

This was published 3 years ago

US ambassador says China spreading 'fabricated images and disingenuous statements'

By Anthony Galloway

United States Ambassador to Australia, Arthur B Culvahouse jnr, has accused the Chinese government of spreading disinformation over its tweet that used a fabricated image to accuse Australian soldiers of murdering Afghan children.

Mr Culvahouse said Beijing should be following Australia's example by releasing details on the origins of the COVID-19 virus, instead of spreading "fabricated images and disingenuous statements".

US Ambassador to Australia Arthur B Culvahouse Jr says China needs to come clean about the coronavirus.

US Ambassador to Australia Arthur B Culvahouse Jr says China needs to come clean about the coronavirus.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

"As we know from leaked reports published this week, the PRC government has yet to come clean on the origins of the COVID-19 virus, which is daily killing thousands of people worldwide," Mr Culvahouse said.

China's Foreign Ministry deputy spokesman Lijian Zhao tweeted a photo this week depicting an Australian soldier with a knife to the throat of a child, saying China strongly condemned Australia's actions in Afghanistan.


The Australian-government initiated Brereton inquiry released in November found up to 39 Afghans had been murdered by Australian soldiers. In response to the report, Prime Minister Scott Morrison has appointed a special investigator to refer briefs to the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions.

Mr Culvahouse said China was keeping secret details about the origins of COVID-19 and yet "its Foreign Affairs spokesperson thinks it appropriate diplomacy to spread disinformation through fabricated images and disingenuous statements".

"Australia responsibly investigated and disclosed allegations that its soldiers committed crimes in Afghanistan," he said.

"The PRC would do well to follow Australia’s example and disclose to the world all it knows about the origin of the COVID-19 virus.


"And the world can only wish that the Chinese Communist Party were to bring the same degree of transparency and accountability to credible reports of atrocities against the Uighurs in Xinjiang."

Internal Chinese government documents leaked to CNN reveal health officials in Hubei province, the epicentre of the virus outbreak, were hamstrung by underfunding that resulted in critical delays in testing and tracing.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison on Tuesday took to popular Chinese social media platform WeChat to appeal to Chinese-Australians and Chinese citizens who may have been caught up in the controversy.

Mr Morrison said the Twitter post "does not diminish respect and appreciation for the Chinese community in Australia or our friendship with the people in China".


The WeChat post says Australia will continue to act as a "free, democratic, enlightened nation".

"When incidents allegedly occur that require action, we have established honest and transparent procedures for dealing with them," Mr Morrison said.

"Australia will remain true to our values and protect our sovereignty. It's in our national interest."

Mr Morrison also said he was "deeply proud of all the Australians who wear the uniform for Australia".

"I am proud of their hard work in the service and their dedication keeping Australia and Australians safe," the post reads.

"I am proud of their loyalty to our country and its values.

"These values determine how we as a nation deal with difficult issues, such as those identified by the Inspector General in his report on the Australian Defence Force."

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