

This was published 4 years ago


Bigger is better: How bulked-up Bryson is changing the face of golf

I have told before the story of interviewing the great Olympian Dunc Gray in his Kiama home not long before he died in 1996. Australia's flag-bearer at the 1936 Berlin Olympics, Gray told me the story of how as Adolf Hitler passed nearby with Hermann Goring during the opening ceremony, an idea came to him. Appalled at what he had seen of Nazi Germany so far, and realising Hitler to be a monster, he ... well, you tell ’em, Mr Gray, one more time for the road.

"I remember looking up to see that spear-like thing at the top of the staff," he said. "I hated him. You could see the war was going to start, you didn't have to be too bright to see the war was going to start. I remember thinking I would have liked to poke the sharp spear on the end of it right through him, but ..."

Big shot: Bryson DeChambeau in August 2018 and July 2020.

Big shot: Bryson DeChambeau in August 2018 and July 2020.Credit: Getty

But what?

"But it was only made of, like a brass sheet, and it would have bent on his uniform. It wouldn't do the job so I thought I'd only get myself into trouble ...”

It would, indeed, speaking of international protocol, have been a pretty serious breach, but certainly would have put Dawn Fraser’s transgression with the Olympic flag in Tokyo three decades later in some perspective.


But I digress. For something else Gray told me in that interview has always stayed with me. He talked about the breakthrough that helped turn him into a champion. Again, Mr Gray, if you would do the honours?

"I particularly remember a journalist by the name of Harry Gordon told me something very important. He asked me once if I ever weighed myself when I was in good form, and I said ‘no’. He said, ‘well, you might find that it will be useful to find out what weight you are, and then try to keep to it, to stop yourself going flat’. And you know he was right? The weight and everything go together, see, and if you weigh right, you'll go right. It made a big difference to me, knowing that.”

Get it?


That which you and I take for absolute granted as bleeding obvious wasn’t actually widely known in the early 1930s. Which begs the question: are there things barely known now in the world of sport that, in decades to come, will be simply taken for granted? The obvious answer is: very few, if any at all. So many scientific resources have been poured into sport, so much analysis done, that there is surely very little left to know and we are now genuinely down to most of it being the bare inches still available in Al Pacino’s famous speech in Any Given Sunday.

What if though ... what if, in a major sport a bloke might have just discovered something that, decades from now, will be taken for granted just as we take for granted now the virtues of being a slim cyclist?

There just might be one.

For in The New York Times last week they covered the story of Bryson DeChambeau, the professional golfer who was also a physics major at his American university. During the lockdown DeChambreau put his golfing expertise together with his knowledge of physics and reasoned his way forward on how to hit the golf ball further on his drives. He needed to be stronger and needed a bigger muscle mass to drive the club with more force and so hit the ball with more speed.

And so, as the NYT reported: "DeChambeau threw himself into an extreme weight lifting routine that added 40 pounds [18 kilograms] to his physique, most of it in his upper body.”

He finished up at 109 kilograms, 36 kilograms heavier than the world’s top-ranked player, Rory McIlroy, and it helped! By DeChambreau’s estimation his increased muscle mass has seen him generating 25 miles an hour (40km/h) more ball speed and he is "routinely hitting drives 50 yards (45m) past the competition. His golf ball often travels at speeds approaching 200 miles an hour, and he envisions drives regularly flying 400 yards.”

For the moment though his best drives are just a stone’s throw short of that. A couple of weeks ago, on his way to winning the PGA tournament in Detroit, he hit a 367-yard drive on the final hole, which Associated Press records as "the 29th time he's had a drive go 350 yards or longer.”

Since golf has come back, he is 69-under par over the four tournaments he has played in. And he is not done yet, hoping to get even bigger, going up to 118 kilograms and he estimates swinging it upward of 210 miles an hour, while still retaining control.

McIlroy, for one, is impressed.

"It was crazy, it was nuts, it’s unbelievable,” McIlroy said of DeChambeau’s tee shots three weeks ago. "He hit it like 375 yards into the wind.”

Over to you, New York Times for your summation.

"There is a sense in the golf community that DeChambeau, who is ranked 11th in the world and has won five times on the PGA Tour, may be remaking the paradigm of a top golfer. Will the sport’s future players be shaped more like NFL linebackers? And consequently, will the next generation of young golfers adopt heavy weight lifting regimens to mimic DeChambeau’s beefy frame?”

You get the drift.

Props of the world unite. Your time on the golf links is coming, and we may well look back on the day when fancy-pants backs ruled at the Masters with wonder. How could we ever have thought that such weaklings stood a chance against front-rowers?

Twitter: @Peter_Fitz

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