

This was published 4 years ago


The ABC of the HSC for the class of 2020

Hi HSCers,

This will be my last missive to you before this week’s exams. Did you spend your school holidays studying or partying? Are you cramming right now or do you intend to have a few late-night study sessions this week? Don’t worry. If you don’t know your material now, you may never know it. Trust me, you certainly won’t remember it a year or so later.

I’ve prepared you a quick cheat sheet. It may not get you through the exams, but it could help with the trickier bit that comes later: life.

The HSC starts this week for NSW Year 12 students.

The HSC starts this week for NSW Year 12 students.Credit: Robert Pearce.

Let’s call it the ABC of the HSC.



Appreciation will take you a long way. Always. Appreciate everything, from your teachers to your families and friends and the fact you have received an education in an A-grade country.

Accept the end of high school for exactly what it is: an Accomplishment you have Achieved in an Awful year. For most, 2020 has been far from Amazing or Awesome, but you have Astounded us All by your Adaptability. All those At-home lessons. You Are Astonishing, All of you.

Whatever your Ambition in life, don’t forget what you’ve learnt this year and use it to your Advantage. May difficulties never dampen your Ardour, or destroy your Appetite for an Abundant life. Give yourself an A-plus Already for Year 12.



Always have a Plan B (like the ads for random Breath testing say about Back-up plans). I Bet that’s the Best lesson you can get from this B-grade year to do your HSC.

Maybe one day – decades in the future, you’ll look Back and see it as a Blessing. Because you learnt to Be kind. To others as well as yourself.

You’ll encounter Bullies and Bores and Bad Behaviour out there on your own in this world. Be mindful how you Behave Back. Bullying is Bad form. But how Best to deal with it? If you try to Be funny, it can Backfire (ask the Year 12 Shore boys).

Be kind is the Best piece of advice my dad gave me. In fact, it was such a mantra for him it is the two-word phrase on his grave. I can still hear him say it. Not that I Bet you listen much to your parents now. But one day when we are gone, you will wish we could Be Back in your life. Believe me.


It’s always Better to be known for Being Big-hearted rather than Big-noting yourself. Bragging is Boring with a capital B. Be Benevolent and you and those around you will Bloom, Because it will Bring out the Best in yourself and others. If you learn this early, Bravo. Being kind is Brave. They say fortune favours the Bold. So don’t Be Bashful about Being Bodacious (Better look that one up in the dictionary to Be sure what it means).

Don’t ever think you’re the Brainiest, Brightest or Best in the room. Be humble But Be Ballsy and grow a Backbone. And Bada Bing, Bada Boom, life may Be kind to you. But don't Be too sure. Be prepared for it not to Be, too.


Could stand for Coronavirus. Or COVID-19. But that wouldn't be too Creative, would it? It's a Callous way to remember this Car Crash of a year. Let's try to be a Cleverer Country.


As you Continue in your Career, you will Come to many Crossroads. Commit to your decisions, and you will be Confident in your Choices. If you Choose to Count your blessings, rather than your Cash, you will be Continuously Calm and Carefree. Be Cautious if Career is all you Consider; Compassion and Caring for others are Commendable, Courageous and will give you great Comfort in the years to Come.

Of Course, Congratulations for Completing School. Don’t forget to Celebrate with your Community. Both the Clan you were born to and the Clan you Claim as your own.

May you be Constant, Consistent, Courteous and Curious. And when it Comes time for you to move away from your family, here is a C word not to forget: Call home, as often as you CAN. Communicate with those who Care for you.

I could go on from A to Z and find a word to describe each part of your journey, but it’s your narrative now. It’s time to flesh out the story of your life, with as many colourful adjectives as you can muster. And don't forget verbs. Do stuff.

Fear not. Every new chapter begins with a blank page.

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