

This was published 3 years ago


How do we find a better place with China? Hint: don't start from here

A breakdown in personal relationships can quickly get ugly, both sides saying or doing things they regret in the calmer light of day. Counselling focused on better understanding and empathy may lead to a sustainable reconciliation, but often divorce is the only answer. With the ugly breakdown in our relationship with China, divorce is not a sensible option. We need each other.

Time for a reset in the relationship ... Scott Morrison and Xi Jinping during the G20 in Osaka in 2019.

Time for a reset in the relationship ... Scott Morrison and Xi Jinping during the G20 in Osaka in 2019.Credit: Adam Taylor, Prime Minister's Office


As endorsed by the Labor opposition, however, Prime Minister Scott Morrison had no option but to demand an apology from China for the reprehensible tweet posted by its foreign ministry spokesman, Zhao Lijian, of a meme by a self-described “wolf warrior artist”: a fake image depicting an Australian soldier slitting an Afghan child's throat. But that leaves us in a predictable yet diabolically awkward position. China will not apologise.

So where to from here to mend this bitterly fractured relationship? Our predicament recalls the old Irish joke about a traveller seeking directions to Dublin from a farmer in the boondocks. "Well," the farmer replies, "if I wanted to go to Dublin I wouldn’t start from here." How do we get to a better starting point to find our way back with China?

It is instructive that the Twittersphere is overwhelmingly in support of demanding apology from China. World leaders are uniting to support of Australia. That’s important. It must be clearly stated that the tweet was deeply offensive.


Of course, the outrage about China's response must not become a smoke screen for the appalling actions of some Australian soldiers in Afghanistan. We need to demonstrate they will face the full force of the law, right up the command chain, while solidly defending the victims and their families as they demand answers and restitution. Our catchcry needs to be: Not in our name and never again.

It has been a major failing of Australia's attitude to China that we have never really understood or admitted its values and motivations. China's concept of human rights, for instance, is not about personal rights and freedoms but collaborative rights to share economic and social advancement. While we might not like this, we can't change it – and it is vital that we at least recognise it.

During my attendance at the Beijing Olympics in 2008, I was struck by a promotional sign in a bookstore: “The Australian Prime Minister who speaks mandarin but doesn’t understand China.” Kevin Rudd was our Mandarin-speaking prime minister at the time. The point was reinforced a few years later by our man in Beijing, the outgoing ambassador Geoff Raby, who said: "To speak Chinese is not to know China.” By now Rudd was foreign minister, and he agreed there were many people outside China who knew the language but did not know how the country worked.


And still, so much is lost in translation. Our government's statements and strategies don’t factor in the significance of the economic rise of China, which has been unusual by historical standards in that it has been achieved without the exercise of military power. We have benefited enormously from this, most noticeably with the resources booms which, although mostly squandered by the Howard-Costello government, underwrote their budget surpluses and guaranteed the Rudd government a quicker recovery from the global financial crisis.


Similarly, we don’t seem to fully understand the significance of China being a one-party state, or its state control. Hence we miss opportunities to help China as it grapples with its big domestic challenges, especially its attempts to cherry-pick capitalism and global markets, which inevitably involve some loss of its central control.

The Chinese economy is attempting a significant transition from one based on over-investment to one based on the consumer and services. It is happening, but not as fast as China had hoped. This is complicated by many important structural challenges, most noticeably inequality, urbanisation, a dramatically ageing population, pollution and corruption, with national debt already well over 300 per cent of gross domestic product. We could help China with aged care, climate and pollution, and tackling corruption. Joint infrastructure projects could serve both nations.

I don’t hear our political leaders acknowledging the significance of the future framework set by China’s recent 5th Plenary, and its initial plan to 2025, with its important shift in focus from “One Nation Two Systems” to “Dual Circulation”, a shift from trade to self-sufficiency and self-reliance, including with technology, and its intensification of diplomacy with major powers.

I am not saying we should agree with or condone China's positions, but it is important to recognise them and factor them into an effective China strategy.


China has a clear sense of its long-term national interest. Unlike our political system that has a short-term focus (winning today’s media, maybe as far as the next election), China plans and operates in terms of generations – and Xi Jinping has now consolidated the longevity of his power base.

We are yet to define our national interest. We mumble about our values and commitment to a “rules-based order”. We send conflicting signals by allowing China to control Darwin's port, own a major power company and a power network, but then block its role in 5G and rush through foreign interference laws that have offended Beijing.

On COVID-19, China sees us posturing – for the US – by calling for an investigation of the source of the “Wuhan Virus”, as Donald Trump labels it, while we challenge China's “developing country” trade status, again on behalf of America.

This week Morrison asked his MPs not to amplify the tensions. Perhaps that is his only hope to begin a reset with China: to make a statement calling for a line in the sand, built on a genuine recognition of China’s different values, setting them against a clear statement of our own, and of our “no go” areas for negotiation. And he could invite Xi Jinping to join Australia in a more nuanced, less megaphone diplomacy.

John Hewson is a professor at the Crawford School of Public Policy, ANU, and a former Liberal opposition leader.

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