

This was published 4 years ago


Book extract: Bad Egg by Andrew Bragg

By Andrew Bragg

What are we trying to achieve with this extraordinary experiment of superannuation? Few people know what the core objective is. Yet we compel people to save almost 10 percent of their salaries and wages.

The truth is the idea of self-funded or largely self-funded retirement has been a shared vision for the two parties, albeit with different ideas of delivery.

Senator Andrew Bragg wants Australia to change direction on super.

Senator Andrew Bragg wants Australia to change direction on super.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Management of the scheme was given to the unions and the financial institutions despite a recommendation from the 1976 Hancock Review into National Superannuation to establish a government default fund.

As modern superannuation is a union project, it is unsurprising that the unions were given the keys to the scheme. This is a byproduct of the relationship between Paul Keating and his contemporary, the union boss Bill Kelty.

A hive of vested interests

Few Australian schemes have given life to the famous quip of Former New South Wales Premier Jack Lang: "in the great race of life, always back self-interest, at least you know it's trying."

The super industry works terribly hard for vested interests – principally financial institutions and unions. For a system of such fundamental importance to Australia's economy and society, it often acts contrary to the interest of one noticeable group – Australians.

This is evident in the structures of the funds and the way ancient laws and customs have been religiously maintained since superannuation started under Commonwealth law in 1992.

Australia's only compulsory product has behaved as any privileged industry would. There are layers and layers of intermediation.

The cover of Bad Egg by Andrew Bragg.

The cover of Bad Egg by Andrew Bragg.

The superannuation funds do not perform many tasks. They are effectively shell companies. Almost every task is outsourced to fund managers, administrators, custodians, asset consultants and insurers. There are very few super funds that do anything internally.

There are two main types of pooled funds: industry and retail.

The retail funds have generally underperformed and are riven with conflicts. The Hayne Royal Commission destroyed the credibility of the retail funds after it was demonstrated many large funds regularly put the members last. Equally, the COVID-19 crisis has destroyed the credibility of several industry funds after their industry representatives sought a government bailout amid fears of illiquidity.

Industry funds

Anyone who has looked into the industry super system will appreciate the intricate alliance between industry super funds, the union movement and the Labor Party. The super funds provide the money, the union movement provide the people and the Labor Party provides the parliamentary representation.

The super system has done exactly what venerated Hawke era Finance Minister Peter Walsh feared. He said "consistent with its policy of putting the interests of those with jobs ahead of those without jobs, the ACTU was in favour of compulsory superannuation... (for lower income workers) it will be a cost ineffective investment ... but are a pot of gold for those, including unions, who can get into super fund management."

Payments from industry super funds to unions have increased dramatically over the past 10 years whilst union membership has fallen.

A straight line forecast based on over 10 years of historical data predicts over $31.4 million will be paid to unions by industry funds by 2030. This represents a greater than 200 per cent increase on today's transfers to unions. Note that unions are not poor – they have more than $1.5 billion in assets.

Make no mistake, industry super funds are on track to be the biggest political donors in Australia. They'll be bigger than the CFMMEU and Co.

It does not include other forms of largesse which the trustees of the funds spend on themselves, such as a $20m marketing and entertainment expense incurred by industry fund HostPlus exposed in the Hayne Royal Commission.


Unions play an important role in Australian life, especially in the protection of lower income workers. However in recent years, too many unions have shown they cannot be trusted with workers' money.

Following the Heydon Royal Commission, for example, Kathy Jackson, former National Secretary of the Health Services Union, was ordered to pay $1.4 million in compensation to the union for misappropriating funds.

But union officials using union money for their personal gain is not new. Transport Workers' Union officials bought $150,000 American utes for their use. Their buddies at the National Union of Workers spent $650,000 on tattoos, Botox, cruises, divorce lawyers and weight loss surgery.

Retail funds

Retail funds have shown they are very focused on themselves – shareholders and management, at the expense of workers.

They have racked up billions in fines and customer remediation after the Hayne Banking Royal Commission.

Hayne showed there are significant conflicts of interest.

This stems from the vertical integration of the wealth management industry, where many banks have one subsidiary providing financial advice and another selling financial products.

The 'one stop shop' provides customers with added convenience as they only have to deal with one financial institution. Yet this model also presents serious issues.

This conflict has been rampant in the Australian retail superannuation sector. Some of the largest retail superannuation funds have been owned and operated by the big four banks. These include BT, Colonial First State and MLC which are owned by Westpac, CBA and NAB respectively.

The large client base and broad range of financial products at the disposal of banks has proven to be a combustible combination. Retail super funds can leverage their banking relationships to target vulnerable, unsophisticated clients.

