

This was published 3 years ago

What happens to Melbourne when it's starved of the growth that fed its lifestyle?

We built a city on the very things that closed borders and COVID-19 have denied us: people, immigrants, particularly international students, gathering in large numbers in narrow spaces. So what happens now?

By Royce Millar, Chris Vedelago and Bianca Hall

When and how will Melbourne recover?

When and how will Melbourne recover?Credit: The Age

What’s to become of us, Melbourne, this once-humming city so open to the world, now stalled and shuttered?

It's been 215 days since the Andrews government declared a state of emergency to ward off COVID-19 — seven months in which we’ve locked down and closed off from the world, our country and, even, our countryside.

In a pandemic the main focus, of course, is saving lives. But now we fear for the health of our city, mothballed longer than all the other capitals, and especially susceptible to a curse like COVID.

We'd opened ourselves to the world, embraced globalisation and remade ourselves as a smarty-arty economy based on knowledge and services. We’d reinvented the old CBD as a place to eat, drink, and play in boutique bars and eateries often tucked away in "secret" laneway locations.

We’d built a city on the very things that closed borders and COVID-19 have denied us: people, immigrants – international students in particular – gathering in number in narrow spaces.

As busy as Bourke Street Mall. Melbourne's CBD during COVID-19.

As busy as Bourke Street Mall. Melbourne's CBD during COVID-19.Credit: Jason South

Melbourne's long economic boom is now over, or least seriously interrupted. And with the city's boundaries stretching 150 kilometres from Bunyip to Wallan, the ongoing impacts are likely to be as profound in Berwick as they are in Little Bourke Street.


While we dream of a return to normal, that likelihood fades with the passing weeks and months. In the words of Premier Daniel Andrews, COVID-normal is what we should expect, whatever that is.

Even if a vaccine is found and we are all inoculated by the end of next year as the federal government’s budget papers predict, the coronavirus has already ravaged our economy.

The virus and our response to it will forever change how Melbourne looks and functions. But it may not be all bad. Amid the gloom, the COVID disruptor may yet, according to some, help make changes for the good.

Last flight from Dubai

At 9.23pm on June 30, Emirates flight EK408 from Dubai touched down at Tullamarine, one of a handful of airlines still operating routes to Australia. The 52 passengers would be the last international air travellers into Melbourne before Premier Daniel Andrews announced we were to be sealed off from the world.

The unprecedented measure was to last a fortnight, while the government tackled the worsening second wave of the virus. Nearly four months later we remain locked away.


Thirty years ago, planners bemoaned Melbourne becoming a hollowed out "doughnut" city, a tired 9 to 5 office precinct. In the manufacturing-focused and car-dominated post-World War II years, we worked, lived and played in the suburbs.

Planning Minister Richard Wynne was Melbourne’s Labor lord mayor in 1990. He recalls people scoffing at the idea of encouraging people to live within the old Hoddle Grid. "People thought we were mad. Nobody lived in the city."

But in the years before COVID, the City of Melbourne was the fastest-growing municipality in the country and home to 180,000 people.

In greater Melbourne, meanwhile, hundreds arrived every day before the pandemic, adding a population bigger than a Ballarat-sized city each year. A metropolis of 3 million two decades ago exploded to more than 5 million by 2019, making it one of the fastest growing cities in both the industrial and developing worlds and on track to overtake Sydney as Australia's biggest in the 2020s.

International immigration accounted for more than half the increase, with newcomers drawn by our safe streets, stable democracy, job and business opportunities, education and housing affordability — relative to Sydney. Education became our single biggest export.


Treasurer Tim Pallas boasted that Victoria was the "powerhouse" and the "engine room" of the nation. Population growth underpinned it and, as Melbourne sprawled outward and upward, property taxes fed strong state budget surpluses.

But others were less glowing. On a per-capita basis, Victoria’s booming economy actually went backwards in some years after the global financial crisis, prompting economist Saul Eslake to declare Victoria a "poor state".

Critics warned that an economy built on perpetual population growth, including students from China and India, would eventually be found out, like a Ponzi scheme. Nobody tipped the test would come in the form of a weird, worldwide virus.

What's the damage?

The Andrews government has not set a new deadline for producing its already-delayed state budget, a de facto acknowledgement that Melbourne’s long battle with COVID was playing havoc with economic forecasts.

