

This was published 4 years ago

Bush whacked: koala squabble morphs into failed open warfare

By Alexandra Smith and Tom Rabe

In the days leading up to Thursday morning's hastily convened NSW Nationals party room meeting, increasingly agitated text messages were flying between MPs.

The Nationals were plotting the next step in their escalating feud with the Liberals over a little-known planning policy designed to protect koala habitat.

Commanding position: Liberal Gladys Berejiklian and Nationals' MPs  Sarah Mitchell, John Barilaro and Bronnie Taylor.

Commanding position: Liberal Gladys Berejiklian and Nationals' MPs Sarah Mitchell, John Barilaro and Bronnie Taylor.Credit: Janie Barrett, Kate Geraghty, Jessica Hromas

Their plan was quickly gaining momentum as self-affirming messages pinged back and forth. A Nationals minister says they were all "completely united" in their anger towards the Liberals. "This was not JB [John Barilaro] going rogue," the minister says.

On Thursday morning, the Nationals met over Zoom to thrash out their plan of attack and almost two hours later, with several of his ministers in tow, Deputy Premier John Barilaro strode into the Domain to address the media.

Barilaro and his team were prepared to punish the Liberals and jeopardise the NSW government's already-slim majority, by taking the unprecedented step of moving en masse to the crossbench.

It marked the start of an extraordinary 24 hours, which saw the Berejiklian government – one of the most popular in the county – on the brink of collapse.

On the surface, the issue that seemingly sparked the crisis in the Coalition was a State Environmental Planning Policy to protect koala habitat. It became law just before Christmas, but has been the source of simmering tension between the Nationals and Liberals ever since.

The Nationals argue the policy will lock up land for farmers. The Liberals insist it does nothing more than provide mechanisms for koalas to be protected.

NSW Deputy Premier John Barilaro faces the media on Friday after he backtracked on threats to split the Coalition.

NSW Deputy Premier John Barilaro faces the media on Friday after he backtracked on threats to split the Coalition.Credit: Kate Geraghty


While voicing some initial concerns, Nationals MPs say they agreed for the policy to be ticked off under the proviso their issues were addressed later in the process.

By August, negotiations between Liberal Ministers and concerned Nationals had broken down and the policy squabble morphed into open warfare. It became city versus country.

But this time, having already endured several bouts of Barilaro's political brinkmanship and emboldened by her much-lauded handling of the coronavirus pandemic, Gladys Berejiklian decided to push back.

The Premier stared Barilaro down and refused to entertain his threats.

"It is not possible to be the Deputy Premier or a Minister of the Crown and sit on the crossbench," Berejiklian said in a statement on Thursday afternoon.

"They cannot do both. If required, I will attend Government House tomorrow and swear in a new ministry."

It never came to that. On Friday morning, the Nationals backed down from their threats and the attention immediately turned to Barilaro's leadership future.

At one point on Thursday Barilaro offered to resign, telling his party room that a new leader could be the "reset" the Nationals needed. His troops talked him down.

Mental Health minister Bronnie Taylor, a Nationals MP in the upper house, says Barilaro's leadership has never been stronger.

Nationals MP Barnaby Joyce says Barilaro should not have “telegraphed his punches”.

Nationals MP Barnaby Joyce says Barilaro should not have “telegraphed his punches”.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

"John Barilaro is not going anywhere and he has the absolute support of the National Party room and the absolute support of the state executive," Taylor says.

"We are stronger than ever because we all believed in what we were fighting for. I am a proud Coalitionist but we have to stand up for what we believe in.

"I have an enormous sense of pride that we were so united."

Fellow Nationals maverick Barnaby Joyce also backed Barilaro's bold approach and says he should remain leader of the NSW Nationals.

The former deputy Prime Minister says governments do not need friendships to function and Barilaro should be able to maintain a working relationship with Berejiklian.

"Politics is not about liking people, otherwise you'd stay at home and cuddle your kids," Joyce says. "There were a lot of times that [Malcolm] Turnbull couldn't stand the sight of me but we still managed to get a lot done."

Joyce says the NSW Nationals do not have a better option, despite rumours circulating that Agriculture Minister Adam Marshall and current deputy Paul Toole were being considered as replacements. Water Minister Melinda Pavey's name is also in the mix.

"It's no good replacing him with someone that's worse," Joyce says.

But Joyce says Barilaro should not have "telegraphed his punches" and allowed the spat to play out so publicly.

