

This was published 4 years ago


NSW can't sustain a Premier Schultz with so many 'I know nussink!'s on her record

In the wake of an extraordinary week, let’s go first to the two most obvious things. The first is that, as fine a woman as she is, and as a broadly successful Premier as Gladys Berejiklian has been, she is mortally wounded as a politician. Yes, to my amazement, she will survive the week – when the news broke I didn’t think she would make sundown, let alone Sunday – and there is no doubt she retains a lot of community sympathy for having fallen for such a cad.

Mortally wounded as a  politician ...  Gladys Berejiklian.

Mortally wounded as a politician ... Gladys Berejiklian.Credit: Nick Moir

But as the smartest commentary has noted, while her love life is none of our damn business, her interactions are very much our business when they involve a member of her party engaged in such dodgy deals that she felt obliged to say, in various ways, “I don’t want to know”.

Her explanation that she didn’t want to know because she was bored by his accounts is palpable nonsense, and the rough and tumble of NSW politics cannot long sustain a Premier Schultz, with so many “I know nussink!”s on her record.

The second thing is, how obvious is it that we need a federal ICAC? The stuff uncovered by the NSW ICAC over the years has been truly stunning, revealing rorts and corruption that would never have seen the light of day if not for its special powers. Can anyone dispute that?


Yes, yes, yes, apart from you, Alan. Your background on pioneering “cash for comment” means you have NO credibility when it comes to criticism of an institution solely devoted to eliminating corruption.

My point again, then. Can anyone dispute that the ICAC has been able to pull back the covers of government to reveal scurrying cockroaches of corruption – and well beyond the obvious of Eddie Obeid. We reel back in horror, measures are taken, and as a people and a society we are stronger for it. No institution has done more to keep the bastards honest than the ICAC. Just the thought of facing a counsel assisting like Scott Robertson – who has been stunning for his sheer forensic focus – immeasurably aids public probity.

So why don’t we have one at the federal level? Who, truly, thinks the corrupt practices revealed in NSW don’t go on in Canberra? How much more would have been exposed about #SportsRorts, for example, if an institution with special powers and a special counsel assisting like Robertson, was investigating? What are they getting away with, right now, that they wouldn’t if a federal version of the ICAC was holding them to account?

Did you see, just last week – following the Nine expose earlier in the the year – that the Department of Finance cleared Assistant Treasurer Michael Sukkar and former minister Kevin Andrews of misusing Commonwealth funds after concluding there was "not a sufficient basis" for finding any serious misuse of resources.


The department's inquiry did not interview the staff members of each politician, who our own Nick McKenzie reported had allegedly been pursuing Liberal Party business, rather than actual government work, all on the taxpayer coin! The politicians have maintained throughout that any party work was done on their volunteer time – not ours. But do you think a federal ICAC would have not even put those staff members on the stand to ask the question? Friends, this is a farce. We need a federal ICAC. Urgently.

Happy return

It was last Sunday afternoon, as the sun shone down and the cars swished past on busy Crown St in Surry Hills. Vicki Tennant was slowly walking along keeping a close eye on her two-year old grandson Frank, who was eagerly clutching his tennis ball, when disaster struck. The lad dropped the ball and it rolled across an empty lane before disappearing under a row of cars and stopping at the traffic lights. Well, as the lights the Foveaux St intersection turned green, that was the end of that ...

But wait! One of the motorists jumped out of his car, got down on his knees, and retrieved the ball, and overarmed it back Ms Tennant for a perfect catch. "Meanwhile,” she reports, “his car was holding up a long line of traffic. But there was no impatient hooting, just waves and smiles of appreciation for this little slice of impromptu Sydney kindness.” Gotta love this city!

A story close to home


Three years ago, when I attended the opening of the National Boer War Memorial in Canberra – a larger than life bronze sculpture of four Australian mounted troopers, coming out of the bushes just 500 metres down from the War Memorial – I was stunned to read the words of one of the troopers on the plaque, a letter to his mother from the front: “ It was a terrible strain when the shells are screaming amongst you and burst ...”

For they were the words of my grandfather, Trooper Frederick Harper Booth of the 2nd Victorian Mounted Rifles – known to some in Sydney as the builder of Booth House at 44 Bridge St in the 1930s, which still stands – writing to my great-grandmother. That is the beginning of my book on Breaker Morant and the Boer released next week, the first excerpt of which you can read here on the smh website. I was able to use my grandfather’s diaries and letters, and the fact that he was in one battle with the Breaker, to help bring it to life.

Quote of the week

“If bonking idiots cost you your job, no woman would be in work.” - Peta Credlin, with a line as true as it was beside the point.

What they said

“Not after this I wouldn't be.” - A droll Daryl Maguire on whether he was still in a relationship with Premier Glady Berejiklian. The disgraced MP had previously characterised his relationship with the Premier as “on-again and off-again”, saying it only finished a few weeks ago in “August or September”.

“I wouldn’t let anyone walk around the parliament with a glass of red . . . Or a glass of white. I would frown on that.” - A prim Darryl Maguire to the ICAC on his role in enforcing parliamentary standards. God forbid.

“She’s a smart lady who I think has been punching below her weight with perhaps a much more average guy. I have sympathy for Gladys at the human level.” – Bill Shorten on Channel Nine.

“I can speak personally. I'm told that in 2019, I was the most trolled person in the entire world, male or female. Now, for eight months of that, I wasn't even visible. I was on maternity leave. But what was able to be manufactured and churned out, it's almost unsurvivable. That's so big you can't even think of what that feels like. I don't care if you're 15 or you're 25, if people are saying things about you that aren't true, what that does to your mental and emotional health is so damaging.” – The Duchess of Sussex about life in the public eye.

“I reached the conclusion that you can venerate a contest of ideas, if you will, and we all do and that’s important. But it shouldn’t be in a way that hides agendas. A contest of ideas shouldn’t be used to legitimise disinformation. And I think it’s often taken advantage of. And I think at great news organisations, the mission really should be to introduce fact to disperse doubt — not to sow doubt, to obscure fact, if you will." – James Murdoch on why he left the family firm a few months ago.

“It rots from the top because she knows what she’s been involved in.” – Opposition Leader Jodi McKay, putting the boot into Premier Berejiklian.

“I stole a piece of history that had lots of negative energy inside. People there died in horrible ways. Bad luck played with me and my family.” – An anonymous Canadian woman returning small artefacts she stole from Pompeii in 2005. She said she was 36, had twice had breast cancer and was asking for “God's forgiveness”.

“Herd immunity is another word for mass murder.” - William Haseltine, chairman and president of ACCESS Health International, on the word coming out of the Trump White House that – in the wake of proving incapable of remotely limiting the plague – they are now looking at the highly discredited option of herd immunity.

“This will kill Manly. The tourism dollar needs to be part of the equation. There is outrage, frankly. Everyone is stunned. There is still decades of life left in these ferries – it is like getting rid of the cable cars in San Francisco.” – Northern Beaches councillor Candy Bingham, a third-generation Manly resident, about the plan to get rid of the Freshwater class Manly ferries.

“Please, God, show them the way/ Please, God, on this day/ Spirits all, give them the strength/ Peace can come if you really want it. I think we’re just in time to save it.” – Stevie Nicks, in a new song which has been interpreted as an anti-Trump anthem.

Joke of the week

Q: What will you never say about a banjo player?
A: That’s the banjo player’s Porsche.
Q: How are a banjo player and a blind javelin thrower alike?
A: Both command immediate attention and alarm, and force everyone to move out of range.
Q: What do you call a banjo player in a three-piece suit?
A: The defendant.

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