has wasted billions of dollars that might have been better spent on reducing emissions.


How is carbon capture and storage meant to work?

Although CCS is still being developed, elements of it have been used for decades. Gas producers have always needed to separate the carbon dioxide from the gas they extract from the ground before they transport and sell it – because carbon dioxide in gas is corrosive.

Normally, the captured carbon dioxide is simply vented into the atmosphere rather than stored, although in recent years some energy companies have begun piping captured carbon dioxide to oil fields and pumping it into the ground to force more oil to the surface.

That process is known as enhanced oil recovery, but is also referred to as carbon capture use and storage, or CCUS. Literature about CCS often conflates the two processes, though critics point out that CCUS – the one used to extract oil – is not done to benefit the climate, that it assists in the extraction of a damaging fossil fuel and that the carbon dioxide forced back into the ground is not monitored to ensure it does not leak back into the atmosphere.

There has also been a surge of interest in what is known as Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage, or BECSS, mooted by its most hopeful champions as a solution not only to climate change but to energy shortages.


BECSS’ proponents argue capturing emissions from the burning of plants grown for fuel could produce energy that is not simply emissions neutral, but negative. This is because the crop would have absorbed carbon dioxide as it grew, but the capture process would prevent it from returning to the atmosphere when it is burnt.

Some advocates see this as the future of CSS. In 2014, the IPCC presented 116 models of how the world might reach the Paris Agreement’s target of keeping climate change to 2 degrees or lower, and in 101 of them carbon removal from the atmosphere, mainly via BECSS, was considered.

This provoked criticism from a range of scientists who argued that the world, via the IPCC, was at risk of putting its hopes of avoiding the global calamity of climate change in a technology that was at best unproven and at worst fanciful.

Even if BECCS worked, it would need to be deployed across the world in a sudden and massive wave, they argued, and it would necessitate felling forests and razing food crops around the world. The European Academies Science Advisory Council recently concluded that negative emission technologies (NETs) have “limited realistic potential” to help mitigate climate change on the scale that many scenarios assume will be needed.

In a Lund University paper titled Carbon Unicorns and Fossil Futures, climate mitigation researcher Wim Carton argues that sections of IPCC reports were beginning to resemble science-fiction writing. He noted that carbon capture and negative emissions technologies represented a moral hazard, with some governments and industries willing to put off the urgent work of reducing emissions based on the hope of some future technological climate fix.

How has CCS developed in Australia?

The first international conference on CCS was held in the Netherlands in 1992 and by the end of the decade Australia had become a key global proponent of the technology. In 2002, the Prime Minister’s Science Engineering and Innovation Council produced the Beyond Kyoto report on emissions reduction, which backed CCS and attracted criticism from some scientists for underplaying the role of energy efficiency and underestimating the costs of CCS.


In Australia, CCS technology was soon being referred to as “clean coal technology” in government and industry circles, to the frustration of climate scientists. “Clean coal is like dry water. It’s an oxymoron,” says Dr Martin Rice, head of research for the Climate Council.

In 2003, the coal industry established COAL21 to explore and fund clean coal technologies. (In 2021, the group dropped the word “coal” from its name to become Low Emission Technology Australia, or LETA.)

According to Parliamentary Library research, the Howard government made the first taxpayer contribution to CCS development with a $200,000 grant to the Australian Petroleum Cooperative Research Centre project to test CCS viability.

That trickle of funding soon became a torrent, with huge sums being channelled to CCS projects via various state and federal government grants and programs. By the start of 2021, the outlay had reached around $4 billion, according to federal Parliamentary Library research provided to the Greens.


“Since 1999, Australian governments have committed at least $4 billion of public money to CCS research and development, despite the fact the technology is orders of magnitude more expensive than zero-carbon renewable projects, and has never been commercially viable,” said acting Greens leader Nick McKim. “Of that $4 billion, only $60m has ever made it to a commercial-scale project. And that project [Gorgon] has emitted over 7 million more tons of CO2 than it’s environmental approval allowed for.”

But it wasn’t just the money that was attracting criticism, nobody could seem to get the technology quite right.


In 2010, the Queensland government announced it would cease funding the so-called ZeroGen project, a CCS coal plant that was to have been completed by 2015, because it was not economically viable. By then it had already soaked up almost $200 million in state and federal government funding.

In November, during the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow, the federal government doubled down on its push to lower emissions through new technologies, announcing a $1 billion fund for innovators in areas such as CCS.

So why is it so tricky to make CCS work?

While the CCS might sound simple in principle, in practice it is proving to be infernally complicated. The Gorgon project demonstrates some of the complexity.

Gorgon is an offshore gas extraction and export project rather than an energy production facility. It was granted approval on the condition that it captured and stored an average of 80 per cent of the carbon dioxide that existed in the gas it extracted.

To do this successfully, the gas and carbon dioxide first need to be separated. The carbon dioxide then needs to be pressurised and cooled to the point where it has properties between a gas and a liquid. And it needs to be transported or piped to the place where it is to be reinjected underground.


But that’s not all. With Gorgon, the geological structure the carbon dioxide is to be injected into contains water, which also needs to be pumped out, and then reinjected elsewhere.

