

This was published 4 years ago

'We've gotten nowhere': Wharf action ends without pay deal

By Nick Bonyhady

The Maritime Union of Australia has suspended its campaign of industrial action against stevedoring company Patrick at ports around the country without a pay deal.

Federal government ministers and industry organisations had claimed the union's strategy could hurt farmers and imperil medicine supplies if it continued for long enough.

Industrial action at the nation's wharves has been stopped.

Industrial action at the nation's wharves has been stopped.Credit: Lousie Kennerley

The union's move averted a showdown originally scheduled for Thursday at the Fair Work Commission, which the company had asked to terminate the union's industrial campaign, but the fundamental dispute has been left unresolved and the parties could be back where they started by the end of the month.

After a scheduled morning of talks on Wednesday stretched into an extra day, the parties left the negotiations on Thursday with no agreement on pay and conditions for dock workers, which started the dispute seven months ago.

Patrick offered a four-year deal with no changes to conditions and 1.5 per cent annual pay rises, lower than the 1.75 per cent the Fair Work Commission decided was reasonable for minimum wage workers this year. The union offered a two-year extension of the union's current agreement with a 2.5 per cent pay bump, higher than the independent commission's decision.


Patrick chief executive Michael Jovicic welcomed the union's decision to withdraw its slowing tactics, which included rolling stoppages at some ports and bans on working overtime. The legal measures had seen delays of up to three weeks at Patrick's Port Botany container terminal in Sydney.

Mr Jovicic said he was disappointed the union had not accepted Patrick's pay offer to its workforce, which has an average full-time pay packet of more than $150,000 including overtime and bonuses.

"Having lost in the court of public opinion [the union] decided to retreat to fight another day," Mr Jovicic said. "We've gotten nowhere, really," he said of the negotiations.


The union has agreed to cease its industrial action until at least October 26, when the union and Patrick will be back before the Fair Work Commission for another hearing.


Patrick is working to expedite one container with diabetes medicine through Port Botany — the first such request during the dispute — and Mr Jovicic urged businesses to start shipping normally again as his workers start to clear the backlog.

Maritime union Sydney assistant branch secretary Paul Garrett said the union believed its industrial action was legitimate, had not delayed vital supplies and was in support of a compromise offer far lower than the 6 per cent the union had originally demanded. But he said the union had suspended the campaign so negotiations could continue.

"You can't hide behind the media or hide behind the court or hide behind the Prime Minister that's got it wrong all week," Mr Garrett said.

Earlier on Thursday, Prime Minister Scott Morrison reiterated his calls for the parties to reach an agreement, telling the wharfies their campaign was hurting ordinary Australians.

"They're picking a fight with farmers, they're picking a fight with people who need medicines, they're picking a fight with Australians whose jobs depend on what comes through those ports," Mr Morrison said. The government was poised to intervene in support of Patrick's application to end the industrial action before the union backed down.

Attorney-General Christian Porter said he was pleased by the union's decision to suspend its campaign, which he called "completely misjudged and pointless".

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