

This was published 3 years ago


Why school banking has had its day

When I was six years old, I was a member of the school banking program.

Every Tuesday I took my banking passbook and a dollar to school and the deposit was duly entered into my bank balance.

At home I had a rectangular money box with the facade of a grand bank building in green and gold and the title "Commonwealth Bank of Australia". (You can buy them secondhand for $15-50 depending on the condition).

Money boxes ... the tin, right, was modelled on Commonwealth Bank's then head office in  Pitt Street. The tin, left, was a model of the bank's building at 48 Martin Place.

Money boxes ... the tin, right, was modelled on Commonwealth Bank's then head office in Pitt Street. The tin, left, was a model of the bank's building at 48 Martin Place.

I can't say I learned anything from this exercise apart from reinforcing simple addition - the interest rate was too puny to provide any meaningful demonstration of the value of compounding.

The main legacy was the fact that I still had a Commonwealth Bank account years later. That, I now realise, was the point.

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission on Tuesday published a report on school banking programs - it identified 10 across the country - and found them to be of questionable value.

Victoria has already moved to ban school banking programs - the state's Minister for Education announced at the end of November they would be banned from early 2021 in that state's schools.

NSW and other states should follow suit.

ASIC made several findings. First, while programs claim to help children develop long-term savings habits, the providers were unable to demonstrate this was actually true.


Second, the fact the banks often paid the schools was an incentive for principals to agree to participate, rather than basing the decision based on educational merit.

Third, young children are "vulnerable consumers exposed to sophisticated advertising and marketing tactics" by school banking providers.

Finally, the providers fail to effectively disclose that customer acquisition is a strategic objective for the program.

As of June 2020, ASIC figures show 4000 schools - about 63 per cent of primary schools - offer school banking, while there are 180,000 accounts, representing about 8 per cent of students.

In July 2020, Bendigo, IMB, and South West Credit advised ASIC that they would be terminating their school banking programs, while Northern Inland followed suit in December. This was because of the preliminary findings of the ASIC review and also the changed school environment with COVID-19.

However, the other six banking programs will continue to operate, including the Commonwealth Bank's Dollarmites scheme, which was embroiled in scandal in 2018 when it was found staff were making fraudulent deposits to earn bonuses.

It's time to put an end to it.

Philosophically, I believe our schools should be non-commercial zones as much as possible and I object to any marketing and advertising to children under the guise of education. There's also little evidence the programs help teach financial literacy.

The banking royal commission ably demonstrated that the banks in particular can't be trusted. As one cynical parent observed in the ASIC report: "I feel like it is just a way for the banks to get my child's information and as soon as they turn 18 send them a credit card offer."


The school banking programs are not supported by teachers - the Australian Education Union has previously argued bank-run schemes have no place in schools and financial literacy education should be delivered by teachers. (It's already part of the curriculum in both primary and secondary schools and could be expanded).

They're not supported by consumer experts - Choice has conducted research finding 46 per cent of people opened their first account with Commonwealth Bank, and a third of people had stayed with their first bank.

Nor are they supported by the academic research cited by ASIC, which found children aged 5 to 13 could not understand the nuance enough to be informed consumers of a financial product, and that the association with the school gave the brand an unearned "trust halo".

Admittedly, they do have some support from parents. A national survey of 1349 people conducted by ASIC suggested 61 per cent of parents of participating students would be "furious" if the program stopped. However, the same research found 68 per cent of parents of participating children were concerned about banks marketing to primary school students.

Ultimately I believe parents aren't wedded to the school banking programs - they just want to teach their children financial literacy. There are better ways to achieve this.

Caitlin Fitzsimmons is a senior writer.

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