

This was published 4 years ago

Victoria closes border to South Australia after outbreak

By Rachael Dexter, Benjamin Preiss and Craig Butt

The Victorian government has closed the South Australian border, after the "unexpected and concerning" discovery of coronavirus fragments in wastewater at Portland, in the state's far west, and Benalla in the north.

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews announced a 48-hour "hard" border closure would come into effect at 11.59pm on Thursday. It will be replaced with a permit system on Saturday.

"There's simply no way that we can have people who ought not be leaving their home in SA doing so and then travelling to our state, not at this time," Mr Andrews said.

Under the hard border arrangements, freight shipments will be able to cross into Victoria, as will people with medical or other emergency reasons, including animal welfare issues, he said.

Mr Andrews said there would be a testing push at Portland and Benalla after virus fragments were detected in wastewater.

"With community transmission clearly happening in SA and in light of the wastewater results along freight routes in Victoria, the government is following the public health advice and has made the difficult decisions to introduce temporary border controls with SA," he said.

SA border closure rules

Exemptions from the 'hard' border closure that applies from 11.59pm on Thursday night for 48 hours include:

  • Freight drivers;
  • Those with medical or emergency reasons; 
  • Urgent animal welfare; and
  • As authorised by law.

Permit scheme exemptions for travel into Victoria applying from Saturday 11.59pm will include:

  • Emergency services workers or a worker providing essential services;
  • Agricultural work:
  • To receive medical care (including coronavirus testing), obtain medical supplies or compassionate reasons; and
  • To shop for essential supplies

Acting Chief Health Officer Allen Cheng said the fragments were found in wastewater samples on Tuesday that had been clear of the virus last week.

Professor Cheng said the viral fragments could either be from an active case or a recovered case who may still be shedding the virus.


"It's always difficult to interpret," he said. "It is possible that a recovered case for Melbourne has visited these areas."

Anyone who had been in Benalla or Portland since Sunday with any symptoms should get tested immediately, he said.

Glenelg Shire mayor Anita Rank said the source of the virus fragments was still unknown but urged anyone in the Portland community to get tested if they had any symptoms.

“What we are seeing in SA is a timely reminder to our community that the virus can present itself and spread very quickly. We need to remain vigilant,” she said.

Earlier this year viral fragments were detected in wastewater tests at Anglesea and Apollo Bay but they did not result in confirmed positive cases.

Benalla Rural City mayor Danny Claridge said there was no cause for alarm. Cr Claridge said the virus fragment may have come from someone who had recovered from the virus and was still shedding it.

“Seeing there’s no positive cases in Victoria it’s very unlikely it’s a positive case,” he said. "We’ve had a lot of tourists through in the past week, a lot of Melbourne people have come through Benalla.”

Australian Medical Association Victorian president Julian Rait said the border closure with SA was “perfectly sensible” until the situation was better understood.

“If there’s the possibility there are people who have entered Victoria who are shedding the virus of course we need to be mindful of the risk,” he said.

SA is now under a tight six-day lockdown with schools, workplaces and all non-essential retail closed. The state recorded no new cases on Thursday although more than a dozen suspected cases are under investigation.

Mr Andrews said Victoria Police had worked since Wednesday on the logistics of the border closure, which will include checkpoints from midnight on Thursday.

Victoria Police Assistant Commissioner Rick Nugent said no defence force personnel would be used to man the border.

"We're looking at around between two and three hundred police resources to cover all of the border from Mildura right the way down," he said.

More than 200 people flew from Adelaide to Melbourne on Wednesday

Two flights from Adelaide arrived at Melbourne Airport on Wednesday bringing with them a total of 237 passengers, Victoria's Department of Health and Human Services confirmed on Thursday.

About 70 per cent of those passengers (171 in total) agreed to get tested for COVID-19 upon arrival in Melbourne, and of those none have tested positive for the virus.

The health department stated all of the tested passengers were from the Adelaide metropolitan area and none of them had been at any of the locations named as high-risk in South Australia.

On Monday, a total of 122 people flew into Melbourne from Adelaide, and of those 81 were tested for coronavirus upon arrival. There were no flights between the two cities on Tuesday, the health department has stated.

The Health Department has been taking down the names and contact details of people who had flown to Melbourne from Adelaide since Monday.


Experts say Victoria can eradicate virus

The move came as Victoria recorded 20 consecutive days without a new coronavirus case, as SA residents woke to their first day of a harsh six-day lockdown aimed at stemming a growing outbreak in Adelaide's northern suburbs.

If Victoria records another eight days of zero new cases, the virus will be presumed to have been eradicated in the community, according to Bruce Thompson, dean of health at Swinburne University.

"I think everyone is surprised by how good it is," Dr Thompson told radio station 3AW. "For us to eradicate it would be absolutely amazing."

Under measures tougher than those imposed during Victoria's second coronavirus lockdown, South Australians are now restricted from leaving their homes and banned from all outdoor exercise until next Tuesday. Only one person per household is allowed to undertake essential activities such as shopping each day.

SA authorities said the unprecedented lockdown was designed as a "circuit breaker" to halt the spread of the virus.

Quarantine hotel risks

Mr Andrews said his government was "well and truly alive" to the risks of the protocols around hotel quarantine workers ahead of the restart of Melbourne's hotel quarantine program for international arrivals.


It has been revealed that a COVID-positive security guard who worked in one of SA's "medi-hotels" also worked part-time at a pizza bar that has now been named a hotspot because the employee worked for 10 days while infectious.

"Everybody who works in [the Victorian] program will either work for this program, will either work for the Victorian government or be exclusively contracted for this purpose and this purpose only," he said.

"We will advance contact trace every single person who works in this program to work out who they live with, what those people do for a living.

"For instance we don’t want a situation where someone is sharing a house with an aged care worker – we think that would be an unreasonable risk."

Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt said the federal government supported the severe lockdown in SA, but disputed the assertion that support was in contrast to the rhetoric towards the Victorian government during that state's second-wave lockdown.

"With great respect, that’s an incorrect representation," he told ABC Radio.

Mr Hunt took aim at the length of the second Victorian lockdown and the disputed point that Victoria refused Australian Defence Force assistance.

"We wanted Victoria to go hard and go early and we did the absolute best to get the Australian Defence Force in, not just at the start in March, but again in June and July," he said.

"When the Victorian response had gone on for 100 days of lockdown, not six days, we were deeply concerned about mental health."


Two flights from Adelaide and Mt Gambier are due to arrive in Melbourne on Thursday, with all passengers to be health screened.

Truck drivers entering Victoria from SA on the Western Highway are already being tested at Nhill, 60 kilometres east of the border.

Drivers will be able to continue their journey after their fast-tracked results are sent to them, according to Victoria's Health Department.

Mr Andrews said he did not believe the detection of viral fragments would affect the planned announcement about the further easing of restrictions on Sunday.

"I don't think so, I think we are well placed to make changes that I had foreshadowed a couple of weeks ago on Sunday. That's very important for jobs, so we think it's proportion to the public health challenge that we face," he said.

South Australian police at the South Australia-Victoria border near Nelson on Wednesday.

South Australian police at the South Australia-Victoria border near Nelson on Wednesday. Credit: Tony Wright

The Premier stressed he still wanted all state borders to be open by Christmas, but when asked why Victoria's northern border had not closed during recent outbreaks in NSW, Mr Andrews intimated the situation in SA was more serious.

"I don’t want to be a gratuitous commentator on what's happening in SA, but I think that's very different," he said.

"What they're going through is very different to what's occurring in NSW."

Three active cases remain in Victoria, two of which are in hospital.

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