This was published 4 years ago
Cycling spikes on Brisbane bikeways during pandemic
By Lucy Stone
Brisbane's bikeways have seen a 90 per cent spike in patronage on weekends since the pandemic began, prompting questions about shutting some city streets to cars and encourage a shift to cycle commuting long term.
Public and active transport committee chairman Ryan Murphy (Chandler) at Tuesday's chamber meeting said Brisbane's automated counters on bikeways had clocked a huge spike in cycling and pedestrian activity.
Brisbane's cycleways have seen a significant spike in patronage during the coronavirus pandemic.Credit: Glenn Hunt
"While public transport recently has decreased by 87 per cent at the bottom of the trough, our bikeways have become more popular," Cr Murphy said.
"Across the city there's been a 22 per cent increase in weekday cyclists, and a 91 per cent increase over the weekend."
Cr Murphy said that included a 47 per cent increase on commuter bikeway routes, and the most recent statistics from Kangaroo Point and the Bicentennial bikeway counters indicated a 12-20 per cent increase on weekdays and a 70 to 80 per cent patronage increase on weekends.
Pedestrian use has also increased by 51 per cent on weekdays and weekends, he said, with the most significant increases on suburban pathways and footpaths.
Commercially, Cr Murphy said one Brisbane bike store had reported a 300 per cent increase in the sale of bicycle helmets, and children bike sales were up 400 per cent.
At the council's first public and active transport committee meeting after the election, Cr Murphy noted the rise in patronage was being monitored by council but it remained to be seen if the spike in patronage continued after the coronavirus pandemic.
"Whether it will resolve in a sustained renaissance of bicycle usage, we are yet to see," Cr Murphy said.
Cr Murphy was asked by opposition leader Jared Cassidy (Deagon) whether Brisbane would consider copying international cities and temporarily open roads up to pedestrians and cyclists as a test for potential permanent commuting changes.
Labor took a pledge to the March 28 election to create a dedicated separated cycle grid throughout the Brisbane CBD, winning plenty of support from cycling groups.
New York City has closed stretches of inner-city streets to cars, allowing pedestrians and cyclists to exercise and commute while socially distancing.
Milan has also announced plans to expand 35 kilometres of roads into cycling and pedestrian paths in a bid to stop congestion and car-reliant commuting once again becoming the norm, post-pandemic.
The New South Wales state government is also considering pop-up bike lanes with support from the City of Sydney.
"Here in Transport for Brisbane we've certainly been watching the success overseas of some of those temporary bikeways that have been installed," Cr Murphy said.
He noted that the council being in caretaker mode when the roads were "at their quietest" in March meant options had been limited for the council to trial some more road closures.
"Now that we're back we're certainly looking at some of those initiatives we can have in and around high traffic bikeways," he said.
Peak cycling lobby group Bicycle Queensland supports such changes and said the organisation had been in discussion with state and local governments about temporarily closing streets, as had Queensland Walks.