

This was published 4 years ago


As we prepare for recovery, we should ask what 'recovery' will mean

One of the most notable developments during the long dream sequence caused by the arrival of the coronavirus has been the revelation that a Morrison government frontbencher and a senior union official have struck up a working relationship.

By necessity, Industrial Relations Minister Christian Porter and ACTU secretary Sally McManus got to talking regularly as the lockdown took effect and – would you believe? – they found each other to be reasonable. They could get things done. This told us so much about the sensibilities that have driven policymaking in Australia in recent years. A member of the federal cabinet and the leader of a peak body that represents about 1.5 million workers actually having something to do with each other. How about that!

Industrial Relations Minister Christian Porter worked with ACTU secretary Sally McManus.

Industrial Relations Minister Christian Porter worked with ACTU secretary Sally McManus.Credit: Louise Kennerley

For most of the nation’s history this would have been regarded as thoroughly unremarkable. But not these days. Since John Howard’s WorkChoices laws helped tip him out of office in 2007, the Liberals have viewed industrial relations as a policy no-go zone and a political plaything. A strange combination, true, but also in keeping with the way the Coalition had been governing, which was a pity, but more about that later.

Since regaining office in 2013, the Coalition has been loath to touch industrial relations policy in any substantive way. It left Labor’s supposed curative to WorkChoices, the Fair Work laws, in place and mostly concentrated on finding ways to punish unions, which served its political ends.


Until now. It took a recession created by a pandemic to make it happen, but the government has put down the cudgels at least for the moment and is taking a tentative – that is the key word – step towards industrial relations policymaking. Next week, five working groups of union and employer representatives will begin meeting to look respectively at casual employment, award simplification, enterprise agreements, compliance and enforcement, and how agreements should apply on greenfields sites.

This is the point in the story where I should express relief and brand the working groups as a breakthrough. I suppose that, technically, this round of meetings qualifies as a breakthrough in that it’s a change from the “no speakies” ways of the recent past, but even if the talks eventually lead to policy outcomes, they’ll fall short of what the country needs – and has needed for quite a while.

At best, they will be tweaks that won’t sit inside a larger, coherent policy framework. As outlined by Porter, the groups will begin with a meeting overseen by him, and then the employer and union reps will be largely left to work things out. The hope is that they will reach a consensus by September. The Prime Minister has already indicated that if they cannot find a way forward, the government will go ahead with its own solutions.

It seems to me that there is an opportunity going begging here, not just for the government but for the nation. There have been attempts to liken what the government is doing to the Hawke government’s prices and incomes accord, which underpinned Australia’s subsequent economic transformation. They are not comparable.


The Accord resulted from some often difficult negotiations between the ACTU and the ALP. It was a comprehensive social contract, with an incomes policy that covered not just wage-fixing but welfare payments and the introduction of Medicare.

And it was the centrepiece of a communique endorsed at a national economic summit held soon after Bob Hawke led Labor into office in 1983 that included business leaders, unions, employer groups, the states and welfare groups.

The Accord had a long-lasting and profound impact on the nation’s economic fortunes because it represented a clear vision of a transformed Australia, one that swept away the rancorous Whitlam and Fraser years. It offered Australian businesses and workers policy certainty regarding workplace laws and shared values. Vitally, the government drove the process.

It wasn’t plain sailing. Over time, pockets of working-class Australia felt left behind by the economic transformation, and the Liberal Party endured a bitter internal debate – and several changes of leader – as it sought ways to respond to it.

But it’s worth noting that the Accord was introduced as the nation experienced social uncertainty and responded to the worst economic circumstances since the Great Depression, similar to now.

As we prepare for recovery, we should ask what "recovery" will mean. Before we went into lockdown, our economic model was sputtering. Wages had long been stagnant, growth was tepid, and we were too reliant on the import of cheap manufactured goods and human beings for our prosperity rather than our own ingenuity through innovation and entrepreneurialism.

It was well past time for something new and better, and this should have already been addressed by the government. Getting the income-setting regime right – ensuring that everyone feels they're getting a fair share and has the chance to get ahead either as an employee or an employer – will be vital to equipping Australia to handle whatever comes our way in the next couple of decades.

It's also a political gift there for the taking; the Prime Minister could eat Labor's lunch if he took the risk and aimed for a much more sweeping, inclusive policy package. Could he? The evidence is mounting that he struggles to break free from a siloed, managerial approach. It’s worked well for him so far. But a society and economy thumped by a pandemic and a global recession will do better with more than that.

Shaun Carney is a regular columnist and a vice-chancellor's professorial fellow at Monash University.

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