

This was published 4 years ago

Lindsay Fox in land grab for more Portsea beachfront

By Royce Millar and Chris Vedelago

Billionaire trucking magnate Lindsay Fox has staked a new claim over thousands of square metres of beach in front of his clifftop mansion in Portsea while also launching court action that would allow him to develop part of the beach he successfully claimed as his own in 2013.

It is the latest attempt by Mr Fox to use a centuries-old common law right in English law to try to gain control over part of the popular Point King public beach which abuts his sprawling Portsea compound.

On Christmas Eve in 2013 the land titles office approved Mr Fox's bid to extend his property line onto the beach by approximately 45 metres, adding about $5 million in value to an estate that was then already worth about $25 million.

Billionaire Lindsay Fox has applied to extend the boundary of his beach compound again.

Billionaire Lindsay Fox has applied to extend the boundary of his beach compound again.Credit: Eddie Jim

Last month, the rich-lister again applied to the Victorian land titles office to realign the boundary, claiming the natural build-up of sand entitled him to a larger share of the beach. If approved, the proposal would expand his beach holding by more than half its current size, extending it as far as 74 metres towards the waterline.

The application was filed on behalf of Fox family companies by Mornington-based planning consultancy Watsons Pty Ltd whose owner John Woodman – a planning consultant, lobbyist and developer – is at the centre of the Casey land scandal.

The Fox applications are based on the common law concept known as the "doctrine of accretion”, which allows for landowners by coasts and rivers to vary boundaries affected by natural rather than artificial changes to landscape and bodies of water.

It means that when sand builds up on a beach – as it has at Point King – landowners can apply to have their title extended as the high-water mark recedes.

Mr Fox said in a statement to The Sunday Age the public would continue to be able to access the beach by a longstanding public easement.


In 2014, then Liberal planning minister Matthew Guy railed against the loss of public beach at Portsea and responded by changing planning rules that rezoned the extended area from residential to “public conservation and resource”. The change limited what Mr Fox could do on his newly-acquired area of beach.

Mr Fox is now also seeking to overturn Mr Guy’s rezoning in the Victorian Supreme Court, claiming the government effectively seized the land by "subterfuge” and limited his right of development.

The lawsuit flags a demand for compensation, presumably for the loss of land value due to the limits imposed through the rezoning.

Calculations commissioned by The Sunday Age from Melbourne land surveyor Ross Singleton show Mr Fox’s new claim would extend his property further onto the beach by a length of between 64 and 74 metres, and a depth of 67 metres. The additional 4700 square metres would add the equivalent of about eight backyard tennis courts worth of space to his property.

In the three decades since he bought into Portsea, the trucking industry mogul has amassed the largest and most valuable holding in the area, and one of the biggest in urban Victoria.

On Friday, Victorian Planning Minister Richard Wynne said he would “strongly defend” the 2014 rezoning change, with the case set down for trial mid next year. However, it is unclear how Mr Wynne or the land titles office will respond to Mr Fox’s new application to further expand his property's boundary.

Mr Wynne is set to face pressure from locals and experts who want him to intervene to block the application and then legislate to prevent similar claims in the future.

Portsea residents have varying views on what is causing the rapid build-up of sand at Point King, with some blaming the Queenscliff ferry or channel deepening in Port Phillip Bay and nearby planting of exotic grasses. Others believe it has been the natural result of the tide and currents.

David Gabriel-Jones is an expert in the management of public land, the principal of the Public Land Consultancy and a long-time proponent of new legislation to supersede the old common law doctrine.

He said it was a “pointless exercise” trying to ascertain if the build-up of sand at Portsea was natural or not.

“These matters should be determined by sound policy made here in Victoria in the 21st century, not by an interpretation of English law from 300 years ago,” he said.

“In the meantime, Richard Wynne should let it be known that he opposes this boundary realignment. If he does that, I would be absolutely amazed if it were approved.”

Dr Ursula de Jong, president of Nepean Conservation Group, has spoken against the land extension move.

Dr Ursula de Jong, president of Nepean Conservation Group, has spoken against the land extension move. Credit: Eddie Jim

A similar call for legislation has come from the Andrews government’s own environmental advisory body. In March, the Victorian Environmental Assessment Council published a report calling for legislation to codify the law relating to coastal boundaries.

Angry local conservationists have also called on Mr Fox to show restraint. Nepean Conservation Group president Dr Ursula de Jong said Mr Fox should recognise that Victoria’s beaches “are for everyone”.

“We have a major issue with any private individual trying to get more and more foreshore land for themselves. It's not morally or ethically right. This land is part of a beach. The public interest should come first.

“Just because an individual can do this it doesn't mean they have to do it.”

Mr Fox has argued for more than two decades that his property line extended across the Point King beach to the margin of Port Phillip Bay. Over this time he has installed bollards, a lawn, trees, hedges and security cameras to mark out his boundary. But what constitutes the bay's edge has been a murky issue and expansion bids prior to 2013 were rejected.

In 2000, he told The Age he would never stop fighting for what was rightfully his: "As far as I'm concerned, what's mine is mine and I will fight for it all the way. I will not stop."

A statement on Friday on behalf of Mr Fox said the current application before the Titles Office “merely sought to “correct the land description to accord with a recent survey”.


It stressed that the beach had remained accessible to the public via a longstanding public easement. “Mr Fox fully supports public access to the beach via this easement”.

The statement described the Supreme Court case as a “test” of the 2014 rezoning that “effectively applied two land use zonings over one title of land in Portsea”.

“Mr Fox believes this action is unlawful and inconsistent with other property owners.”

The statement also included confirmation from Watsons Pty Ltd that the company had been engaged for technical land survey work. “Watsons and John Woodman have never undertaken lobbying work for Mr Fox."

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