Kenneth Hayne's Royal Commission exposed a "fee for no service" scandal where superannuation members were charged for no service rendered. Some estimates had these figures as high as $1b.

MLC charged a 'plan service fee' of up to 1.5 per cent for the opportunity to access a financial adviser, irrespective of whether the advice was actually provided. The corporate regulator ASIC alleges MLC charged $100m in fees where no advice service was provided.

An AMP executive even admitted during the Royal Commission that "It's clear that we preference the interests of shareholders… at the expense of clients."


One of the biggest flaws in the super system is the lack of independent analysis.

Although the superannuation industry was created under government mandate, it has consistently relied on the support of wealthy advocacy groups to advance its interests. I know because I worked inside this industry for seven years.

In contrast when the Superannuation Guarantee (SG) debate unfolded in the Senate during the period of 1991-94, consumer advocacy groups played a major role in how the system should be built.

Eva Cox of the Womens' Economic Think Tank said during the 1992 debate:

. . . this is a deal between the Government and the ACTU about something which has got very little to do with retirement income and much more to do with the politics of the union movement and the Government.

There are four large advocacy groups which claim to represent superannuation funds, or perhaps their members. Each group has at least 15 staff and a considerable budget for research and marketing.

The principal activities include commissioning modelling, being constantly decamped at Parliament House in Canberra, writing opinion pieces for the various newspapers and running adverts on different media outlets.

One of the groups spends more than $20 million a year on advertising.

No one should be surprised that superannuation associations will argue for their industry. That is not a problem. The problem the nation faces on superannuation is that too few of the voices in the debate have clean hands.


The scale of both the individual and the nation's investment in super demands an honest debate.

Yet a $3 trillion system has long tentacles. The layers and layers of intermediation from the trustees through to custodians, asset managers, administrators and insurers have often been deployed to shut down debates and critics.

I have first-hand experience. Before I was elected to the Commonwealth Parliament, I was working for the Business Council of Australia (BCA).

Throughout its history, the BCA has not generally supported compulsory superannuation.

I had been writing articles in the Daily Telegraph throughout 2017 which outlined the super funds were making considerable payments to trade unions without disclosure to consumers.

The lobby group, Industry Super Australia, wrote letters to each of the chief executives of the BCA to try and secure my silence.

Childish letter writing is a standard bullyboy tactic. Attempting to put a critic's job at risk is just shameful.

Thankfully the BCA's leadership of Jennifer Westacott and Grant King stood by me.

The net result of this activity is there are few, certainly within the finance sector, that are willing to have a proper debate about how the system is travelling.

The other result is that many Parliamentarians "run the lines" from the industry without thinking.

This has been a real problem for the Parliamentary Labor Party which has not invested in independent policy formulation in recent years. Almost every policy proposal is designed to increase the flow of funds into industry super funds at the expense of other fund structures or investments such as houses.

This dangerous approach exploded in Labor's face during the 2019 election with Labor's policy to abolish refundable franking credits, otherwise known as the Retiree Tax. This unfair and retrospective policy damaged Labor during the election according to Labors' official campaign review.

I have no doubt the policy was originally proposed by the industry super funds as a way to increase market share and was later adopted by the Labor Party.

Improve Flexibility

The 1992 workplace is long gone yet super is frozen in time.

There should be more flexibility that takes labour force changes like the emergence of the gig economy into account.

Given the significant trade-off between increased super contributions and home ownership for lower income people, the First Home Super Saver Accounts Scheme should be broadened.

This is a relatively new structure which has performed well within its very limited constraints.

Australians should be allowed to use their mandatory superannuation contributions to purchase a first home, not solely the voluntary contributions. That way, people can decide what is best for them: a first home or a super account.

There is already a provision in place for early access to super on financial hardship grounds.

The COVID-19 crisis made it necessary for the Parliament to enact laws to enable Australians to access up to $20,000 of their super. It allows for tranches of up to $10,000 over two consecutive financial years.

The impact of this change is relatively minimal and the funds have adequate liquidity to facilitate these withdrawals – as required under law.

Treasury estimates these measures will result in about $27 billion being withdrawn from a $3 trillion super system. That's less than one per cent of total super savings.

These new measures (or a derivation) need to be extended beyond COVID-19 to allow Australians easier access to their funds.

Maintaining a permanently widened early access scheme provides Australians facing financial difficulty with more resources to deal with challenges thrown up by life.

It will reduce the risk people will lose their home.

It is, after all, the people's money.

An extract from Bad Egg, by Andrew Bragg, published by Connor Court.

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