Other senior Nationals outside parliament are not so forgiving of Barilaro's behaviour.

'What we have seen out of Gladys Berejiklian is don’t bring a knife to a gun fight.'

NSW Police Minister David Elliott

One member says: "He made an idiot of himself because he was going to take on the Libs and then didn't. The minute it was farmers or the white car, he chose the white car."

Another says: "I'm sorry to say this but he has to go. He's embarrassed himself and led every Nat MP to a cliff before hitting reverse to save his own arse.

"If he had any sense of decency he would quit but from what we've seen, he doesn't have any. So now we have a lame duck leader and party room that knows that."

On Friday, Liberal Police Minister David Elliott was scathing in his assessment of Barilaro.

"I think what we have seen out of John Barilaro is the greatest act of political bastardry in quite some time," Elliott says.

"I think the disloyalty that we have seen out of the Deputy Premier makes his position untenable, and I also believe what we have seen out of Gladys Berejiklian is don't bring a knife to a gun fight.

"Those who want to take her on, need to be able to follow it through."

Before Thursday's showing, Barilaro had a strong track record of making threats that have never eventuated.

Fresh from an election win in 2019, Barilaro set the tone for his approach to negotiations with the Liberals at his party's state conference, warning he would not allow the regions to suffer to appease "city moderates and the crossbench".

Having already threatened to quit as leader during a Coalition candidate dispute ahead of the Wagga Wagga by-election in 2018, Barilaro warned in June last year he was prepared to relinquish the Deputy Premier title because it suggested he was "subservient" to another party.

A few months later he made the same threat, warning he would revisit the Nationals' relationship with the Liberals if the government did not intervene on planned regional job cuts at Essential Energy.

The Liberals backed down to Barilaro in both instances, agreeing not to run a candidate in the 2018 by-election (which was ultimately won by an independent), and saving the electricity jobs.

Barilaro's repeated threats - and Berejiklian's tendency to entertain them - has rankled Liberal MPs, who have long wanted the Premier to take him on.

"How many times is he going to threaten this bullshit?" one MP said at the time, adding Barilaro risked being painted as "the boy who cried wolf".

His brief foray into federal politics further cemented Barilaro's back-pedalling reputation after saying he would contest the seat of Eden-Monaro only to pull out.

His exit from the by-election was followed by a bitter and public stoush with both Federal Nationals leader Michael McCormack and NSW Transport Minister Andrew Constance, who he called a c--- on the front page of The Daily Telegraph.

Text messages between Barilaro and McCormack were also leaked to the media, with the Deputy Premier accusing his federal counterpart of failing his team and failing as a leader.

Former long-term NSW Nationals leader and deputy premier Andrew Stoner says despite Barilaro's ongoing antics, this time he chose the right issue to attack.

Andrew Stoner when he was NSW Deputy Premier.

Andrew Stoner when he was NSW Deputy Premier. Credit: Dominic Lorrimer

"It's emblematic of a city-country divide where heavy handed regulations are imposed on regional areas which do not apply to the same extent in the city," Stoner says.

"Regional people pay the price for environmental outcomes sought by city people. It's the latest in a long line of such policies, some of which arguably have actually been detrimental to the environment, such as insufficient hazard reduction for bushfires.

"That's why some of the Nats see this as a line in the sand issue."

Stoner says the issue "has not been well managed by the Liberals, who have failed to understand the significance".


"Also, the Minister [Rob Stokes] has been seen as antagonistic by some Nats. The reality is the Nats want to protect their environment and koalas but don't want to kill local businesses to do so," Stoner says.

Former education minister Adrian Piccoli, who was dumped from cabinet by Barilaro in early 2017 and left politics within the year, says Barilaro is right to fight for the bush.

"The strategy is right, but the tactic was probably not," Piccoli says.

"There are genuine anxieties in the bush about environmental issues because the only people paying for it are the farmers, landholders and primary industry.

"The Liberals and Labor, and all the advocates of climate change, have to realise that the burden has to be shared, and seen to be shared, between metro and regional.

"At the moment the regional communities just see that they are carrying the burden themselves. A toilet block in the local skate park is not good enough."

Despite supporting his party's motive, Stoner warns that "public divisions are government killers".

"The best approach would be for John and Gladys to have a long chat about this, with a view towards a compromise position which could be sold by the Nats as a win in their communities," Stoner says.

"During my time, we had plenty of disagreements with the Libs, but we kept it behind closed doors. Disunity is death."

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