

This was published 3 years ago


‘Let’s not stop with COVID’: super-speed a cure for the disease that took my child

By Stephanie Dunstan

Your world stops the moment you are told your child has cancer. You want nothing more than the doctor in front of you to tell you there is a cure. A wonder drug. Something that will free your child of the cluster of cells running amok in their body. Something that will take it all away.

But they don’t, and the world keeps turning. Instead, your world now involves pediatric oncologists, treatment protocols and managing what your child must endure: chemotherapy, surgery, stem cell transplants, radiation, immunotherapy. If these work your child may be one of the lucky ones.

Like everyone did under COVID, in the cancer club you live under a long list of restrictions. Treatment leaves your child immunosuppressed – catching a cold risks death. Don’t socialise with friends, or keep your distance if you do. Be careful at the shops, be especially careful at playgrounds. Forget about schools or childcare. Any sign of fever and you’re straight into hospital for 48 hours of IV antibiotics – pray they keep working.

Stephanie Dunstan with her daughter Saskia.

Stephanie Dunstan with her daughter Saskia.

This happened to me. My beautiful daughter, Saskia, was diagnosed at 22 months with stage four neuroblastoma, a rare childhood cancer that starts in the adrenal glands and quickly spreads. Around 60 children a year are diagnosed in Australia. Their survival rate is 50 per cent.

Saskia died three weeks ago after enduring nearly three years of continuous treatment. A joyful, cheeky, four-and a-half year old who did not deserve to die.

This week England is rolling out its COVID vaccine with the rest of the world to follow. After an unprecedented global race a solution has been found: two quick jabs and a deadly disease is tamed. An end to our global pain and suffering. And all barely 12 months since COVID-19′s discovery.

Imagine if we could say the same for our most dreaded and devastating disease: childhood cancer. A cure found! No more pediatric cancer wards. No more toxic treatments. No more pain, no more heartbreak. No more children dying.

Sadly, we can’t say this. There is no cure for many of the cancers our children suffer. Despite decades of research, cancer is the leading cause of death from disease in childhood. About three Australian children die from cancer every week. Another 90 will be diagnosed between now and Christmas Day. And no pharmaceutical companies, or governments, are in a race for a cure.


The low incidence of childhood cancer – only 1 per cent of all cancers experienced – provides little financial incentive for pharmaceutical companies to research new drugs. With the market so small, it falls mostly on governments to fund pediatric cancer research through a complex interplay of publicly and privately funded research institutes.

Meanwhile, drugs created specifically to treat childhood cancers are nonexistent. Instead, they are developed from treatments for adult cancers, with clinical trials for children only given the green light once an adult drug is approved – usually five to 10 years after the first human trials.


As a result, childhood cancers remain chronically under-researched and under-funded.

So, let’s not stop with COVID. Let’s super-speed the snail’s pace progress on kids’ cancer until we get a cure. Let’s pressure governments worldwide to make it a proper race. First, inspire research teams and incentivise big pharma with specialised funding and the promise of financial reward. Second, remove the regulatory red tape around childhood cancer drug trials and bringing drugs to market. COVID showed us we can do this, and it showed us how. Now let’s do it again.

It’s too late for my Saskia, but it’s not too late for so many other children already diagnosed and those yet-to-be. Let’s give them and their parents the extraordinary gift I dreamed of: to wake up from the nightmare of pediatric cancer to a headline saying – with just two jabs – it’s over.

Stephanie Dunstan is policy consultant.

Donations can be made to Sydney Children’s Hospital Foundation memorial fund to childhood cancer research.

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