Australia is in recession for the first time in almost three decades and Victoria's downturn is expected to be deeper than elsewhere in the country. On Thursday, the state government reported a $6.5 billion deficit for the financial year as a result of fighting COVID-19. Nearly 170,000 jobs were lost across the state from March to June.


In the streets, the pandemic has made inner Melbourne a virtual no-go zone, off-limits to most of the 1 million workers, shoppers and tourists who daily stepped into the CBD pre-COVID. City of Melbourne figures show that foot traffic has fallen 90 per cent in the wake of closures of offices, university campuses, shops, bars, restaurants and sports venues.

Melbourne's famed laneways are a virtual no-go zone under lockdown.

Melbourne's famed laneways are a virtual no-go zone under lockdown.Credit: Jason South

Almost 8 per cent of food businesses have permanently shut their doors, another 8 per cent say they are on the brink, and nearly one-third of businesses have applied for the JobKeeper wage subsidy program, scheduled to wind up in March.

Up on the city skyline, the construction sector has worked through the lockdown. Yet almost every crane is on a job started pre-COVID, leading real estate industry figure Colliers International executive John Marasco to declare central Melbourne’s development "stalled".

Unlike the recession of the early 1990s, when abandoned building projects left the city scarred by "bomb sites", the current downturn is more likely to result in vacant apartments and offices and what one senior property expert described as half-filled "ghost" towers.

Construction continues apace in Melbourne during lockdown, but who will live and work in all these towers?

Construction continues apace in Melbourne during lockdown, but who will live and work in all these towers?Credit: Jason South

In the outer suburbs, the economic impacts are mixed. Here, some industries are thriving, logistics in particular on the back of a surge in online retail, and developers are reporting strong ongoing demand for house-and-land packages buttressed by low interest rates and the federal government’s HomeBuilder grants.


Yet it is here, and especially in the south-east and west, that the majority of migrants eventually settle, especially those with young families. And with the migration tap turned off, a slowdown in fringe development seems inevitable.

What might be

Last week's federal budget estimated a temporary collapse in Victoria's population growth as the country’s net immigration went into reverse for the first time since 1946.

State and federal governments have based assumptions about a recovery – a return to normalised work patterns, spending, population growth and tourism – on a COVID-19 vaccine being found and widely effective by late 2021. They also assume that inoculated citizens and tourists would return to behaving and spending as they did before COVID-19.

In analysis for The Age, economists and planners at SGS estimate metropolitan economic growth will slump 5 percentage points through 2020 and 2021, but this forecast assumes a vaccine. Forecasts excluding a vaccine are dire. In its worst-case scenario, accounting giant PwC estimates the City of Melbourne alone will lose $110 billion in economic output and 79,000 jobs each year for the next five years.

Vaccine or not, the COVID-19 pandemic will be a pivotal event for the city, its form and its functioning.

The SGS analysis also indicates that, with ongoing health concerns and social distancing in workplaces, shops and restaurants, the city's daily foot traffic will struggle to return to the level of 20 years ago. Even when lockdown ends, people will be nervous about travelling in public transport and elevators, and sitting in cosy restaurants.

Pre-COVID, city workers made up almost half the daily foot traffic count. The success of the directive to work from home could have long-term ramifications for the shape of the city.

The biggest workplaces in and around the CBD include the federal, state and city public service offices as well as major corporates, such as ANZ, NAB and Telstra.

Senior government figures and bank executives predict a major reduction, possibly by half or more, of the city workforce on any given day, with employees working at home more often or, in the case of the public service, possibly in suburban office "hubs".

Wynne says a big change is afoot. "One of the real keys to this will be the flexibility of allowing people to work from home maybe two or three days a week and maybe a couple of days back in the city or in a hub in their own neighbourhood or suburb."

SGS forecasts a drop of about one third from the 1 million pre-COVID foot traffic figure, a massive blow to the CBD economy and office market.

On the brighter side

All crises bring opportunities.

Wider suburban Melbourne for instance, might see some upside from the struggles of the central city.

While Victoria is unlikely to abandon its education and services economic strategy, there is broad agreement that the economy needs to be more diverse and self-reliant.

