

This was published 4 years ago

Leave it alone: Carter backs Cricket Australia board structure

By Jon Pierik

The man who helped revolutionise Cricket Australia and drag it into a modern governance era has warned diversity and trust could be under threat should it turn back the clock and shed its independence.

Governance expert Colin Carter, along with David Crawford, completed an extensive report in 2011 that prompted CA to end its century-old, state-based board of 14 directors and introduce a system of nine independent directors, although states are still able to nominate a candidate.

In the wake of the COVID-19 financial crisis that led to the demise of CA chief executive Kevin Roberts, state associations have been privately mulling whether the CA board should return to a more representative manner. This would not be under the old structure where the three "foundation" states, New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia, had three directors each, Queensland and Western Australia two and Tasmania with one, but under a system where there were six direct state representatives - who could also sit on the board of their own state associations - and three independents.

Colin Carter is also the president of the Geelong Football Club.

Colin Carter is also the president of the Geelong Football Club. Credit: Joe Armao

This model would probably ease concerns states have had about the lack of financial and strategic detail they have received from CA but it does again raise the possibility of self-interest when it comes to major decisions.


Carter, the Geelong Football Club president, said the current independent system was the fairest and "absolutely regarded as a requirement in other parts of the world on sport".

"That was the problem cricket had - you couldn't actually make a decision which was in the interest of cricket as opposed to being a hostage to what individual states wanted," he said on Monday.

"The reality is, the states didn't trust each other and had to have their own reps on the board. It was interesting to point out to them that the state in which the AFL, for example, was spending a fortune growing the game was Queensland and there had never been a Queensland commissioner.

"I think the [CA] structure is right. If you think it is not working then ... boards [can ask] if the composition of it is right? I don't have a view on that. I don't know the people. I assume it is fine.


"There is no doubt as well that there may be an issue to how the board has managed its relationship with the major stakeholders, who are the cricket associations. But at the end of the day ... they have a nomination process. If enough of them agree the board should be changed, then they can do that. It's not as if the states have been disenfranchised at all. That is the safety valve for it."

That "safety valve" means the CA board can be over-turned if four of the six states agree. The states also take turns on the nominations committee that selects board directors, and clearly made their feelings known about Roberts in recent weeks.

Since the Carter-Crawford report, the board has had a diverse range of skill sets but there is a view its present incarnation under chairman Earl Eddings needs improvement. There are also three women - Jacquie Hey, Michelle Tredenick and Mel Jones - on the board, having never had a woman before governance changes were made.

"There had never been a woman on the Cricket Australia board where the states are basically just selecting their own one person. That was always going to be harder to get up, a favourite son from each state would be selected," Carter said.

"If you want diversity and a mix of skills ... the only way to do that is to look at the group in its entirety and see what we need and that is where the nominations process ... you rely on them to make sensible decisions."

Roberts' departure has eased the strain on relations between CA and the states, with Englishman Nick Hockley given the interim role. But NSW chairman John Knox told the ABC on Sunday he has "no intention to make any cuts at all in our head count" despite CA still fearing there will be a financial shortfall this summer even with confidence that the $300 million tour by India goes ahead.

"We continue to invest in our community cricket, we've got nearly 90 people employed in delivering critical cricket services to the grassroots and we're going to continue to invest hard and grow the game," Knox said.

CA last week cut 40 staff and has moved to make $40 million in savings, coming after Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia and Western Australia have had, in some cases, significant redundancy rounds.

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