Gorgon’s first failure in 2017 had to do with the transport of the carbon dioxide. The problem revealed in early January had to do with sand clogging up the reinjection of water.

But even if Gorgon’s CCS project was to work as planned, it would reduce its carbon footprint by only a third – about 36 per cent – because it is not designed to capture the emissions from its vast gas liquefaction facilities.

Given the expense and difficulty of the undertaking, it is not surprising that CCS progress around the world has been limited, says Bill Hare, an Australian physicist and climate scientist who has served as an IPCC report lead author.

He notes a report from the International Renewable Energy Agency in 2019 which shows that while the “political, economic, social and technical feasibility of solar energy, wind energy, and electricity storage technologies has improved dramatically over the past few years, with costs dropping rapidly and corresponding growth trajectories much faster over the last years than expected, CCS in the electricity sector has not shown similar improvements, with costs of CCS not coming down over the last decade.”

Peter Milne from Boiling Cold, who has covered the Gorgon Project for years, notes that wind turbines and solar cells can be mass produced, whereas every geological formation considered for CCS demands a new approach and new research.


Senator McKim has this to say: “You have to ask yourself, who in their right mind would think it’s cheaper to dig up a fossil, set it on fire, try to capture the emissions and bury it – rather than just whacking up some solar panels?”

There were only 19 large-scale CCS facilities in operation around the world, of which only two were for power stations, according to a Global CCS Institute Report from 2019. In these two cases, Bill Hare notes, the captured carbon dioxide was being used for enhanced oil recovery and hence is not being stored in a secure geological reservoir.

By 2020, there was only one plant left, Canadian Boundary Dam, where only around 70 per cent of the captured carbon dioxide remained underground, with the rest escaping into the atmosphere.

So what is the future of CCS?

Since it started the Gorgon CCS system in August 2019, more than 4 million tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions have been injected, says a Chevron spokesman.

“Like any pioneering endeavour, the carbon capture sequestration system has presented some challenges and we continue to monitor and optimise system performance, with a focus on long-term, safe, efficient and reliable operation over its 40-plus year life.

“We are pleased with the performance and how safely and reliably the injection system is operating. We continue to work with the regulator to optimise the system. This requires some short-term changes to our operating limits until the system’s produced water management is operational, expected in the first half of 2021.”

Global CCS Institute chief executive Brad Page remains confident about the efficacy of CCS, citing updated figures that in 2020 alone, 26 commercial CCS facilities captured 40 million tonnes of CO2.


“CCS is also the only technology able to address emissions across major difficult-to-decarbonise industrial sectors, including steel, fertilisers and chemicals. It is a key technology, according to the IPCC and IEA, for achieving net zero emissions as carbon dioxide removal from the atmosphere will be necessary and cannot be achieved solely through nature-based solutions.

“The CCS industry is all the time developing new and improved technologies that continue to lower cost and improve efficiency.”

But, according to Hare, CCS linked to power will always be at a disadvantage to other energy technologies because it demands that expensive and energy-sapping additional processes be added to energy production.

“There appears to be virtually no preparation under way for serious, at-scale deployment of CCS either as retrofit for existing power plants, or for new-build power plants anywhere in the world at present,” he says.

But Hare agrees with Page that CCS has a significant role in crucial industries outside the power sector that cannot yet be decarbonised, such as in steel and cement production. That role, he says, may diminish as new low-carbon industrial technologies are adopted.

Energy and Emissions Reduction Minister Angus Taylor announced in 2020 that CCS was one of the five key technologies the government would support in its efforts to reduce emissions.


Meanwhile, other scientists, concerned that the world is not moving fast enough to reduce its carbon emissions and fearful we can no longer stave off disastrous climate change, are beginning to consider yet another form of CCS – direct air carbon capture, or DACC.

DACC would see carbon extracted directly from the atmosphere for either use or storage, in an effort to reduce the damage we have already done to our climate.

According to Hare, this has been dismissed as an energy-intensive pipe dream, but as the costs of solar power plummet further and faster than the most ambitious projections, it may one day be viable.

This story was published in January 2021 and has been updated since with a reference to the federal government’s low-emission technology fund.

Also in the Future Power series …

With a worldwide energy revolution under way, where is Australia up to? In this six-part series, we’re exploring some of the issues in green (and perhaps not so green) energy and reviewing how new technologies – and the issues that come with them – are set to shape up in 2021 and beyond.

What’s a “just transition” and can you switch to green energy without sacking coal workers? Science says the switch to renewables needs to be fast while workers on the ground say it should also be fair. We ask, how did Germany do it? And could Australia really have a “just transition” too?

What is the role of gas in a green economy? We explain why the Australian government wants more gas and we ask, how clean is it actually? So what, then, is the future of gas in Australia?

How is Australia travelling with the shift to electric cars? Electric cars will become a part of the power grid one day – and many countries are speeding ahead with uptake. So why is Australia stuck in the slow lane?

What are big batteries and how could they reshape the electricity grid? Australia’s first “big” battery worked so well there are now more than 40 built or planned across the country. How do these batteries work?

Hype or holy grail: What’s driving the hydrogen rush? What is green hydrogen? How could it help the environment? And what’s its future in Australia?


An earlier version of this story incorrectly said the CarbonNet project in Victoria had been abandoned.

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