No one wants to see the CBD regress to the doughnut days of the 1970s and 1980s. Nor is Melbourne likely to return to building cars and making clothes as its core business.

Nonetheless, SGS economist and planner Marcus Spiller says there is a palpable shift in "sentiment" about manufacturing and that business is increasingly prepared to pay a little extra for local content in products and confidence in their supply chains.

He says with the know-how that remains from the city's manufacturing past, it is well placed to take advantage of Australia’s renewed interest in making things.

Planning Minister Richard Wynne.

Planning Minister Richard Wynne.Credit: Jason South

In Dandenong South, Peter Angelico is the boss at the ABECK Group, a thriving maker of structural steel components.

He heads a regional lobby pressing to boost manufacturing's share of current GDP from less than 7 per cent to 10 percent by 2025. "That would pretty much wipe out unemployment," he says.

Ambitious maybe, but with its $1.5 billion investment in "competitive" manufacturing in last week's budget, the Coalition government has re-engaged with the sector in a way not seen for decades.

People like Angelico are hoping for a little love for manufacturers in the forthcoming state budget.

So is Planning Minister Wynne. "For us to recapture our rightful leadership in manufacturing is exactly where we should be," he says. "It’d be a damn good thing."

The pandemic has slashed foot traffic in the CBD.

The pandemic has slashed foot traffic in the CBD.Credit: Jason South

Economists and planners also see the shift to home working as a potential boon for suburban Melbourne, and the long talked-about idea of local activity centres or mini-cities within a city.

State planning strategies have long fantasised about "20-minute" and walkable cities and the idea of Melburnians working and playing close to home to reduce the pressure on roads, transport and the environment. Inadvertently, COVID may have done more to realise that goal than decades of planning documents.

Neighbourlytics is an urban technology company that advises governments and the private sector about working and lifestyle habits. In a study dubbed The New Local, the company compared social data collected from the inner Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane, over two periods: pre-COVID February and then again in May.


It found that the COVID experience had forced a quantum leap in digital working, business and shopping, forever changing our relationship with the workplace and reconnecting people locally.

The company's research of the COVID experience highlights the importance of community assets like green, open space on the one hand but also the need for big improvements in digital infrastructure.

"Nature is the new destination," says Neighbourlytics co-founder Lucinda Hartley. "Parks should be seen as essential services."

If staying local is the way of the future and jobs the No.1 priority, it makes sense for governments to review planning and spending priorities.

Most of Victoria's infrastructure investment is earmarked for mega transport projects conceived pre-COVID and aimed at getting people across and out of the city quicker, like the North East Link and the Suburban Rail Loop.

A survey of infrastructure investors and builders by law firm Allens has found the industry is now focused on the trend to home working and concerns that big transport infrastructure spending is at the expense of much needed social infrastructure, such as schools, hospitals and housing.

Lucinda Hartley of Neighbourlytics.

Lucinda Hartley of Neighbourlytics.

These projects would deliver longer lasting employment and address some of the "structural inequalities" the pandemic had exacerbated, the survey found.

Rarely has such a consensus existed across community, business, unions and politicians as there is now around the idea of a big social housing spend – a strategy to build urgently needed accommodation and create jobs across the city at a time when government borrowing rates are at a historic low.

While Victoria prides itself on being an inclusive and progressive state, the 2016 Census revealed that our state had the lowest percentage of social housing in Australia; less than 2.5 per cent of its total housing is public/social.

Affordable housing may also be an option if the central city is left with empty offices. In the last recession, Melbourne was awash with such space, much of it eventually converted to residential as part of the city’s Postcode 3000 program.

COVID has highlighted what's possible by providing hotel-style emergency accommodation for the homeless. Another innovation is the conversion of the Maribyrnong Detention Centre into temporary housing for released prisoners.

The Maribyrnong project is intended to slow the spread of COVID by housing exiting prisoners at risk of ending up on the street and coming into contact with the virus.


Prison reform advocates have long called for precisely this sort of accommodation to help address the state's poor record of prisoner reoffending and recidivism.

For Jesuit Social Services chief executive Julie Edwards, the big question is whether such facilities will continue to be supported in Melbourne’s new normal, whatever that is.

"COVID has been terrible but it has shone a light on the cracks in society," she says.

"It has allowed us to do things we should have done long ago. And that will make us a better community."

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