

This was published 3 years ago


For all the cuts and privatisation, government is bigger than ever

By David Hayward

During the 1980s, economists and public policy experts started to argue over the size of our government. Those on the Right said it was too big, while those on the Left disagreed.

The Right typically pointed to trends in government spending and taxing over time adjusted for inflation. Those on the Left preferred to look at public spending and taxing as a share of the economy, compared over time and to other countries. One lot of numbers showed big government, the other showed it to be relatively small.

There's one big lesson from three decades of micro-economic reform.

There's one big lesson from three decades of micro-economic reform.Credit: Rob Homer

Each side’s figures supported what they previously believed and rarely did they bother to engage.

It has become an article of faith among many on the Left that they won the debate but lost the policy war. The Right’s dodgy numbers were circulated by generously funded think tanks to bamboozle successive governments into swingeing cutbacks, leading to tax cuts aimed at the rich. From Keating and Hawke to Greiner and Kennett, from Tasmania to the Northern Territory, budgets were grim, assets were sold and the state began to relentlessly shrink.

In reality, the story was far more complex, involving a public sector that has been turned inside out and in ways no one could have reasonably expected when the reform caravan started rolling down the hill.

For all the cuts and privatisations, government is now much bigger than it was.

Bob Hawke and Paul Keating transformed the Australian economy.

Bob Hawke and Paul Keating transformed the Australian economy.Credit:

For all the talk of competition delivering the goods, the evidence is that our economy is at least as concentrated as it was and some parts are even worse.

And whereas in the old days, it was easy to see where government began and ended, today it is almost impossible to see that line.


Take superannuation. The Keating government could have used its compulsory levy to fund one public scheme. It would have been far cheaper to run — by up to $15 billion-$20 billion per year according to some estimates —and delivered workers a better return.

Instead, the compulsory levy was channelled into private and union funds, and our expensive, opaque and confusing privatised pension system began.

The levy might be compulsory, but it’s not classified as a tax, nor are the payments that are made to beneficiaries seen as government spending, even though they are made by government decree.

The $22 billion NDIS is another example where the lines have been blurred. It is wholly government funded, but services are delivered by private agents contracted to deliver services, some directly with recipients who are given the cash to pay for whatever they enjoy. What might once have been delivered by public servants paid and educated rather well has been replaced by a privatised system using a largely casualised workforce that is undoubtedly underpaid.

Brisbane is hosting an NDIS forum following the government's audit.

Brisbane is hosting an NDIS forum following the government's audit.Credit: Glenn Hunt

Aged care and child care are other examples, where governments provide most of the cash used by privates and not-for-profits to pay workers, cover costs, pay management and in some cases deliver to shareholders a nice return. They might be government funded, but they get classified as private firms.

They often use silly names that hide the identity of the actual owner and are often as interested in making a buck from property development as much as they are from the services that are meant to be their main concern. Their often male owners and managers get paid handsomely, while their typically female workforce stays underpaid.


Government subsidies keep growing yet costs to households continue to soar.

In construction, governments are using deals with a dwindling number of private companies implementing mightily complex contracts prepared by the private consultants and the biggest law firms. Those construction firms draw on private finance that is much more costly than public debt and the financiers get paid much better than if they worked for the equivalent government department. They get classified and see themselves as being private but they depend on taxpayer cash.

But if government is now much bigger than it was, why go to all the trouble restructuring in the pursuit of something small?

Some of it is an accident arising from a particular way of viewing the world. The idea was to use private sector efficiency to deliver government services better than before. It never occurred to advocates that wage cuts are not an efficiency gain at all. It never occurred to reformers that markets bring with them marketing departments whose purpose is to sell, and that it is in the sales effort, not service delivery, that private sector providers often excel.

The research houses are among the most powerful gatekeepers in the wealth industry.

The research houses are among the most powerful gatekeepers in the wealth industry. Credit: Kare Oliver

We now spend far more on rent assistance, negative gearing and other tax breaks for private landlords than we ever did on public housing. But we have no public assets to show for it, most tenants endure unaffordable and insecure housing, and homelessness is still rife. Private balance sheets have been beefed up at the expense of the public purse.


Worse still, we have made all these decisions but rarely by the ballot box and good old-fashioned electioneering. One proud soul took that route in 1993 and he promptly lost an unlosable election. Instead, big decisions around service design are made in between elections. We have ended up in a policy loop no matter who is in office. We just get more judicial inquiries and royal commissions.

We’ve got big government alright, but that’s not where we started. The only thing we can say for certain is that the main beneficiaries have not been those in need.

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