

This was published 3 years ago


Donald Trump's presidency cannot end soon enough

The founding fathers of the United States virtually invented the modern concept of democracy, but in the past few weeks that same country has given the world a terrifying insight into how democracy can come unstuck.

Donald Trump’s disgraceful attempts to overturn the results of the presidential election would not be out of place in a banana republic. Since losing the poll on November 3 – by 306 electoral college votes to 232 – he has spent two months claiming that the vote was rigged.

Mr Trump has continued in this vein even after multiple courts have rejected his irrational and baseless allegations of ballot theft and voter fraud. Such tactics were clumsy and aggressive, but at least they operated through the normal channels for challenging election results.

A much more dangerous side of Mr Trump’s campaign to stay in office has come to light in an incredible recording of an hour-long phone conversation that emerged on Monday. In the call, recorded on January 2, Mr Trump tries to use the power of his office to bully election officials in the state of Georgia into “recalculating” the results and “finding” an additional 11,780 votes, which he needs for victory. He tells the election officials that the people of Georgia are angry and the officials could face criminal prosecution.

Shockingly, it is not just Mr Trump who seems prepared to falsify the results of the election based on spurious conspiracy theories. Scores of Republican members of Congress, including 10 senators, have promised they will try to prevent the legislature from signing off on the election results at a session on January 6. The congressional vote is usually a formality, but Mr Trump is hoping he can use it to launch a politicised audit that will delay the confirmation of the results and keep him in office.

Mr Trump’s attempts to overturn the vote have been comical and haphazard. One thinks of the press conference by Mr Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani, mistakenly held in the parking lot of Four Seasons Landscaping rather than the famous hotel. But this does not mean they are not serious. Former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney said this week that Mr Trump’s tactics “dangerously threaten our Republic”, and asked how so many US politicians could put their own ambitions before principle.

Some people are concerned that Mr Trump will go a step further and stage a military coup. A group of 10 former US secretaries of defence, including Mike Esper and Jim Mattis, who worked for Mr Trump, and arch-conservative Donald Rumsfeld, have issued an open letter calling for a peaceful transfer of power. Assuming the military is not interested in staging a coup, there are concerns that some of Mr Trump's more fanatical – and heavily armed – supporters might take it on themselves to defend their president.


These are worrying days, and the end of Mr Trump’s presidency cannot come soon enough. Roll on January 20, when Joe Biden will be inaugurated as president. After that date, it will be possible to say with absolute certainty that US democracy has withstood the test. If so, it will be thanks to the US' sound institutions and government officials, including many Republicans, such as Brad Raffensperger, the Georgian secretary of state who Mr Trump tried to bully. He put principles before partisan ambition.

The US judiciary has also admirably defended the rule of law, and even partisan media such as Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News have drawn the line at endorsing a coup.


Unfortunately, Mr Trump has already sown seeds of division within his party and across society that could last long after he is gone. Millions of Trump supporters have been tricked into believing the election was stolen – and they want revenge.

Even once democracy in the United States passes this test, the country must remain vigilant. A smarter, more ruthless version of Mr Trump could succeed at a second attempt, if the same situation arose.

Note from the Editor

Herald editor, Lisa Davies, writes an exclusive newsletter for subscribers on the week's most important stories and issues. Sign up here to receive it every Friday.


An earlier version of this story gave an incorrect count in electoral college votes in the US election. The correct count was 306-232. The story also stated that scores of Republican members of Congress have promised they will try to prevent the legislature from signing off on the election results at a session on January 5. The correct date is January 6.

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