

This was published 3 years ago


Another review finds Medicare is sick. Will we ignore this one too?

Five years in the making, the latest review of Australia’s universal health insurance scheme, Medicare, has concluded that the system is no longer adequately structured to improve the health of Australians. In truth, this has been increasingly obvious for the past 20 years.

Medicare gets a check-up and the prognosis isn't good.

Medicare gets a check-up and the prognosis isn't good. Credit: Joe Armao

An ever-increasing number of Australians, with largely lifestyle-induced chronic medical problems, experience a diminished quality of life. Caring for the chronically ill absorbs most of our health dollars. It is hardly surprising (or new) that the most important recommendation from the review addresses the inadequacy of our attention to the prevention of disease.

Australia spends less than 1 per cent of the health budget on prevention. For many years reviews of the world’s healthcare systems have consistently criticised us for this failure and pointed out that the percentage of Australians with adequate health literacy (40 per cent) is the lowest among OECD countries. Our general practitioners' time is consumed with treating established disease.

Faced with similar problems many countries are focussed on providing the infrastructure to support a change in health culture wherein people visit their doctor for help in staying well, not just for help with a problem.

Success with this approach is associated with primary care being provided by teams of health professionals working in "medical homes". One of the most frequent complaints about healthcare delivery in Australia is the fractured nature of care, with access to the range of health professionals we might need unavailable at one site.


A "team medicine” approach to primary care would involve major restructuring of the financing of Medicare. The review appropriately emphasises the need to move away from "fee for service” payments to doctors, which may see volume rather than the quality of service rewarded. Our College of General Practitioners agrees in principle with the need to explore other payment structures, such as providing salaries or capitation fees as recommended in the latest review.

Only indirectly addressed in the current review is the elephant in the reform room – that is, the wretched jurisdictional division of government responsibilities for healthcare in which the Commonwealth funds Medicare and the states largely fund hospital care. The inefficiencies and cost ineffectiveness so generated by not having a single funder integrating primary, community and hospital care are only too well documented. We are the only OECD country so blighted.

This reality is relevant in any discussion of restructuring primary care to provide us with the benefits from a focus on prevention. We need to spend much more on Medicare. Apart from the rewards of better health for more Australians would come a significant reduction in the demand for hospital services.


Currently some 600,000 or so admissions to public hospitals each year are deemed "avoidable" and an effective community intervention in the three weeks before hospital admission could have prevented the need for it. In a single-funder system, redistribution of dollars saved on hospital care could readily fund the infrastructure for better primary care.


Taking all the above into consideration, the Medicare review emphasises the need to create an instrument that could implement changes needed to our health system. Lots of luck! This imperative has been obvious for decades. The Whitlam government established a Health Care Reform Commission which did not live for long because the Fraser government scrapped the program.

Labor took to the last election a promise to establish such a reform commission. We must hope recognition of the importance of this reform in the latest review will be seriously considered by the federal government.

Health Minister Greg Hunt, in accepting the review, emphasised this was not a government review but a review for government. One can only hope the distinction is not a prelude to urgently needed changes being destined for the too-hard basket yet again.

Professor John Dwyer is Emeritus Professor of Medicine at the University of NSW and founder of the Australian Health Care Reform Alliance.

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