

This was published 3 years ago


Vogue's new Kamala Harris cover merely papers over the cracks

In a surprising turn of events, Vice President-elect Kamala Harris will appear on the cover of Vogue not once but twice in the same month.

Allow me to explain. On Tuesday, the venerable fashion bible announced it would print a limited number of redesigned February issues, featuring Harris on the cover in the photo she originally thought was slated for the front page.

Last week, Vogue, and by extension its editor, Anna Wintour, were globally criticised after the magazine allegedly swapped out the more "polished" image of Harris, wearing a powder blue suit and in a pose many regarded as vice-presidential, for a more casual, if awkward, pose of her in jeans and Converse sneakers against a messy backdrop (notwithstanding the fact it was meant to signify her college sorority, it was shambolic). There were reports Harris' team was "blindsided". Many called it disrespectful, while others went as far as to call it racist.

I found myself in the majority camp who liked the casual photo – just not on the cover. Of Vogue. In featuring the more laid-back image of the first black, first female vice-president, Vogue misjudged the moment and immortalised Harris in an image that, while a part of her overall persona (after all, she wore sneakers many times on the campaign trail, ditto jeans), did not pay her adequate gravity.


The Washington Post's one-time fashion editor now senior critic-at-large Robin Givhan put it succinctly when she wrote: "The cover did not give Kamala D. Harris due respect. It was overly familiar. It was a cover image that, in effect, called Harris by her first name without invitation."

In her and Vogue's defence, Wintour told The New York Times it was never her intention to disrespect Harris, quite the opposite. "All of us [at Vogue] felt very, very strongly that the less formal portrait of the Vice President-elect really reflected the moment that we were living in ... something that was very, very accessible, and approachable and real," she said.

While it's true that Vogue never provided Harris' team final sign-off on the selection and placement of the images taken by Tyler Mitchell, one has to ask whether in this case, in this moment, an exception ought not to have been made? To do so would break common magazine protocol but in the year that has been, and the political climate in which we find ourselves (the cover was shot before the January 6 storming of the Capitol, for instance), would anyone really have recoiled at an exception?

Tellingly, Mitchell only shared the "correct" cover image on his own social media, and podcasters, including Australians Grace O'Neill and Isabelle Truman of After Work Drinks, were left asking how the situation would have been handled differently in the hands of Edward Enninful, editor of British Vogue and Wintour's inevitable successor at the mothership, whenever the 71-year-old eventually moves on.


Since his first day at the magazine, Enninful has worked tirelessly to rid Vogue of its whitewashed reputation, elevating people of colour to several posts ranging from cover girl to guest editor. One can only assume that with Harris' historic cover in his hands, he and his team would have either arrived at a different outcome, or at least conducted themselves more transparently.

In the end, regardless of which cover its readers prefer, by making such a unilateral decision, Vogue, inadvertently or otherwise, took the attention off its coup and turned the spotlight squarely on itself. In journalism, there is a saying among editorial staff: don't become the story. By acknowledging it erred and pledging to reprint the issue with the formal cover, Vogue goes some way towards fixing the problem. But rather than papering over the crack (with actual paper, mind you!), it would be far better if it had shown common sense in the first place.

If Vogue had really wanted to project the more "accessible" side of Harris and the imminent presidency of Joe Biden, it should have put more effort into creating an approachable image that was beyond reproach.

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