

This was published 4 years ago

WA wins first battle in border war with Clive Palmer

By Heather McNeill

The West Australian government has had a win in the first stage of its border war with Clive Palmer after the Federal Court found the 'hard border' strategy was the most effective method of keeping coronavirus out of the state.

Handing down his judgment on Tuesday, Justice Darryl Rangiah found the pandemic was uncertain and fast-moving and warranted WA's precautionary approach to interstate arrivals.

Clive Palmer began legal action against the state after his application to enter WA in May was refused.

Clive Palmer began legal action against the state after his application to enter WA in May was refused. Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

"The existing border restrictions do not eliminate the potential importation of COVID-19 from other states or territories since they allow exempt travellers to enter WA, however the restrictions have reduced the numbers of people entering from interstate to approximately 470 people per day, compared to approximately 5000 per day in 2019," he said.

"In view of the uncertainties involved in determining the probability that COVID-19 would be imported into Western Australia from elsewhere in Australia, and the potentially serious consequences if it were imported, a precautionary approach should be taken to decision-making about the measures required for the protection of the community."


Justice Rangiah said if someone entered WA while infectious, there would be a "high probability" the virus would be transmitted and "at least a moderate probability" of uncontrolled outbreaks, which could lead to deaths and hospitalisations.

"In the worst-case scenario, the health consequences would be catastrophic," he said.

The case will now go to the High Court to determine whether WA's border restrictions are constitutional, with Judge Rangiah's finding the border closure is reasonable to underpin the proceedings.

The Federal Court judgment was handed down after Justice Rangiah ruled the original four-day hearing into the matter would stand, despite WA arguing for a new trial following the Commonwealth's eleventh-hour withdrawal from the proceedings amid mounting political pressure.


The ruling had little impact given the court found in WA's favour.


Justice Rangiah determined the chances COVID-19 would be imported from Victoria if WA's border came down were high. For New South Wales it was moderate, Queensland he ruled uncertain due to an emerging new outbreak.

South Australia, the Northern Territory and the ACT were deemed a low risk, while Tasmania was deemed a very low risk. All four have also eliminated unknown community spread of the virus.

Mr Palmer, supported by the Commonwealth, had argued for WA to open its borders to other states with little to no community transmission, which at the time of the hearing, included his home state of Queensland.

He claimed WA's all-or-nothing approach to its hard border was in breach of Section 92 of the constitution, which says movement and trade between states should be absolutely free.

However the Federal Court ruled if WA's hard border was replaced by mandatory 14 days quarantine on arrival, it would not be able to manage the capacity.

It also found other measures, such as targeted bans on people arriving from COVID-19 hotspots and travellers wearing masks and submitting to testing, were less effective than the border closure.

WA Premier Mark McGowan said the court decision was a "comprehensive win" for WA.

"Before the case proceeds to the High Court, the Federal Court assessed all the evidence from WA, Clive Palmer and the Federal Government," he said.

"The Federal Court looked at all other options to protect the WA community and determined that they were less effective at preventing COVID-19 in WA.

"It's now time for Clive Palmer to end this madness once and for all. Clive Palmer should withdraw his High Court challenge now."

Despite withdrawing the Commonwealth from the border challenge, Prime Minister Scott Morrison in Parliament on Monday continued to support the reopening of states when it was safe to do so.

"Borders in principle within the federation are not a good idea and we should avoid having them wherever we possibly can and they should only be applied when the health advice absolutely demands it," he said.

The High Court hearing is expected to take place in September or October.

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