

This was published 4 years ago


Berejiklian risks unpicking decades of feminist progress

As the only other woman who has had the honour of serving as NSW Premier, I felt a particular form of sympathy for Gladys Berejiklian last week. Being a woman in the public eye is still a tough road to walk, with everything from our clothing choices to our personal relationships attracting a judgmental – and at times, titillating – scrutiny that our male counterparts routinely escape.

Perhaps more so than any other citizen of our state, I understand the dual pressures Berejiklian faced: being a human with a natural desire to keep her private life to herself and being a woman working to lead a government with integrity.

Premier Gladys Berejiklian and Daryl Maguire.

Premier Gladys Berejiklian and Daryl Maguire.Credit: Dominic Lorrimer, Nick Moir

I have walked this path. I know it is difficult. During my time as Premier a decade ago I had to put up with Photoshopped front pages asserting that I was “somebody’s girl”, a claim that still lingers in some quarters despite the ICAC accepting my evidence that my actions stopped corruption rather than facilitated it. Interestingly, and gratifyingly as well, to this day the number one thing people say to me when they meet me in the grocery store or on the street is “I loved your nobody’s girl speech!”

It’s heartening to see that the way we talk about women has moved along since then. Last week we saw a level of genuine consideration in public discourse. We didn’t see the same old stereotypes about women rolled out by men seeking to maintain the status quo. Commentators didn’t conflate their own internalised sexism towards women in the public eye with the legitimate questions that need to be asked about Berejiklian’s role in this current ICAC investigation.

I hope this shift is a result of a maturing of public conversation rather than a different standard applied to Liberal and Labor premiers, though some of the criticism and coverage of Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk’s wardrobe earlier this year suggests we have some way to go. But we must make this shift. It takes the country, and the place of women, in the right direction. After all, women have fought for an equal place in society for generations. We’ve fought for our own voices to be heard and to be respected. Ultimately, we’ve fought for our own agency to be recognised. We’ve fought for the ability to make our own choices.

Therein lies the problem for Berejiklian – and the problem for women everywhere if we accept her arguments about being led astray by a bad boyfriend. The Premier is responsible for her own actions and accountable for them. The Premier has exercised her own agency. She has made her own choices.

The Premier appears to have known for years about her boyfriend Daryl Maguire’s money-making schemes, land deals and lobbying efforts towards her government. She chose to do nothing.

The Premier didn’t question the deals Maguire was part of. She chose to trust that he was disclosing them. The Premier didn’t actively try to stop him. She chose to send texts congratulating him on his pay-offs.

The Premier chose not to disclose her relationship with her “numero uno” – either publicly or to the ICAC. She chose not to end the relationship with Maguire until a few weeks ago, when she was required to give evidence to the ICAC in private. Without an ICAC inquiry afoot, her links to Maguire and his schemes would likely still be hidden from public view.


The Premier didn’t report Maguire to the ICAC, either. She chose to listen as he talked, endlessly it seems, about all the ways he was going to get rich while in public office.

The evidence presented at the ICAC shows that the Premier told Maguire multiple times she didn’t need to hear about what he was doing. And it does lead you to wonder: why would you need plausible deniability if you know someone isn’t doing anything wrong? Does anyone actually believe the Premier would have said “I don’t need to know about that bit” if she didn’t think “that bit” would compromise her?

As one former journalist said to me, a director of an Australian company acting in the way that the Premier has would have been forced by the board to resign by now. It is wrong that Berejiklian seems to abide by different, and lower, ethical standards.

In opposition and in government she has relentlessly railed against those she thought acted without integrity. She has painted herself as uncompromising in the face of corruption.

NSW Premiers do not get the luxury of hiding their intimate relationships, and the pecuniary interests of their partners, from the citizenry – and for good reason. Maguire was a member of Berejiklian’s government – and a Parliamentary Secretary no less – who is being investigated for corruption in public office. The public definitely have a right to know.

As Premier, I disclosed my husband’s professional roles as required by law. I do the same now as a Senator. Such scrutiny is the price of being entrusted with public office. The disclosure requirements on MPs and the people connected to them provides necessary sunlight. It gives voters confidence that their elected representatives are acting in the best interests of the public. The current NSW Premier doesn’t have the luxury of denying such assurances to the public now.

The NSW Premier also doesn’t get the luxury of refusing to take responsibility for her choice to exercise poor judgement. Her lack of transparency and failure of ethical leadership further undermines the idea of politics as a form of public service. Yes, the notion of politics as a noble profession has taken a number of hits from all sides in recent years. Every time that happens, it reinforces the idea that we politicians are in the job to enrich ourselves rather than our state or country, and that does enormous damage to our democratic system.


In the Berejiklian-Maguire saga, the undermining of public trust in political leaders may be even worse because many people, including me, thought that Berejiklian probably wasn’t like that. For the sake of the public good, and for her own sake, the Premier should resign. If she doesn’t, her MPs should think hard about how they are allowing the public’s trust in politics, and their government, to be trashed.

Finally, the NSW Premier shouldn’t have the luxury of unpicking decades of feminist progress. We cannot now claim that women are so weak of mind and heart that our romantic entanglements impair us from exercising scrutiny. We cannot now claim that our emotions stop us from living up to our ethical and professional responsibilities. Such a sexist argument is precisely the kind of thing has been used by men in years gone by to keep women out of leadership roles in politics and the corporate world.

And Berejiklian shouldn’t have the luxury of getting away with it.

Kristina Keneally is a former NSW Labor premier and the federal opposition spokeswoman on immigration and home affairs.

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